walk on wall script roblox Subscribe to D4RK LIFE for more scripts like this anyway here the script: getgenv()["cofiG"] = getgenv()["cofiG"] or {} local hasToUpdate = true local alreadyRan = cofiG.gravityController ~= nil local http = game:GetService'HttpService' local readfile,writefile = readfile or syn_io_read,writefile or syn_io_write function fileexists(filename) a,b = pcall(readfile, filename) return a end walk on wall script roblox How to get it for free? walk on wall script roblox local rawUrl,baseUrl = "https://ixss.keybase.pub/rblx/gravityController/", "https://keybase.pub/ixss/rblx/gravityController/" do _G.req = [[ local require = function(lol) lol = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msva/lua-htmlparser/master/src/"..lol:gsub("%.","/")..".lua"; return loadstring(_G.req..game:HttpGet(lol))(); end; ]] walk on wall script roblox PasteShr walk on wall script roblox local require = function(lol) lol = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msva/lua-htmlparser/master/src/"..lol:gsub("%.","/")..".lua"; return loadstring(_G.req..game:HttpGet(lol))(); end; cofiG.htmlparser = cofiG.htmlparser or require"htmlparser" end do -- check if exists walk on wall script roblox PasteShr walk on wall script roblox if fileexists'gravityController.json' then local json = readfile'gravityController.json' if json then cofiG.gravityController = http:JSONDecode(json) hasToUpdate = cofiG.gravityController.Version ~= game:HttpGet(rawUrl.."Version.txt") end end print(hasToUpdate and "Updating script..." or "Running script!") game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", { Text = hasToUpdate and "Updating script..." or "Running script!"; walk on wall script roblox How to get it? walk on wall script roblox Font = Enum.Font.Code; Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 60, 60); FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size96; }) end if hasToUpdate then -- update/download function getScripts() walk on wall script roblox How to use it? walk on wall script roblox local ret = {} local text = game:HttpGet(baseUrl, false) local root = cofiG.htmlparser.parse(text) local files = root:select(".file") for i,v in pairs(files) do if string.sub(v.attributes.href, string.len(v.attributes.href)-3) == ".lua" then local name = string.sub(v.attributes.href,string.len(baseUrl)+1, string.len(v.attributes.href)-4) local script = rawUrl..name..".lua" walk on wall script roblox How to use it? walk on wall script roblox ret[name] = game:HttpGet(script) elseif string.sub(v.attributes.href, string.len(v.attributes.href)-3) == ".txt" then local name = string.sub(v.attributes.href,string.len(baseUrl)+1, string.len(v.attributes.href)-4) local script = rawUrl..name..".txt" ret[name] = game:HttpGet(script) end end return ret end walk on wall script roblox How to dowload it? walk on wall script roblox cofiG.gravityController = getScripts() writefile('gravityController.json', http:JSONEncode(cofiG.gravityController)) warn('Script updated!') end local a,b = pcall(loadstring(cofiG.gravityController.Loader)) if not a then error('Loader '..tostring(b)) end walk on wall script roblox How to get it for free? walk on wall script roblox if not alreadyRan then game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", { Text = game:HttpGet('https://ixss.keybase.pub/Watermark.txt', true)..", originally made by EgoMoose."; Font = Enum.Font.Code; Color = Color3.fromRGB(244, 0, 175); FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size96; }) end walk on wall script roblox