amphibia nude --------------------------------AMPHIBIA NUDE AU-------------------------------- >>Anne was confused to why Toadie asked her to the dark part of the village, part of her wondered if this was safe >>As she neared the bridge she could see someone standing there wearing a cape, >>They seemd to be her height, could it possibly be? >>The figure turned around, It was Sasha at least or her head at least >>“Anne” amphibia nude PasteShr amphibia nude >>“Sasha” >>All of a sudden the two girls started to scream loud screams that could have woken the dead >>“Anne what happened to your clothes” >>Anne looked down and blushed >> “Oh they were destroyed” amphibia nude PasteShr amphibia nude >>“Oh, Well I guess that sucks for you” said Sasha slightly playfully >>All of a sudden a gust of wind blew Sahsa's cloak away, reavealing her to be in the same state that Anne was in, even her scrunche was gone now >>Anne looked at her flabergasted >>Sasha laughed a little and then looked extrmemly sheepish a looked she was not use to >>“You too” amphibia nude How to get it? amphibia nude >>“Yep” >>the two girls looked at wach other, shrugged and then gave each other the most awkard hug of their lives >>Anne and the planters watched as the figure slid down the zip line she had to stare they looked humanoid however half way down that's when the line snapped and she fell, the figure fell quite a distance landing in puddle, she like Anne (And Sasha but she was frog knows where) was nude >>the figure recovered and pulled herself out of the puddle >>“Okay, So Newtopian rope can hold an average human girl for, Uh 2.3 seconds even without clothing” amphibia nude How to use it? amphibia nude >>"Maybe I could reinforce the rope with Ironspider silk to increase the tension" >>“Marcy” >>the young girl turned to face anne with a look of shock >>“Anne” >>Anne had no idea what to do one of her best friends was here standing in front of her in a state that well was embarassing for both of them, did she hug how would... amphibia nude How to get it for free? amphibia nude >>She was then tackled by marcy in a naked hug >>“ANNE” >>Anne was not to embarassed to hug her back >> It was a couple of hours later after the Barbari-ants when Anne and Sasha were alone, the Planters were currently at a resturant they were walking to meet them amphibia nude PasteShr amphibia nude >>Anne noticed that Sasha was kind of acting different, where as she was still terrififed at the various different Newts (and frogs and Toads) looking at her body, Marcy didn't seem to care in the slightest she semeed ot just say hi to any of the newts that met her >>“Marcy have you gone full nudist “ >>Marcy turned red a little >>“Heh, yeah kind of” >>Anne laughed amphibia nude How to dowload it? amphibia nude >>“But that's just it Anne this world seems to want us to be in our birthday suits for some reason, hell have you noticed your feet” >>Anne looked down her feet appeared normal to her >>“Not when compared to the rest of me” >>Marcy stopped walking and turned to face Anne >>“Touch your soles” amphibia nude How to get it? amphibia nude >>Anne stopped she lifted her foot and touched the bottom it felt soft >“It feels soft?, you know like normal” >>“Yeah exactly, your naturally been walking barefoot right” >>“Yes anything I try to put on seems to just be destoryed in some sort of fashion” >>“Well that's it, your feet should be as hard as rocks not something is stopping our bodies from adjusting to the strain, but that's not all our bodies seem to be more stonger then ever” amphibia nude How to get it for free? amphibia nude >>“So what your saying is that” >>“Is that not only does this world seem to want to protect us but also something is making our bodies stronger” >>Anne looked at Marcy “So we're invincible” >>“Not invincible but we're more resistant to the effects of the world when compared to the inhabitants of Amphiba” >>"Woah” amphibia nude How to use it? amphibia nude >>“Woah indeed” >>Anne then saw a clock in the window >>“We should probably get going the Planters have been waiting for a while” >>“Okay lets go” >>The two friends walked off amphibia nude How to get it? amphibia nude >>“You know I get the feeling that maybe there's some sort of sick irony going on here” Said Marcy >>“Really, Why?” >>“Well we were teleported to this world on your birthday, and now all three of us seem to be stuck in our birthday suits” >>Anne laughed >>Anne was smling to herself sitting on top of the Fagon on their way back to wartwood, she was going to miss Marcy and all of her new friends at Newtopia but right now she was going to spend as much time with the planters as possible. amphibia nude How to dowload it? amphibia nude >>There was also the positive that Lady Olivia had made the royal tailors make as many clothes as possible for Anne, ever since discovering that humans were suspose to wear clothes she had decided that Marcy and by assocition Anne would be clothed from now on, (making comments on civilising the savages while doing so) Marcy was the only one who seemed to resist this >>On her run to catch up with the planters she had lost a new pair of shoes in the pavement and the Sewer gator had ripped of her new pants as she passed him, so she was currently only wearing a shirt but hey it was something, in the fagon there was aleast seven days worth of clothes still left. >>she sighed and looked at her family, clothed or not she was glad to be back >>All of a sudden the quiet was interupted >>“Hey, stop please” came a despirate voice amphibia nude How to dowload it? amphibia nude >>Anne turned around to see.... No >>A naked red head run up to the Fagon >> “Oh god thank you stopped I... Your frogs” >> “Smart one isn't she” Said Polly >>“Yeah Sorry, please I need some help I have no idea where I am and I have no clothes and... amphibia nude PasteShr amphibia nude >>Maggie stopped as she saw bushy brown hair. >>“Boonchuy” >>Anne sighed and stuck her head up “Maggie” >>"Anne your here, God what is this place" >>“What's a god?” said Sprig amphibia nude How to use it? amphibia nude >>“Basically Frog” replied Anne >>“Oh” >>“Wait Anne is this that Maggie from your world.” asked Hop Pop >>“Yes” >>“Oh you told them about me, Boonchuy" amphibia nude PasteShr amphibia nude >>Hop Pop glared at her >>“Yes she did, Onwards Bessie” >>With that the Fagon went on >>“Wait” said Maggie terrified >>Anne could have left her there but then sighed “HP Stop” amphibia nude PasteShr amphibia nude >>The fagon stopped and Anne turned to Maggie who was covering herself terrified she was going to be left alone >>“Maggie, get on” >>“Really” >>Anne sighed “Yes really” >>Anne had spent a week in this world naked and afraid when she first arrived she just couldn't let that happened to anyone else even a bully like Maggie and after the thing with Sasha, well maybe Maggie had some good to her. amphibia nude How to get it for free? amphibia nude >>“Thanks Anne” said the red head. >>Maggie climed up on to the Fwagon >>“You will not believe what happened to me, “ the red head started to explain “I was at home and was about to go to bed when all of a sudden I found myself here” >>“Did you see a box?, with frogs on it” Said a curious Anne >>“What box I just found myself here” amphibia nude PasteShr amphibia nude >>“Really and what happed to your...” >>“Oh quick sand I was sinking but it sucked by clothes off” >>“Really was that all?” >>“Well the bottom parts the top parts I made a lasso of the upper clothing, I grabbed a tree branch but when I got out the clothes lasso just fell in” >>Even your Scrunchies amphibia nude How to get it for free? amphibia nude >>Maggie looked at her unbraided hair “Yep” >>“Yeah get used to not being able to do anything with your hair, it just seems to go into some sort of natural state” >>“Seriously?” >>“Yeah” >>"Ahh Man I loved my pigtails" amphibia nude How to get it? amphibia nude >>“Yeah It sucks” >>A couple of mintues later turned to see Maggie staring at her, namely her chest >>“Maggie What are you doing” >>“Nothing” said the Irish America looking away quickly >>There was an awkard scilence before it was broken amphibia nude How to use it? amphibia nude >>“So I guess that's why they call you Boob-chuy” >>A nude missile flew from the wagon as a ninty dregree angle, the missle then picked herself up and ran after the wagon --------------------------------DARREL ONE SHOT-------------------------------- >>Anne stood in the wilderness Alone and unclothed, she had been attacked by monsters several times now and was still trying to parce what was going on. >>She was going to die and she knew it. There was no escape, Only death. >>All of a sudden a portal opened in the sky standing there was a boy her age with brown hair, wearing a uniform from Saint James he had a kind look on his face. >>“Anne, I am a interdimension being far beyond your comprehension, for many years I have been looking for love and I have found you, with me I can give you love protection clothes, What do you say?” >>Anne looked at him and then at the forest, one was safety and the other was danger, She turned to darrel and smiled the choice was obivious amphibia nude How to get it for free? amphibia nude >>“I'm going to the forest” >>“Really?” >>“Yeah I mean you seem super nice but I think I can do better, It's not you, it's me, goodbye” Anne then ran into the woods. >>Darrel saw her run off and then sighed “Well Chicken nuggets for one again” amphibia nude