ttyd contact lens Timing starts when you accept the file name Note: Leave the memory card out to skip the autosave at the start of the game. There are no autosaves after this so you can put it in any time after the curtain pulls. Prologue *Rogueport* Lord Crump ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Mario: Jump x2 Superguard Mario: Jump x2 Note: It's always faster to fail the action command for the 2nd jump. Goombella joins your party Break Contact Lens ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Toad Bros. Bazaar -Order Contact Lens -Buy 2 Fire Flowers -Buy 6 Fright Masks Hit the Save Block (If you don't, Goombella will explain saving to you. If you never save it is faster to have Goombella explain it) Robbed by Bandit (Don't chase him to get the coins back, you make it up later) Meet Frankly 3 text boxes, up a, b ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens *Rogueport Sewers* Goomba Trio Fright Mask Get Pretty Lucky from invisible block (directly south of Puni hole) ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Get Black Key and Plane Curse Go to the Thousand-Year Door *Rogueport* Equip Power Smash (before you go down the pipe) *Rogueport Sewers* Blooper Battle ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Goombella: Fire Flower Mario: Failed Power Smash Goombella: Headbonk x2 Mario: Full Power Smash Optional: Speed Swap to skip waiting for the last platform to move to the pipe Go to Petal Meadows Chapter 1 ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens *Petal Meadows* Collect Close Call on the 2nd screen Go to Petalburg *Petalburg* Talk to Mayor Kroop E-Mail on the way to the gate (Don't check it yet, it is faster to do so later) ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Get POW block in box Bald Clefts Mario: POW Block Get POW Block from bush ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Bristles Mario: POW Block Get Fire Flower from Block Use the recover block to heal outside Shwonk Fortress ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens *Shhwonk Fortress* Thwomp Quiz Q1: “Stone Keys” (1st Answer) Q2: “12 Coins” (3rd Answer) Q3: “Kroop” (4th Answer) Q4: “Hooktail Castle” (2nd Answer) Q5: “Go Through a Pipe” (3rd Answer) Get Moon Stone ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Fuzzy Battle Mario: Fire Flower Get Sun Stone Fuzzy Battle ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Mario: Fright Mask Gold Fuzzy Battle Mario: Full Power Smash (Fuzzy horde appears) Goombella: Headbonk x2 on Gold Fuzzy Guard Fuzzy horde Superguard Gold Fuzzy Mario: Jump x2 on Gold Fuzzy ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Goombella: Headbonk x2 on Gold Fuzzy (x1 if you land the superguard) Get Multibounce from block Go Back to Petal Meadows *Petal Meadows* Koops joins your party Get Fire Flower from block ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Go to Hooktail Castle *Hooktail Castle* Get Power Bounce in first hall from block Koops’ Dad letter (don’t read) ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Red Bones Battle Koops: Fire Flower Mario: Failed Power Smash Level up! (FP > 10) Use “Lock Jump” and “Flip Skip” in the Yellow/Purple Block Puzzle Go all the way to the right and get Black Key from chest ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Get Paper Curse Get Attack FX R As you unspin from bars (pause menu will cut this animation short) Unequip Power Smash Equip Attack FX R Equip Power Bounce Check the e-mail ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Note: you can equip these badges any time before Hooktail, I just always do it at this point so this is where I wrote it down. Backtrack to Red Bones room and get Castle Key Go back to Save Block/Big Green block room and ride the block up to unlock the door In Upper Hallway, hit first “!” block Use Koops to hit 2nd “!” block ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Note: You can jump to the window without hitting the second block. It saves 8 seconds. However, if you mess up and fall below, you waste about 30 seconds. In big green block room, grab life shroom on the way up with Koops. Ms. Mowz Cutscene Get Castle Key ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Dry Bones Mario: Run Away Go through locked door Get last Castle Key and go through big locked door Boss: Hooktail Mario: Power Bounce x9 ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Koops: Shell Toss Guard Hooktail Fire Mario: Power Bounce x8 Koops: Shell Toss Hooktail Cutscene (Answer “Yes” for 1000 coins to take 5HP of damage) Mario: Power Bounce x8 Koops: Shell Toss Peach Segment ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Enter shower area and leave immediately to open door (you don’t have to take a shower) Visit TEC Bowser Segment Walk to the end of the hall Intermission (Peach Email before bridge in Petal Meadows) ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Optional: Speed Swap to skip waiting for the last platform to move to the pipe Go back to the Thousand-Year Door Go to Boggly Woods Chapter 2 *Boggly Woods* Go right for Shadow Sirens cutscene ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Go to the Great Tree Talk to Punio by the door Get FP Plus to the right of the tree while Punio is walking towards the Secret Entrance Talk to Punio again Leave Great Tree for Flurrie cutscene Go to Flurrie’s House Get P-Down, D-Up in the hidden block on the way to Flurrie’s Raise Plane panel ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Talk to Flurrie Leave Flurrie’s house for Shadow Sirens cutscene Go back to the Shadow Sirens Get Quake Hammer in the block on the way to the Shadow Sirens Shadow Sirens Koops: Power Shell Mario: Jump x2 on Marilyn ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Guard all attacks Koops: Power Shell Mario: Full Earth Tremor Note: If you superguard both Vivian AND Marilyn, you can do 4 bars of Earth Tremor instead of the full 5. Grab necklace Go back to Flurrie’s House ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Flurrie joins your party Go back to Great Tree (Email on screen with great tree) Blow away secret entrance and enter Great Tree *The Great Tree* X-Nauts Mario: Fright Mask ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Go to the top of the tree (where the cells are) Enter storage room X-Naut Mario: Power Bounce x4 ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Get the Ultra Shroom from the chest Get Red Key and unlock Elder Get Power Punch on the way back to Tree Entrance Get 10 Punies and Puni Orb Use Puni Orb to make Pipe appear X-Nauts ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Mario: Fright Mask Level up! (BP > 6) Blow Punies across gap (unlock door while they are in bubbles) 10 Jabbi fight Get Blue Key ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Use Flurrie to stun Pider on the way back. You can also walk on the southernmost part of the screen, but the Punies may fall down, so stunning the Pider is safer. Pick up Thunder Rage from the bush in the bubble room (leave the Punies here) Go back to cells and release all Punies. ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens “Puni Glitch” down to the pipe below. It is luck if your count drops to 75 or 45 right away. Go back to bubble room and blow the 91 Punies across Puni Glitch down to the next pipe Reveal Hidden block below Damage Dodge P with Koops (switch fast) ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Note: You can hit the invisible block with your hammer, but you have to be in a very specific spot, and if you waste too much time setting up, the Pider will scare the Punies. Koops is recommended. Note 2: If Damage Dodge P goes out the left side, grab it quickly and go into the next loading zone before the punies get scared. If it goes out the right side of the block, you’ll have to skip it. There’s a backup badge later on to collect. 100 Jabbi fight Goombella Buffer ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Puni glitch to the pipe in the next room. Use Koops to hit Blue switch in water room Note: If you time it right, you can hit the switch at the same time you go down the pipe, which saves time on the pipe traversing cutscene. This is somewhat risky if you time it too early. Note 2: It is luck-based, but you can use the Puni glitch across the platforms and go down the pipe, skipping the scene to lower the water. I don’t recommend this. ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Go down pipe and place Puni orb in the next 2 spots to reveal Crystal Star Leave the punies in the pillar and start the first escape X-Nauts Mario: Fright Mask During the first escape, go and grab the super boots Return back to the escape room (via red door) and re-trigger the escape ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Chase Crump back to tree entrance (leave Punies, you don’t need them) X-Nauts Mario: Fright Mask Escape to front of tree ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Magnus von Grapple: (You want to be in peril after this boss fight) (Magnus's Fists each do 4 damage unguarded, and the third attack does 2 damage) Boss: Magnus Von Grapple Koops: Power Punch on Mario Mario: Spin Jump Guard Magnus Attack (Don't try to Superguard it) Koops: Swap to Goombella Mario: Spin Jump ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Magnus creates fists Move Mario to front Mario: Spin Jump Goombella: Swap to Flurrie Guard 1 Fist, Let the other hit you normally, don't guard Magnus's third attack (Guard both fists if Magnus targeted Mario for his first attack) Mario: Power Bounce x6 Peach Segment ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Visit TEC for dancing (just walk around the door until it opens) Bowser Segment Beat 1-1 (161 is best possible time, 160 if you get the meats) Intermission (Peach Email outside Great Tree) Get Honey Syrup on your way leaving Boggly Woods ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Use the Honey Syrup when in a safe spot (You want to have at least 6FP after using it) Leave Boggly Woods and grab Damage Dodge (If you didn’t get Damage Dodge P inside the tree, use Flurrie to get Happy Heart P by the stairs) Go to The Thousand-Year Door Howz of Badges -Sell all of your badges except for Power Bounce and Multibounce -Buy Power Rush ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Get Ultra Hammer Early Toad Bros Bazaar -Buy Contact Lens Charlieton -Buy Mega Rush Note: If Charlieton isn’t selling Mega Rush, go to the Glitzville Blimp/Excess Express area to reset what he’s selling. ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens West Side Goods -Buy Dried Shroom (receive Mushroom) -Buy Dizzy Dial Answer anything for first question, “Yellow” for second (3rd option) -Buy 2 Thunder Bolts Talk to Don Pianta West Side Goods -Store 1 Dizzy Dial, 1 Mushroom, 1 Dried Shroom ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens On your way to the harbor, check to see if Charlieton has Mega Rush if you didn’t get it 1st try. Go to Rougeport Harbor and talk to Francesca Give Lumpy 300 coins Toad Bros Bazaar -Buy 5 Fright Masks ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Go Back to Don Pianta and get Blimp Ticket (Email on way to blimp) If you don't have Mega Rush, you must go to the train/blimp area to reset what he’s selling and come back and check. Keep doing this until he has it. Equip Badges -Equip Mega Rush -Equip Power Rush -Equip Power Bounce -Equip Multibounce ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Go to Glitzville Inventory should currently be: -5 Fright Masks -2 Thunder Bolts -1 Thunder Rage -1 Life Shroom -1 Fire Flower ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Chapter 3 *Glitzville* Go inside the lower lobby doors DON'T SIGN UP BE A FIGHTER Bookcase Jump Check the desk (YOU MUST DO THIS OR THE GAME WILL SOFTLOCK) Boss: Macho Grubba ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Mario: Power Bounce x4 Flurrie: Swap to Koops Grubba Powers Up Mario: Power Bounce x4 Peach Segment Visit TEC Ride Elevator Up Go right and change into X-Naut ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Talk to Grodus Change back to Peach Bowser Segment Talk to Puni Elder Intermission Take the Blimp back to Rogueport (Required to sign up to be a fighter) ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Go back to Glitzville *Glitzville* Move backwards against the Minor League door to be able to open it Note: If you get “Use at least 1 special move” you should almost always fail an earth tremor, as it is the fastest thing to do. If you don’t have enough SP for an earth tremor, it is faster to sweet treat rather than appeal for enough to do an earth tremor. This is also a good backup strat to regain HP/FP if you need it. Note 2: Jumping while waiting for the guards delays him from entering the room. Try to avoid doing any actions during this time aside from equipping badges/changing partners. ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens 4 Text Boxes to each condition Sleep in the bed after setting up the match with the Goomba Bros #19 Goomba Bros (5 Goombas) Standard: Koops: Power Shell Don't Attack With Partners: Multibounce Dont Use FP: Earth Tremor ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens #18 KP Koopas (2 KP Koopas, 1 KP Paratroopa) Standard: Koops: Fright Mask, Mario: Jump (if 1 koopa doesn’t run) No Items: Jumps + Shell Tosses #17 Pokey Triplets (3 Pokeys) Standard: Fright Mask No Items: Power Shell + Ultra Hammer spin #16 Dead Bones (3 Dull Bones) Standard: Power Shell ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Don't Attack With Partners: Multibounce Dont Use FP: Hammer + Shell Toss #15 Spike Storm (2 Spinies and 1 Lakitu) Standard: Koops: Fright Mask, Mario: Spin Jump (if lakitu doesn’t run) No Items: Earth Tremor #14 Mind Bogglers (1 Pale Piranha, 1 Dark Puff, 1 Pider) Standard: Fright Mask, full Hammer (If Piranha doesn't run) No Items: Hammer/Jumps + Shell Tosses ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens (A full Hammer will be enough to defeat the Pale Piranha in one hit) You will typically level up somewhere around here Level Up! (FP > 15) #13 Punk Rocks (3 Hyper Bald Clefts) Standard: Thunder Rage No Items: Ultra Hammer spin #12 Bomb Squad ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Standard: Fire Flower No Items: Multibounce + Power Shell #11 Hand-It-Overs (2 Red Bandits, 2 Green Bandits) Standard: Koops: Fright Mask, Mario: Power Bounce (if 1 Bandit doesn’t run) No Items: Gale Force, Power Bounce if one is left (If they run into you, the Red Bandits can steal 5 coins each, and the Green Bandits can steal 10 coins each) Armored Harriers #10 Armored Harriers ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Try to get into peril during this fight (If you don't have a Life Shroom, dying in this fight will also put you into peril) Mario: Run Away Yoshi hatches and joins your party Leave Glitzville *Rougeport* ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens (Peach Email before grate) Get rejected by Twilight Pipe Go to Thousand-Year Door (e-mail leaving frankly's house) Talk to Darkly Go to Twilight Town ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Chapter 4 *Twilight Town* Go Talk to Gatekeeper See Mayor turned into a pig Talk to shop manager’s Wife See gatekeeper turned into a pig ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Get Shop Key with Koops Get Black Key Pick up Life Shroom Get Tube Curse Pick up the Jamin Jelly and use it if needed (You will need 3FP for each Doopliss fight [6 FP total]) (Doopliss gives 24 star points) Pick up Boo Sheet ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens (Email leaving shop) Go to Creepy Steeple *Creepy Steeple* (Skip the next 2 lines if you are already in peril) Drop down into the well Get into Peril from the Buzzy Beetle and then run away ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Go inside the Steeple Release the Boos (Guess 50 for 1 coin) Talk to the Boo and answer “No” Go through bottom door Hit red “!” switch once Go up the stairs and grab Steeple Key ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Go through top door in the main hallway Hit red “!” switch twice Go to the top of the steeple Boss: Doopliss Mario: Power Bounce x7 Doopliss Copies Mario Partner: Boo Sheet on Mario Mario: Jump x2 ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens End of Chapter? *Creepy Steeple* Make your way back to Twilight Town Run Away from Doopliss ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens *Twilight Town* Find Superbomb Vivian Joins your party Run away from Doopliss again Go Back to Creepy Steeple *Creepy Steeple* Go into well and make your way to the room with the parrot Get Power Plus ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Get The Letter “P” Get Steeple Key Go back to Doopliss and spell his name out Doopliss's Name: From the very start: up, left, up x2, a down x2, right, down, a ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens left, down, left, a up x4, left, a right x5, down x3, a Chase him back to Creepy Steeple Hit top red “!” switch once ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Boss: Doopliss Mario: Power Bounce x7 Vivian really joins your party Peach Segment TEC Quiz Q1: Thousand-Year Door Opens (2nd Answer) ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Q2: To conquer the world (1st answer) Q3: A 1,000 year-old demon’s soul (3rd answer) Q4: Bring the demon back to life (2nd answer) Q5: Crystal Stars (3rd Answer) Bowser Segment Beat 2-1 (153 is best possible I think) ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Intermission Leave Twilight Town (Peach Email exiting Twilight Town door) Go down the pipe and break the grey block and open the right pipe Go to Keelhaul Key and go to the right Get the Thunder Rage from the block on the way to Bobbery Go to the screen with Bobbery Goombella Buffer onto the seam and fall onto the embers with Yoshi ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Embers Yoshi: Thunder Rage Mario: Ultra Hammer Spin (Use Art Attack if you don't have enough FP for Ultra Hammer Spin) Level up! (BP > 9) Knock Down Bobbery Get a Coconut ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Go to Flavio and trade coconut for Chuckola Cola Go back to Bobbery and give him the Chuckola Cola Bobbery joins your party Do Pirate's Grotto Early *Pirate’s Grotto* Use Yoshi to cross the floor spikes ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Use Yoshi hover to go past the Bullet Bill Blaster Go up the cliffs and head left Use Bobbery to hit the blue switch Use Koops to hit the “!” switch Get the key and head back down to the locked door in the save block room Use Tube Mode to get by the wall spikes ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Use Bobbery to blast away the wooden planks You can dodge the first set of Bullet Bill Blasters by using Paper Mode on the north wall You can dodge the second set by doing the same on the south wall Talk to black chest Embers Mario: Art Attack ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens (Have Yoshi use the Thunder Rage and then use an Ultra Hammer spin if you had to use Art Attack before) Get Boat Curse Go into the loading zone in Paper Mode Go into Tube Mode to jump over the cannons Go through the blue pipe back to the sewers Open the left pipe to Poshley Heights and enter the train ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Chapter 6 Tell the conductor about the “sticky, yummy threat” Talk to Pennington in the Kitchen Examine the floor in front of room 3 Talk to Heff. T Get the Galley Pot from the drawer Talk to Pennington in Room 6 ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Talk to Sylvia in Room 8 to find out about Bub’s present Talk to bub twice Talk to the conductor Get the autograph from the engineer Give Bub the autograph Talk to the conductor to learn about the missing blanket Use Vivian to talk to the ghost in room 4 ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Get Diary from the baggage car Give Diary to the ghost Give blanket to the conductor (Receive Mushroom) Go to sleep in room 5 (Email in dining car) Talk to Pennington in room 6 Sales Stall (Express Excess Shop) ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens -Buy 3 Boo Sheets (One Boo Sheet is for if you miss Shadow Sirens Skip) -Get Ice Storm from 20 shop points -Buy 1 Thunder Rage Get vital paper in Room 1 Give Pennington the Vital Paper Use Vivian to catch Zip Toad in Room 5 Return the briefcase ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens *Riverside Station* Talk to the Riverside worker to get the Key Unlock the door and head inside Use Tube Mode to hit the blue “!” switch Go up the stairs and get the Station Key in the next room Unlock the door and go outside ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Blow away the posters with Flurrie Use Tube Mode to get down the maze Multibounce on all Goombas Hit the “!” switches as instructed Get the Ultra Boots Spring Jump out of the room and fall down through the vent ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens When you land on the ground: Unequip Power Bounce, Equip Power Plus, Switch to Yoshi (It is faster to only pause once since there is no menu delay on JP) Get the Elevator Key Get Thunder Rage in the area outside from invisible block (toss mushroomm ice storm, or anything left over from chapter 3 if you have an excess of items) Ride elevator down and hammer Smorgs away Pull switch and hit blue “!” switch Get back on the Excess Express ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens (e-mail in front of train) Go to sleep Go talk to Engineer (Email in dining car) Get rid of Smorg’s in the baggage car ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Boss: Smorg Yoshi: Thunder Rage Mario: Spin Jump Yoshi: Thunder Rage Mario: Spin Jump Guard Smorg Attack to be put in peril Mario: Spin Jump ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Go through the blue pipe back to the sewers Go right through the sewers Break the yellow block Go to Chet Rippo -Raise BP (12), Lower HP (5) Blow up the pillar blocking the path Do Teleporter Room Early Go 2 rooms to the right ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Read the red note Go right to Grodus’ office and get a card key Go all the way left and get the card key Go in the first teleporter on the left and go to Sublevel 1 Go right and enter access code (014029) Thwomp Quiz Q1: Elevator Key (3rd answer) Q2: Koopie Koo (4th answer) Q3: 6 Feet (2nd answer) ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Q4: Hooktail’s Belly (3rd answer) Q5: Prince Mush (1st answer) Get Elevator Key Go to Sublevel 2 Go 1 room right and take the teleporter back to Rogueport Sewers ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens Go to the Trouble Center (pay Gus) Take on Frankie’s trouble (4th from bottom) Go to Rogueport Square Get 999 coins from Lumpy Talk to Frankie about the trouble Spring Jump to get the wedding ring Give Frankie the wedding ring to get the gold card Go to Pianta Parlor and buy exactly 204 piantas Buy 6 Power Rushes from the Pianta Parlor (3rd from bottom) ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Go over the vent and hold R, and then pause Unequip Power Plus, Equip all 6 Power Rushes Go to the right elevator and go to Sublevel 3 Go left to the third electric tile room and get card key Note: You can use Yoshi to make the tiles move quickly. Just hop on yoshi, run on the tiles, and hop off. It helps to know the pattern of the room so you stay on the lit panels. ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Go right and use the 3 card keys Navigate the room and hit the stairs switch Hover with Yoshi to get the card key Use Card key to enter the final room Note: You can hover from the card key platform to get on top of the save block, at which point you should hover to the heal block, and then perform a spring jump to get to the moving platform. This will skip going through the background again. If you can’t get on top of the save block, you will probably have to fight the Z-Yux so he doesn’t first attack you. If you stand directly to the right of the heal block, you can time a spring jump to get up to the moving platform, but the moving platforms are off screen. ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Boss: Magnus Von Grapple 2.0 Mario: Power Bounce x6 Level Up! (BP > 15) Bowser Segment Go into Poshley Sanctum ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Intermission Go to Sublevel 4 and talk to TEC Head to sublevel 2 and go 2 rooms to the left Leave the X-Naut Fortress via teleport (Email near loading zone) Open The Thousand-Year Door ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Chapter 8 Run past swoopulas on first staircase Avoid Bombshell Bills by running between them with Yoshi or using Vivian for safety Bombshell Bill Blasters Mario: Run Away ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Note: You can skip all the gold cannons by going under the platform with the fire on it under the gold cannons and spring jumping onto it. You need to be fully up against the wall for it to work. Go through Spike Room Go through Fire Bar room (there is a hidden boo sheet on the stand between the 2 fire bars if you need an extra) Dark Bones Mario: Multibounce ttyd contact lens How to get it for free? ttyd contact lens Yoshi: Thunder Bolt on Dark Bones Level Up! (BP > 18) Get Palace Key Run between Bombshell Bills (or use Vivian) ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Bombshell Bill Blasters Mario: Run Away Run between second Bombshell Bills (or use Vivian) Bombshell Bill Blasters ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Mario: Run Away Endless Room Down - Down - Up - Up - Down - Up - Down Equip Power Plus and swap to Bobbery (It is faster to only pause once since there is no menu delay on JP) Blow up the left Chain Chomp statue and hit the blue switch ttyd contact lens How to get it? ttyd contact lens Do a Cutscene Walk while blowing up the right Chain Chomp statue (Don't hit the switch yet) Go right to Gloomtail Gloomtail Mario: Power Bounce x6 Level Up! (FP > 20) ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Get the Star Key Hit the blue switch on the way to the Riddle Tower Use the Boat panels to reach the Riddle Tower Riddle Tower 1F Bottom Left: Hit left switch 3 times, right switch 2 times 1F Top Left: Break Gray block and leave 1F Top Right: Run through the wall and hit the switch ttyd contact lens How to use it? ttyd contact lens 1F Bottom Right: Blow away center with Flurrie 2F Bottom Left: First Strike Dull Bones, Red Bones, Dry Bones, then Dark Bones (You can do a Cutscene Walk after the Dark Bones fight if you enter the fight in Paper Mode, and then hold R and left after the fight) 2F Top Left: Break 2 Gray blocks and leave 2F Top Right: Blow up wall with Bobbery 2F Bottom Right: Hit invisible Block 1F Top Left: Break Last Block and get key 2F Top Left: Get Key 3F: Insert Star Key, Insert all Palace Keys ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Perform Shadow Sirens Skip by jumping outside the area that triggers the fight. Otherwise: Shadow Sirens Mario: Jump on Beldam x2 Yoshi: Boo Sheet on Mario Guard Attacks Mario: Power Bounce Doopliss x3 Yoshi: Defend ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Guard Attack Mario: Power Bounce Marilyn x3 Uncover staircase with Flurrie Use Yoshi to cross the gap Use Koops on red “!” switch Use Yoshi to hover past the green block ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Use Yoshi to cross the Gap Hit Purple Switch, Use Yoshi across next gaps to the door Spring Jump to the poles (You can use Yoshi to hover across the 2nd gap) Use Bobbery to hit red “!” switch and cross gap to chain chomp You can use Paper Mode to cross the stationary wooden wheel ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Blow away block with Flurrie Spin Hammer and Spin Jump through the floor Use the plane panel to reach the area in the middle of the room Hit red “!” switch and use Yoshi to get to the Palace Key Fall down and use the spring to get back up to the plane panel ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Fly across the room and unlock the door Boss: Grodus Yoshi: Thunder Bolt on Grodus X Mario: Power Bounce Grodus x4 Boss: Bowser / Kammy Koopa Mario: Power Bounce Bowser x5 ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Yoshi: Defend Guard Kammy’s Attack if she targets Mario Mario: Power Bounce Kammy x3 Level Up! (FP > 25) Have Bobbery as your partner before Shadow Queen ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Final Boss: Shadow Queen Mario: Power Bounce x3 Bobbery: Bomb Squad Phase 2 Starts Mario: Failed Jump Bobbery: Boo Sheet on Mario Bomb Squad goes off ttyd contact lens How to dowload it? ttyd contact lens Crystal Stars Cutscene Mario: Power Bounce x5 Bobbery: Boo Sheet on Mario Shadow Queen Attacks Mario: Power Bounce x5 If she steals health from Bobbery, you’ll have to do an extra jump or two. ttyd contact lens PasteShr ttyd contact lens Aftermath Credits Roll Timing Ends as soon as you see “The End” on screen after the credits. ttyd contact lens