chatumber game.Workspace.[PlayerName].[Shirt,Pants,Hat,Acc,Acc2]Armor.Value = "What ever you want" [NOTE] To get enchanted items add a "! @ # $ % ^ & *" ( Each one of them represents a certain enchant. For blessed it is $, and for hardened is @) An example script would be: game.Workspace.Noobman123.ShirtArmor.Value = "$Sunken Champion Armor" The above would give me a blessed sunken champion armor top. chatumber How to dowload it? chatumber Step 1. Execute this local npc = "NPC your close to, can be a shop" --End of script setup/settings - dont change anything below this local y = game.Workspace.UnhurtableNPCs[npc].ChatNumber backup = y:Clone() backup.Parent = workspace backup.Name = "backup" wait(.1) y.Value = 1 y.Prompt.Value = "..." chatumber How to dowload it? chatumber for i, v in pairs(y.Prompt:GetChildren()) do v:Destroy() end Example: chatumber How to get it? chatumber local npc = "Theos" --End of script setup/settings - dont change anything below this local y = game.Workspace.UnhurtableNPCs[npc].ChatNumber backup = y:Clone() backup.Parent = workspace backup.Name = "backup" wait(.1) y.Value = 1 y.Prompt.Value = "..." for i, v in pairs(y.Prompt:GetChildren()) do chatumber How to get it for free? chatumber v:Destroy() end Step 2: Execute this(edited) local thingyouwant = "What ever you want" local npc = "NPC from step 1" --End of script setup/settings - dont change anything below this local v = game.workspace.backup.Prompt chatumber How to use it? chatumber local y = game.Workspace.UnhurtableNPCs[npc] local x ="StringValue" , workspace) local a ="BoolValue" , workspace) x.Name = "Item" x.Value = thingyouwant x.Parent = y.ChatNumber.Prompt a.Name = "Weapon" a.Parent = y.ChatNumber.Prompt.Item wait(15) y.ChatNumber.Prompt:Destroy() chatumber How to get it? chatumber v.Parent = y.ChatNumber wait(.1) game.workspace.backup:Destroy() Example: chatumber How to use it? chatumber local thingyouwant = "Colossal Cutlass" local npc = "Theos" --End of script setup/settings - dont change anything below this local v = game.workspace.backup.Prompt local y = game.Workspace.UnhurtableNPCs[npc] local x ="StringValue" , workspace) local a ="BoolValue" , workspace) x.Name = "Item" x.Value = thingyouwant chatumber PasteShr chatumber x.Parent = y.ChatNumber.Prompt a.Name = "Weapon" a.Parent = y.ChatNumber.Prompt.Item wait(15) y.ChatNumber.Prompt:Destroy() v.Parent = y.ChatNumber wait(.1) game.workspace.backup:Destroy() chatumber How to get it? chatumber [IMPORTANT NOTE] After 15 seconds the npcs chat will go back to default to prevent admins from figuring this out, also so that if an admin joins on you just stall for 15 seconds to get rid of all traces of the script. Simply repeat the process of executing both scripts after it reverts back to the original.(edited) Step 3. Enjoy items! [NOTES] 1. Can get anything other than enchants, even tourney and admin items. chatumber How to dowload it? chatumber 2. Only works once per item IF ITS IN YOUR INVENTORY, for example I just spawn a krakens band then it wont let me get another until I either trade off or sell the current one that is in my inventory.(edited) chatumber