tanuki silverias quest 'Ruins of Mystery' False God 1. Collect the hammer (box on the table) spider (fireplace) cloth (cupboard next to the fireplace) rune (broken bucket in front of the cupboard) 2. Use the hammer on the white rocks to collect the pebble. 3. 'monohenge' the spider into a bucket and string tanuki silverias quest How to dowload it? tanuki silverias quest hammer into a key 4. Use the bucket and string on the well, to collect a bucket of water. 5. Open the treasure chest with the key to collect an old shield. 6. 'monohenge' the shield into a pot rune into a bonfire 7. Place the bonfire in the middle pebble in front of the bonfire pot on the small desk tanuki silverias quest How to get it for free? tanuki silverias quest cloth on the shelf (to the left of the small desk) 8. Pour the water into the pot. Leeches 1. Collect the hammer (box on the table) spider (fireplace) cloth (cupboard next to the fireplace) rune (broken bucket in front of the cupboard) tanuki silverias quest How to use it? tanuki silverias quest 2. Use the hammer on the white rocks to collect the pebble. 3. Use the hammer on the chair (in front of the mirror) to collect firewood. 4. 'monohenge' the hammer into a key. 5. Open the treasure chest with the key to collect an old shield. 6. 'monohenge' the cloth into a sheet pebble into fire-making tools shield into a pot rune into a bonfire 7. Place the tanuki silverias quest How to dowload it? tanuki silverias quest bonfire in the middle pot on the small desk sheet over the hole firewood to the left of the well fire-making tools onto the large desk 'Fresh Green Forest' The Monkey 1. Collect the tanuki silverias quest How to dowload it? tanuki silverias quest manure (top left corner) cabbage seed (from the pot) maggot (from the fruit box) axe 2. Use the seed on the field, then use the manure on that spot. 3. Collect the 'monkey pod' from the plant. 4. 'monohenge' the 'monkey pod' into the monkey axe into a fishing rod tanuki silverias quest How to use it? tanuki silverias quest 5. Place the monkey into the bushes behind the stump. 6. Use the fishing rod and maggot on the water to the left and above the end of the fallen tree to collect the baby 'killifish'. 7. 'monohenge' the baby 'killifish' into a 'killifish'. 8. Place the 'killifish' into the water next to the bush near the stump. 'Yadoshibana' (shadow creature [not a translation]) 1. Collect the manure (top left corner) cabbage seed (from the pot) tanuki silverias quest How to use it? tanuki silverias quest maggot (from the fruit box) axe 2. 'monohenge' the manure into the fertilizer 3. Use the seed on the field, then the fertilizer on that spot. 4. Collect the crooked tree. 5. 'monohenge' the crooked tree into a ladder cabbage into a baby bird maggot into the item merchant 6. Place the tanuki silverias quest PasteShr tanuki silverias quest ladder next to the left of the bush in the top-right corner. baby bird to the left of the top of the ladder. 7. Use the axe on the east-west bridge. 'Sanctuary of the Large Tree' Sealed Demon 1. Collect the animal bones power glove (from the fallen tree) tanuki silverias quest How to get it for free? tanuki silverias quest 2. Use the power glove on the brown rock above the fallen tree to collect the earthworm broken/half pillar to uncover the hole 3. Place the earthworm two spaces below the pillar hole; collect the mole 4. 'monohenge' the mole into a shovel bones into the animal power glove into a grabber hand 4. Use the shovel on the grave to collect the pocketwatch tanuki silverias quest How to dowload it? tanuki silverias quest grabber hand on the top-right hole to collect the rags 5. Place the pocketwatch in the middle animal in the fallen tree 6. Use the rags on the pocketwatch (on the ground) the green stone (top left) the blue stone (next to the grave) the two white stones NOT near the fallen tree (The rag will break after polishing 5 things) tanuki silverias quest PasteShr tanuki silverias quest True Cat Dragon God (YOU HAVE TO HAVE ALL OTHER ENDINGS COMPLETED) 1. Collect the animal bones power glove (from the fallen tree) old sword 2. 'monohenge' the glove into the grabber hand old sword into the traditional sword tanuki silverias quest How to use it? tanuki silverias quest 3. Use the grabber hand on the top-right hole to collect the rags. 4. Use the rags on the green stone (top left) the blue stone (next to the grave) the two white stones NOT near the fallen tree 5. 'monohenge' the rags into the pedestal 6. Place the pedestal in the middle traditional sword in the pedestal tanuki silverias quest