black souls walkthrough Here is STEP BY STEP WALKTHROUGH to get all ending in one go , make sure you follow it. I will suggest watching this after you play a bit, since it has some open-world element in it and you might want to explore it yourself first. Not the most efficient way, but I do get all ending and memory unlock, so here we go ~ ! SPOILER: ALL ENDING WALKTHROUGH START - Start your game, pick thief (for the speed bonus), pick candy, and DO NOT SKIP PROLOGUE. PROLOGUE - avoid all monster while looting all the item, DO NOT use the color soul !!, and then fight the boss (use parry when the boss is about to attack, and evade if the boss charged.) black souls walkthrough How to get it? black souls walkthrough STORY START - first light up the Bonfire, equip your drake sword and gather every item in your area, bottom lake map, right map, then sell everything except ore to the rabbit. You should have 30,000+ soul, use them all to level up your character to level 19/20. Go up, find Leaf, get the bone dust that return you to the Bonfire, then continue to the Forest of Abandoned. Fight every monster you encounter and pick up item except the third map, later I will warn you. Top left lead to another map which contain Toto Ring, Top right is where you want to go, but first unlock the shortcut at bottom left. At the next map, talk to Adaman (don't kill him), talk to Talking flower (now you can rape those fairy in Holy Forest, but don't do that yet.), top right is Sea of Trash(Ignore it now), move to the next map at the left. Now DO NOT PICK UP ITEM FROM GROUND, light up the Bonfire and move on to next map. Witch house, DO NOT PICK UP THE ITEM HERE EITHER ! , go inside you will see 2 little kid, talk to them and they will ask for candy (you already sell it but we get one real quick) , go to 2nd floor and talk to Dorothy, become her apprentice and take the training. black souls walkthrough How to use it? black souls walkthrough You will get master key, use that to get to the warehouse north of witch house, inside you will see a lion, ignore him for now, you can kill him too, it's up to you. Pick up all item and you should got a candy, give it to the kid. You should see a Man name Wilt outside, talk to him but don't kill him, he will give you 5000 soul and tell you to get a Match. Now use the Bonfire in forest of abandoned to warp back to Holy Forest, sell everything again except ore/anti-fairy/bonedust, you should have around 50,000 depend on how many color soul you get from the monster drop, use them all the level up Leaf (talk to Leaf and soul feed). You could also sell any other weapon you get, you won't be using them, ever. Now go right to the Behemoth Ranch, kill the Tin Woodman by summon Leaf in fight. Just keep exploring like you would do in a RPG game. At the 2nd map, you should get a master key, and there is a boss house with white fog, ignore it for now. At the 3rd map, save the Goose, learn the skill, find the Bonfire, pick up item around the forest, and then head back to Holy Forest. Go to the right and you should see Goose, deposit 1000 soul, now do the usual selling and level up Leaf. black souls walkthrough How to get it for free? black souls walkthrough Warp to Forest of Abandoned, there should be Scarecrow in the same map at the bottom,kill it. Also the item on ground should already disappear. Go to the Witch house, kill the Lion in werehouse if you haven't , and report to Dorothy, now you got Dorothy. Next go through warehouse you will reach sewer, do the usual exploring, there is no time limit, just ignore the Clown guy. You should found a master key here. Also the monster here drop yellow soul, use those on yourself instead of selling it. Now you should reach Rotten Burg, do not open the gate to the Bonfire, instead go around the map, there is a brothel here, there is a girl with a scene but it cost 10,000 soul, ignore her, there is also a dog at the bottom left,save it, why not? You will see a item shop near the Bonfire, use master key to get inside, you will see a girl name Elma, buy Match from her. Now back to Holy Forest and do the usual selling leveling, my Leaf is at level 70 now. Now go to witch house, give Wilt the Match and head in for a boss fight, just be a Waifumon Master and let Leaf do the job. Now go to Rotten Burg, Kill the Prostitute on the left side for a knight sword+3, you get a sin, it doesn't matter. Now touch the white fog and head inside the house, go up, you will fight a boss, I chose you Leaf ! After you beat the boss get the master key and head inside the room, now you got Victoria. black souls walkthrough How to get it for free? black souls walkthrough Head back too Holy Forest, Prayer master should be selling master key now,Elisabeth should also be here now, buy 10 Master Key, and do the usual selling and leveling, if you are those people who like to collect weapon, well you had one extra Knight Sword now, sell it. Now head back to the house where you save Victoria, go across downstair and now you will be at Fort Ivern. Grab the Jeanne's Ashes from where she got burned. Do not go upstair yet, go downstair, you will find Izu at the right, save him, and talk to him, don't kill him. Head toward the dungeon where you started at, AVOID the boss fight(Duck) by using key, light up Bonfire and talk to L Mi'raj. Head back to Holy Forest, buy 1 medicine herb and 1 antidote herb, do the usual selling leveling. Warp to Behemoth Ranch, go top right, move through the fog, fight Hyena, grab the Three little pig story book and go forward to Jacob's Mine. Do the usual exploring, talk to Adaman, save the Miner at the Bonfire. black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough FROM NOW ON, CHECK ON ROTTEN BURG and GOOSE whenever I tell you to do so, these two are the one where I'm not sure when will it happen or what trigger them. "CHECK ON ROTTEN BURG" warp to rotten burg, save before go check on Elma, if there isn't a snake, then nothing. If there is a snake, load the game, then kill the Clown in the Sewer, and come back to kill the snake before it touch Elma, then Elma will be at Holy Forest, you will get Elma. "CHECK ON GOOSE" warp to holy forest, go right and see if Goose is there, if she is gone, go to sea of trash past the forest of abandoned, you will find her in a tent and do not forgive her, that's it, you will get Goose. Warp to Behemoth ranch, at left you should see a big white animal, get some milk from her, 3 is enough but whatever, it's free. Now go to bottom part and you will reach Helsa Desert, ride on the rabbit. See the " _|‾ " thing below? place yourself below it and keep walk left, you will see Bonfire. Now get back to the original place, see the cactus at the left ? place yourself below it and keep walk down, you will see a patch of green grass with a lot of cactus, pick up the desert flower there. Now head back to Bonfire, keep going down, there's a ruin at the left side of those wall, and it should be very obvious. Go through it and you will be at Garden of Snow. Monster at Garden of Snow is pretty strong so just avoid them when you can, light the Bonfire, and loot the outside and inside of Snow White's Castle. The important thing are Ore Chuck, Ore Slat, and Atlantica Invitation letter, there is a rabbit cut scene but ignore that for now. black souls walkthrough How to dowload it? black souls walkthrough Now go back to Holy Forest, go down the stair, you will find a Ogre name Lops/Rops, light the Bonfire and upgrade your Drake Sword to the max level (+5), now you can also sell all those Ore, except ORE SLAT if you got another. If you spent some time fighting in the mine, you should have more than enough soul to level up Leaf all the way to LV 100+ after the selling ,unit can reach LV 999 in this game, so don't dump all your soul to it. Once your Leaf is level 100+, save all the soul for now, don't use them, I had around 100,000 soul by now. Now go to Behemoth Ranch, fight the boss at the second map (Bremen), very easy fight, and then you will obtain one of the most useful skill in this game, hidden body. Pop out your skill menu and use hidden body, voila !! monster won't chase you anymore, except one place. Also hidden body can run out, so use it often. CHECK ON ROTTEN BURG AND GOOSE. Also see if Catherine had appear on Holy Forest or not (at the entrance of Lops Blacksmith). Next, go through Lops blacksmith, you will reach Elixir Town, pop hidden body and ignore everyone, your objective is far far left, to the Tainted Bog. black souls walkthrough How to dowload it? black souls walkthrough Avoid the monster here using hidden body,right and down has item, grab them and head left and you can see a glowing point which you can jump down. After you jump down, head straight down, and move left along the wall, you should see an entrance with torch, go in and keep walking, you will find a Bonfire here. Light it up and head up, you will found Frog Princess, said you are Prince and enter Covenant with her. You will receive a ring but lose all your level, it's fine, go back to Holy Forest and now use all the souls to level up your character. From now on, you don't need to sell color soul anymore, just use them to pump stats. Now go to the Elixir Town again, your objective is Bonfire at the top right, save and talk to Izu at the left of stair with 4 monster, talk to L Mi'raj at the left of Cathedral. Now warp to Forest of Abandoned, go left to Sea of Trash, keep going to fight Trash Kraken. After you killed the Kraken, go back to Holy Forest, for me the Catherine has arrive with her party, talk to her and bodyguard. black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough And also the Goose disappear, so I go fetch her at the Sea of Trash, if she is still there at the bank, then just keep check on her later. CHECK ON ROTTEN BURG AND GOOSE. Warp to Elixir Town, go fight the boss at the Cathedral. After that go back to the Holy Forest, Catherine should be gone now, if not just wait on next checking time. Warp to Elixir Town, go up to Skeleton Maze, your objective is save Catherine, revive Jeanne, and light the Bonfire(at the left after you left the cave). Now you have Jeanne. After you save Catherine, go to the Cathedral, talk to Catherine, summon Jeanne, then head back to Holy Forest, talk to Catherine, now you had Catherine. CHECK ON ROTTEN BURG AND GOOSE. Now go to Snow White Castle, follow the rabbit into the Wonderland, and just explore here and farm up soul a bit. Go top left to teach skill to Leaf, and light the Wonderland Bonfire at top right. black souls walkthrough How to get it? black souls walkthrough Warp to Jacob Mine, kill the boss, explore the Gothel Tower, hidden body doesn't work here, kill the peter pan, there is a merchant, I'm a kind guy so I pay 50,000 soul for a sword I never gonna use, you can ignore him, light Bonfire, kill Chameleon. It's Rapunzel, envious and then enter covenant with her, get her ring, equip her very powerful ring, kill her (sorry but you had to), shouldn't be too hard with all the leveling from Wonderland. CHECK ON ROTTEN BURG AND GOOSE. Elisabeth should be gone now, go up to where you meet Leaf, ask her, she said she lost her ring, go to the second part of forest of abandoned, at the place you got the knight sword, kill the fairy there, get the ring, give ring back to Elisabeth, she head back to the bench. Choose 3rd option to get her to join you, 1st option has scene, save and load after watching it, now do the usual leveling, my character is level 61 now. Now, rape those fairy ABC until you got 5 sin, warp to Tainted Bog, you should feel a presence... now go left to the entrance with torch, slightly to the left and keep going up, you should see her, fight her, defeat her. It's Miranda, ask her to be companion. Now you had Miranda. there is a guy at the place where you meet Leaf, at the right, he lower your sin for 5000 soul each, lower until you had 3 sin. CHECK ON ROTTEN BURG AND GOOSE. black souls walkthrough How to get it for free? black souls walkthrough Warp to Skeleton Maze, fight the boss, reach empty beach, open way to Atlantica, go up to Poseidon Hotel. CHECK ON ROTTEN BURG AND GOOSE. Warp to Poseidon Hotel, explore the Atlantica, find Mermaid at the end, Enter Covenant, offer Leaf, don't worry, she won't died, equip her ring, and kill her... CHECK ON ROTTEN BURG AND GOOSE. So here I'm getting frustrated as why the Rotten Burg thing doesn't happen, and then I think maybe I need to do Ivern Fort for it to occur, so warp to Ivern Fort, go up the stair, touch the white fog, fight the Armored knight and bowman, light the Bonfire. AND FINALLY IT HAPPEN, I saw a snake when I visit Elma, I load, go to sewer, kill the Clown (Pied Piper), come back and kill the snake, Elma run away, back to Holy Forest I found Elma at the right, now I had Elma. And now there is a ship at the Holy Forest, talk to the warrior also has new dialogue. black souls walkthrough How to use it? black souls walkthrough Prepare 83,000 soul, take the ship, kill the boss, it give 20,000 soul. Buy Red Hood with 103,000 soul, back to Holy Forest, tell Red Hood to IGNORE ELISABETH. Go to Snow White Castle, go down, enter Covenant with Snow White, and kill her after that. Now go back to Holy Forest, you should see Izu, talk to him. Warp to Lost Empire Entrance, talk to Leaf, get the Ring. Your equip ring should be Rapunzel,Snow White,Mermaid and Leaf now. Warp to Elixir Town, go left, go through the bridge, fight Helkaiser again, at the end you see Adaman and L Mi'raj, kill them both, go up, open chest, go back to where they died, a book. Go up again, and go right, a white dragon, a strong one, kill him. Use attack and evade until it burn, and spam Helfire and evade. You get Moonlight Sword, my favorite. black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough Go back to Holy Forest, buy until you have 9 ore shard, 9 large ore shard, 9 ore chuck, and you should had 1 Ore slat from somewhere. Use them to level up Moonlight sword to max level(+10). The 40 mana spell does more damage then 25 mana spell, so there is no reason to use 25 mana one. Venture into the Lost Empire, rape or kill Belle, do not let her go. For Path of Dream, < , V , < , ^ , < , V , < , V , < , V , < , ^ , > , (exit) Talk to Izu, go back to Holy Forest, enter Reminiscence room with the book at the left, change to Izu. Go back, Fight Cinderella Bodyguard, enter Covenant. Back to Holy Forest, change back to any form, equip fragile ring, lose 1 time to Cinderella for a scene. Equip back your item, defeat Cinderella. // END B // black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough Use save editor online to gain 4,000,000 soul to avoid grinding. Or you could grind it at Subterranean Land. Use 400,000 soul for every companion, get them all to level 100+ , go to the Lake south of Holy Forest for total of 9 bath scene. Go to Poseidon Hotel to have sex with all of them. Go to Wonderland top left, and unlock final skill for them (the most important one are Victoria's Ultimate) Reduce your sin to 0. Go find Cinderella gain, touch with yourself .... // END A // touch with someone else, 10 END (1 for each girl) Now time to kill other mini-boss. (If too strong, call Victoria out and use the Loyalty buff) black souls walkthrough How to dowload it? black souls walkthrough 1.Forest of Abandoned near the shortcut - Bean stalker Jack 2.Witch house - Hansel & Gretel (someone killed them, get the book) 3.Rotten Burg - Vampire (the prostitute in the brothel) 4.Old Rotten Burg - Succubus (kinda strong, not neccessary) 5.Fort Ivern dungeon - Ugly Duckling 6.Skelemaze - Iron Hans at the top of mountain, Fool Prince at the cave right to shaman. 7.Poseidon Hotel upstair - Sinbad 8.Helsa Desert (southwest from Bonfire) - Alladin. 9.Snow white Castle throne - Donkey King 10. Tainted Bog(northeast from entrance with torch) - Helkaiser (the last time) black souls walkthrough How to dowload it? black souls walkthrough 11. Tainted Bog(north from entrance with torch) - white fog boss. (light up the Bonfire inside) Use about 400,000 soul to level up Victoria, and level yourself with the rest. Go and explore the Subterranean Land K'n-Yan, monster here give most soul and you can kill them in 1 turn with Moonlight Ruin, so farm up a bit. You meet a warrior on the way, ignore him. Go to the deepest part, have 0 sin, and meet Baphomet, accept the quest. 1.Poseidon Hotel - Pinocchio 2.Empty Beach - Clock Crob 3.Forest of Sabbath(after Sea of Trash) - Demon, summon Dorothy for special dialog. After read the letter with Dorothy, when you walk down there is black flash, if you walk back up you can see someone... black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough 4.Prayer Rabbit, you can't level up after you kill him, so make sure you had enough level (have around 10,000 hp) Kill the rabbit, replace snow white ring with the new ring. Talk to Baphomet to get scene, talk and agree to her plan for... // END D // Now go to wonderland, kill the BanderSnatch, use the soul for Miranda or Victoria. Talk to Alice, rape Alice. Fill the Library, have scene with Alice, have sex with Alice again. Go through the door... black souls walkthrough How to get it for free? black souls walkthrough yes... you had too... KILL THEM LETS START ONE BY ONE GO TO POSEIDON HOTEL KILL ELMA black souls walkthrough How to dowload it? black souls walkthrough KILL GOOSE KILL JEANNE KILL CATHERINE KILL RED HOOD FIGHT AND KILL ELISABETH black souls walkthrough How to dowload it? black souls walkthrough FIGHT AND KILL DOROTHY LEAVE AND GO WONDERLAND KILL ALICE you done it. now fill the book. pull the switch. black souls walkthrough How to get it for free? black souls walkthrough ... ... ... // END C // Go to the Cinderelle place, watch the true "Leaf End" black souls walkthrough How to use it? black souls walkthrough Go to Reminiscence room, talk to big rabbit, unlock all memory. DONE. black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough ※Spoiler Warning. black souls walkthrough How to get it? black souls walkthrough black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough 【Presents Alice gives】 All of these items can be obtained during the game, black souls walkthrough How to dowload it? black souls walkthrough so please choose whichever one you prefer. ・Master Key Opens any lock. Consumable. ・Life Ring Increases MaxHP by a little bit. ・Candy Maybe something nice will happen if you collect them…? ・Divine Blessing Fully restores HP and MP. Consumable. black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough Parry Negate physical attacks and counterattack. However during parrying your defenses are greatly reduced. Evade Completely avoid physical and magical hits. Debuffs, ailments and unavoidable attacks will still hit. black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough 【Five Demonic Princesses】 Location: ・Princess Frog  After defeating Helkaiser in fort Ivern go down from Great Wilhelm Bridge. ・Little Mermaid  Bring Invitation to Atlantica from Snow White's castle to Empty Beach. ・Rapunzel On the top floor of Gothel's Tower. black souls walkthrough How to get it for free? black souls walkthrough ・Snow White Beyond Helsa Desert, in Show White's castle. ・Cinderella In the Lost Empire(final dungeon). Covenant Conditions: ・Princess Frog Kiss. Drains Levels. ・Little Mermaid Offer in sacrifice one of Lvl99+ companions. ・Rapunzel Bring her desert rose which can be found in Helsa Desert slightly above and to the left from the oasis in it. black souls walkthrough How to get it? black souls walkthrough ・Snow White Kill Princess Frog, Little Mermaid and Rapunzel. ・Cinderella Clear Izu's event and assume his form in Room of Reminiscence, then talk with her. 【Ending Conditions】 End A Defeat Cinderella at 0 sins with all heroines as your companions(Red Hood not required). black souls walkthrough PasteShr black souls walkthrough End B Defeat Cinderella(with not all of the above conditions fulfilled). End C Fill Alice's Library and defeat the last boss. End D Complete all requests of Baphomet. 【How to Kill Heroines】 Can be killed after being raped and imprisoned. Alternatively, level to 99+ and stay together black souls walkthrough How to get it for free? black souls walkthrough in Poseidon Hotel. Q. How to raise level? A. Talk with the black rabbit in the Holy Forest. He'll raise the protagonist's level in exchange for souls. Q. Where are the beasts Dorothy asks to kill? A. Scarecrow is in Forest of Abandoned, Lion is in the warehouse black souls walkthrough How to get it for free? black souls walkthrough right before Sewers, Tin Man is in Behemoth's Ranch. Q. Where can I get Kraken's Tentacle. A. Defeat Trashlord Kraken in Sea of Trash beyond Forest of Abandoned. Q. One of heroines doesn't become a companion. A. Currently, those are the heroines that can: black souls walkthrough How to get it? black souls walkthrough Leaf, Jeanne, Dorothy, Victoria, Elma, Goose, Catherine, Miranda, Elisabeth, Red Hood. Only these 10. Q. I want more souls. A. Defeat the one who enjoys snacking on white rabbits of Wonderland, Bandersnatch. He holds a ridiculous amount of souls. black souls walkthrough How to get it? black souls walkthrough black souls walkthrough How to get it? black souls walkthrough In this work too there's a hidden item which lets black souls walkthrough How to dowload it? black souls walkthrough you glide through the game. In the Holy Forest on the map with Prayer Master, examine the crack in the house several times. There's a ring there which doubles soul and item droprates. black souls walkthrough