bitburner stock script //Requires access to the TIX API and the 4S Mkt Data API const THRESHOLD_CASH_GOAL = 0.4; // Fraction of cash to aim to keep in hand const THRESHOLD_CASH_LOW = 0.1; // Fraction of cash in hand sale back to goal threshold // Probability stock will increase is a value between 0 and 1. const THRESHOLD_SELL = 0.5; // Probability we should start sell at if under. const THRESHOLD_BUY = 0.5; // Probability we should start buying at if over const COMMISSION = 100000; //Buy or sell commission const REFRESH = 5200; // time to wait between stock price refreshes bitburner stock script How to use it? bitburner stock script /** @param {NS} ns **/ export async function main(ns) { let rollingProfit = 0; if (ns.args[0] == "sellall") { ns.tprint("selling all stocks"); const allStocks = refreshStocks(ns); allStocks.filter((stk) => stk.shares > 0).forEach((stk) =>{ rollingProfit += sell(ns, stk, stk.shares, true); }); ns.tprint(`made ~${format(rollingProfit)}`); bitburner stock script PasteShr bitburner stock script return; } //Initialise ns.disableLog("ALL"); while (true) { // get current stock info with highest return chance first. const allStocks = refreshStocks(ns); // get my stocks but sorted by weakest return chance const myStocks = allStocks.filter((stock) => stock.shares > 0).sort(function (a, b) { return a.prob - b.prob }); const holdingPrice = allStocks.reduce((prev, stock) => prev += (stock.price * stock.shares), 0); bitburner stock script How to get it? bitburner stock script const boughtPrice = allStocks.reduce((prev, stock) => prev += (stock.avgBuyPrice * stock.shares), 0); ns.print(`holding ${format(holdingPrice)} for current gain of ${format(holdingPrice - boughtPrice)}`); let corpus = ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("home") + holdingPrice; ns.print(`corpus ${format(corpus)}`); ns.print(`actual profit: ${format(rollingProfit)}`); //Sell underperforming shares myStocks.forEach((stock) => { if (stock.prob < THRESHOLD_SELL) { rollingProfit += sell(ns, stock, stock.shares); bitburner stock script PasteShr bitburner stock script corpus -= COMMISSION; } }); // Sell shares if not enough cash in hand (start lowest return); myStocks.forEach((stock) => { const homeMoney = ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("home"); if (homeMoney < (THRESHOLD_CASH_LOW * corpus)) { ns.print(`need money, selling stocks`); let cashNeeded = (corpus * THRESHOLD_CASH_GOAL - homeMoney + COMMISSION); bitburner stock script How to get it for free? bitburner stock script let numShares = Math.floor(cashNeeded / stock.price); rollingProfit += sell(ns, myStocks[i], numShares); corpus -= COMMISSION; } }); //Buy shares with cash remaining in hand let cashToSpend = ns.getServerMoneyAvailable("home") - (corpus * THRESHOLD_CASH_GOAL); allStocks.filter((stock)=> (stock.prob > THRESHOLD_BUY && stock.remainingShares > 0)).forEach((stock)=>{ let numShares = Math.min(Math.floor((cashToSpend - COMMISSION) / stock.price), stock.remainingShares); bitburner stock script How to dowload it? bitburner stock script if (numShares > 0) { const spent = buy(ns, stock, numShares); cashToSpend -= spent; } }); await ns.sleep(REFRESH); } } /** @param {NS} ns **/ bitburner stock script How to use it? bitburner stock script function refreshStocks(ns) { return ns.stock.getSymbols().map((sym)=> { const position = ns.stock.getPosition(sym); const price = ns.stock.getPrice(sym); const shares = position[0]; const avgBuyPrice = position[1]; const prob = ns.stock.getForecast(sym); const remainingShares = ns.stock.getMaxShares(sym) - shares; return { sym, bitburner stock script PasteShr bitburner stock script price, shares, avgBuyPrice, prob, remainingShares }; }).sort(function (a, b) { return b.prob - a.prob }); } /** @param {NS} ns **/ bitburner stock script How to use it? bitburner stock script function buy(ns, stock, numShares) { const price =, numShares); ns.print(`Bought ${stock.sym} for ${format(numShares * stock.price)}`); return price * numShares + COMMISSION; } /** @param {NS} ns **/ function sell(ns, stock, numShares, isSellAll) { let profit = numShares * (stock.price - stock.avgBuyPrice) - 2 * COMMISSION; if (!isSellAll) { bitburner stock script How to get it for free? bitburner stock script ns.print(`Sold ${stock.sym} for profit of ${format(profit)}`); } else { ns.tprint(`Sold ${stock.sym} for profit of ${format(profit)}`); } ns.stock.sell(stock.sym, numShares); return profit; } function format(num) { let symbols = ["", "K", "M", "B", "T", "Qa", "Qi", "Sx", "Sp", "Oc"]; bitburner stock script How to get it for free? bitburner stock script let i; for (i = 0; (Math.abs(num) >= 1000) && (i < symbols.length); i++) { num /= 1000; } return ((Math.sign(num) < 0) ? "-$" : "$") + Math.abs(num.toFixed(3)) + symbols[i]; } bitburner stock script