1v1 lol aimbot script // ==UserScript== // @name 1v1.REKTED // @version 0.69 // @description BEASTHACK // @author THAT ONE ZEXXXYMF // @namespace no // @match https://1v1.lol/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=1v1.lol // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/436749-wasm-patcher/code/wasm_patcher.js // ==/UserScript== 1v1 lol aimbot script How to get it? 1v1 lol aimbot script const Log = function(msg) { console.log("1v1.www : " + msg); }; const wasm = WebAssembly; const oldInstantiate = wasm.instantiate; // wasm.instantiate = async function(bufferSource, importObject) { const patcher = new WasmPatcher(bufferSource); 1v1 lol aimbot script How to get it for free? 1v1 lol aimbot script patcher.aobPatchEntry({ scan: 'B 20 1 20 1 28 ? ? 41 1 [ 6B ] 36 ? ? 41 84 D7 95 3', code: [ OP.drop, ], onsuccess: () => Log('Infinite Ammo') }); patcher.aobPatchEntry({ scan: '2A ? ? | 38 ? ? C 2 B 20 0', 1v1 lol aimbot script How to use it? 1v1 lol aimbot script code: [ OP.drop, OP.f32.const, VAR.f32(0) ], onsuccess: () => Log('Rapid Fire') }); patcher.aobPatchEntry({ scan: '5 20 0 20 0 28 ? ? ? 20 1 [ 6B ] 36 ? ? ?', 1v1 lol aimbot script How to dowload it? 1v1 lol aimbot script code: [ OP.drop, ], onsuccess: () => Log('Infinite Armor') }); if(new URLSearchParams( window.location.search ).get('TU9SRUhBQ0tT') === 'true') { alert('[FreeFly] is added'); 1v1 lol aimbot script How to dowload it? 1v1 lol aimbot script const pressSpaceKeyIndex = patcher.addGlobalVariableEntry({ type: 'u32', value: 0, mutability: true, exportName: 'PRESS_SPACE_KEY' }); patcher.aobPatchEntry({ scan: '4 40 20 B 20 1D 38 2 0 20 F 20 1E [ 38 2 0 ]', code: [ 1v1 lol aimbot script PasteShr 1v1 lol aimbot script OP.global.get, pressSpaceKeyIndex, OP.i32.const, VAR.s32(1), OP.i32.eq, OP.if, OP.local.get, VAR.u32(15), OP.f32.const, VAR.f32(2.5), OP.f32.store, VAR.u32(2), VAR.u32(0), OP.end ], onsuccess: () => Log('Free Fly (offline)') 1v1 lol aimbot script How to get it for free? 1v1 lol aimbot script }); patcher.aobPatchEntry({ scan: '4 40 20 6 21 3 B 20 1A 20 21 38 2 0 20 F 20 22 [ 38 2 0 ]', code: [ OP.drop, OP.drop, OP.global.get, pressSpaceKeyIndex, OP.i32.const, VAR.s32(1), OP.i32.eq, 1v1 lol aimbot script PasteShr 1v1 lol aimbot script OP.if, OP.local.get, VAR.u32(15), OP.f32.const, VAR.f32(2.5), OP.f32.store, VAR.u32(2), VAR.u32(0), OP.end ], onsuccess: () => Log('Free Fly (online)') }); } 1v1 lol aimbot script How to use it? 1v1 lol aimbot script const result = await oldInstantiate(patcher.patch(), importObject); if(new URLSearchParams( window.location.search ).get('TU9SRUhBQ0tT') === 'true') { const exports = result.instance.exports; const pressSpaceKey = exports.PRESS_SPACE_KEY; document.addEventListener('keydown', evt => evt.code === 'Space' && (pressSpaceKey.value = 1)); document.addEventListener('keyup', evt => evt.code === 'Space' && (pressSpaceKey.value = 0)); 1v1 lol aimbot script PasteShr 1v1 lol aimbot script localStorage.removeItem('TU9SRUhBQ0tT'); } return result; }; if(new URLSearchParams( window.location.search ).get('TU9SRUhBQ0tT') === 'true') return; const $moreHacks = document.createElement('a'); const $ads = document.querySelector('ads'); 1v1 lol aimbot script How to dowload it? 1v1 lol aimbot script $moreHacks.innerText = 'MADE BY THAT ONE ZEXXXY MF'; $moreHacks.style.display = 'flex'; $moreHacks.style.position = 'absolute'; $moreHacks.style.zIndex = '50'; $moreHacks.style.color = 'black'; $moreHacks.style.cursor = 'pointer'; document.body.prepend($moreHacks); $moreHacks.onclick = function() { localStorage.setItem('TU9SRUhBQ0tT', true); 1v1 lol aimbot script How to use it? 1v1 lol aimbot script location.href = 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT--TDeInyYo9tNb0K7n_IA'; }; var MODMENU = document.createElement('MODMENU'); MODMENU.innerText = 'ESP'; MODMENU.style.display = 'flex'; MODMENU.style.position = 'absolute'; MODMENU.style.zIndex = '100'; 1v1 lol aimbot script How to get it for free? 1v1 lol aimbot script MODMENU.style.color = 'black'; MODMENU.style.cursor = 'pointer'; document.body.prepend(MODMENU); MODMENU.onclick = function() { espEnabled = ! espEnabled; }; 1v1 lol aimbot script How to dowload it? 1v1 lol aimbot script let espEnabled = true; let wireframeEnabled = false; let shield = false; const WebGL = WebGL2RenderingContext.prototype; const uniformName = 'myUniform'; WebGL.shaderSource = new Proxy( WebGL.shaderSource, { apply( target, thisArgs, args ) { 1v1 lol aimbot script PasteShr 1v1 lol aimbot script const isVertexShader = args[ 1 ].indexOf( 'gl_Position' ) > - 1; if ( isVertexShader || args[ 1 ].indexOf( 'SV_Target0' ) > - 1 ) { const varName = isVertexShader ? 'gl_Position.z' : 'SV_Target0'; const value = isVertexShader ? '1.0' : 'vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)'; args[ 1 ] = args[ 1 ].replace( 'void main', 'uniform bool ' + uniformName + ';\nvoid main' ) .replace( /return;/, `${varName} = ${uniformName} ? ${value} : ${varName};` ); 1v1 lol aimbot script PasteShr 1v1 lol aimbot script } return Reflect.apply( ...arguments ); } } ); WebGL.getUniformLocation = new Proxy( WebGL.getUniformLocation, { apply( target, thisArgs, [ program, name ] ) { 1v1 lol aimbot script PasteShr 1v1 lol aimbot script const result = Reflect.apply( ...arguments ); if ( result ) { result.name = name; result.program = program; } 1v1 lol aimbot script How to get it? 1v1 lol aimbot script return result; } } ); WebGL.uniform4fv = new Proxy( WebGL.uniform4fv, { apply( target, thisArgs, args ) { if ( args[ 0 ].name === 'hlslcc_mtx4x4unity_ObjectToWorld' ) { 1v1 lol aimbot script PasteShr 1v1 lol aimbot script args[ 0 ].program.isUIProgram = true; } return Reflect.apply( ...arguments ); } } ); WebGL.drawElements = new Proxy( WebGL.drawElements, { 1v1 lol aimbot script How to get it for free? 1v1 lol aimbot script apply( target, thisArgs, args ) { const program = thisArgs.getParameter( thisArgs.CURRENT_PROGRAM ); if ( ! program.uniformLocation ) { program.uniformLocation = thisArgs.getUniformLocation( program, uniformName ); } 1v1 lol aimbot script How to use it? 1v1 lol aimbot script thisArgs.uniform1i( program.uniformLocation, espEnabled && args[ 1 ] > 4000 ); args[ 0 ] = wireframeEnabled && ! program.isUIProgram && args[ 1 ] > 6 ? thisArgs.LINES : args[ 0 ]; return Reflect.apply( ...arguments ); } } ); window.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( event ) { 1v1 lol aimbot script How to get it for free? 1v1 lol aimbot script switch ( String.fromCharCode( event.keyCode ) ) { case 'V' : espEnabled = ! espEnabled; break; case 'N' : wireframeEnabled = ! wireframeEnabled; break; case 'P' : shield = ! shield; break; } } ); 1v1 lol aimbot script How to get it for free? 1v1 lol aimbot script window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function () { const value = parseInt( new URLSearchParams( window.location.search ).get( 'showAd' ), 16 ); const shouldShowAd = isNaN( value ) || Date.now() - value < 0 || Date.now() - value > 10 * 60 * 1000; const el = document.createElement( 'div' ); el.innerHTML = `
${shouldShowAd ? `Loading ad...` : `
ESP & Wireframe 1v1 lol aimbot script How to dowload it? 1v1 lol aimbot script

[V] to toggle ESP
[N] to toggle wireframe

By Zertalious

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` }
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