stellaris eddic monolithic This document is a continuous work in progress, and I make no guarantees that any individual entry is 100% accurate for the latest version. Some of these entries date back to like v1.4 . Don't stake your life on this. Last updated 6/28/19 Go to for a more legible version. A Feel For Steel 2 (GEN_OLD_WAR_CAT) = Teachings of Warriors = Translating Warrior's Texts project, 500 society = Special Project Completed = access to Master's Teachings: Warring States Empire Edict = Failure = 80 Influence = 579 energy, 663 minerals = Leviathan Down = +2 alloys (does not clear deposits), Ship Graveyard modifier A Glint of Metal 4 (HAB_MAT_CAT) = Mineralistic = Raw Materials modifier, adds Submerged Ore Veins and Rich Mountain features for +6 mining districts stellaris eddic monolithic PasteShr stellaris eddic monolithic A Lush Planet 2/20 = Abandoned Observation Post 4 (=Distant Stars Unique System=)(abandoned_outpost_category) = Abandoned Observation Post (spawn Metal Boneyards deposit: +4 mining districts, +10% society from jobs) = Abandoned Observation Post project (science, 60 days) = The Gray Tempest = 250 society. A few days later, an L-Gate insight = Leave for 50 influence Abandoned Settlements 4 (DISTAR_BRAINSLUG_CAT) = Neural Symbiote Study project, scientist 60 days, must have pops on spawn who aren't mechanical or cyborgs = 500 society, abort attempts (DEFAULT) = 500 society, try on scientist = Neural Symbiosis = pops start gaining brainslug trait, leader pools start gaining brainslug trait, only if not cyborgs or robots = 20 unrest on planets with affected pops (leaders with brainslugs retain brainslugs even with synthetic evolution) = deny request, scientist retains Brain Slug Host trait (research 10%, survey 15%, anomaly 15%), end chain Abandoned Station 3 = Automated Mining Base = +minerals (197) Aerostat Structures 1 = Social Experiment = 60-150 society = Aerostat Colonies = +3 engineering An Asteroid, Carved 3 = Familiar Shrine = Nothing stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it for free? stellaris eddic monolithic = Shrines to the Old Gods event chain = spawn three locations to investigate = Alien Activity 3 (gaia_planet_cat) = Honeymooners = If Xenophile, reply can gain A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy modifier, giving 33% xenophile ethics attraction for 3600 days = If Xenophobe, reply can gain Littering Loitering Liability modifier, giving 33% xenophobe ethics attraction for 3600 days Alien Life 3 (alien_life_cat) = Single-Minded = +4 society, 3 Dangerous Wildlife blockers spawn, Hostile Fauna modifier added (-10% habitability, -5% happiness, society tile +20%) Alien Machine 2 = Alien Machine = pull the lever (spawns a wormhole between two unsurveyed systems) = 800xp, 500 physics, 500 minerals = 800xp, +7 physics = 350 physics, 500 minerals, end chain Ancient Hulk 3 = The Vechtar Zavonia = Generation Ship project, science ship present, 60 days = Hidden Worlds = Maniacal trait [for scientist who did the anomaly, not the project scientist], The Vechtar Zavonia Event Chain = Grasping at Straws = Postcard Perfection = Gaia world with Primitives > build outpost in system = Transmission = The Vol want to kill off the Mardak = spawn 18 cruisers and 7 destroyers stellaris eddic monolithic How to use it? stellaris eddic monolithic Ancient Manufactory 3 = Ancient Manufactory = Mining Restoration project (2 military ships in orbit, 80 days) = Ancient Manufactory: New Mining Station = only possible if the system is in your borders. +10 minerals. Add mining station. = Ancient Manufactory: add Betharian stone and 2 energy on tile. If Betherian Refining not researched, add 80%. Add mining station. = Ancient Manufactory: Drones Activated (anomaly.3128) = spawn three drone ships, 200 strength = Ancient Manufactory: Nest Disturbed (anomaly.3129) = spawn three Sapphire Crystal Shardlings, 200 strength = Failure = Ancient Manufactory is destroyed, gain Computing trait "... launched it into the sun?" Ancient Shipyard 4 = Automated Shipyard = Repair Automated Shipyard project (Construction Ship, 180 days) = new ships = Critical Failure = Pirate ships Ancient Signs of Life 2 (terraforming_candidate_category) = Terraforming Candidate Discovered = Terraforming Candidate modifier added Among the Vines and Trees 3 = Fruitful Endeavors = Nutritious Food modifier added, giving +20% Pop Growth Speed and +10% happiness stellaris eddic monolithic PasteShr stellaris eddic monolithic Arid and Abandoned 6 = Abandoned Sensor Array = Abandoned Sensor Array project (science ship, 1 day??) = Extensive Sensor Searches empire edict added (+25% planet sensor range), Superior Sensor Array modifier added to planet (+200% sensor range) = Special Project Failed = nothing = Orbital Sensor Arrays tech option added, 50% research (observatory module) Arid Wastes 3 = Volatile Resources = +50% energy production on planet = gas runs out within two years either peacefully, or gas mine explodes, killing pops if >2 on planet = replace orbital tile with +5 energy tile Armed Vessel 3 () = Nefri's Pride = The Xvan Labs project, science, 140 days = next level of researcher's engineering output boost tech option added, 30% gain. If all gotten, gain engineering = 50 influence, end chain Asteroid Collision 1 = Asteroid Collision = +3 minerals = Failure = Pirates spawn stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic Asteroid in Orbit 1 = Towed Asteroid = +3 Engineering Asteroid Waves 1 (AST_WAVELENGTHS_1_CAT) = Gravity Crush = 100xp, (120-350 physics, 18x production) = Rock Brain = "Make it so." = Rock Migraine = dies in the vacuum. Gain Carefree trait, (90-250 physics, 12x production), (150-1000 minerals, 12x production) = Rock Brain Modifier, +3 physics, +3 society (let it live) = Cell Cells = Ancient Genetic Library modifier, +2 engineering, +2 society = Illicit Communications = +5 society, scientist gains Statecraft if organic, or Biology if machine. Cannot get this anomaly outcome if the scientist already has the trait. Astonishing Asteroids 6 (AST_GEAR_CAT) = Mining Your Own Business = Drill Rampage project, 1 construction ship, 365 days = Geothermal Fracking tech option added, 50% progress added if it's already an option, 25% otherwise. = If you've researched Geothermal Fracking, Deep Core Mining tech option added, 40% progress added if it's already an option, 20% otherwise. = If you've researched Deep Core Mining, +4 mineral deposit, does not clear deposits. = 1000 minerals stellaris eddic monolithic How to dowload it? stellaris eddic monolithic Atmospheric Anomaly 3 (ATM_ANOMALY_CAT) = Swirling Shadows = +3 society, add Shadow Play modifier Atmospheric Object 4 = Crushed Cruiser = 60 engineering = Energy Signature = 60 physics Atmospheric Storms 1 = Extreme Storms = Extreme Storms modifier, +3 physics Between Land and Sea 1 = Terra Firma = Continental Avian presentient uplift spawn Billowing Sands 1 = Shifting Sands = Desert uplift species present Bizarre Blanket 1 (DISTAR_EXO_CAT) = Invasive Exofungus = 250 society, planet gains Exofungus Infestation modifier (building speed -20%, habitability -10%, society output +33%) Buried in the the Sand 4 = Teaching of Settlers = Translating Settlers' Texts project, 500 society = Master's Teachings: The Greater Good = Sell it for 1000 minerals, 1000 energy stellaris eddic monolithic PasteShr stellaris eddic monolithic Cargo Pod 1 = Abandoned Cargo Pod = 500 energy Clouds Dance 1/20 = Deceptive Giant = not a gas giant, actually a barren planet. 200xp. Cold Hard Potential 3 (COLD_RESEARCH_CAT) "Our Science Officer has found an anomaly. It will require extensive probing, but could garner a substantial find." = Explosions in the Sky = Inspired Science Recruits for 120 months, +20% survey speed, +20% anomaly speed anomaly.4055 = Diamond in the Rough = +6 minerals, new Scientist Leader with Spark of Genius = +6 minerals, ship gains Promising Crew modifier for 240 months, +20% anomaly discovery chance and +20% anomaly investigation speed (protege_onboard) = Strength from Small Places, either Enhanced Solar Power +5% energy or a tech boost on shields tech = Teachings of Explorers = Translating Explorers' Texts project, 200 days = 1000 energy, 1000 minerals = Failure = nothing stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it for free? stellaris eddic monolithic Cold Wastes 2 = The Exile = "Out of the question. Search every nook and cranny of that outpost." = 350 physics = "The Prime Minister welcomes the exile back into the fold" = The Exile is added to the Leader pool, gains 500 xp Confounding Cosmic Rays 5 = Sins of a Sun = Irradiated Wasteland modifier added, six Radioactive Wasteland blockers spawn, orbital deposit becomes 4 physics tile = Fire of the Furnace = Unusual Star Stuff Event Chain = spawn two locations, one will be correct = Fire of the Furnace special project (2 skill, 60 days) = Fire of the Furnace = If somehow you don't have Fission power, add Fission Power tech option added, 40% research, or if have = Fusion Power tech option added, +37% research, or if have = Cold Fusion Power tech option added, +35% research, or if have = Antimatter Power tech option added, +30% research, or if have = Zero Point Power tech option added, +25% research, or if have stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic = 300 influence (All research percentages doubled if it's already a tech option (debris analysis)) Continental Findings 1 (CON_BIOLOGY_CAT) = (4095) = Sanctuary = add Lush Planet modifier to the Continental planet (+10% habitability, +20% food from jobs, +4 agriculture districts) = (4100) = The Rulers of the Water Plains = native interference NOT passive = study them = psionic horses = native interference NOT passive = domesticate = = native interference passive = leave them alone = Odd Animal Life modifier added for 1000 days, giving +25% society research from jobs = (4115) Lurking in the Dark = alien beast is inside the ship attacking = Alien Beast Onboard project, two military ships, 1080 day limit, 7 days to complete. SCIENTIST LOCKED TO SHIP UNTIL COMPLETE = success = Inspired Army Recruits empire modifier = 360 day expiration, army morale +20%, army build speed +20% = failure = Lose scientist aboard, still gain modifier = science ship destroyed stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic = (4510) Master's Teachings: Diplomatic Trust edict path Corrupt Survey Data 4 (corrupt_data_cat) = The Planet That Wasn't There = 150 engineering, remove habitable planet Covered in Debris 3 = Junkyard = +3 minerals Crashed Ship 3 = Crashed Scout Craft = 60-150 Engineering = Crashed Ore Freighter = +3 minerals Crawling, on the Planet's Face 1 = Crawling, on the Planet's Face = spawn Roachoids to be uplifted on the Tomb World. Irradiated, Tomb World Preference. Cryostatic Biology = Frozen Wastes = Tundra Uplift species Debris Field 2/20 = Pirate Exiles = gain pirate ships = Old-Timey Tunes = 120-350 society, 200 xp, access to the Sol system, beings the Solar Coordinates event chain stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic = on entering Sol system = Terra Firma = 80 influence, end chain = 120-350 engineering (end) = Eat or be Eaten = 250 society, communications with another empire = 42 Years and 3 Days = Keep an eye on it = 250 engineering, time passes = = IT'S A BOMB!! DESTROY IT!! = 250 engineering = Shattered World = +3 minerals = Silent Shout = Space it = 50 influence = Museum = 150 society = Clone it = Ice Alien project (200 society) = Azizians = Accept up to 4 pops into empire (Proles trait) = 20% chance to evolve to Agrarian and Very Strong, removing Proles (four month delay? might be random) = Place two Alien Pets resources onto empty tiles on planet = 20% chance to destroy the zoos, place Dangerous Wildlife blockers on two more tiles (killing the pops there), and add permanent Hostile Fauna planet modifier stellaris eddic monolithic PasteShr stellaris eddic monolithic = Can create up to three armies = 150 society Deep Caverns 2 = Living Metal Lakes = 150 engineering, Living Metal added Deep Tunnels 1 () = Desolate Sands 1 = Shifting Sands = replace orbital with 3 physics tile, add seven Quicksand Basin blockers, add Shifting Sands planet modifier (-20% Habitability, +33 build cost, expires in 1500 days), adds Liquid Sands planet modifier (nothing) Dilapidated Station 6 (DISTAR_COLLAPSE_CAT) (unique system) = Particular Fears = (120-350 society, 18x production) , (150-500 physics, 24x production), either gain Expertise: Particles trait or 200 xp if already have trait Dimensional Disturbance 6 (DIMENSIONAL_POCKET_CAT) = Dimensional Pocket = 200xp = = Missing scientists return on Science Ship From Beyond. = Gain ship = They turn hostile! = Up is Down = 350 physics, 350 engineering stellaris eddic monolithic PasteShr stellaris eddic monolithic = Failure = nothing = Critical Failure = ship destroyed, scientist lives Distress Signal 2 = Lost in Space = Derelict Ship project, 2 skill, 20 days) = alive by brain parasites = help them = introduction to species = nothing? = dead by brain parasites = 75 society, protection from brain parasites = failed = nothing = failure = nothing Doppler Effect 3 () = Doppler Signal = The Ransomeers: Emergency Buoy = Emergency Buoy project, 3 skill, 30 days stellaris eddic monolithic PasteShr stellaris eddic monolithic Drops in the Ocean 3 = Docking Hatch 3 (hatch_asteroid_category) = Derelict Shipyard = +3 engineering = Pirate Treasure = (100-500 energy, 6x) Dunes 3 = (only if meticulous) Taking Stock = (100-500 energy, 6x) = (only if carefree) ??? = -75 energy = Head in the Sand = Head in the Sand project (1 military ship, 100 days) = 33% = gain corvette 33% = fight corvette 33% = gain 18x minerals, 250-1500 = Stay Calm = scientist gains Towel-bearer trait (+40% survey speed) Dustbowl 1 (AST_CRATER_CAT) = Fender Bender = Circuits in the Dust modifier = +3 engineering stellaris eddic monolithic How to dowload it? stellaris eddic monolithic = Alien Drag Racing = Skid Marks modifier = +6 = Abandoned Thrusting = Gain Ion Thrusters tech Encrypted Transmission 2 (transmitter_cat) = Gateway Hijackers = Gateway Interference project (scientist, 140 days) = Sujin Insight = L-Gate insight gained = nothing Energy Emissions 1 = Exotic Radiation = 150 physics = Weapons Target Range = +3 physics Fairly Humid 1 () = Welcome to the Jungle = Tropical uplift presentient species Familiar Compounds 2 (DISTAR_RUM_CAT) = Taste of Home = nothing = Exotic Inebriants empire modifier for 120 months, adding: +10% happiness, +33% influence gain, -5% research tile outputs = something else for machine intelligences stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic Fleet Signatures 4 (DISTAR_HOLO_CAT) = Hologram = +3 society to black hole, will not clear deposits -Floral Study project (random spawn on colony), scientist 2, 20 days = Mharin Kharin: Pistil Pondering = 123 society (delay) = Mharin Kharin: Olfactory Arousal = Pheromoned, first stage modifier added, giving +10% happiness (delay) = Mharin Kharin: Making Time for Petals = Pheromoned, second stage modifier added, giving Minerals -15%. Labor Study project, Scientist 3, 30 days, 720 day time limita (project) = Mharin Kharin: Work Over Flowers = 123 society, Pheremoned, workaround modifier added, giving Minerals +10% (delay) = Mharin Kharin: Rooted in Place = Pheromoned, third stage modifier added, giving Migration Speed -70% (delay) Mharin Kharin: Transmission Trouble = "Sigh" (nothing?) or Pheromoned, fourth stage modifier added, giving Minerals +5%, Happiness -10% (delay) Mharin Kharin: Upper Management Betrayal = no local government?? No sector?? (delay) Mharin Kharin: With an Iron Fist, From Afar (delay) Mharin Kharin: Slash and Burn = remove all modifiers stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it for free? stellaris eddic monolithic (delay) Mharin Kharin: (delay) Mharin Kharin: = Mharin Kharin: The Pollen's End of Us = colony destroyed, made into Toxic Planet = -400 energy, end chain? Gas Giant Ship 3/20 = Gas Giant Ship = Salvage Gas Giant Ship project (scientist, 180 days) = success, 200 xp, new ship (cruiser) = failure, 200 xp = nothing Gas Giant Signal 5 (signal_gasgiant_category) = Isolate Signal project = Gas Giant Life Forms Project Chain (Bakdarak) stellaris eddic monolithic How to use it? stellaris eddic monolithic = Faiure = nothing Gray Goo 4 () = Gray Goo = gain tech_engineering_1 OR tech_assembly_pattern (common build speed) OR tech_construction_templates (rare build speed) OR tech_repeatable_reduced_building_time Haunting Sea 5 () = Heated Rhythm 2 = Geothermal = 1000 energy, +3 engineering Heavy Pulse 2 () = Cosmic Diamond = +4 physics (does not clear other physics on the star) Heavy Readings 2 () (sun in gateway system) = Gravitometric Abnormalities = Gravitometric Abnormalities project, scientist 30 days = Dark Flow = 250 physics, gain Paranoid trait (-5% research, -10% anomaly speed), gain two skill levels Ice Ice Giant 6 () = add Zro deposit Ice Lit 3 = Lightshow = gain Blue Lasers tech or 100xp Icy Plains 4 = 250 engineering, add Ancient Factory/Autonomous Fabricators (12 minerals, 4 energy upkeep) Impossible Organism 6 = Impossible Organism = Impossible Organism project (1000 society) = Impossible Organism: Continuation project (2000 society) = Impossible Fungoid = (time passes) = add new species pop to capital = Nivlacs stellaris eddic monolithic How to dowload it? stellaris eddic monolithic = create a new nation = shoot it into space. see below = Shoot it into space = create hostile nation 1500 to 1900 days later = +4 society, end chain Improbable Orbit 5 = The Probability Conundrum = Improbable Ceramics project, 2 skill, 730 days = 40 influence Inconsistent Readings 1 (distar.110) = White Hell = +3 physics Impenetrable Clouds 1 () = Heavy Metal Frost = +3 minerals Interference 1 () = Sonified Science = 150 physics, 150 society Irregular Energy Emissions 4 (irregular_energy_cat) = Star Patterns = Pulsating Stars project (scientist, 60 days) = Sensor Malfunction = star is +8 energy, scientist gains Meticulous stellaris eddic monolithic How to dowload it? stellaris eddic monolithic = Star Crazy = Scientist becomes delusional, you lose them. Gain 150 society. Isolated Ruin 1 (DISTAR_ZONE_CAT) = Zone A = find a tile that has no deposit, remove any blocker, add Zone A building (3 physics, 3 engineering, 3 unity), add 3 unity to tile. Gain 60-150 engineering, 60-150 physics, 100-500 unity (Roadside Picnic) Kinship, of a Sort 1 = presentients uplift species Kaleidoscopic 2 = Misty Shores = 200xp Life Signs 2 = Asteroid Fauna = (asteroid) +3 society = Atmospheric Ecosystem = (gas giant) +3 society = Silicon Life Forms = (barren) +3 minerals = Ocean Beneath the Ice = (frozen) +3 society, Subterranean Ocean modifier, Mount Deep Sea Expedition project (3 skill, 180 days) = 200xp, 90 society, +5 engineering (replaced society), Living Metal (no tech yet to confirm) = 200xp stellaris eddic monolithic How to use it? stellaris eddic monolithic = Ammonia Biosphere = (Toxic) +3 society = Critical Failure = ship destroyed, scientist lives. Light Phenomenon 1 = Breathing Rift = Breath In, Breathe Out project, 180 days = 378 minerals, three more possible events = 236 energy, 85 engineering, three more possible events = rift closes, 182 physics = +4 physics = 300 xp Looking Down 6 (BAR_COLONY_CAT) = Unusual Tectonics = Unusual Tectonics planet modifier = +2 engineering, +2 physics = Alien Barracks = Alien Barracks project (? skill, ? days) = ? and Military Theory for scientist? = (peaceful) = 40 influence stellaris eddic monolithic How to dowload it? stellaris eddic monolithic Massive Impact 2 (impact_uninhabitable_category) = Warp Impact = 60 physics = Asteroid Collision = +3 minerals, add Asteroid Collision modifier Mass Extinction: Study Complete = "What else can we learn from these planets?" = survey data on all planet systems = "The X people should be put at ease." = choice = 10 years of 10% happiness bonus = influence = "Make the planetary data public." = physics and society research points Megaflora 1 (DISTAR_FLYTRAP_CAT) = Predacious Plantlife = 250 society, Predatory Plants modifier (-10% habitability, +10% society job reseach) Melting 2/20 = Unsolicited Mapping = system survey data recovered = Failure = nothing stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it for free? stellaris eddic monolithic Metallic Crystal Formations 2 (DISTAR_NANOCITY_CAT) = Nanite Crystal Lattices = 250 society, 250 engineering, L-Gate insight +1 Metallic Sands 2 (DISTAR_NANOSAND_CAT) = Nanosand = +4 minerals, 250 engineering = (if habitable planet) = add Nanosands deposit, increases mining district max by 2 and planet district max by 2! Mineral Cluster 3 (AST_CLUSTER_CAT) = Careless Pawing = (18x, 250-1500) minerals, Carefree trait (can't get Careless Pawing if they're Carefree or Meticulous) = 50xp, Stubborn trait = Crystal Codex project (2 skill, 60 days) = 250 society, 100xp, Statecraft trait = Gilded Cage = 100xp, Voidcraft (can't get this result if they have other Expertise) = The Prince = The Prince project, 100 society The Prince, Legible = 40 influence = return it, relationship +20 Literary Savior bonus with nation, 1500 energy stellaris eddic monolithic How to use it? stellaris eddic monolithic = insult it, relationship -20 Book Burner penalty with nation Minesweeper 4 (anomaly.3020 , Gaia only) = Checkered = 200xp, Expertise: New Worlds trait added Mind the Minerals 2 = On the Shoulders of Giants = Ex-Planet modifier added to asteroid = +3 alloys Monoliths 3 (UHB_ANCIENT_RUINS_1_CAT) = Eddic, Monolithic = 350 engineering = can turn pops xenophile if the government isn't either Xenophile Movement in the Clouds 2 (DISTAR_LOST_CAT) = Lost Amoeba = gain Lost Juvenile ship = Fully Fledged = name her, gain upgrades = = ditch them = Space Amoeba Dissection project, 3 military ships, 30 days, 1800 timeout = Juvenile Amoeba Dissection = Regenerative Hull Tissue 50% Mysterious Construct 5 (distar.155) = Corroding Warship = repair = construction ship needed, 1800 day limit, 60?days = Warship Restored = communications = Gain lvl3 immortal admiral. gain corvette with lvl 3 railgun, plasma, distrupter, shields, armor, afterburner, lvl2 hyperdrive and thrusters, and sapient AI. = stop event stellaris eddic monolithic PasteShr stellaris eddic monolithic Mysterious Tanker 5 (shroud avatar leviathan wormhole system) = Mystical 7 = The Tree = spawns Space Amoeba Mother Life Tree Protector group, 633 power, The Tree special project, 3 skill, 60 days = Excluding Elixer of Life, leaders lifespan +20 years = Shared Elixer of Life, happiness +5% = Failure = nothing Nuclear Wasteland 1/0 = Spawn Cockroaches on Sol III Odd Readings 6 (GEN_LOST_CARGO_CAT) = The Final Rest = 90-250 society = 60-150 physics, society, and engineering = Adrift = Adrift special project, 1 construction ship, 1080 day time limit, 45? days anomaly.4085 = Repurpose it into a science vessel = Gain a Science-class ship stellaris eddic monolithic How to use it? stellaris eddic monolithic = Tear it down and study the engines = Your Empire gains the Enhanced Ship Speed Modifier (+10% sublight speed, army_speed_boost ) = 100-500 minerals, 6x production On the Barren Plains 5 = Limbo = In Limbo project, 3 skill, 60 days = "Let dead aliens lie." 500 engineering = "It's too risky" (uploading to Robots) = Failure = nothing On the Surface 1/20 = Gain survey data about a random system?? On Thick Ice 1 = A Species of Ice and Ice = Arctic pre-sentient uplift spawn Orbital Speed Demon 1 (disco_speed_demon_cat) = Try to slow it down. = get the box = open the box = red solution = primary species gains Very Strong (unless Weak, then only gain Strong) = green solution = primary species gains Extremely Adaptive (unless Nonadaptive, then only Adaptive) stellaris eddic monolithic PasteShr stellaris eddic monolithic = blue solution = primary species gains Venerable (unless Fleeting, then only Enduring) = study the box = special project, 500 physics cost, 500 physics reward, either move to Open or sell for more rewards = sell the box Attempt to halt it. = ^ Get away from it. = 200xp Overgrown Ruins 6 () = Wild Eukaryotes = 350 society, presentient species spawn five pops (Reyubb?) with Docile Livestock trait (30% growth speed, other species happiness +5%, Unity 10%, -50% energy, -75% science, not affected by happiness. Two Ancient Ruins blockers spawn (300 energy, 180 time) Paradise Anticipated 3 (GAIA_MOVE_CAT) = Eden Overrun = spawn 4 Hostile Wildlife blockers on random tiles, gain 200 xp, gain 150-500 society research (24x) Parked 8 (GEN_ABANDONED_SHIP_CAT) (continental or arid only) = Hard Shoulder = gain a corvette Peculiar Crater 7 = A New Metal = Add Living Metal deposit, +5 engineering, Living Metal tech option gained (25% progress) stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it for free? stellaris eddic monolithic = Failure = nothing Peculiar Patterns 3 (peculiar_patterns_cat) = Wetware Computer (ocean planet) = orbital deposit tile emptied, up to four empty tiles have their deposits replaced with 2-4 engineering = Devastation (gaia, continental, tropical, or savanna planet) = turn planet into a barren planet = Abandoned Harvesters (gaia, continental, tropical, or savanna planet) = Ancient Harvesters planet modifier added, +20% food from jobs. Harvester Fields deposit added (+6 agriculture districts) Phased Planet 10 () = Pigment Poison 7 (TOX_PURPLE_RAIN_CAT) = Purple Rain = 240 months of +10% happiness Planetary Scars 4 = Apocalypse Past = (habitable planet) The Ultimate Weapon project (scientist 3 skill, 200 days) = A Brutal Find (10% chance) = = An Interesting Find = gain Red Laser, Missile, or Mass Driver tech = Empty-handed = nothing stellaris eddic monolithic How to dowload it? stellaris eddic monolithic Playful Ruins 3 (GEN_PLAYGROUND_CAT) = Abandoned Amusement Park = (90-250 society, 12x), (120-350 engineering, 18x) Poison-coated 2 (TOX_MAT_CAT) = Rock Potential = nothing = -100 energy, Positron Bombardment project (Scientist, 60 days) = success, +6 minerals Promising Moon 1 = Precious Moon = Precious Moon modifier, +3 energy Rainbow in the Dark 5 = Peddling Radiation = black hole gains +9 physics = Down the Drain = Paranoid trait added, 90* Physics = Radiating Asteroid 7 = Illicit Matter = Dark Matter added to asteroid???, +5 physics Resonant Crystals 1 (DISTAR_SOOTHE_CAT) = Soothing Resonance = Resonant Crystals planet modifier added, giving +33% Governing Ethics Attraction and Happiness +10% Rubiconian Shores 7 (GAIA_RECORD_CAT , only Gaia or Continental, clear deposits) = Monumental Transmission project, science ship, 60 days = Of Transmissions Decoded = +8 engineering stellaris eddic monolithic How to use it? stellaris eddic monolithic = Begins the Drifting Battlefield Event Chain = If the missing fleet is unoccupied, special project to recover them. six ships, 120 days. If the missing fleet is occupied, kill the pirates. Gain minerals, gain progress on Cruisers = 40-100 influence, 6x = disassemble the structure = Of Transmissions Crushed = nothing = can gain Xenology or Doctrine: Reactive Formations Scurrying 4 = Nimkip = add two alien pet tiles Secret Heart 5 (DISTAR_GEODE_CAT) = Secret Heart = add 1 Rare Crystal deposit to asteroid Shielded World 4 () = Ship Fragments 1 (distar.60) = Blinding Fate = 350 society = Kohtalo, one year wait = Deja Vu = Warn the time travelers about their deaths = wait one year = Ouroboros = everyone dies again = +7 physics to target pulsar sun, DOES NOT CLEAR DEPOSITS = Close communications = wait one year = Ouroboros = everyone dies again = +7 physics to target pulsar sun, DOES NOT CLEAR DEPOSITS stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic -Shrines to the Old Gods event endings: Suppress (80? influence) 83886168 Monetize (1235? energy) Learn (350? society) Divine (Fanatic Spiritualist + Collectivist ethics, maybe government too?) Signs of Battle 4 = Mount Graveyard Expedition project (180 days) = (50%) +3 engineering, 200xp, (120-350 engineering, 18x) (anomaly.2531) = (50%) +3 engineering, 200xp (anomaly.2532) Signs of Former Habitation 1 = Runaway Greenhouse Effect = +2 society, +2 physics = Nuclear Devastation = +2 society, +2 engineering Signs of Precursor Activity 5 = Precursor chain Silent Behemoth 1 () = stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic Slithering 1 = Serpentine = Uplift Species spawn (Desert) (Snakeoid) Solar Sailer 2 = Solar Sailer = 111 engineering Solid Core 3 (DISTAR_MEDGAS_CAT) (gas giant only) = Ancient Medical Complex = 250 society, +1 L-Gate Insight, +2 exotic gases to gas giant Something Smells 2 = A Whiff of Something = Olfactory Study project = scientist skill 3, 30 days = 100xp, 350 society Spacecraft Remains 4 () = Stranded Scientist = Scientist joins leaders = (skill 6, computing, spark of genius) = two months later, gain either Automated Exploration, Synchronized Defenses, or Subspace Sensors (sensor lvl3). Maybe gain two of three? If all three known, gain min150-max500 physics = 50/50 investigating scientist gains Adaptable or Paranoid Space Debris 1 (debris_gasgiant_category) = Debris Field = +3 minerals (Distant Stars, Humans must exist, either the Commonwealth, United Nations, nuked Sol, or primitive Sol) = The Cube = The Cube project (Scientist, 60 days) = Slice and Dice = Scientist gains maniacal trait -Space Station 1/30 = Spotty Greenery 4 (HAB_CORN_CAT) = Ancient Automata = Reclaimed by Nature project = scientist skill 3, 60 days stellaris eddic monolithic How to use it? stellaris eddic monolithic = Ancient Automata = +100 xp, gain Industry Trait, add Ancient Mining Site deposit (+5 mining districts) (previously Autonomous Fabricators building) = Cornucopicturesque = Cornucopia modifier, add Hyperfertile Valley deposit to planet (+5 agriculture districts) Stalking the Wastes 1 = uplift arid? Steamrolled 1 (LEVELED_CAT) = Completely Leveled = remove all blockers Strange Mountain Formation 3 = Gigantic Skeleton = Investigate Gigantic Skeleton project (3 skill, 180 days) = 200xp, 150 physics = 200xp, +3 society, +3 engineering, Organic Starship modifier Supply Ship Wreckage 2 (distar.1) = Wreckage Identified = Take 300 minerals, displease nation by -20 (might be broken?) (does not decay?) = Return 300 minerals, two months later an event that gives +20 opinion with nation and 100 influence (does not decay?) Surface Beacon 1 = Ancient Survey Marker = +4 Minerals = failure = combat (2 drones, 93 combat) stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it for free? stellaris eddic monolithic Surface Writing 2 = Alien Writing = +3 Society Symmetrical Structures 1 (distar.25, look into it) = Terminal Orbit 5 = Observe Moon Impact project, 180 days, 1080 day time limit = Special Project Completed = 200 xp, 60-150 physics The Life Aquatic 1 = To Rise Above the Waters = Aquatic Uplift Species spawn The Melting Point 2/20 = Lights Out in the Mines = "Take control of the station." = Abandoned Mining Facility modifier, gain mining station, +3 energy (actually +4) (inactive in 2.2.3) !!!!!!!!!!!!! Voidborne researcher bonus, gain Zero-G Innovations modifier (spaceport module cost -10%) (anomaly.4125) = "Scrap it for materials." = 1000 minerals The Winter of the Fallen 5 = Beneath the Battlefield = Underground Vault project (3 military ships, 100 days) = Cracking It Open project (50 days) stellaris eddic monolithic How to dowload it? stellaris eddic monolithic = Cryopod Warrior dialogue (to have them join, must be Spiritualist or Pacifist) = Xenobiology tech option gained, +40% research (biolob 2) = Special Project Failed = Your Empire gains the Fertility Inhibiting Bio-Weapon modifier (Habitability -20, Growth -20%, 3600 days) = 125 influence = failure, nothing Tomb World 4 (tomb_world_cat) = if barren = Primordial Soup = +3 society = if nuked or toxic = Weapon Testing = Alien Weapons project, scientist, 60 days = Alien Lasers = Gain either next level of lasers or armor as a tech option, 20% research on it. If completed all, gain 50 influcence, 50 unity, and (60-150 physics, 6x) Toxic Construction 8 = Grinding Lattice = (Meticulous) +9 society = +6 minerals Toxicity 3 (TOX_PLANET_CAT) = The Fumes Lie Thick = Gain Expertise: Propulsion trait; gain Improved Energy Initiative empire edict; planet gains +6 engineering and the Fallen Robotic Society modifier stellaris eddic monolithic How to dowload it? stellaris eddic monolithic Traces of Civilization 1 (=Distant Stars Unique System=) = Frozen in Time = +4 society Tropical Oddities 3 () = Life Finds A Way = Acid Jungles modifier added, add three Noxious Swamp blockers, add 3 society to an empty tile. Unidentified Object 2 = Alien Mural = Translate Alien Mural project (1 skill, 180 days) = 200 xp, 150 engineering = 200 xp, +2 physics +2 society + engineering Unknown Insides 3 = Machinery Inside = Proceed carefully = Trojan Asteroid = +4 energy = Probe it = ? Unknown Origin 1 (origin_asteroid_category) = Asteroid Fossils = 150 society = Coprolite Asteroid = Coprolite Asteroid modifier = +3 society stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic = Junk Ball = +1 alloy Unscannable Object 1 (distar.270) = Puzzling Polygon = 250 physics, L-gate insight Unusual Energy Readings 2 (energy_uninhabitable_category) = Microsingularity = +3 physics = Magnetic Reversal = 60 physics = Glancing Hit = 60 Engineering = Bunker Bot = 100 alloys, 50 crystals, 50 motes = +10% research for 10 years = Let computer continue calculations = 200 influence (haha, something was added! Thanks devs! distar.1040) Unusual Moon 3 (moon_cat) = Artificial Moon = +3 minerals Volcanic Vents 1 () = 150 society, +1 Exotic Gases stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic Waterless Canyons 1 () = Metamorphic Dehydration = adds +4 minerals, DOES NOT CLEAR TILES Weak Signal 2 = Ancient Life Pod , 150 society = Mummified Pilot , 150 society Weapon Trails 4 (ANCREL_RUBRICATOR_CAT) = Alien Spacecraft = Alien Logs project (scientist, 90 days) = The Rubricator = Begins Rubricator Event Chain (creates new system 2-4 jumps away from anomaly system that player can reach. System composition is created on button press, but position is locked upon project completion. Must reload before complete to savescum. Relic system is limited to being physically close to anomaly system. Appears to be unable to spawn off of a system you own.) = (on entering system) The Rubricator = create archaeological dig site Kleptomaniac Rats Webwork 2 (DISTAR_ELECTRO_CAT) = Life Electric = +3 society, !!!!!! scientist skill level increased by 1 !!!!!!, clears mining station deposits but not research deposits What Hums in the Night 5 (HBL_MUSIC_1_CAT) = Toy Factory = add Toy Factory Complex deposit to planet (+10% society from jobs, +20% engineering from jobs = What Music They Make = Xenobiology +80% research = Failure = nothing Winking 5 = Grimacing = +4 physics stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it for free? stellaris eddic monolithic = -200 energy, 50% chance of terraforming = failure = Grimacing Planet project (3 skill, 10 days, 90 day timeout) = Tactical Terraforming Successful, new habitable planet, 350 physics, 350 engineering (always Arid??) = failure = ship destroyed = nothing Wooden Hegemony 3 = Wooden Hegemony = Balance Ecosystem project (3 skill, 100 days), Unbalanced Ecosystem modifier -20% food = removal of Unbalanced Ecosystem modifier, addition of three Dangerous Wildlife blockers = removal of Unbalanced Ecosystem modifier, 200 xp = Unbalanced Ecosystem modifier, -20% food stellaris eddic monolithic How to use it? stellaris eddic monolithic Artifact sites (not anywhere close to done here, obviously) --------------------------------------- Ancient battle site - Any Other Rock - Anyone home? - Asteroid Blast Door: 3 minor artifacts / 1 minor artifact/ 1 minor artifact/ 100 minor artifacts possible failure roll: 1000 minerals, 100 rare crystals, 10 minor artifacts, scientist gains Maimed trait (-40 years lifespan) stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it for free? stellaris eddic monolithic Beautiful Bubble - Crashed Starship - Fossilized Remains - Gas Giant Structure Get Inside - Hole in the Ground - Kleptomaniac Rats - 6 minor artifacts / 6 minor artifacts / 6 minor artifacts / possible failure roll: 3 clues Moon Bump - Popular Rock - stellaris eddic monolithic How to get it? stellaris eddic monolithic Robot Debris - Ruined World (relic world unique spawn) - Target from Orbit - Too Angled - Trench World - stellaris eddic monolithic