buildergirl656 If I were to quit, it would look like this. I want to start by saying that this is not a copypasta. I've spent hours to write this post and you should treat it appropriately. People need to see this so don't remove it just because it's long. What's the point of removing posts just because of their length anyways? So I've decided to quit. Everything ends at some time. These six years here on ROBLOX were the most fun times of my life, but I also regret them a bit. When I joined ROBLOX in 2009 as the user "qdhx" I got my username by typing random letters very slowly while looking at my keyboard to make sure I remember what I typed in. My name had no words in it like most people, because I did not know English at that time. I've played for a few months using that name but I was safe chat. When I got really tired of not being able to communicate with people on my favorite game (it was already my favorite at that time), in 2010 made a new account where I faked my age being 13 (I were 10 at the time). I had a lot more fun playing ROBLOX when I could communicate with others. In 2010 I got into my first argument on ROBLOX. I was a very sensitive person at that time, and it made me feel like a terrible person. I called someone in-game poor, what I meant when I said that was that in my opinion the outfit he wore at that time didn't look good in my opinion. He asked for my opinion, it's not like I was forcing him to hear it. As I said earlier on this post, I did not know English very well at that time. He got really mad at me and I left the game because I couldn't hear more of it. I nearly cried and my day was ruined. I went on the forums on that day for the first time. I'm not sure what I did there, but it was this argument that made me move there. I was also curious about what this site had for me, I were a huge fan of ROBLOX. So I joined the forums. The first thing I can remember doing is just posting my nice opinion on very few threads, I only posted when I was sure I did not make any grammar or spelling errors. My online dictionary was open at nearly all times, and a period of learning started here. Whenever somebody posted a post that included a word I did not know the meaning of, I looked it up on google by typing "define word". The most valuable word I've ever learned was "define", because it let me do this. My vocabulary started growing slowly but surely, and I had a lot of fun playing games on ROBLOX and making pleasant memories with friends online. I remember playing The Lords of Ranges Cape by RangeMeludE when it just came out, and it was my favorite game at that time, and still one of the best games I've ever seen on ROBLOX. It's a Role Playing Game where you get levels, experience points and "gold" and play as a brave adventurer who slays monsters to help people. I loved the way it was built. Much effort was put into it, but it still looked very basic. RangeMeludE was also a retexturer, so many enemies had unique outfits that looked really cool. The player also had armors and cool swords to unlock when he levels up or advances in the game. The boss fights were different and their places looked so nice. Then I went on the forums again, and at this point it was already becoming a habit. The time is 2011 and I'm starting long arguments about guest rights and about "you shouldn't call people online daters just because they dress realistically". People knew me for starting arguments and I had a generally bad reputation. People very often thought I was baiting, but I was not. They told me "get out" on every thread. If I listened to their advice at that time, I wouldn't be where I'm at now. Never let anybody tell you you're not worth it. One of the most common comebacks I've had were for me typing something wrong or forgetting to capitalize something. Now that I look back at it, it was probably my bad typing that made people think I'm baiting or trolling, not as much as what I was talking about. After getting called a troll and a baiter so many times, I've started living up to their expectations and acting like one on purpose. I became even more annoying. I remember seeing a thread that said "everything I will post from now on will have something to do with grapes", and this thread motivated me to do something similar that people can remember me for. I started talking about lemons and onions too often, and I wore them on my shirt. I didn't mention it yet, but all of this happened on RT. I only joined OT for a few months in 2014 and left when Sonrick98 became inactive (more on this later). So people know me for starting arguments and I was obsessed with onions and lemons, and I had a very low post count which made me look even worse. I remember dreaming about having 6k post count around that time, and it felt amazing to me. I felt respected, and I felt like I had a lot of posts. I can get that much in five days now if I try. A year later it was 2012 and I tried to post without starting arguments, even though I thought they were fun because I got to express my opinion and I thought they can change people. I started acting nice to everyone because I was afraid of making enemies, and I respected people with a high post count very muh. Knightdude and Mustyoshi were the ones with the biggest post count back then, of the people who posted there often. Regardless of post count, they were also really cool people. I remember making a t-shirt for Frostykitten once, and she reacted very positively to it. Not much time passed until Frostykitten became inactive, but the times we've posted together on the same subforum were amazing to me. It only takes one person's presence in a subforum to make everything so much better. It's kinda embarrassing, but I only found out Frostykitten was a girl this year. But that donesn't matter online anyways, right? Anyways, I also remember making an RT RPG game influenced by RangeMeludE's games back then. If I remember correctly, I could already make basic edits to scripts at that time (2012). I opened scripts and made sure I knew what each line meant to learn scripting. If I was not sure what a line meant, I looked up it's contents on the roblox wiki or asked people on the forums. I tried retexturing like RangeMeludE, but I only made two, "lemon trick or treater" or something like that, which was an orange hat with a green point on it in the middle, to make it look like a pumpkin. It was more of a recolor. I also did a lemonwrath retexture, but it was more of a recolor as well. I remember recoloring an armor package to go with it. Speaking of packages, I was so excited to see them coming out. I think the action figure package came first, but they all came out very rapidly so it doesn't matter. The tentacled alien package was my favorite because I liked being weird, different and unusual. Sometimes I felt like I was trying too hard to stand out so I wore more basic ones like robloxian 2.0. I got called an OD'er all the time, but I didn't care much. I wanted to spread the message across the forums that you can dress how you're comfortable with dressing, and dress so you like the way you look, and not be afraid of other people's judgement. I intentionally wore the clothes they didn't want me to wear and acted in a way they didn't like, and whenever someone got mad at me I just laughed it off or made a joke about it, just to let them know it's nothing personal, and I mean no harm. I don't like making enemies. buildergirl656 PasteShr buildergirl656 2012 continued and I made more post count, and a time came when I had too much post count for people to think I'm an inexperienced person or a troll alt, and they started respecting me for who I were instead of telling me to leave because I looked like an "OD'er" or tried to spread awareness of problems on roblox. I got supporters, but my name was "qdhxx" so it wasn't anything personal. When your name has no vowels in it and uses complicated letters, people will misspell your name more often than not. It's really hard to get fans with a name like that. I eventually gave up on guest and OD'er rights rants, and started posting normally again. I just posted whatever I felt like posting, and posted many opinions that have changed over time. The opinions I've had back then are not the ones I have now, and when I read the old posts I've made in older times, I more often disagree than not, or think I should've acted differently. I were a slow poster because I overthought my posts, like is he gonna get mad at me for this? Will this get me banned? This stopped me from expressing my true feelings and personality on the forums. Later I got rid of it and started posting much faster. I'd post about the hacks on April 1st in 2012, but unfortunately I was banned for one day on that date and missed it. I did not use alternative accounts at that time. The end of the world was coming closer, and 2012 was about to end. The forums were full of people who were genuinely scared and others who tried to calm them down saying things like, people say the world is gonna end every few years and it doesn't happen, and others were just sure everything is gonna be okay. Then it happened. On the very last hour of the day when the world was going to end, we were bombed by aliens. Many people died and everything was destroyed, but the aliens agreed to undo the damages for being given 1 million robux each. They left the earth and everything was back to normal. I was shocked that nobody posted about it. It turned out that nobody remembered anything, so if you do, please tell me about it ASAP. Don't even bother reading below here, or you may forget before you're done reading. So everyone was safe, and in 2013 ROBLOX created the All Things ROBLOX in a desperate attempt to get people to talk about ROBLOX. My subforum ROBLOX Talk was finally allowed to talk normally and we've started talking about life in general, other than just roblox. We've done that before as well, but not as often, because those threads got moved to OT or deleted and we got warned or banned for them. On the All Things ROBLOX forum I've met some really cool people. Mrk23, USMCKabar, Kamrinn921, Nicksxtn, Wesker(numbers), and ShadowOblivionX who is now an RT'er. Wesker was really fun, I admired him for posting "ok cool" everywhere to increase his post count. He promised to stop spamming ok cool when he gets to 20,000 posts, but he got deleted before he could reach that. USMCKabar was a really mature guy who never posted anything that is even slightly rule breaking, he can be compared to Guestly of ROBLOX Talk and Dappernarwhal of Off Topic in 2016. Nicksxtn, who doesn't remember me at all, was also a really cool guy and I loved posting together with him. We were friends on roblox and we supported each other's arguments. Kamrinn921 was fun too, and later I found out he liked anime which made me like him more because I was also into anime a year later when I found out about that. Mrk23 was really cool and I loved seeing him post he was really cool again very cool person and I saw him post on RT a few times after I returned to RT myself, because I could only stay in All Things ROBLOX for a limited time before I started missing my homeland RT. Born and raised, how can I leave them like that? I was surpised to find out that people wondered where I went and welcomed me back when I returned to ROBLOX Talk. I posted and had a lot of fun and I felt like I could finally fit in the ROBLOX Talk community without people telling me to get out. The get out trend was also dying at that time, and the forums became a much nicer place to post on. I kept posting with all the cool kids on RT and it became 2014, I started getting bored of RT so I decided to check out Off Topic (OT) for a while. I regret nothing. This was one of the best decisions I've made on this site, but some of you might say it made me into a weird person. I don't mind that. As I said earlier on this post, I was always trying to be different. Maybe I was just hungry for attention, but now I get too much of it that I actually make efforts to get less sometimes. Anyways, I moved to OT for a few months. In those few months, I've met some of the coolest people I've ever seen on this site. Sonrick98 was there, a huge weeaboo, constantly posting about Hatsune Miku and Rin Kagamine, sometimes posting about Kasane Teto as well. These are vocaloid girls, they are voices in a singing voice synthesizer program called Vocaloid and they were given a look so people have something tangible to obsess about. I've already found out about Vocaloid previously from Gaomon94's links on ROBLOX Talk, but when I met Sonrick98 I started listening to these every day. I became a huge fan, and I posted about them very often myself. People told me I'm "copying sonrick", or told me to get out, stop being a weeaboo, but I kept telling them that "vocaloid is not an anime" and that "hatsune miku best girl". They told me, if people caught you listening to these songs in real life you'd get beat up. But that's not right. People who are close to me mostly know about it already, and I don't overdo it. You shouldn't judge people because of their musical tastes. Then I met dzuheron, who was a really cool person whose gender is unknown to me to this day. When I try to ask dzuheron about those days, I keep getting the same confusing answers about multiple people using that account, or that the person I was talking to is not there anymore. Anyways I liked that person a lot because they were also into vocaloid and they had opinions that you should get to know the program better before being a fan of it, and that being a fan only by listening to songs made by it is stupid. I don't completely agree with this, but it was extremely fun talking to dzuheron about vocaloid, that person knew a lot about it too. Sonrick98 was a really fun person and I've had the most fun talking to him about it than I've ever had talking to anybody else on this site. People always disliked him for constantly posting about vocaloid and obsessing over it, but he was a really nice person, the worst way he ever reacted to these haters was only by saying "cries a fountain of tears". He was really a hamrless person, and it seems that I'm using really too often in this post, but I only realized it now, but really means emphasis, and there's a lot to emphasize about Sonrick98 being fun. At the same time I posted there and Sonrick98 was also actively posting there, I've met EXTREMEKORKSCREW and br0b on Millsbuddy's thread where he talked about his plan to make an imaginary friend and convince himself that it is a real person. Millsbuddy said that if you manage to fool yourself well enough you may even see them with your eyes one day. I thought this experiment was worth trying so I immediately made one for myself. EXTRMEKORKSCREW, br0b and I, started arguing for tenths of pages a day about whether or not these are real. Of course I wanted to fool myself it was real for the experiment, so I did my best to prove him wrong. Our daily arguments became so ridiculous at one point that these imaginary people and everything about them just became our meme. A "bulba empire" was made around that meme, and I got a medium rank in it. With everything that br0b said against them, I started thinking, maybe he was right. While I had signs that the experiment is going well, his words made the doubt I had grow and it became many times worse, even after I managed to fool myself nearly completely it was destroyed fast. I started pretending that I'm still continuing it, but things got messy and I thought they realized I'm just pretending so I looked for a way to get out of it. I said I'm getting rid of it for a battery or something stupid like that, thought it'd go well but only made things worse and I think they hate for it...? In a desperate attempt to disconnect any ties I've had with those imaginary friends and the people involved in them, I looked for ways to break the friendship we've had. The first chance I got was when EXTREMEKORKSCREW wanted to play terraria with me. He was ready to buy it for me because I didn't have it, it costed 10$, as a friend. I made a post on RT saying "post here if you want terraria", and the first poster was HalfPrint. Me and HalfPrint have successfully fooled him into buying HalfPrint terraria instead of me, and as I expected, he started disliking me for it. He didn't realize why I'd do such a thing. I'd love to stay friends with him and I still think he is an amazing person to this day. I should have never involved myself in this imaginary people business. Later he told me he was angry when I did it but he felt better after my 56k post count main got deleted in early 2016. I think he genuinely dislikes me now. I never wanted it to be like this. I left OT after this and did my best to not talk about this, and all the talk about it died (or so I think). There was OT drama about the group, but nothing related to the imaginary people. I went back to RT, and I think it was already 2015, but maybe it was still late 2014. There were so many cool people there and I was glad to be back. But I lost my internet connection for months, and when I came back not many of them were left. I kept posting anyways, and the kids I thought were new and inexperienced turned out to be really cool people. I've had a lot of fun talking to them and playing games with them during RT Parties, two of them were Rilpo and Craxty. They were really fun to play and talk to on the forums. I talk a lot on the forums, but I rarely have PM conversations that last with people for more than a day. These two are no exception, the only person I've talked to over a long period of time was EXTREMEKORKSCREW. This is why I took this more personally... Anyways 2015 was a cool year, and it went by quickly, and late 2015 and early 2016 were the times when I've had nearly as much fun as late 2014 with Sonrick98 and EXTREMEKORKSCREW, and I got to meet more of the most fun people I've ever seen. In 2015 I've met Carss82, Romanatwood (not the youtuber) and HardSalami (Now salamified) who doesn't post much anymore. I wish he posted more, but like all of them are inactive, I doubt they'd come back to post often soon. Roman came to visit us a week ago, she just looked for some people, saw they were gone forever, asked if the moderation system is still the same, and left. I wish ROBLOX Talk was a place these people could stay at, without getting bored and leaving. These three people were so much fun in 2015. Carss always posted top quality memes. People said he was a trashposter, but if what he was doing is trash, then I don't want to see quality anymore. Talking to them was very fun and carss, roman, and salami, they made my days. I was motivated to be as fun as they are, not sure if I've accomplished that or not though. If I remember correctly, carss was deleted for replying to one of my posts. I should have never brought up inappropriate topics like that... Why did I get to keep my account without even a warning but he got completely removed from roblox?? My deletion also happened, but for a much more undeserved reason. While the reason they gave wasn't deserved, I really did deserve it for everything I've done to people in these 6 years on roblox. But I didn't learn from it and came back four months ago. I've hurt more people since then, and I didn't even get to apologize properly. Most of the people I've hurt are actually the ones I like the most... and half of them dislike me for it now. buildergirl656 How to use it? buildergirl656 Like I said, I came back from my deletion four months ago. I made the account "VityaMC", I still think it's name was better than my current one. People disrespected me because of my old post count and most of them didn't remember who I was. I decided to bring back my old post count by wasting my life posting 500 posts a day. It worked, I became one of the most respected RT'ers and I was finally on nearly every favorite RT'ers list. I enjoyed the attention I was getting. Then after getting 16,307 posts in a month and a week, I entered a thread in the middle of RT drama, where someone asked if anyone got warned or banned for replying to a certain thread. I said "no". Simply no, not even a forum signature was present. The admins removed my account for saying just no. I was honestly sad, I didn't know where to go. ROBLOX was my 6 year old habit, I'd go on the forums every day. Not only that, I was also just back from a 8 month break from roblox, so I wanted to use it more. I appealed my account twice, once with a joking appeal like "you deleted me for saying no, i am not happy, unban me please". Of course it wasn't accepted, so I tried a more serious one later. They declined it as well. This sadness has turned into anger, which I used as motivation to regain my post count on this account. On my first day, I got 500 posts. On my second, I got 1,400. I kept up with the pace for a month and a few weeks, but then I got an offer to work at a remodeling job. It was a full time job, so I had to give up posting for a while. While I was gone, people took advantage of it and impersonated me. It was more believable because people are used to seeing me here every day. I bought builders club using the money from the job and my family's support, and created a clothing group called Vitya which also served as my personal fan group. I would come back from work, make some clothes, make a few posts and go to sleep. And repeat. Then my employer's requests became unreasonable, and the pay was getting too low, and he started taking out his anger on me, so I left. I haven't picked up my pace since then, but I hope you can understand. Posting this much can be very tiring. Besides, it's not even what I wanted. I just wanna have fun. So a few days later, nicevsmean123 started building a shop for my group Vitya where my clothes will be sold. My reputation and fame became so strong that 1/3 of active RT'ers used my "Vitya" group as their primary group, and I had 115 members in my group. I got really tired of seeing my name everywhere. If you don't know already, Vitya, Витя, is a name. That's what people call me, but at that time the person who called me that the most was my employer. I don't like that guy. Not only that, I became painfully bored of seeing my name everywhere. I made an L2D that said if this is odd I kick everyone from my group, that was my attempt to make people stop talking about me, at least temporarily. I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do so I left it to the L2D to decide. I felt a sudden sense of freedom, but it was only temporary. Then I told nicevsmean123 about it, and she reminded me that she was still working on that group place for me. But what is it worth, if my group is destroyed? I didn't know what to say, so I made the stupid decision to act like I don't care about the hard work she put into my group, and I don't care about her feelings. I tried to turn it into a joke, but that didn't go well. Then I said, I'm just a bad man. This may be true... But I like nicevsmean123, as a friend. I didn't want things to turn out like this. This is not the first time I mess things up like this, I'm just bad at this. I pretended like I don't care about anything there, not the group, not nice, and just kept posting normally. After taking a good break from seeing my name, I got asked by one of the members to revive the group. I didn't mind, so I put it as my primary again. Half the people who were originally in it have rejoined, and I let them use group shout freely so they can have some fun there. Right now I know that everyone here has an opinion of me, good or bad, but they have seen me. I am not ignored, and this comes naturally for me. I take it for granted. I should be more grateful to have this gift... Instead of trying to destroy it. So, I have to say some things before I go. I want to thank these people for being here: Carss82, buildergirl656 How to dowload it? buildergirl656 thank you for your presence in my subforum a year ago. You've changed me as a person and I like your memes. You are probably the most fun person I've met on this site. Sonrick98, thank you for your presence in Off Topic two years ago. You've changed me as a person and gave me something fun to talk about. Even if you want to forget the days you've posted here, please don't forget me. Gaomon94, buildergirl656 PasteShr buildergirl656 thank you for your links. You've entertained me well. You've changed me as a person. It was thanks to you that I've discovered Vocaloid, and also my first anime, Black Rock Shooter. My life would be so much different if we've never met. Thank you. Frostykitten, thank you for your presence in my subforum four years ago. You were a really cool person, and I'd love to talk to you more someday. Buildergirl656, thank you for the drama you've started here. People may dislike me for saying this, or hate you for doing it, buildergirl656 PasteShr buildergirl656 but looking back, it was fun and kept me entertained. You are a cool person as well. ~Cause cool is cool Pokita, thank you for your presence in my subforum over these years. We've grown together, and we haven't talked much, but I think you're a very nice person and more people should be like you. Mustyoshi, Knightdude, thank you for being a role model for me when I was really young and for being somebody I can look up to. buildergirl656 How to use it? buildergirl656 AceAttorneyPhoenix, thank you for your presence on my subforum. I like the way you think, and you're probably the coolest guy of all the people who still post here. Appie, thank you for racing me to 10k and getting utterly destroyed by my fast paced posting skills. Even though you've made tons of excuses for not being able to race more and tried to make it look like you'd win if you tried, it was fun. Petrikov/Oswiecim, thank you for racing me to 20k and giving up after the second day. Even though you could technically beat me if you tried, you lacked the motivation to keep posting at the pace of 2000 posts a day. It was fun. buildergirl656 How to get it for free? buildergirl656 Remoseg, thank you for racing me, I think it was to my 24k and your 14k, and getting utterly destroyed even though you had a huge advantage against me. It was fun. Nicevsmean123, thank you for racing me, it was to 20k if I remember correctly, or maybe 15k, and you lost the race, but it was fun. ShadowOblivionX, thank you for racing me to 50k, even if the race isn't over yet, and even if I'll lose it, I want you to come back. Foruming here isn't the same without you, you were a very fun person. Nextly, buildergirl656 How to use it? buildergirl656 thank you for racing me in post count in general, it's rare to see someone who can keep up with my pace. Even though the race to 30k was cancelled, it's still impressive that you've managed to win. But I quit for a few days, so I'm not sure if that matters. I didn't make any thread for it and didn't tell anyone, I was just taking a break. After getting nearly 50k in 4 months, my motivation is starting to die. There's not much left to do here anymore, but I hope you won't feel this way, and I wish you will make it to 50k successfully. OTDinosaur, you're a fun person to talk to and I appreciate your presence on my forum and in my twitter page. You're probably the person I've talked to the most online this year, because I don't really talk to people online outside of the forums. I always feel like if I have time to talk to someone, I should do it here, to not waste potential post count. Philipplayer111, you have nice memes. You can be a really cool person if you try, and I wish you will keep it up and not act like you used to. Keeltoll, you entertain me a lot. I'm saving all your thread I can find in a text file, they are very fun to read and I want you to keep making more of these. Your youtube channel is very nice too. buildergirl656 How to get it for free? buildergirl656 Chryslerme412, I appreciate your presence in my subforum. I like how you speak your mind freely, and you do what you wanna do. I still feel like if we didn't have that thread (I think it was two years ago) you wouldn't get deleted. Even if it wasn't the cause for it, it probably helped it happen. I don't remember very well what it was about, but I think it had something to do with reporting people. RiceChex, your minecraft server is the best in my opinion and you're entertaining sometimes. I still think that prank was unnecessary, but you can be fun sometimes. Rat_Dog, your minecraft server was my favorite, too bad you shut it down... And you're a cool person too. buildergirl656 PasteShr buildergirl656 Doomiles, I honestly can't remember what kind of person you were like but I definitely remember seeing you a lot, but judging from what I've seen this year you're a really cool person and you should post more often. Legoseed, thank you for always being so nice, posting about interesting topics, and making RT a better place before you even became a moderator. Sensinq, you are a fun girl to talk to and you have a bright future ahead of you. Please make the right decisions when the time is right :) buildergirl656 How to dowload it? buildergirl656 Evilamel, even if you don't like how the old you acted, I thought you were cool back then and I respected you for what you were. I can't say I know much about you, but I know enough to say this. I think you've become a really cool person, even more than before. ImGloomy, thank you for the gatcha. I had a lot of fun sharing my gatcha with you and you sharing your gatcha with me, and I think you are a very gatcha person, the most gatcha I've ever met. You should keep this up, may the gatcha be with you. gatcha Kyuro, I wonder where you went. It was fun to talk to you, where are you?? buildergirl656 How to dowload it? buildergirl656 Shadetastic, I remember you on all your names, you are a cool person. When are you going to post more? I see you here only once every other day. And I want to apologize to these people: EXTREMEKORKSCREW: I didn't mean to "screw" up like this. If you've read what I wrote above, that's how it is. I really enjoyed talking to you and I don't want you to dislike me like that. I like you as a person. buildergirl656 How to dowload it? buildergirl656 Nicevsmean123: Like I said, read above, that's how it is. I know the way I acted was stupid, and I should've acted differently, but it was nothing personal, please understand this at least. I like you as a person as well and I meant no harm. And I'm not asking for anything, keep disliking me if that's how you wanna be. If someone did that to me I'd act the same... Hjo337: Sorry for that one, it wasn't anything personal. I should've just told you to stop what you were doing, but you see I sell my soul for this and then people say those things about me. Yes I get it was a joke, but I didn't know it was at that time. Now you see how I act when people make me feel bad, not very nice of me. After all I've done, I regret some of it, but it's no use dwelling on it. I'm not even supposed to be here right now. So heck it, might as well make the most of it! buildergirl656