avatar of wrath crosspath Note: This tier list is for each individual tower path, with the Tier 5 image representing its tiers 3-5, in CHIMPS mode. A ‘+’ sign indicates further upgrades that are strategy-specific and shouldn’t always be purchased. SS: Arguably game-breaking. Best in the game by far with virtually no weaknesses. - Middle Path Engi: While Cleansing Foam is unreliable and Ultraboost is unaffordable in CHIMPS mode, the real winner of this upgrade path is Overclock. Paying just $16k for a strict 2x power boost is huge, especially in a meta that’s dominated by highly-supported fifth tiers as opposed to many weaker towers. This ability is currently shaping the entire meta by causing a shift towards defenses that simply overpower the bloons with sheer DPS, with control towers taking a backseat. Best crosspath is 040. avatar of wrath crosspath How to dowload it? avatar of wrath crosspath S: Strong in all portions of the game. May be weak to some round types, but succeed when properly supported. - Pat: While Pat is fairly mediocre on his own, his synergy with Grandmaster Ninja, a tower that is currently the strongest DPS dealer in the game, makes him extremely powerful. His level 3 ability, which is upgraded when he reaches level 14, makes the Grandmaster Ninja magnitudes stronger given its low damage per projectile. Other synergies include Tack Zone and Sun Avatar as both are also low damaging and fast attacking towers. Wields surprising amounts of control via stun and knockback, often trivializing early MOABs and dispatching the r97 FZOMGs that Grandmaster Ninja can sometimes struggle to via his level 10 ability. - Top Path Ninja: An early, mid, and late game powerhouse when supported. For less than $6k, this tower effortlessly carries to around r60, combining area cleanup with high point DPS. The Grandmaster + Shinobi strat is now insanely powerful, especially with Pat. Unlike other fifth tiers, it can be afforded before r63 while also slowly ramping up to the power level of towers like Avatar of Wrath as Shinobis are added. Its synergy with Overclock is simply broken. Best crosspath is 502. - Top Path Alchemist: Its buffs easily boost good towers into powerhouses, making it a necessity for most fast-shooting, low damage towers, or anything expensive where the speed alone justifies it. Its damage/pierce buff gives massive strength to Ninjas and Subs, while its attack speed buff works well with Avatar of Wrath. Best crosspath is 400+. avatar of wrath crosspath How to dowload it? avatar of wrath crosspath S-: Almost as powerful, but may be noticeably weaker than their S tier counterparts. - Obyn: A strong, well rounded hero that can solo early rounds and can still provide useful support late-game with his Totems that can slow bloons down by upwards of 60% in an area at its maximum potential. His increased pierce buff for magic towers in range is also extremely useful for the Druid’s bottom path fifth tier upgrade, Avatar of Wrath, as it only has 1 base pierce. Other synergies with Obyn include Sun Avatars and Bloonjitsus. Easiest top-tier hero to use by far. - Top Path Wizard: Its large, homing projectiles offer powerful blimp support across the entire map. For its price, Arcane Spike is especially powerful when supplemented with a strong bloon clearer like MOAR Glaives. Often considered the single most powerful and cost-effective mid-game option on Expert maps. Archmage is more map specific, but dominates maps with poor visibility like Spillway and Workshop, especially when paired with a super ceramic clearer like Bloon Solver or Biggest One. Has amazing synergy with Overclock. Best crosspath is 401+. - Top Path Super: Sun Avatar has great value both before and after super ceramics show up. It effortlessly solos up to r80, then is able to provide consistent crowd control by stalling super ceramics. The nerf to knockback is definitely significant however, enough to knock this path down to S- tier from S. Best crosspath is 301+. avatar of wrath crosspath How to get it for free? avatar of wrath crosspath - Middle Path Ninja: One of the most versatile and useful abilities in the entire game. Almost compulsory against DDT rounds, and still demonstrates remarkable crowd control against hyperdense rounds, acting as a global MOAB Glue. As mentioned above, Shinobi strats are incredibly dominant and even enjoy some success with bottom path Ninja. One remarkable strategy that’s recently emerged is to build Bloonjitsu, then max out all 20 Shinobis before saving for Grandmaster Ninja. This potent build order entirely cuts out all stepping stone towers and has become the unchallenged strat for #ouch CHIMPS. Best crosspath is 0+40. - Bottom Path Druid: Rose into the S- tier thanks mostly to a ridiculous buff to Obyn, who literally quadruples the theoretical power of this tower. Can evaporate the densest rounds such as r98, but needs a lot of support to handle DDT rounds. Often seen with Permaspike as a result of this weakness. Best crosspath is 01+5. - Bottom Path Spact: A consistently useful tower that has withstood the tests of time even as other towers waxed and waned with each passing balance change. At $32k it’s harder to use as a mid-game stepping stone, but when Overclocked with a Maim MOAB stall is capable of almost single-handedly defeating late game. Best crosspath is 025. A: Shine in some portions of the game. Some are exceeding specialists, doing their job like no other tower. avatar of wrath crosspath How to dowload it? avatar of wrath crosspath - Quincy: Quincy is used mainly as you can start with him in CHIMPS, and he can help with the early rounds. Quincy is also known as the hero to use in Muddy Puddles CHIMPS due to his powerful coverage and cheap price tag. Quincy’s level 10 ability is useful as it can solo the last wave of 63, and completely evaporate the ceramic waves of 76 and 78. Best used with any strategy that doesn’t require hero support such as Sub Commander and Apache Prime. - Bottom Path Tack: Tack Zone has recently been making a resurgence in popularity thanks to update 9.0 introducing Pat Fusty as well as a buff to the 4xx Alchemist. Once again, it can sustain 100% Alchemist uptime when the Alchemist is solely focused on it, and its damage is tripled by Pat’s Rallying Roar. The best way to use it is on a map where it can be placed directly below the track since its tacks originate above center and thus shred anything directly over it. It further received an almost unprecedented buff of +50% to attack speed as well as 100% uptime with Overclock, making it by far the strongest primary fifth tier in the game. Best crosspath is 205. - Top Path Sniper: Most commonly used due to its synergy with Perma-Spike. When set on Last targeting, Maim MOAB can drag out rounds to unreasonable lengths, allowing Perma-Spike to stack up far more spikes than usual. This, in turn, means that Perma-Spike can do well against hyperdense rounds, especially when Overclocked. The extended rounds are also amazing for Pat, whose volatile and powerful ability can be otherwise hard to manage between rounds. In addition, Deadly Precision is decent for its global range, seeing use in most #ouch CHIMPS strategies since update 7.0 to deal with the r40 MOAB. Shockingly powerful against r99 when overclocked. Best crosspath is 402. - Middle Path Sub: Useful for one round, r100, but boy is it insane. Two activations destroy r100 without much fuss when properly timed, while one can allow a defense designed against the previous rounds to succeed by simply deleting the BAD's children when activated late into the final damage phase. Certain maps see high synergy with Reactor to allow two activations from the same Sub. Best crosspath is 040. avatar of wrath crosspath How to get it? avatar of wrath crosspath - Bottom Path Sub: One of the most efficient towers early/mid-game, and can also be used to success as the sole source of popping power late-game on some maps such as Peninsula with the Sub Commander upgrade. On maps where a group can be placed easily, it is often the best option. Global range and easy camo detection make it very popular on Expert maps. Best crosspath is 203+. - Top Path Heli: An all-rounder of a tower. Does solid damage against all types of rounds including r100, especially when supported. Also synergizes very well with Bloon Sabotage, which clumps up DDTs for its machine gun attack to get maximum value. Best crosspath is 501+. - Top Path Mortar: A substantial nerf to blimps in 11.0 severely decreased the viability of this tower. As a result, it is no longer a late game menace, but rather an alternative to Bloon Solver that offers some advantages (global range, decent blimp DPS) and disadvantages (significantly more expensive, less effective at catching stray fortified super ceramics). Synergizes well with Overclock to blast hyperdense rounds into oblivion. Best crosspath is 520. - Middle Path Spact: Most effective against r100, but can also provide global damage to chip away at the substantial health pool of r99 DDTs. It’s gained popularity due to fantastic synergy with Pat Fusty, making it the most efficient way to damage the BAD besides possibly First Strike Capability. Best crosspath is 1+40. avatar of wrath crosspath PasteShr avatar of wrath crosspath A-: Similar to A tier, but are often less powerful or can be replaced in many circumstances by better towers. - Ezili: A late-game oriented hero that can demolish the RBE of the densest rounds in the game with her level 10 ability. Her base attack sports the highest blimp DPS out of all heroes and can even neutralize dangerous groups of fortified super ceramics by defortifying them. On the highest difficulty tracks, it’s even a viable option to purchase level 20 for a free r100 win. Should only be used in strategies that don’t require a hero buff. - Bottom Path Dart: Crossbow is problematic in CHIMPS due to its lack of synergy with Alchemist and tendency to miss, resulting in being largely outclassed by top path Ninjas. However, thanks to enormous buffs in 12.0, Crossbow Master is now a valid substitute for Sun Avatar as it has remarkable super ceramic clearing abilities. Still needs lots of straight lines to be usable, such as on Cubism. Best crosspath is 025. - Middle Path Boomer: Permacharge received a massive buff in 12.0, making it over twice as powerful as before. Combined with Overclock and MIB, this tower can decimate the late game blimp and DDT rounds alike, even on short sections of track. Turbocharge is also a strong mid-game ability, one of the cheaper ways to deal with multiple MOABs. Best crosspath is 250. avatar of wrath crosspath How to get it for free? avatar of wrath crosspath - Bottom Path Boomer: Most useful for its knockback, which has substantial pierce and does well against hyperdense rounds. Seen in the original Puddles CHIMPS solutions, as well as Workshop CHIMPS. Perhaps its most common usage is against r100, to push the spawned ZOMGs back as far as possible. Most recently, its ability in 12.0 for the knockback kylies to benefit from crosspathing launched it into viability thanks to mid crosspath granting a 78% attack speed increase. Best crosspath is 024. - Middle Path Ice: The fourth tier ability is great for Expert maps in particular, where Perma-Spike is difficult to use. Its slow is significantly more powerful than MOAB Glue and Bloon Sabotage, especially against r99’s FDDTs. However, it does little to nothing on just about every other round. The water freezing is incredibly useful for gaining extra land on Peninsula, better tower placements on Quad, and utilizing both subs and land towers in the center on #ouch. Best crosspath is 041+. - Bottom Path Glue: Wields a useful form of crowd control against both hyperdense and DDT rounds. A little expensive, but can be discounted by bottom path villages and stacks well with Bloon Sabotage to cripple DDTs. Doesn’t coexist well with Overclock. Best crosspath is 01+3. - Middle Path Village: After the reign of Comanche Commander ended, the best late-game towers in the game started to require MIB support once again. Its ability to grant DDT popping power is invaluable for Sub Commander, Grandmaster Ninja, and Avatar of Wrath especially. Often seen in refined CHIMPS strategies in the form of double villages, with the other village upgraded along the top path and both having the discount upgrades. Call To Arms is generally unreliable, but can be used to some success, as seen on Muddy Puddles CHIMPS. Best crosspath is 032. avatar of wrath crosspath How to get it? avatar of wrath crosspath B: These towers tend to have great use, but are highly map or strategy dependent. - Gwen: Currently completely outclassed by Pat and Obyn. Her most redeeming feature is a significantly higher mid-game DPS than either, but her buffs simply pale in comparison to the top-tier heroes. Nevertheless a usable and viable hero on easier maps when combined with low damaging towers like Sun Avatar. - Top Path Boomer: Exceptionally strong against bloons, exceptionally weak against blimps. Best used as a complement to Arcane Spike to work as a surprisingly potent mid-game combo while saving up for fifth tiers like Grandmaster Ninja. The fifth tier, Glaive Lord, is usable in CHIMPS, although not commonplace. This is mostly because of its puny range and inability to actually deal with fortified super ceramics. Best crosspath is 420 with Alch buff and 402 otherwise. - Bottom Path Bomb: Easily decimates midgame when supported by Striker Jones. Hasn't been nearly as popular recently, but acts as a usable replacement for Sun Avatar in some strategies. However, the significant nerf to Biggest One and the current Pat meta has resulted in a lower tier as other midgame options continue to dominate the game. Completely evaporates dense ceramic rounds such as r78. Best crosspath is 204. - Middle Path Tack: While the fifth tier ability is up and buffed by Pat Fusty, this tower melts everything nearby, including blimps, due to its recently improved uptime of 50%. The fourth tier is a cheap patch for round 63 defenses, and can be used on both the first and third rushes. Best crosspath is 250 (although this doesn’t affect the ability). avatar of wrath crosspath How to use it? avatar of wrath crosspath - Top Path Glue: One of the most specialized towers in the entire game. Its sole purpose is to deal with super ceramics, and this it does incredibly well. Perhaps the cheapest reliable option against these menaces late game. Its sheer concentrated power is a great counter to fortified rounds, in which the largest threat is the ceramic children. Best crosspath is 502. - Bottom Path Ice: Powerful for its crowd control capabilities that allow it to solo DDT rounds. However, offers less support than other towers at a similar price range against hyperdense rounds, along with weak point DPS. Replaceable by Perma-Spike on most maps. Best crosspath is 01+5. - Bottom Path Ace: After a “rework” that increased price significantly, Spectre fell off the map as its role was completely boxed out by Sun Avatar. However, the introduction of Overclock and the nerf to Sun Avatar in 12.0 has given it new life. It’s now able to contend with late game, especially because of its 100% uptime with Overclock. Seen with Impale on Muddy Puddles and Workshop CHIMPS, completed by Jajajosh. Best crosspath is 204. - Bottom Path Mortar: Excels against r98, removing a sizable amount of the RBE for a cheap price tag, but not much else. Useful for strategies built around dealing with DDTs that need extra hyperdense round support, but the influence of Overclock resulting in a meta centralized on overwhelming with sheer DPS results in less usage than in other metas. Signal Flare is unfortunately too inconsistent to be useful and Blooncineration has nearly half its normal DPS with MK off. Best crosspath is 01+4. - Middle Path Alchemist: The majority of its usage lies in its third tier upgrade, Unstable Concoction. For a very cheap price tag, it gets a very significant portion of the pops from hyperdense rounds when set on Strong. Synergizes best with towers that can hold their ground against groups of super ceramics, such as Perma-Spike, because its massive blimp-wrenching explosions have the side effect of releasing hordes of super ceramics all at once. Best crosspath is 032. avatar of wrath crosspath PasteShr avatar of wrath crosspath B-: Have limited, but occasionally useful, use. - Churchill: A surprisingly significant buff in 13.0 has given new life to Churchill as a mid-game powerhouse, out-damaging every other hero. Similar to Quincy, should only be used with towers that don’t require hero buffs, but only on maps with easy early games. MOAB Barrage is currently far weaker than it should be due to a bug where 9/10 of the missiles target last instead of strong. - Top Path Ice: Demonstrates incredible support capability with certain towers that deal low damage per projectile, such as Tack Zone and Grandmaster. Unfortunately, its pathetically small range makes it difficult to use well. Because of this, it also has, to an extent, high map dependence. Best crosspath is 51+0. avatar of wrath crosspath How to use it? avatar of wrath crosspath - Middle Path Glue: Acts as a weaker form of Super Brittle, but with global range. Obviously, best used with towers that deal low damage per projectile such as Tack Zone and Grandmaster Ninja. Glue Hose is very useful for certain strategies that greatly struggle against super ceramics, but these are few and far between with the dominance of Overclock. Best crosspath is 250 (after the bug fix made 052 unable to debuff blimps). - Top Path Ace: At its third tier, Fighter Plane is an acceptably strong way of dealing heavy single-target damage to blimps, especially useful on r40, for maps where global range is particularly valuable. Above that, Sky Shredder combines two mediocre attacks to give a jack of all trades, master of none tower. Tends to struggle against super ceramics and dense blimp packs, but its relatively cheap price tag makes this somewhat acceptable. Best crosspath is 501+. - Middle Path Ace: Best used on hyperdense rounds to clear out super ceramics and deal heavy damage to blimps. Due to this, it has enjoyed less viability recently as Avatar of Wrath and The Biggest One occupy the meta. Tsar Bomba is niche, but can be used well, especially with Perma-Spike. Bomber Ace is mostly relegated to races. Best crosspath is 14+0. - Middle Path Heli: Special Poperations does extraordinary damage but is unreliable without the extraordinarily expensive Energizer. In addition, its move ability rarely comes into use besides Puddles CHIMPS. Downdraft is a semi-reliable way to deal with late-popped MOAB children and is excellent for stalling out rounds to build up permaspikes. Best crosspath is 230 or 051. - Bottom Path Ninja: Never quite been very good due to unreliability of Flash Bomb and extreme specialization of Master Bomber. However, with Shinobi spam very much in the meta, Flash Bomb is a cheap way to further power up Grandmaster by acting as a permanent stun to super ceramics. In addition, mass Shinobis greatly enhance the power of Master Bomber's blimp stun to become a strange derivative of Bloon Crush. Best crosspath is 103. avatar of wrath crosspath PasteShr avatar of wrath crosspath - Top Path Druid: For a reasonable price, Ball Lightning is a respectably powerful tower that carries mid-game and can control super ceramics with the tornado. Combine 1-2 of these with poplust spam as a stepping stone to Avatar of Wrath on most maps. On easier maps, it can be used as a Sun Avatar replacement to lead into Avatar of Wrath, especially since the drastic Sun Avatar nerf in 12.0. Best crosspath is 402. - Top Path Village: Combines decent buffs with a rather unreliable attack which can sometimes clear out large groups of super ceramics. While neither is particularly powerful, they merge into a tower that supports some Primary towers well, while taking on the role of denting super ceramic clusters. For example, Inferno Ring requires the use of this tower to quadruple the power of its meteor attack. It is often seen in the double village strategy in CHIMPS, outlined above. Best crosspath is 502. C: Average towers, nothing extraordinary to see here. avatar of wrath crosspath How to dowload it? avatar of wrath crosspath - Striker: Striker Jones has a decent synergy with towers such as The Biggest One and a group of Recursive Clusters. His level 3 can provide good support throughout the entire game, but Pat’s stun and knockback is generally considered more potent. Sadly, the current state of The Biggest One relegates it to super ceramic clean-up, and as a result Striker is rarely chosen in favor of another hero to buff other DPS towers such as Obyn with Archmage or Pat with Tack Zone. - Top Path Tack: As usual with the offensive Tacks, it’s rather map specific. Ring of Fire acts as decent bloon clean-up, with the fifth tier Inferno Ring being a fun, if not amazing, tower to use. Similar to its partner in crime, Primary Expertise, it combines two roles it does decently into a tower that’s a little more than decent. Best crosspath is 520. - Top Path Bomb: On maps that converge to a single path, this tower completely shuts down every round besides r100 for a very large price tag. Almost always combined with Sun Avatar to burn through the dense packs of perma-stunned blimps it creates, largely because of the exceptional cost efficiency of Avatar to compensate for Crush's extreme price tag. Unfortunately, its complete lack of damage means that it requires powerful support, such as double First Strike. Note that Sun Avatar nerf has significantly decreased Bloon Crush’s viability. Best crosspath is 520. - Middle Path Bomb: As the name might suggest, MOAB Eliminator completely trashes the r100 BAD. In addition, it contributes decent damage and can remove some of the RBE from hyperdense rounds. Unfortunately, its price tag means that, for the most part, First Strike on water and Spike Storm on land outclass it. MOAB Mauler spam can be mildly effective for late-game when supported with Primary Expertise and Striker Jones. Best crosspath is 050+. -Top Path Sub: Reactor has a niche use in maps such as Quad where the map is just long enough that it can decrease the First Strike cooldown just enough for it to be used twice. Can also be used to decamo bloons incredibly reliably; however, a camo village is generally better because of its capacity to provide additional buffs.. Best crosspath is 400. avatar of wrath crosspath PasteShr avatar of wrath crosspath - Middle Path Wizard: Despite being the king of 2 Tower CHIMPS, Wizard Lord Phoenix’s sheer price tag, mediocre fourth tier, and unreliability during downtime makes it difficult to use on advanced maps. Surprisingly has little point DPS and thus suffers to r100, but effortlessly cleans up hyperdense and DDT rounds when managed properly. Due to its low uptime, it should almost always be paired up with Maim MOAB. Best crosspath is 050+. - Middle Path Super: Decent mid-game option at the third tier. The path sadly suffers from a host of problems, including strange and unreliable dual targeting, doubled Alchemist buff usage rate, horrible fourth tier ability, and nearly-unaffordable fifth tier. Nevertheless can be a somewhat competent replacement for Sun Avatar on easier maps. - Bottom Path Super: Suffers greatly from an ability to deal damage to super ceramics, unlike Sun Avatar which pierces through and controls them. Its blimp damage gives it some specialization, but it’s outclassed by more effective options for such a purpose like Arcane Spike. Dark Champion is decent DPS but very hard to afford and still falls to rounds like 98 and 99 without help. Best crosspath is 203. - Bottom Path Engineer: Very expensive for CHIMPS at $64.8k, but it provides functionality that’s utterly unique and unmatched besides possibly Bloon Master Alchemist. However, it’s unreliable and fast bloons like DDTs and ceramic clumps will often slip through, requiring a defense capable of dealing with them. Best crosspath is 005. C-: Almost entirely outclassed by better choices. There’s no more need to talk about each upgrade path specifically. avatar of wrath crosspath How to use it? avatar of wrath crosspath -Benjamin - Middle Path Dart - Bottom Path Sniper -Top Path Buccaneer - Middle Path Mortar - Bottom Path Wizard - Bottom Path Alchemist - Top Path Spact - Top Path Engi avatar of wrath crosspath PasteShr avatar of wrath crosspath D: Has no redeeming features. - Middle Path Sniper - Middle Path Buccaneer - Bottom Path Heli D-: Somehow has even fewer redeeming features than zero. - Top Path Dart avatar of wrath crosspath How to get it for free? avatar of wrath crosspath - Middle Path Druid F: Actively works against the player in CHIMPS. - Bottom Path Buccaneer - Bottom Path Village avatar of wrath crosspath