total roblox drama script pastebin -- function dostuff(thing) print("waiting for maintext") thing:WaitForChild("MainText",math.huge) print("waiting for box") thing:WaitForChild("Box",math.huge) local txt = thing.MainText.Text local split = string.split(txt," ") for i,v in pairs(split) do print(i,v) end total roblox drama script pastebin How to use it? total roblox drama script pastebin local num1 = split[1] local plusorminus = split[2] local num2 = split[3] num1 = tonumber(num1) num2 = tonumber(num2) local equal if plusorminus == "+" then equal = num1 + num2 elseif plusorminus == "-" then equal = num1 - num2 total roblox drama script pastebin PasteShr total roblox drama script pastebin end equal = tostring(equal) thing.Box.Text = equal return true end function dogui(gui) print(gui.Name) if gui.Name == "MathMania" or gui.Name == "GUI" then print("mathmania found") local loopbreak = false total roblox drama script pastebin How to get it? total roblox drama script pastebin for i=1,30 do wait(.1) if loopbreak then return end for i=1,10 do local thing = gui:FindFirstChild(tostring(i)) if thing then local result = dostuff(thing) if i == 10 and result == true then loopbreak = true return total roblox drama script pastebin PasteShr total roblox drama script pastebin end end end end end end game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(gui) dogui(gui) end) if game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("MathMania") then total roblox drama script pastebin How to get it for free? total roblox drama script pastebin dogui(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("MathMania")) end game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",{Title="Starting",Text="Starting"}) total roblox drama script pastebin