ticklingforum.com I found this story on ticklingforum.com posted by mousey_ticklee. I was 16 when this happened. Where I live, there is a park reserve not far from my home. I'm the sort of person that usually likes to stick to myself. However, one day, I was walking alone through a biketrail that skirts the edge of this park reserve. Anyway all of a sudden, 6 boys whom I vaguely remember seeing at my school jumped out of nowhere. They grabbed me and carried me deeper into the park reserve far out of earshot of anyone. They got to this one place where they tied my wrists and ankles together, then they took a long rope and attached it to the ropes around my wrists. They threw the other end over a tree trunk and pulled until my arms were up over my head and I was standing up on my toes. I was so scared! I thought I was going to get raped! Because I was stretched, my shirt rode up, exposing a sliver of my midriff. One of the guys lightly brushed his fingertips along my exposed skin, I jumped. On seeing my reaction, they did it again and again asking me if I was ticklish, each time getting more aggressive. Finally they broke out into a full tickling of me, my heart was pounding and I was laughing so hard begging for them to stop. They did this for like 5 minutes then they stopped and let me have a breather. Little did I know what they had in store for me. They then pulled my shirt over my head and tied it to the rope so it wouldn't fall. Then they undid my ankles and took off my shoes, socks, and pants, then they tied my ankles again. I began gettin really scared, I still thought they were going to rape me at this point. Then they resumed tickling, more intense than before, probing my helpless and defenseless body for the hot spots, and I must admit I did a poor job of covering it up because they found them. Worst of all was my belly. They tickled the crap out of me for what seemed like forever, but I think it was about 15-20 minutes. I was crying and hyperventilating...and laughing uncontrollably too. Once again they stopped and let me recover, all the while I was begging them to let me go. My words fell on stone ears though. But for as bad as it had been it was to get still even worse! One of the guys went around behind me and undid my bra! He let it fall to the ground. I felt so embarrased and afraid. I was topless with my arms above my head in front of 6 fully dressed boys. I so wanted to die. I didn't think of getting raped this time, I knew what was coming next. This was the day I learned I had INSANELY ticklish nipples! One of the boys wet his index finger and started making an inwards spiral on my breast. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. I could feel my nipples getting hard as each circle got closer to my nipple. Then he began to rapidly flick his fingertip as fast as he could over my nipple. I was in complete anguish! his other hand joined in and did the other one. Then all the boys joined in each tickling a different part of me. Some did my feet, another got my thighs, there was one boy on each side doing a breast in one hand and my belly in another, one did my neck, while the one kept on flicking his single fingertips over my rockhard nipples. I was laughing, crying, screaming, and pleading all at the same time! They kept telling my that I was loving it...I was sure I was going to die! Then worst of all happened they decided to trade in their fingers for tongues! Frankly I would've prefered the fingers, the tongues were utterly unbearable! my head was giddy from all my screaming and laughing...I couldn't take it, I felt like I was going to explode. The tickled me like this for who knows how long...but it was pretty long! Then they cut me down and because all the blood was out of my arms I couldn't move them. They tied my arms to a tree stump and tickled me some more all over, but especially on my belly and nipples. They made me promise not to tell anyone. Then all of a sudden they cut me loose and ran off...and I have never seem those boys again to this day. I was so exhausted that I layed there for quite some time before I got up an got myself redressed. I figure the entire time they tickled me must have been a couple hours at least! It was just after midday when they got me, and it was later in the afternoon when they let me go. I was so shaken up by the whole thing that I never told anyone about it, until today that is. There you have it, my worst tickling ever and believe it or not every bit of it was true! The End. ticklingforum.com