zipcar 1. Get an zipcar( 2. Login to amazon (may need to reset password) - keep reading to know how. 3. Go to settings and go to manage address 4. Add your drop address or an amazon locker 5. Find an item you want to purchase and and another item (pens or something) 6. Go to your basket and press proceed, from there press manage delivery 7. Find "Deliver to multiple addresses" Change 1 of the items address to your drop or amazon locker and leave the other 1 going to the billing address 8. Select proceed once this is changed, go to the item which is going to the billing address and change the quantity to "0 (delete this)" 9. Car and your order will be completed 10. Go to the email and delete all email confirmations, password changes, OTP requests and dispatches. This is because the email holder will see the orders and possibly cancel the order. 11. Hide the orders on amazon so they are unable to see it if they login. 12. Change any login details you can, phone number, email, security questions etc. Reset password: - Press forgot password and an email will be sent asking you to confirm OTP. - It will either ask you for the Full name, Billing address or Expiry on the card. Billing address: search one of these terms in the searchbar "order" "ship" "shipping" "bill" "address" "order" "confirm" "dispatch" "ship" (without " ") scroll through the email and you will find address on a previous order. click it and copy that postcode/address Full name: Same as above, any order confirmation will have their first and last name. You can also check facebook/twiiter Expiry: Do the same steps but this time you might need to reset password for the website to access order and find cc expiry. Lists of sites which show expiry: Just Eat, Microsoft, Wish, Trainline, Dominos, Gucci or just look for anything that may possibly show it. Do not change the email password, only the amazon account password would need to be changed. zipcar