1.16 2 racing karel Just press ctrl+f and type in #.#.# --------------------------- 2.1.1 // The Starting Function function start() { gotoBall(); returnSpot(); } // Function To Goto Ball function gotoBall(){ 1.16 2 racing karel How to use it? 1.16 2 racing karel turnLeft(); fourMove(); turnRight(); move(); move(); takeBall(); } // Function To Return Back function returnSpot(){ 1.16 2 racing karel How to get it? 1.16 2 racing karel turnAround(); move(); move(); turnLeft(); fourMove(); turnLeft(); putBall(); } // Function To Move Four Times 1.16 2 racing karel How to use it? 1.16 2 racing karel function fourMove(){ move(); move(); move(); move(); } --------------------------- 2.1.2 /* This program will have Karel run around the racetrack 1.16 2 racing karel PasteShr 1.16 2 racing karel * 8 times. */ function start() { tennisBalls(); } function goAround(){ while (noBallsPresent()){ move(); if (frontIsBlocked()){ tennisBalls(); 1.16 2 racing karel How to use it? 1.16 2 racing karel turnLeft(); move(); } } } function tennisBalls(){ for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { while(frontIsClear()) { move(); 1.16 2 racing karel How to get it? 1.16 2 racing karel } putBall(); turnLeft(); } } --------------------------- 2.1.3 // Main starting function. function start() { 1.16 2 racing karel How to get it? 1.16 2 racing karel while(frontIsClear()) { buildTower(); turnAround(); climbDown(); move(); if(frontIsClear()) { move(); } } if(frontIsBlocked()) { 1.16 2 racing karel How to get it? 1.16 2 racing karel turnAround(); if(frontIsClear()) { move(); } if(noBallsPresent()) { turnAround(); if(frontIsClear()) { move(); } buildTower(); 1.16 2 racing karel How to get it for free? 1.16 2 racing karel turnAround(); climbDown(); } if(ballsPresent()) { turnAround(); if(frontIsClear()) { move(); } } if(frontIsClear()) { 1.16 2 racing karel How to dowload it? 1.16 2 racing karel turnAround(); move(); } } if(notFacingEast()) { turnAround(); } } function buildTower() { 1.16 2 racing karel PasteShr 1.16 2 racing karel putBall(); turnLeft(); move(); putBall(); move(); putBall(); } function climbDown() { move(); 1.16 2 racing karel How to dowload it? 1.16 2 racing karel move(); turnLeft(); } --------------------------- 2.1.4 // Function To Clean Up All The Balls function start() { ballsTaken(); while(leftIsClear()) { 1.16 2 racing karel How to dowload it? 1.16 2 racing karel endUpFacingEast(); ballsTaken(); if(rightIsClear()){ endUpFacingWest(); ballsTaken(); } else { turnAround(); } } } 1.16 2 racing karel PasteShr 1.16 2 racing karel function ballsTaken() { if(ballsPresent()) { takeBall(); } while(frontIsClear()) { move(); if(ballsPresent()) { takeBall(); } 1.16 2 racing karel How to get it? 1.16 2 racing karel } } function endUpFacingEast() { turnLeft(); move(); turnLeft(); } function endUpFacingWest() { 1.16 2 racing karel How to get it for free? 1.16 2 racing karel turnRight(); move(); turnRight(); } --------------------------- 2.1.5 function start(){ move(); while(ballsPresent()) { 1.16 2 racing karel How to get it? 1.16 2 racing karel takeBall(); move(); putBall(); putBall(); turnAround(); move(); turnAround(); } move(); while(ballsPresent()) { 1.16 2 racing karel How to dowload it? 1.16 2 racing karel takeBall(); turnAround(); move(); putBall(); turnAround(); move(); } turnAround(); move(); move(); 1.16 2 racing karel How to get it? 1.16 2 racing karel turnAround(); } function fakeOne() { move(); } // My fake code function fakeTwo() { move(); 1.16 2 racing karel How to use it? 1.16 2 racing karel } // My fake code function fakeThree() { move(); } --------------------------- 1.16 2 racing karel