applejack futa After trying and failing to make it back to town to beg Twilight for help with her... sudden strange affliction, Applejack's willpower has reached its limits. Her newfound overpowering instincts screaming at her to breed the first thing in sight, the beleaguered pony could do nothing but collapse to the ground and moan at the sensations running up and down her massive, throbbing shaft. Applejack could not resist - she was beyond the capability for rational thought at this point. Her one and only desire was for a warm, welcoming hole to empty herself into... and there were none. It wasn't fair. The world was simply too cruel. She was a good pony, wasn't she? All she wanted was to fill some lovely creature with her seed. Was that really so much to ask? Which was precisely when you came into view around the next bend in the path, walking casually towards Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack's eyes shot wide open, locking onto you as she licked her lips in anticipation. Perfect. You were not a mare, not even a pony, but you warm and sized right and Applejack's eager, twitching cock responded just the same. With sudden strength born of desperation, the frantic pony leaped to her feet and charged right at you. Caught thoroughly off guard by the sudden aggressive action, you didn't even think of dodging as the powerfully built mare slammed into you with the full weight of her body, knocking you to the ground and pinning you. You began to protest angrily, but the words died on your lips at the sight of the farm mare's newest... addition. Applejack wasn't in the mood for a conversation, anyway - she had a much better use for your mouth. With only a single growled "Suck," for warning, she quickly lunged forward and thrust her thick shaft into your still-open mouth. Still stunned by the suddenness of the whole scenario, you instinctively obey the command, closing your mouth around AJ's cock and licking experimentally at the tip. Precum already thoroughly coats it from her earlier frustrations, and in your dazed state you note it actually tastes pretty damn good: a sticky, sweet, heady flavor that somehow leaves you eager for more. AJ groans in approval and pushes forward a bit, filling your mouth with more of her meat. You run your tongue around the rim of her cockhead before bobbing down her length, closing your lips tightly around her prick and sucking hard as you pull back. AJ grunts and once again drives her cock a little further into you, rewarding your initiative with another thick load of precum. Your own cock rapidly begins to stiffen in response, and after the knee-jerk wave of shame and revulsion passes, you realize... you are really, really enjoying this. AJ's release seems to have an almost intoxicating effect, and you find yourself desperate to coax out more of the mare's sweet ambrosia. She's happy to give you the opportunity. Applejack's breath hitches in her throat as you bring both hands up and wrap them around her shaft, pumping up and down her length smoothly in time with your mouth's eager ministrations. You can't get over how warm and solid she feels in your mouth, or how incredibly _right_ it feels that you're doing this. You inhale her musky scent deeply, as though trying to fill even your lungs with Applejack's sweetness as you suck her cock with increasing speed and enthusiasm. But Applejack is done letting you control the pace here. With a loud, needy roar, the pony smoothly lifts your head from the ground with her forehooves, carefully cradling it in her grasp as she leans forward and balances against a tree. With your head held in place by her iron grasp, Applejack begins to furious fuck with your face with short, strong strokes. The pony's pace is overwhelming, her powerful cock now seemingly the only _real_ thing in your entire world. It's all you can do to endure through the ferocious pounding, Applejack's heavy balls slapping loudly against your chin with every thrust as she asserts her dominance. Your limbs have gone completely limp from sensory overload, simply accepting the pounding. applejack futa How to use it? applejack futa Finally, Applejack feels the arrival of the moment she's been waiting for. A powerful sense of fulfillment rushes into her mind as she drives forward as hard as she can one last time, letting out a victorious cry as orgasm wracks her. She's been going at least somewhat easy on you until now, but Applejack's cock easily fills your throat when she hilts herself completely inside you. You can't help but feel every twitch of the mighty tool, and know full well what's coming. You swallow every last drop of Applejack's thick, creamy, hot load as she stays firmly locked against you - the cock lodge in your throat gives you little other choice. AJ's orgasm seems to go on an eternity before she finally pulls free with a heavy sigh, and you weakly rub your belly in astonishment - you'd swear you can actually FEEL the cum sloshing around, just from the sheer volume the formidable cowpony managed to dump inside you. Her mind still a blissful haze, AJ leisurely looks back and forth from your prone, twitching form and her quickly-receding length. It seems whatever spell Twilight had accidentally zapped her with was wearing off now that she'd... 'attended' to it. Yet with the memories of her little adventure still so very fresh in her mind, Applejack could only chuckle as she regarded your semi-conscious form. Hefting you up on her back - it wouldn't be neighborly to just leave you lying there, she'd have to take you back to the farm to let you rest for a while - Applejack decided she might have to convince Twilight to revisit that 'failed' spell again fairly soon. applejack futa