buffman simulator script --AutoPunch _G.PUNC = true --change to true or false while _G.PUNC do wait() --change time if you want local E_E = "FirePunch" local D_D = "Right" local L_L = "Left" game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RE:FireServer(E_E,D_D,L_L) end --Autosell buffman simulator script How to get it for free? buffman simulator script _G.SELL = true --change to true or false while _G.SELL do wait(1) --change time if you want local sell = game.workspace.Sell sell.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame end --AutoTp On The Hill --AutoHill _G.HILL = true--change to true or false buffman simulator script PasteShr buffman simulator script while _G.HILL do wait(1)--change time if you want local king = game.workspace["King Of The Hill Modules"]["King Of The Hill Module"].KoTHBase game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = king.CFrame end buffman simulator script