xrares private videos // ==UserScript== // @name xraare // @namespace https://www.xrares.com/ // @version 1.4.1 // @description View and download private videos from xrares. // @author Low // @match http*://*.xrares.com/* // @grant GM_download // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js // @require https://cdn.plyr.io/3.5.6/plyr.js // ==/UserScript== xrares private videos How to use it? xrares private videos // This code is open source and can be modified as such to meet working standards of "the site" this script is being used on. // You may release your own fixes as such // Inject var downloading = false; var found = false; var isPrivateWindow = false; var id = window.location.pathname.split("/")[2]; var vidUrl = ''; xrares private videos How to dowload it? xrares private videos var uploader = 'Unknown'; var title = 'Unknown'; $('.navbar').after('
') $('.top-menu > .pull-left').append('
  • ZXDL 1.4.1
  • '); // Remove annoyances document.querySelectorAll('.img-private').forEach(elm => elm.style.filter = 'brightness(1)'); document.querySelectorAll('.label-private').forEach(elm => elm.style.filter = 'opacity(0.5)'); xrares private videos PasteShr xrares private videos // Functions function formatBytes(a,b=2) { if (0===a) return "0 bytes"; const c=0>b?0:b,d = Math.floor(Math.log(a) / Math.log(1024)); return parseFloat((a / Math.pow(1024, d)).toFixed(c)) + " " +["bytes","KB","MB","GB"][d]; } function dl_progress(res) { if (res.lengthComputable === false) return; $('#dl-data').html(formatBytes(res.done) +' / '+ formatBytes(res.total)); xrares private videos How to dowload it? xrares private videos $('#dl-bar').attr("aria-valuenow", Math.floor(res.done / res.total * 100)); $('#dl-bar').css("width", Math.floor(res.done / res.total * 100) + "%"); $('#dl-bar').html(Math.floor(res.done / res.total * 100) + "%"); } function dl_load(res) { if (res.lengthComputable === false) return; $('#dl-data').html("Complete!"); $('#dl-bar').addClass("progress-bar-success"); } xrares private videos How to use it? xrares private videos function dl_error(res) { if (res.lengthComputable === false) return; $('#dl-data').html("Oops, there was an error. Refresh page to try again"); $('#dl-bar').addClass("progress-bar-danger"); } // Path list var key0 = "hB6avf7v"; //media var key1 = "Xy7asa5q"; //media1 xrares private videos How to get it? xrares private videos var key2 = "80vNaj"; //media2 var paths = ['https://xrares.com'+key0+'/media/videos/hd/'+id+'.mp4', 'https://xrares.com/'+key1+'/media/videos/h264/'+id+'.mp4', 'https://xrares.com/'+key2+'/media/videos/iphone/'+id+'.mp4', 'https://cdm1.bullsrush.com/'+key2+'/media/videos/h264/'+id+'_HD.mp4']; function scan(url) { if (found == false){ var v = document.createElement('VIDEO'); v.addEventListener('loadeddata', function () { // If video found console.log('ZXDL: Video found! ' + url); found = true; vidUrl = url; xrares private videos PasteShr xrares private videos if (isPrivateWindow){ $('#rip-div').html('


    Uploaded by '+uploader+'

    '); var controls = ['play-large', 'play', 'progress', 'current-time', 'mute', 'volume', 'settings', 'fullscreen']; var player = new Plyr('#rippedvid', { controls }); $('#zxdl_favorite').click(function() { // Favorite button for private videos $('#status').html('Please wait...'); var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = 'https://www.xrares.com/ajax/favorite_video'; xrares private videos PasteShr xrares private videos var form = 'video_id='+ id; http.open('POST', url, true); http.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); http.onreadystatechange = function() { if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { const response = http.responseText if (response.includes('alert-danger')) { $('#status').html('Couldn\'t favorite video. Are you logged in? Is this video already in your favorites?'); } else if (response.includes('alert-success')) { $('#status').html('Added to favorites!'); xrares private videos How to dowload it? xrares private videos } else { $('#status').html('The site returned unknown data.'); } } } http.send(form); }); } else { // Replace download button on public videos $('div#share_video').append('

    '); xrares private videos How to get it for free? xrares private videos $('#response_message').after(''); $('button.btn.btn-default.dropdown-toggle').remove(); } $('#zxdl_download').click(function() { if (downloading === false){ downloading = true; $('#dl-progress').css('display','block'); $('#dl-progress').html('This feature is still being worked on! Not all videos or browsers may support this method.


    '); GM_download({ xrares private videos How to get it? xrares private videos url: url, name: id + ".mp4", onprogress: dl_progress, onload: dl_load, onerror: dl_error }); } else { alert('You\'ve already initiated a download. Refresh the page to try again.'); } }); xrares private videos PasteShr xrares private videos }); v.src = url; } } // On load function init() { if ($('#wrapper .container .row .col-xs-12').length > 0) { // If private video page active isPrivateWindow = true; uploader = $('.text-danger a').text(); title = $("meta[property='og:title']").attr("content"); xrares private videos PasteShr xrares private videos if (window.location.pathname.split("/")[1] == "video") { $('.well.well-sm').remove(); // Remove notice $('.well.ad-body').remove(); // Remove sponsor block for non-ad-blockers $('#rip-div').html('

    Scanning for video '+id+'...

    This can take up to a minute. If it takes longer, please check your browser\'s console for errors.

    '); paths.forEach(scan); } } else if($('#wrapper .container .row .col-md-8 .vcontainer ').length > 0) { // If public video page active paths.forEach(scan); } xrares private videos How to get it? xrares private videos }; window.addEventListener('load', init, false); xrares private videos