bloxburg autofarm script pastebin --[[ Bloxburg Script (Uh, good name right...?) Meme: ]] -- Wait for game to load repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded(); -- Define variables bloxburg autofarm script pastebin How to dowload it? bloxburg autofarm script pastebin local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))(); local workspace = game:GetService("Workspace"); local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"); local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService"); local players = game:GetService("Players"); local client = players.LocalPlayer; -- Main script bloxburg autofarm script pastebin How to use it? bloxburg autofarm script pastebin local stats = replicatedStorage.Stats[client.Name]; local dataManager = require(replicatedStorage.Modules.DataManager); local jobManager = require(client.PlayerGui.MainGUI.Scripts.JobManager); local function fireServer(data) local oldI = getfenv(dataManager.FireServer).i; getfenv(dataManager.FireServer).i = function() end; --> Get around their shit "security" dataManager:FireServer(data); getfenv(dataManager.FireServer).i = oldI; --> Restore original function end; bloxburg autofarm script pastebin How to get it? bloxburg autofarm script pastebin local function getOrder(customer) if (not customer or (customer and not customer:FindFirstChild("Order"))) then return end; if (stats.Job.Value == "StylezHairdresser") then local style = customer.Order:WaitForChild("Style").Value; local colour = customer.Order:WaitForChild("Color").Value; return {style, colour}; elseif (stats.Job.Value == "BloxyBurgersCashier") then bloxburg autofarm script pastebin How to use it? bloxburg autofarm script pastebin local burger = customer.Order:WaitForChild("Burger").Value; local fries = customer.Order:WaitForChild("Fries").Value; local cola = customer.Order:WaitForChild("Cola").Value; return {burger, fries, cola}; end; end; local bloxburg = library:CreateWindow("Bloxburg"); bloxburg autofarm script pastebin How to use it? bloxburg autofarm script pastebin bloxburg:AddToggle({ text = "Stylez Hairdresser"; flag = "hairdresser"; callback = function(enabled) if (not enabled) then return end; if (stats.Job.Value ~= "StylezHairdresser") then jobManager:GoToWork("StylezHairdresser"); --> TP to job end; bloxburg autofarm script pastebin How to get it for free? bloxburg autofarm script pastebin repeat wait() until stats.Job.Value == "StylezHairdresser"; tweenService:Create(client.Character.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {CFrame =, 13.6776829, 174.983795, -0.999945581, -6.58446098e-08, -0.0104347449, -6.6522297e-08, 1, 6.45977494e-08, 0.0104347449, 6.52883756e-08, -0.999945581)}):Play(); while library.flags.hairdresser do local workstations = workspace.Environment.Locations.StylezHairStudio.HairdresserWorkstations; for i, v in next, workstations:GetChildren() do if (v.Occupied.Value) then fireServer({ Type = "FinishOrder"; Workstation = v; bloxburg autofarm script pastebin PasteShr bloxburg autofarm script pastebin Order = getOrder(v.Occupied.Value); }); end; end; wait(); end; end; }); bloxburg:AddToggle({ bloxburg autofarm script pastebin How to dowload it? bloxburg autofarm script pastebin text = "Bloxy Burgers Cashier"; flag = "cashier"; callback = function(enabled) if (not enabled) then return end; if (stats.Job.Value ~= "BloxyBurgersCashier") then jobManager:GoToWork("BloxyBurgersCashier"); --> TP to job end; repeat wait() until stats.Job.Value == "BloxyBurgersCashier"; bloxburg autofarm script pastebin How to get it for free? bloxburg autofarm script pastebin tweenService:Create(client.Character.HumanoidRootPart,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {CFrame =, 13.6776829, 276.091309, 0.0133343497, -5.09454665e-08, -0.999910772, 7.34347916e-09, 1, -5.08520621e-08, 0.999910772, -6.66474698e-09, 0.0133343497)}):Play(); while library.flags.cashier do local workstations = workspace.Environment.Locations.BloxyBurgers.CashierWorkstations; for i, v in next, workstations:GetChildren() do if (v.Occupied.Value) then fireServer({ Type = "FinishOrder"; Workstation = v; Order = getOrder(v.Occupied.Value); bloxburg autofarm script pastebin How to get it for free? bloxburg autofarm script pastebin }); end; end; wait(); end; end; }); -- Load library bloxburg autofarm script pastebin PasteShr bloxburg autofarm script pastebin library:Init(); bloxburg autofarm script pastebin