vy keen manufacturing facility answers PuzzleType: WAR_FACTORY #1 Alien: Suspicious interloper visual detection system initiated! The alarm has locked the terminal. Security scanners appear and slowly turn towards me. A message displays itself letter-by-letter on the terminal. {Cut the camera feed} The security alert does not trace me. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The facility becomes operational. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Cut the alarm} The alarm continues to sound. The facility remains offline. vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Cut heat sensors} The alarm continues to sound. The facility remains offline. #2 Alien: Vy'keen voice security scan initializing... The terminal is only intended for use by a certain species. A flap flicks open and a microphone emerges. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers A distant voice shouts 'Grah!'. I am expected to respond. {Bark 'Grah!'} The terminal releases some products. My subterfuge is rewarded. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Say everything's fine} I explain there was a slight weapons malfunction, but everything's perfectly alright now. A powerful electric current pulses through my body. ---DAMAGESMALL--- ---STD_DEC_WAR--- {Apologise} I hear a gruff noise of acceptance. ---RECIPE_LIST--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers #3 Alien: Intruder detected! Respiration gas concentration high! Enemy respiration!! A laser scan refracts through my visor, then another traces the air around my breathing exhaust. My gas concentration levels don't match the warrior standard. {Use exosuit to decrease gas concentration} vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers I feel nauseous. Nothing happens. {Use exosuit to increase gas concentration} I feel dizzy, but the system is online. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers #4 Alien: Security alert! Pathetic interloper destroyed war factory entrance door! Sentinels absent! Two holographic security circuit images are on-screen. An open metal doorway, and the facility's Sentinel detection system. I can cut one off to reduce the alert. I need to act quickly {Cut doorway alert} The facility becomes operational. ---RECIPE_LIST--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Cut sentinel intrusion alert} The terminal initiates an emergency shutdown. #5 Alien: Vy'keen security system alert! Pressure pad enemy detection confirmed! Too heavy! The floor feels unsteady, and something clicks beneath my feet. The screen locks. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers Systems are aware I'm not the lifeform that usually operates here... {Use jetpack to hover} The pressure pad has no weight to report. The terminal remains inoperative. {Reduce weight} I briefly set my heavy multi-tool aside. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The facility becomes operational. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Stand on one leg} Warrior laughter emanates from nearby speakers. The terminal remains powered down. ---STD_INC_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers #6 Alien: Intruder alert! Commence detonation sequence! Isotope fuel flow initiated! My presence has triggered a security alert. I hear elements being drawn from the two open vaults below me. On-screen: a clear countdown. An intense exothermic elemental reaction is being charged. It's a trap. {Remove Isotope element} vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers Disaster is averted. The factory restarts operations. ---SUBST_FUEL--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Remove Oxide element} I remove the catalyst. A minor explosion scorches my arm, before facility operations resume. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---SUBST_COMMOD--- {Wait} A blast of flame coats me from below. The facility remains non-operational. ---STD_DEC_TRA--- ---DAMAGESMALL--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers #20 Alien: Intruder alert! Battle enzyme production halted! Electrical charge removed from body harvest circuit! A warrior's heart is on-screen. It is connected to wires and artificial valves. It pumps a biological liquid through harvested organs deep within the facility. Its beat is irregular. It has been compromised by the security alert. {Increase electrical flow} The heart's beat is maintained. Its strange existence continues. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The facility remains online. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Initiate adrenalin flux} The heart beats faster, but then suddenly beats no more. The terminal dies with it. {Power down systems} vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers The terminal goes offline. The body organs that relied on its processes are starved of oxygen, and die. #7 Alien: Intruder alert! Incinerating trading vault: empty. Incinerating power vault: fuel. Incinerating storage vault: multi-tool. Security procedures are incinerating the content of all the vaults in the facility. Power surges are igniting them one-by-one. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers I can isolate one vault from the destruction but I can't see inside... {Isolate trading vault} The trading vault is empty. The surrounding vaults are incinerated. {Isolate power vault} I salvage something useful from the power vault. ---RECIPE_LIST--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---USEFUL_PROD--- {Isolate storage vault} I salvage something very useful from the storage vault. ---WEAPON--- #8 Alien: Security breach! Military action unstoppable! Vy'keen High Command vessel coordinate upload imminent! vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers A transmission is firing on emergency frequencies. A ship is in orbit trying to determine the facility's location. It's preparing weapon systems. I don't have long to act. {Cut security alert transmission} A disruption bolt strikes the roof of the facility. It is rendered inoperable. ---DAMAGESMALL--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Change stored coordinates} I hear a distant explosion and the screams of burning animals. The facility's processes return to normal. ---RECIPE_LIST--- {Wait} A disruption bolt strikes the roof of the facility. It is rendered inoperable. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---DAMAGESMALL--- #9 Alien: Interloper detection! Heat detection systems confirm report! High temperature intruder! Security scanners click and whirr as they focus. My bright red image is on-screen. Black lines that match the position of my exosuit's coolant mesh are clearly visible. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Increase coolant flow} My image disappears from the screen. I extract my reward from the facility. ---RECIPE_LIST--- {Decrease coolant flow} The image suddenly blooms bright red. The terminal becomes entirely inoperable. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers #12 Alien: Pathetic warrior learn Vy'keen language! Pass test or encounter fighting pits! ERROR ERROR INSERT SILICATE ERROR ERROR MALFUNCTION The warrior stationed here has abandoned its training. A vast amount of data still flows through the circuitry. The terminal is asking for a particular variety of common element. {Insert oxide element} vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The comprehension test powers down. It has been failed. {Insert isotope element} The comprehension test has been failed. {Insert silicate element} I pass the comprehension test, and am rewarded with words of unknown cultures. ---TEACHWORD_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---TEACHWORD_WAR--- ---RECIPE_LIST--- #13 Alien: Grah! Bountiful Sentinel hunt! Initiate rare silicate extraction! Sentinel components are being fed into the production machinery from resource vaults. The terminal needs instructions on what it should extract. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Initiate oxide extraction} I hear the robots being crushed and incinerated. Nothing is extracted. {Initiate isotope extraction} I hear the robots being crushed and incinerated. Nothing is extracted. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Initiate silicate extraction} I hear the robots being crushed and incinerated. A rich reward is extracted. ---USEFUL_PROD--- ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers #16 Alien: Grah! Gek war preparation disrupted! Ammunition production stalled! Common isotope required! The alarm hasn't disrupted the factory's production line. Resources are being drawn from the vaults below me, but they have run dry. I could obtain whatever the mechanisms are creating with the right element... {Insert common isotope} The war factory's work is allowed to continue. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers I reap my reward. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Insert common silicate} I hear the sound of the manufacturing process imploding with my contribution. The war factory grinds to a halt. {Insert common oxide} vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers I hear the sound of the manufacturing process imploding with my contribution. The war factory grinds to a halt. #17 Alien: Gek war approaches! Scarce elements required! High Command demand rare oxide! Contribute warrior! Elements are being stockpiled. Storage vaults have been filled by local warriors. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers There's still space for an oxide, but my scanner can't tell which one... {Insert common oxide} An automated bark of confusion is played. My contribution goes unrewarded. {Insert uncommon oxide} An automated bark of confusion is played. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers My contribution goes unrewarded. {Insert rare oxide} An automated bark of thanks is played. I receive a reward. ---USEFUL_PROD--- ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers #19 Alien: Security scan initializing! Motion detection cameras operational! A secondary security sweep is underway. Scanners emerge from the ceiling and start to pan towards where I stand. If they detect me the facility will go into a full lockdown... {Move to hiding spot} The scanners detect me ducking down to hide. vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers The facility becomes offline. {Stand still} The scanners pass over me. Their sweep concludes. The installation remains operational. ---RECIPE_LIST--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers #29 Alien: Help... us. Harvested... get out... The terminal reveals that this installation produces enzymes and fluids required for Vy'keen tattoos. It is unclear how the pigment is generated. There is no record of any inbound supplies of ink or fluid. Various aliens have arrived, but there is neither evidence of their presense nor their departure. Then I hear it. Through the hum of the factory, a strange beating in the walls, whispers from unknown voices... The terminal awaits input. {Request battle tattoo} The machine attempts to brand me with tattoo fluid, but it does not appear to have been intended for my unique physiology. I leave, burned and damaged. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---DAMAGESMALL--- {Disable power} I disable the power. The screen shows multiple life signs within the facility, a hundred or more souls that soon begin to flatline. It feels like mercy. The production line ceases, half-converted blood spilling out from various tubes. ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Steal technology} I move through their computers looking for data to harvest. I discover a blueprint for an unknown technology. As I extract it, something begins to smash against one of the inner walls. I should leave. vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---STD_DEC_WAR--- ---TECH_ALL--- #30 Alien: Universe real. We are real. All who oppose this truth shall be struck down, grah! So speaks Hirk Sentinelbane, Abyss Keeper and Lord of Final Monolith... Though the surroundings seem familiar, the video feed shows a Vy'keen assembly line unlike any other I have seen. Reams of paper are pouring from chattering presses, etched with the bloody runes of the Vy'keen. {Shut down production} vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers I shut down production. There cannot be many Vy'keen printing presses in the galaxy, and now there is one fewer. Amidst the detritus of the factory, I find some discarded technology. Perhaps it will be of use. ---TECH_ALL--- {Report to Vy'keen authorities} I report the factory's existence to the Vy'keen authorities. They claim I have committed blasphemy, threatening to hunt me down. They issue an electric shock through the terminal. ---STD_DEC_WAR--- ---DAMAGESMALL--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Steal technology} I attempt to steal technology, but the factory's automated defense systems blast a bolt of energy at my suit instead. Whatever is here, it is not worth the trouble. ---DAMAGESMALL--- #31 Alien: UPLINK ONLINE : ALL LIFESIGNS POSITIVE : ENZYME PRODUCTION 100% The screen displays the dead heart of a warrior. Thousands like it are available in the archives of this place, starved of power for a long time. vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers The log shows that the hearts mutinied. They would no longer allow their battle enzyme to be used for the good of High Command. They wanted the death that had been promised. This system has been set up to deceive the authorities. Vy'keen High Command believes this installation to still be active, full of harvested bodies compliantly producing enzymes. {Alert authorities} I alert the authorities. The Vy'keen are glad of my assistance, claiming they will now commit appropriate acts of retribution and justice for these crimes. ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Reactivate system} I reactivate the system, but nothing happens. Death is death. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Steal technology} I try to steal technology from the terminal. I gain nanite clusters. ---TECHFRAG_S--- #32 Alien: Grah! Sentinel trophy rises - should have killed it - run - no honour in - The terminal shows numerous attempted Sentinel incursions. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers Each time the Sentinels sent drones, they attempted to scan the building for entry points rather than engage in a display of brute force. For a while, they just hovered by a specific point on the outside wall. That was months ago. This location now shows a breach, venting the factory's life support systems. The final audio log of the factory's overseer plays. {Alert authorities} I alert the Vy'keen authorities to the loss of their factory. A Sentinel hunt is dispatched to this world. I am rewarded for my trouble. ---C_VYKEENEFFIGY--- {Scan for Sentinels} vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers I scan for Sentinels but find nothing. Whatever was here is long gone. {Attempt repair} I attempt to repair the breach in life support, but the system rebels and I end up receiving damage instead. I should leave. There is nothing for me here. ---DAMAGESMALL--- #33 Alien: UNREGISTERED USER : DEPLOYING GRAHGRAH FROM EMERGENCY SUPPLY vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers As I approach the terminal, the air grows thick with an unknown gas. My breathing becomes rapid, my chest appearing to swell with an unknown energy. The terminal identifies the substance as Grahgrah. I feel as if I could scream... {Scream} I scream, not a cry of fear but a shout of battle. Gas levels begin to decrease but, nevertheless, those who created this factory observed my response. Amused, they reward me using the terminal. ---TEACHWORD_WAR--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Fight against the impulse} I fight against the impulse to scream, holding my breath and attempting to accelerate my suit's hazard protection. As I struggle, the gas levels decrease. The terminal registers a disappointment from those who created this factory. ---STD_DEC_WAR--- {Smash the terminal} I smash the terminal, causing the concentration of gas to rise and rise. Eventually, the scream emerges uncontrollably, tearing my vocal chords as it does. The gas begins to dissipate, and all I am left with is pain and battlelust. vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---DAMAGELARGE--- #34 Alien: Interloper! Vent energy! Increase production at once! The factory produces components for starships, fabricating them from the resources available on this world. This installation creates parts for Vy'keen fighters. Whilst Vy'keen buildings are heavily fortified to withstand bombardment, their starcraft prioritise the speed and flexibility required for their hunts. A video feed on the terminal shows a warning, a warrior shaking their hands wildly at a camera deep within the factory's heart. vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Increase production speed} I increase the production speed. A message informs me that heat levels are now back within normal limits, the extra energy dissipating within the factory's depths. The warrior rewards me with a gift, thanking me for saving their life. ---TECH_ALL--- {Decrease production speed} I decrease the production speed. The warrior begins to panic, screaming as their whole body is burned by the rising heat of the overactive factory. The video cuts off, and the factory's processes slowly grind to a halt. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Wave your hands back} I wave my hands back at the warrior. The warrior begins to panic, screaming as their body is burned by the rising heat of the overactive factory. The video cuts off, the smell of smoke starting to drift through the air. I should depart. #35 Alien: PRODUCTION HALTED: IMMOBILE ORGANIC MATTER IN PIPE 17 vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The factory produces bladed weapons, free from any energy-based component at all. The manifest suggests they are destined for ceremonial usage within the Vy'keen fleet, a reminder that the greatest death arrives when you stare your opponent in the eyes, free from technology, face to face in final combat... Something has gone wrong. Production is blocked by foreign material. {Disable production line} I initiate a shutdown of the production line, allowing a creature to wriggle free from its machinery. The automated factory system offers me a reward. ---MONEY--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Purge biological matter} I initiate purge of biological matter in the factory below. The terminal confirms the death of an unknown creature. The automated factory system offers me a reward. ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Take technology} Ignoring the production line, I focus on the technology behind the system. I harvest several nanite clusters from the machine. ---TECHFRAG_S--- #36 vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers Alien: Do not drink the water... warriors lost... Grah! This was preventable, this - The factory appears to have ceased production long ago, its systems derelict and unused. Yet the sigil of the Vy'keen still occupies these terminals, blinking away, awaiting input. An audio log plays on loop. {Attempt factory reset} I attempt to reset the factory's systems. Nanite Clusters come pooling forth from the factory's innards. I take some with me. ---TECHFRAG_L--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Alert Vy'keen authorities} I alert the Vy'keen authorities to the loss of their factory. An inquisitorial team is dispatched to this world and I am rewarded for my trouble. ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Take technology} I attempt to extract blueprints from the factory's systems, succeeding in gaining a new technology. ---TECH_ALL--- #21 vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers Alien: // SPACE // WARP // LARGE // The alert has obscured the information on the primary terminal. I can only make out a few words. If I can work out what was being worked on here, I can restart the workflow – and restore operations. {Drop pod} I fail to access the resident warrior's workflow. The installation remains offline. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Starship} I fail to access the resident warrior's workflow. The installation remains offline. {Freighter} The resident warrior's workflow is restored. The system comes back online. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---TECH_SHIP--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- #24 Alien: POWER REPORT. Electromagnetic coil: charge falling. Power core: acceptable boundaries. Primary motherboard: levels high. The facility's production harvest is underway. I can speed up systems by boosting some of the machinery operating below me. What appears to be a power management screen is open on the terminal... vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Boost power core} Facility production speeds are unchanged. The trade vault remains empty. {Boost primary motherboard} Facility production speeds are unchanged. The trade vault remains empty. vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Boost electromagnetic coil} I retrieve a formula from the operational facility. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- #14 Alien: Grah! Education blob! Greetings Vy'keen cub! Insert units for education! vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers An animated gilled blob is on-screen waving a gun. It talks in the language of the warriors, but brightly and happily. It springs happily between bloodied runes, then asks for a donation of units. {Insert units} The educational program teaches me some of the language of the warriors! ---TEACHWORD_WAR--- ---TEACHWORD_WAR--- {Insert units} vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The educational program teaches me some of the language of the warriors! ---TEACHWORD_WAR--- ---TEACHWORD_WAR--- ---TEACHWORD_WAR--- {Walk away} The animated blob senses my withdrawal from the terminal. It has been programmed to start crying at this point. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers #22 Alien: // OFFENSIVE // WEAPON // STARSHIP // Interference from the security alert has turned the screen to static. I can hardly make out anything beyond a few words. If I work out which workflow has been scrambled I can restore systems... {Boltcaster} I fail to access the resident warrior's workflow. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The installation remains offline. {Photon Cannon} The resident warrior's workflow is restored. The system comes back online. ---TECH_SHIP--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Mining Laser} I fail to access the resident warrior's workflow. The installation remains offline. #25 Alien: SUBSIDIARY SYSTEMS. Temporal capacitor: operational. Central AI core: operational. Gravitational stabilisers: unscheduled drain, disconnection advised. The security alarm hasn't impacted production. Below my feet unseen equipment prepares the mineral harvest. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers I can speed up the process by eliminating unnecessary systems. The on-screen automated report will help... {Remove temporal capacitor} Facility production speeds are unchanged. The trade vault remains empty. {Remove central AI core} Facility production speeds are unchanged. vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers The trade vault remains empty. {Remove gravitational stabilisers} The facility production rate is increased. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- #15 vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers Alien: Interloper electrification initializing! Punishment commencing! A biological probe antenna launches from the terminal and fuses with my exosuit. I can't move. There's no way to tell if this is a normal function, or a security measure. {Escape} I use my jetpack's propulsion to break the probe. It contains something useful... vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers ---RECIPE_LIST--- {Wait} The probe becomes electrified. The smell of burnt flesh spreads up into my visor. ---DAMAGESMALL--- #26 vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers Alien: LASER SYSTEMS REPORT. Refraction systems: full efficiency. Laser assisted replication tank: full efficiency. Beam integrity systems: poor efficiency and performance. Engineer alerted. An automated report finished just before my incursion. As it did so, laser beams in resource vaults dimmed. I can find a way to tweak this system, and to speed up the production cycle... {Reconfigure laser refraction} Facility production speeds are unchanged. The trade vault remains empty. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Reconfigure laser-assisted replication} Facility production speeds are unchanged. The trade vault remains empty. {Reconfigure laser beam integrity} I retrieve a formula from the operational facility. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers #23 Alien: // ENEMY // PATHETIC // BEAK // DOOMED // TRADER // The screen is a jumble of words, few of which aren't drowned in static. The on-screen workflow is scrambled. If I can identify it, I can bring it back online... {Gek} vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The resident warrior's workflow is restored. The system comes back online. ---TECH_WEAPON--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Sentinels} I fail to access the resident warrior's workflow. The installation remains offline. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Atlas} I fail to access the resident warrior's workflow. The installation remains offline. #18 Alien: Grah! Pathetic interloper! Honourable warning: cut red wire? Certain death! vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers A warrior has booby-trapped the terminal. The security alert has triggered the timer on an explosive charge. There are two wires exposed. The warrior has left a note. Only seconds remain... {Cut red wire} The explosion takes the terminal out of action, and almost me with it. ---DAMAGESMALL--- {Cut blue wire} The bomb is defused. vy keen manufacturing facility answers PasteShr vy keen manufacturing facility answers Operations are restored. ---TECH_ALL--- ---RECIPE_LIST--- {Move back} I move away just in time. The terminal is damaged and inoperable. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers #27 Alien: GAS INTEGRITY REPORT. Distribution network: full efficiency. Storage tank: breach detected. Pressure valves: operational. The noise of gas being flushed through systems beneath my feet can be heard over the noise of the alert. An automated report flashes onto the terminal. I can use it to boost production speed, and hopefully maintain it. {Rebalance distribution network} Facility production speeds are unchanged. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The trade vault remains empty. {Rebalance storage tank} I retrieve a formula from the operational facility. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- {Rebalance pressure valves} Facility production speeds are unchanged. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to dowload it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers The trade vault remains empty. #28 Alien: COOLANT OVERVIEW. Coolant chamber: full. Coolant pump hydraulics: operational. Coolant network: suspected blockage, reduced operations. Engineer notified. A faint chill can be felt while the security alert sounds. Coolant pipes are flushed, and an automated report appears on-screen. I can use its findings to boost the production cycle, and maybe maintain it. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to get it for free? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Repair coolant chamber} Facility production speeds are unchanged. The trade vault remains empty. {Repair coolant pump} Facility production speeds are unchanged. The trade vault remains empty. vy keen manufacturing facility answers How to use it? vy keen manufacturing facility answers {Repair coolant network} I retrieve a formula from the operational facility. ---RECIPE_LIST--- ---STD_INC_WAR--- vy keen manufacturing facility answers