antimatter dimensions ec1 The FULL Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (Beginning to ~e4000 EP) If there is anything else you would like to ask or want me to add to the faq, PM me on discord @earth#5580 . I will try to answer as well as I can and get back to you ASAP. Some terms you may not understand, so check for terms. I also reference a lot. @Saturnus#6814 on discord is my editor for this FAQ. Editing status: WIP. Additional Guides: Option Guide: Notation Guide: Achievement Guide: Challenge Guide: antimatter dimensions ec1 How to get it for free? antimatter dimensions ec1 Time Study Guide (WIP): Part 4 information is not confirmed. It is without my real testing, and just estimates. If you have new information that is not an estimate, please pass it along to me on Discord. Part 5 is in collab with @DarkDragon#1498 on discord. Part 1: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (Beginning until Break) - What do dimensions do? -- Dimensions produce antimatter, which is the main currency. D1 is the only dimension that can produce AM. D2 will produce D1, and D3 will produce D2. This game becomes exponential later. antimatter dimensions ec1 How to use it? antimatter dimensions ec1 - What's the progress bar for? -- The progress bar is used for "percentage to infinity". This changes as you progress. - How long does it take to get to infinity for the first time? -- 1-2 days, depending on activity. - Should I buy the higher dimension, lower dimension, or tickspeed? -- Mostly try to get to the next dimension, but 1st dimensions produce the antimatter, so be sure to upgrade them. Also, tickspeed is useful, as it helps generate the next dimension faster (i.e. if i have 10 D2 then i would be producing 1 D1/sec, but with 1 tickspeed upgrade, that rate is 1 D1/.89sec. Essentially, the tickspeed is the number of milliseconds it takes to generate 1 D1 with 10 D2. (Terrible analogy, I know.)) antimatter dimensions ec1 How to use it? antimatter dimensions ec1 - Dimension shifts, boosts, and galaxies seem useless! -- ALWAYS DIMENSION SHIFT! Dimension shifts unlock the next dimension. In addition, whenever you get DimShift4, DimShift changes to DimBoost. DimBoosts boost dimensions, ironically. Another thing to make sure you buy is Galaxies. I know, they seem useless, a tickspeed boost? I mean, how good can it be? But, in fact, it is a very good upgrade, as it helps you get the second galaxy, which helps you get to infinity. - What should I buy, a Galaxy or a DimBoost? -- Buy a galaxy if galaxy and dimboost cost are equal, otherwise buy a dimboost. - What is sacrifice and how do I unlock it? -- Sacrifice is unlocked after your first Dim*Boost*. Sacrifice boosts your 8th dimensions by Xx, where X is a number. They reset Dimensions 1-7, and progress is gradually restored. DIMBOOSTS AND SACRIFICE ARE DIFFERENT THINGS!! - There's a big 'Big Crunch' button on my screen. What do I do? antimatter dimensions ec1 How to use it? antimatter dimensions ec1 -- Click it, as it triggers infinity. Spend your first IP on "Normal dimensions gain a multiplier based on time played." - Now I have to do it all over again? -- Yeah, that's early infinity. When you have completed your first inf, click on the challenge tab, and click the 8th challenge (the reward should be 8th dimension autobuyer) as C8 is faster than a regular run. Although when you reach infinity again, you get another infinity point, which you should spend on 'Increase the multiplier for buying 10 Dimensions 2x -> 2.2x'. Do C8 until you have 'Antimatter Galaxies are twice as effective'. --- I can't sac in C8 what do? ---- You need 1 dimension boost, or you need the number next to dimension boost to be 5. - What're challenges and where do I find them? -- To find Challenges, click the Challenges button. The first challenges should read "Completed". The rest should have a button that say start. --- What's the naming scheme? antimatter dimensions ec1 How to get it? antimatter dimensions ec1 ---- Odds are on the left, evens on the right. All challenges use the "C" prefix. (Other challenges later on will use the C prefix + another letter.) - When should I do challenges and upgrade my autobuyers? -- Whenever you really feel like it. If you are an automation freak like me, I did them after I got the third column of infinity upgrades. do them in this order: 11, 5, 3, 7 (RNG dependent), 4, 6, 10, 2, 12, 9. For C9 resort to this strat: - How do I buy the IP multi? It's not letting me. -- You need 'You start with the 8th dimension unlocked, and a Galaxy' to be able to buy it. --- What's sources are being multiplied? ---- All of them. It states in the upgrade text. antimatter dimensions ec1 How to dowload it? antimatter dimensions ec1 - How do you break infinity? -- Get 0.1 second interval on your Big Crunch Autobuyer, unlocked by C12. Part 2: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (Break to 5e11 IP) - What's the benefit of breaking infinity? -- It lets you go past 1.8e308 AM. The more AM you have, the more IP you will get on crunch. - What kind of runs should i do? -- At this point, you should be doing full galaxy runs + 1-2s for maximum IP. No DimBoosts. It should be around 6 galaxies right after break. antimatter dimensions ec1 PasteShr antimatter dimensions ec1 - Progress seems so slow! -- Ah, yes, the post-break wall. It will be like this until 5e11 IP. The grind is a very long one. This is probably the worst wall in the game, but it should only take 3-4 days until 5e11 from break. Just try to have max galaxy runs, and sometimes try to grind for 7 galaxies to see if it substantially improves IP/min. - So many upgrades! What do I choose from? -- Buy new dimension upgrades first, 1-time upgrades second (these will appear with a black background and white text on Normal theme), then dimension reduction > tickspeed multiplier reduction > IP gen upgrades. - What's this new dimensions thing at 1e1100 AM? That's so much! Should I go for it? -- The new dimension is something that boosts production by the likes of which have never been seen before. And, yes, it is a lot of AM, but just wait until you have 1e8 IP to go for it, as this is the cost of the new dimension. When you reach 1e8 IP, DO NOT BUY THE IP DOUBLER, THE DIMENSION COST MULTIPLIER REDUCTION, OR ANYTHING ELSE. Instead, set up for a long run for 1e1100 AM. --- 1e8 IP is a ton! antimatter dimensions ec1 How to dowload it? antimatter dimensions ec1 ---- Yes, it is, but waiting an extra hour for something you cant even buy until you have 1e8 IP is useless. - How do the new dimensions work? -- ID1 generates infinity power, which translates into a multiplier to all dimensions (n^7, where n is the amount of infinity power). IDs work like dimensions: ID1 produces infinity power, ID2 produces ID1, and so on. - There's more new dimensions?! -- Yes, there are 8 total new dimensions, each costing more AM to unlock and more IP to buy than the last. ID2 costs 1e1900 AM to unlock and 1e9 IP to buy, and takes about 2-3 hours to unlock. ID3 costs 1e2400 AM to unlock and 1e10 IP to buy, and takes another 2-3 hours. --- Should I go for ID2 and 3? ---- Yes. These help tremendously. Make sure to get the 1e11 IP upgrade to ID1 before you go for 5e11. It is possible to grind there without, but is not recommended. antimatter dimensions ec1 How to use it? antimatter dimensions ec1 - When should I do IC1, and how? -- Right after ID3 unlock + purchase. To do IC1, mostly just make sure you have max dimensions (hold m) and wait. It may take a while, depending on how much IP you have left over. - How should I grind for 5e11? -- Use a max galaxy run, plus a few seconds (use whatever gets you the most IP/min), no dimboosts and set it up for about 30m-60m and you should be to 5e11. Start grinding to 5e11 at ~e10 IP, right after ID3 unlock + purchase and IC1. Purchase ID1 1e11 when you can, and the IP multi. You can grind there without it, but this is not recommended Part 3: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (5e11 IP to Replicanti) - Wow! Progress just exploded! -- Yes! This is 5e11 in a nutshell. It will probably be the biggest boost you get for a while. With buying max galaxies and maybe max dimboosts, you can easily reach e12+ IP. Buying IP mults and ID levels along the way will allow you to push much further. antimatter dimensions ec1 How to use it? antimatter dimensions ec1 - How should I set up my runs? -- This varies every run. AT this point you can set max galaxies to 1000, that way you can buy max galaxies. Don't use crunch autobuyers yet - wait until further along to start using that. Dimboosts aren't mandatory. - In what order should I buy upgrades? -- ID levels first, then buy break upgrades, then IP mults. That's doesn't change until e26+ IP. - Progress is starting to slow. -- You're either not buying all the upgrades or at e26 IP. Make sure you have all upgrades - it can be very easy to forget at this stage. --- I have all upgrades and am below e26 IP. antimatter dimensions ec1 PasteShr antimatter dimensions ec1 ---- Do max galaxy runs and max dimboost runs. Crunch autobuyers should still be off; progress should still be fast enough that you can have it off. - e26 (100 Septillion) IP what do, progress slow. -- There's a 1-2 hour lull here. "Buy upgrades in this order: ID1, ID3, 1e26 doubler, 3e26 dimensions cost decrease, ID2, 1e27 and 1e28 IP doublers" - Patashu's guide. Progress should be back to normal. After that, buy ID1, e29 and e30 doublers, dimension cost decrease. You'll reach e35 IP in minutes. - What next? -- You'll soon get to 1e45 (1 Qad) and be able to reach e10500 AM in 40-50 minutes. Do so to unlock + purchase ID4. Right after, do IC2, which will take around 2 minutes. You get the sac autobuyer which you should set to 5. Sacs will also be much stronger. Complete row 7 achievements (refer to to find out how). Finish up challenge times. The multiplier will max at 30000x. You can change sac autobuyer to 100x once you have done so. - At e50. Progress is trash. -- Long runs. In your case, do a 35 galaxy run: 24 minutes for e54 IP. Do a 36 galaxy run, will take a couple hours, but completely worth it. Do another one to reach e58 IP, then do IC3. antimatter dimensions ec1 How to dowload it? antimatter dimensions ec1 - e70 IP. -- Begin IC4. Sac to ~1e25x, hold m, and reset. Hit m m m, then hold 8, Repeat 7654321 until you can get more galaxies, unless you reach the goal. - e80+ IP. -- If you're stuck at low e80s, try a 1 more galaxy run. They may take an hour or more to complete, but they give you much more IP. After a couple of those runs to e83-e84, begin IC5. IC5 will take about 30-40 minutes with e82 IP following the strats. There are multiple strategies, but I'm not great at explaining them. Go to 1e50 IP section. - e100. -- Progress should still be running smooth. IC6 at e100+, and make sure to keep buying upgrades. --- e120. antimatter dimensions ec1 How to get it for free? antimatter dimensions ec1 ---- IC7 should be complete, IC8 at e130. - 1e140. -- All ICs complete, ID5 unlocked + purchased. Part 4: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (Replicanti to Eternity) - What are replicanti, and should I unlock them? -- Replicanti are an exponential thing that gives a multiplier to all IDs. It can be upgraded by spending IP on 3 different upgrades: chance, interval, and max galaxies. At 1.79e308, you can reset them for a free galaxy. Yes, you should unlock them. antimatter dimensions ec1 How to dowload it? antimatter dimensions ec1 - I unlocked replicanti. Now what? -- Replicanti go very slow at the beginning, and you're already moving slow. ID5 is purchased which gives a small boost. Try going for 1e150 IP on next crunch to be able to get more ID levels and replicanti chance -> 2%. This should double replicanti speed. Replicanti reset on infinity (except with the relevant achievement), so it stays slow until you unlock the achievement. 1e155+ should be your next crunch, which will allow you to buy ID5 level 2. Don't forget IP multipliers. Do a tad longer run to reach e165 to be able to complete "Hevipelle did nothing wrong" and the ability to buy more replicanti upgrades. Reach e170 for ID5 level 3, which gives about a 2x boost. Now, do a longer run once you have the 1 RG upgrade. Reach one extra antimatter galaxy, but DO NOT get the replicanti galaxy yet. You should be able to reach e185+. Do another one of those runs, and reach e195+. Get e200 and do a long run for ID6. This should give you a LOT more IP, so do another one of those runs. e200 is another ID5 level, and your first ID6. - Now I'm slowing down. -- It's time for RGs. Get 2RGs and reach e225, or maybe even e230 with enough upgrades. -e225+. -- This is the fun part. 3RGs should be able to reach e240, if not more. Reach e250 with another one of those runs. - e250. antimatter dimensions ec1 How to get it for free? antimatter dimensions ec1 -- ID7 unlock + purchase. Push to e260 for the 4RG upgrade. ID7 is about a +4x multiplier to IP, if not more. - e260. -- 4RG run for e275. - e275. -- Reach e280 for ID8. This is your biggest multiplier until post eternity. Now, you play the waiting game with RGs and reach e308. - e308. -- You can eternity, but wait! This is the time where pushing will help a TON. If you can complete row nine (excluding "Time is relative"), it will be huge post eternity. More on that to come... antimatter dimensions ec1 PasteShr antimatter dimensions ec1 Part 5: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (In collab with @DarkDragon#1498 , Eternity to 1e10 EP) Part 6: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (1e10 EP to EC1) Part 7: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (EC1 to Study 181) Part 8: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (Study 181 to EC10x1) Part 9: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (EC10x1 to Light/Dark Studies) antimatter dimensions ec1 How to get it? antimatter dimensions ec1 Part 10: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (Light/Dark Studies to EC12x1) Part 11: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (EC12x1 to EC12x5) Part 12: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (EC12x5 to First Dilated Run) - e1300 -- EP multis and TD costs jump up. Progress starts to slow. Using 222, 224 (232), 226, 228 (234), you should be able to reach e1310 within minutes. antimatter dimensions ec1 How to get it for free? antimatter dimensions ec1 - e1310 -- progress is really slow. Grind for more TT's. Do 2-3 consecutive long runs and you should have 13000 total TT's. Smack that Unlock Dilation button, but DO NOT DO your first dilated run just yet, wait until around 1e1350 EP to do this. - e1320 -- Just keep chugging with 222 224 (232) 226 228 (234), and begin to switch to active. - e1340 -- Still going. Same tree, use active. - e1350 antimatter dimensions ec1 PasteShr antimatter dimensions ec1 -- Switch your studies to ND/ID/Idle and use 222,223,225,228. Go to the time dilation subtab and hit "Dilate time". Do not Eternity until you can get about 1K Tachyon Particles. Part 13: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (First Dilated Run to TD5) Part 14: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (TD5 to TD8) Part 15: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (TD8 to e4000 EP) Part 16: The Antimatter Dimensions FAQ (e4000 EP to Endgame) antimatter dimensions ec1