skyfall script roblox --[[ Skyfall By Nitrogenfingers ]]-- local version = 1 local reponame = "Skyfall" local requiresColour = true if requiresColour then print("This game can only be played on an Advanced Computer.") end skyfall script roblox PasteShr skyfall script roblox local function displayNitrosoftTitle()"clear") local _w,_h = term.getSize() local _t1,_t2 = "nitrosoft", "games" term.setCursorPos(math.floor(_w/2-#_t1), math.floor(_h/2)) if term.isColour() then term.setTextColour( end term.write(_t1) term.setCursorPos(math.floor(_w/2-#_t2/2),math.floor(_h/2)+1) term.setTextColour(colours.white) term.write(_t2) skyfall script roblox How to get it? skyfall script roblox if term.isColour() then term.setTextColour( end term.setCursorPos(math.floor(_w/2-#_t1), math.floor(_h/2)+2) term.write(string.rep("-",#_t1*2)) if term.isColour() then term.setBackgroundColour( term.setCursorPos(_w/2+#_t1-4, math.floor(_h/2)-2) term.write(" ") term.setCursorPos(_w/2+#_t1-4, math.floor(_h/2)-1) term.write(" ") term.setBackgroundColour(colours.lime) skyfall script roblox How to get it? skyfall script roblox term.setCursorPos(_w/2+#_t1-3, math.floor(_h/2)-1) term.write(" ") term.setCursorPos(_w/2+#_t1-3, math.floor(_h/2)) term.write(" ") end term.setBackgroundColour( term.setTextColour(colours.white) term.setCursorPos(1,_h) term.write("v"..version) os.pullEvent("key") skyfall script roblox How to dowload it? skyfall script roblox end displayNitrosoftTitle() local w,h = term.getSize() local levelbg = {colours.lightBlue,,} local level = {} local title = { "##### ## # ## ## ##### ### ## ## "; "## ## ## ## ## ## ##### ## ## "; skyfall script roblox How to get it for free? skyfall script roblox "##### #### ##### ### ## ## ## ## "; " ## ## ## ### ## ##### ### ###"; "##### ## # ### ## ## ## ### ###"; } local bgcol = colours.lightBlue local pcol = local flakes = {} local px, py = math.floor(w/2), h local pjump = 0 skyfall script roblox How to use it? skyfall script roblox local jtimer, jinterval = nil,0.06 local gameOver = false local levelnum = 1 local gintdef = 0.3 local gtimer, ginterval = nil,gintdef local function makeLevel() for y = 1, h+1 do level[y] = {} skyfall script roblox PasteShr skyfall script roblox end for x = 1, w do level[h+1][x] = "#" end flakes = {} end local function updateTile(x,y) term.setCursorPos(x, y) if level[y][x] == nil then term.setBackgroundColour(bgcol) skyfall script roblox How to get it for free? skyfall script roblox else term.setBackgroundColour(colours.white) end term.write(" ") end local function drawPlayer() if py <= 0 then return end if level[py][px] == nil then term.setCursorPos(px, py) term.setTextColour(pcol) term.setBackgroundColour(bgcol) skyfall script roblox How to get it for free? skyfall script roblox term.write("&") end end local draw = function(self) term.setCursorPos(self.x,self.y) term.setBackgroundColour(colours.white) term.write(" ") end skyfall script roblox How to use it? skyfall script roblox local function drawLevel() for y = 1, h do for x = 1, w do updateTile(x,y) end end drawPlayer() for i=1,#flakes do term.setCursorPos(flakes[i].x, flakes[i].y) term.setBackgroundColour(colours.white) skyfall script roblox How to get it? skyfall script roblox tern.write(" ") end end local function addFlake() local x,y = math.random(1,w),1 level[y][x] = "#" updateTile(x,y) end skyfall script roblox How to get it? skyfall script roblox local function updateBG() term.setBackgroundColour(bgcol) term.setTextColour(colours.white) for i=1,#flakes do updateTile(flakes[i].x, flakes[i].y) flakes[i].y = flakes[i].y + 1 if level[flakes[i].y][flakes[i].x] == nil then term.setCursorPos(flakes[i].x, flakes[i].y) term.setBackgroundColour(bgcol) term.write(".") skyfall script roblox How to get it for free? skyfall script roblox end end for i=1,2 do table.insert(flakes, {x = math.random(1,w), y = 1}) end for i = #flakes,1,-1 do if flakes[i].y >= h + 1 then table.remove(flakes, i) end end skyfall script roblox How to get it? skyfall script roblox drawPlayer() end local function updateSnow() for y = h-1,1,-1 do for x = 1,w do if level[y][x] ~= nil and level[y+1][x] == nil then level[y][x] = nil updateTile(x,y) level[y+1][x] = "#" skyfall script roblox PasteShr skyfall script roblox updateTile(x,y+1) end end end if level[py][px] ~= nil then if level[py+1][px] == nil then py = py + 1 pjump = -1 else skyfall script roblox How to get it? skyfall script roblox gameOver = true end end end local function transitionLevel() levelnum = levelnum + 1 bgcol = levelbg[math.min(levelnum, #levelbg)] term.setBackgroundColour(bgcol) local ttimer = os.startTimer(0.1) skyfall script roblox How to dowload it? skyfall script roblox local inc = 0 while inc < h do local id,p1 = os.pullEvent("timer") if p1 == ttimer then term.scroll(-1) inc = inc + 1 ttimer = os.startTimer(0.1) end end makeLevel() skyfall script roblox How to get it for free? skyfall script roblox ginterval = math.max(ginterval - 0.1, 0.1) py = h gtimer = os.startTimer(ginterval) jtimer = os.startTimer(jinterval) end local function update() local bgcount = 0 gtimer = os.startTimer(ginterval) jtimer = os.startTimer(jinterval) skyfall script roblox How to use it? skyfall script roblox drawLevel() while not gameOver do local _id, _p1 = os.pullEvent() if _id == "timer" then if _p1 == gtimer then updateSnow() for i=0, math.random(0,levelnum) do addFlake() end skyfall script roblox How to use it? skyfall script roblox gtimer = os.startTimer(ginterval) elseif _p1 == jtimer then if pjump > 0 then updateTile(px,py) py = py -1 pjump = pjump - 1 if py <= 1 then transitionLevel() pjump = 0 end skyfall script roblox PasteShr skyfall script roblox elseif level[py+1][px] == nil then updateTile(px,py) py = py + 1 else pjump = 0 end drawPlayer() jtimer = os.startTimer(jinterval) end skyfall script roblox How to get it for free? skyfall script roblox bgcount = bgcount + 1 if bgcount % 8 == 0 then updateBG() end elseif _id == "key" then if _p1 == keys.left and px > 1 then updateTile(px,py) if level[py][px-1] == nil then px = px - 1 elseif level[py-1][px] == nil and level[py-1][px-1] == nil then px = px - 1 py = py - 1 skyfall script roblox PasteShr skyfall script roblox end drawPlayer() elseif _p1 == keys.right and px < w then updateTile(px,py) if level[py][px+1] == nil then px = px + 1 elseif level[py-1][px] == nil and level[py-1][px+1] == nil then px = px + 1 py = py - 1 end skyfall script roblox PasteShr skyfall script roblox drawPlayer() elseif _p1 == and level[py+1][px] ~= nil then pjump = 2 elseif _p1 == keys.enter then gameOver = true end end end end skyfall script roblox PasteShr skyfall script roblox makeLevel() update() term.setBackgroundColour("clear") skyfall script roblox