shadowstalker's attire coffer #prefix/quality/style/name/suffix concatenation tagItemNameOrder={%_s0}{%_s1}{%_s2}{%_s3}{%_s4} tagItemNameAndStack={%s0} ({%d1}) #Weapons tagWeaponSwordA000={^W}Shiv tagWeaponSwordA001={^W}Gladius tagWeaponSwordA002={^W}Razor tagWeaponSwordA003={^W}Shortsword shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponSwordA004={^W}Carver tagWeaponSwordA005={^W}Longsword tagWeaponSwordA006={^W}Broadsword tagWeaponSwordA007={^W}Butcher tagWeaponSwordA008={^W}Cutlass tagWeaponSwordA009={^W}Mangler tagWeaponSwordA010={^W}Fellblade tagWeaponSwordA011={^W}Bonesaw tagWeaponSwordA012={^W}Conqueror tagWeaponSwordA013={^W}Sabre shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponSwordB001={^L}Salazar's Sovereign Blade tagWeaponSwordB001Desc="Granted to the Blade of Ch'thon for his unwavering service." tagWeaponSwordB002={^W}Spectral Broadsword tagWeaponSwordB003={^L}Spectral Longsword tagWeaponSwordB004={^G}Honed Longsword tagWeaponSwordB005={^G}Honed Broadsword tagWeaponSwordB006={^G}Honed Conqueror tagWeaponSwordB007={^P}Malkadarr's Dreadblade tagWeaponSwordB008={^L}Manticore Longsword shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponSwordB009={^W}Bonecarver tagWeaponSwordB010={^L}Boneblade tagWeaponSwordB011={^W}Dermapteran Claw tagWeaponSwordB012={^L}Dermapteran Slicer tagWeaponSwordB013={^L}Bloodlord's Blade tagWeaponSwordB013Desc="The blade of Thalonis, sanctified in the blood of Ch'thon." tagWeaponSwordC001={^B}Lightning Rod tagWeaponSwordC002={^B}Hound's Bite tagWeaponSwordC002Desc="The blade's edge reeks of rot and corruption." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponSwordC003={^B}Omen tagWeaponSwordC004={^B}Madness tagWeaponSwordC004Desc="The twisted edge of madness drives all it touches insane." tagWeaponSwordC005={^B}Blood Carver tagWeaponSwordC006=(S) {^B}Bloodreaper's Claw tagWeaponSwordC007={^B}Duelist's Sabre tagWeaponSwordC007Desc="Delicately balanced by generations of master swordsmen." tagWeaponSwordC008={^B}Magistrate's Censor tagWeaponSwordC008Desc="When bribing political adversaries proved insufficient, the Magistrate of Malmouth employed alternate means of negotiation." tagWeaponSwordC009={^B}Flamebrand shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponSwordC010={^B}Soulthief tagWeaponSwordC011={^B}Chillblaze tagWeaponSwordC012={^B}Spinecarver tagWeaponSwordC013={^B}Assassin's Calling tagWeaponSwordC013Desc="A small vial of poison is embedded in the blade, inducing stiffening paralysis and eventual death." tagWeaponSwordC014=(S) {^B}Razor of the Blind Assassin tagWeaponSwordC015={^B}Stormseeker's Sabre tagWeaponSwordC016={^B}Willie's Razor tagWeaponSwordC016Desc="The edge of this blade never dulls." tagWeaponSwordC017={^B}Bloodborn Sabre shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponSwordD001={^I}Crimson Spike tagWeaponSwordD001Desc="The weapon fills its bearer with an unquenchable thirst for blood." tagWeaponSwordD002={^I}Crystallum tagWeaponSwordD002Desc="A Soladrin crystal blade teeming with untapped power." tagWeaponSwordD003={^I}Grim Fate tagWeaponSwordD004={^I}Mindwarp tagWeaponSwordD005={^I}Beronath, Reforged tagWeaponSwordD005Desc="The slayer of Beronath once broken, reforged at last as a mighty blade." tagWeaponSwordD006={^I}Bloodsong shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponSwordD007=(S) {^I}Nex tagWeaponSwordD007Desc="You can sense your own mortality when looking upon this blade." tagWeaponSwordD008=(S) {^I}Ortus tagWeaponSwordD008Desc="The mere sight of this blade fills you with hope." tagWeaponSwordD009=(S) {^I}Deathmarked Claw tagWeaponSwordD010={^I}Stormheart tagWeaponSwordD010Desc="There are letters etched into the hilt: D.T." tagWeaponSwordD011={^I}Reaver's Claw tagWeaponSwordD012={^F}Mad Queen's Claw tagWeaponSwordD012Desc="Separated from her brood and trapped beneath the fortress walls, the dermapteran queen was slowly driven mad." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponSwordD013=(S) {^I}Razor of the Venomblade tagWeaponSwordF001=Legion Carver tagWeaponSwordF002=Chosen Blade tagWeaponSwordF003=Devil's Bargain tagWeaponSwordF004=Legion Slicer tagWeaponBluntA000={^W}Club tagWeaponBluntA001={^W}Ball Mace tagWeaponBluntA002={^W}Mace shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponBluntA003={^W}Flanged Mace tagWeaponBluntA004={^W}Mallet tagWeaponBluntA005={^W}Morningstar tagWeaponBluntA006={^W}Truncheon tagWeaponBluntA007={^W}Bladed Mace tagWeaponBluntA008={^W}Bludgeon tagWeaponBluntA009={^W}Warhammer tagWeaponBluntA010={^W}Warmace tagWeaponBluntB000=Torch shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponBluntB001={^W}Warden's Verdict tagWeaponBluntB001Desc="It is unclear how many innocent men lost their lives at the mercy of this weapon." tagWeaponBluntB002={^L}Warden's Judgement tagWeaponBluntB003={^W}Troll Bonesmasher tagWeaponBluntB004={^L}Troll Bonecrusher tagWeaponBluntB005={^W}Spectral Morningstar tagWeaponBluntB006={^L}Spectral Bludgeon tagWeaponBluntB007={^L}Kilrian's Skullbreaker tagWeaponBluntB008={^G}Skinner's Torch tagWeaponBluntB008Desc="A desperate man's last hope..." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponBluntB009={^G}Adept's Bladed Mace tagWeaponBluntB010={^G}Adept's Morningstar tagWeaponBluntB011={^G}Adept's Flanged Mace tagWeaponBluntB012={^W}Mutant Arm tagWeaponBluntB013={^L}Mutant Bludgeon tagWeaponBluntC001={^B}Aetherwoe tagWeaponBluntC002={^B}Anarchy tagWeaponBluntC002Desc="This once holy scepter has been twisted into its current form after being anointed with the living blood of Ch'thon." tagWeaponBluntC003={^B}Touch of Malice shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponBluntC003Desc="A despicable weapon that has claimed countless human lives." tagWeaponBluntC004=(S) {^B}Guardsman's Hammer tagWeaponBluntC005={^B}Blackwood Wand tagWeaponBluntC006={^B}Sacred Hammer of Eternal Wrath tagWeaponBluntC007={^B}Blessed Torch tagWeaponBluntC007Desc="The burning hammer of the Guardians of Menhir." tagWeaponBluntC008={^B}Spiritcrusher tagWeaponBluntC009={^B}Defiance tagWeaponBluntC009Desc="The embodiment of the adaptability of mankind." tagWeaponBluntC010={^B}Aethersteel Arbiter shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponBluntC011=(S) {^B}Fist of the Blind Assassin tagWeaponBluntC012={^B}Bonesnap Gavel tagWeaponBluntC013={^B}Black Hand of Sanar'Siin tagWeaponBluntC014={^B}Progenitor tagWeaponBluntC015={^B}War's Rebuke tagWeaponBluntC016={^B}Gavel of Barthollem tagWeaponBluntC016Desc="Sacred gavel of Archon Barthollem, used to pass divine judgement upon the unworthy." tagWeaponBluntC017={^B}Chillsteel Redeemer tagWeaponBluntD001={^I}Death Omen shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponBluntD001Desc="The harbinger of death." tagWeaponBluntD002={^I}Beacon of the Winter's Veil tagWeaponBluntD003={^I}Agony tagWeaponBluntD004={^I}Herald of Blazing Ends tagWeaponBluntD005={^I}Plaguebearer of Dreeg tagWeaponBluntD006=(S) {^I}Dawnbreaker's Sledge tagWeaponBluntD007=(S) {^I}Fist of the Venomblade tagWeaponBluntD008=(S) {^I}Warborn Gavel tagWeaponBluntF001=Devil's Crusher shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponBluntF002=Legion Warhammer tagWeaponBluntF003=Death's Force tagWeaponBluntF004=Rhowari Gavel tagWeaponBluntF005=Devil's Cudgel tagWeaponAxeA000={^W}Woodsman's Axe tagWeaponAxeA001={^W}Sawblade tagWeaponAxeA002={^W}Hatchet tagWeaponAxeA003={^W}Double Axe tagWeaponAxeA004={^W}Cleaver shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponAxeA005={^W}Blade Axe tagWeaponAxeA006={^W}Battle Axe tagWeaponAxeA007={^W}Crescent Axe tagWeaponAxeA008={^W}Heavy Axe tagWeaponAxeA009={^W}Bearded Axe tagWeaponAxeB001={^W}Spectral Cleaver tagWeaponAxeB002={^L}Spectral Battle Axe tagWeaponAxeB003={^L}Pit Master's Axe tagWeaponAxeB004={^W}Bonecleaver shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponAxeB005={^L}Bonescythe tagWeaponAxeB006={^G}Olman's Axe tagWeaponAxeB007={^L}Aetherwarped Cleaver tagWeaponAxeC001={^B}Cruel Edge tagWeaponAxeC002={^B}Reaper's Touch tagWeaponAxeC002Desc="An ancient implement of ritual sacrifice, forged by a long-dead people." tagWeaponAxeC003={^B}Gorefeast tagWeaponAxeC004=(S) {^B}Bloodreaper's Cleaver tagWeaponAxeC005={^B}Storm's Edge shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponAxeC006={^B}Krieg's Cleaver tagWeaponAxeC006Desc="A cruel weapon owned by a cruel man." tagWeaponAxeC007={^B}Maleficus tagWeaponAxeC008={^B}Doomsaw of Gluttony tagWeaponAxeC009={^B}Thirsting Maw tagWeaponAxeC010={^B}Immaterial Edge tagWeaponAxeC010Desc="The edge of this weapon harnesses the Aether itself." tagWeaponAxeC011={^B}Notched Bone of a Thousand Deaths tagWeaponAxeC011Desc="Every notch is a life claimed." tagWeaponAxeC012={^B}Corpse Desecrator shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponAxeC013={^B}Chonag'Ri tagWeaponAxeC013Desc="A shamanistic axe comprising of various unidentifiable human and animal bones." tagWeaponAxeC014={^B}Asterkarn Cleaver tagWeaponAxeC015={^B}Hellclaw Slicer tagWeaponAxeD001={^I}Butcher of Burrwitch tagWeaponAxeD001Desc="Embodiment of the madness and depravity that overwhelmed the people of Cairn following the Grim Dawn." tagWeaponAxeD002={^I}Crescent Moon tagWeaponAxeD002Desc="Blessed weapon of moon worshippers, thought destroyed during the Sacred Purge." tagWeaponAxeD003={^I}Brutallax shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponAxeD004={^I}Earthsplitter tagWeaponAxeD004Desc="Legends speak of a mortal who, when beseeched by the gods, cleaved Mount Menhir in two, forming Menhir's Twins." tagWeaponAxeD005={^I}Damnation tagWeaponAxeD006=(S) {^I}Deathmarked Decapitator tagWeaponAxeF001=Rhowari Justice tagWeaponAxeF002=Solar Edge tagWeaponAxeF003=Death's Crescent tagWeaponGun1hA001={^W}Hand-Blunderbuss shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun1hA002={^W}Howdah tagWeaponGun1hA003={^W}Pepperbox Gun tagWeaponGun1hA004={^W}Hand Cannon tagWeaponGun1hA005={^W}Revolver tagWeaponGun1hA006={^W}Sixgun tagWeaponGun1hA007={^W}Derringer tagWeaponGun1hA008={^W}Repeater tagWeaponGun1hA009={^W}Scope Revolver tagWeaponGun1hA010={^W}Volley Gun shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun1hB001={^G}Double-Barrel Pistol tagWeaponGun1hB002={^G}Hand Mortar tagWeaponGun1hB003={^G}Shrapnel Pistol tagWeaponGun1hB004={^W}Bloodsworn Pistol tagWeaponGun1hB005={^L}Bloodsworn Repeater tagWeaponGun1hB006={^G}Francis' Gun tagWeaponGun1hC001={^B}Leander Greene's Hand Cannon tagWeaponGun1hC001Desc="Taken from the cold dead hands of the Blackwater bandit." tagWeaponGun1hC002={^B}Witchstalker shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun1hC002Desc="Infused with dark magic to battle foul abusers of the arcane on their own terms." tagWeaponGun1hC003={^B}Orwell's Revolver tagWeaponGun1hC003Desc="The old priest wasn't known for his peace talks." tagWeaponGun1hC004=(S) {^B}Marauder's Fury tagWeaponGun1hC005=(S) {^B}Marauder's Justice tagWeaponGun1hC006={^B}The Slugger tagWeaponGun1hC006B={^B}Slugger tagWeaponGun1hC007={^B}3rd Company's Revolver tagWeaponGun1hC007Desc="Inscribed on the barrel is a single word: Loyal." tagWeaponGun1hC008={^B}Mutiny shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun1hC009={^B}Outlaw's Retribution tagWeaponGun1hC009Desc="A twisted sense of justice." tagWeaponGun1hC010={^B}Slime Bolter tagWeaponGun1hC011={^B}Soulflayer tagWeaponGun1hC012={^B}Plagueborne Revolver tagWeaponGun1hC013={^B}The Mediator tagWeaponGun1hC014={^B}Frigid Barrel of the Relentless North tagWeaponGun1hC015={^B}Burrwitch Peacekeeper tagWeaponGun1hC015Desc="Trusted sidearm of Sheriff Harmon Griffith." tagWeaponGun1hC016=(S) {^B}Apothecary's Injector shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun1hC017=(S) {^B}Oathbreaker tagWeaponGun1hC018={^B}Corpseflayer tagWeaponGun1hC019={^B}Earthscorcher tagWeaponGun1hC020={^B}Chillborer tagWeaponGun1hD001={^I}Deviltongue tagWeaponGun1hD002={^I}Havoc tagWeaponGun1hD003={^I}Exonerator tagWeaponGun1hD003Desc="Sidearm of Inquisitor Josian Farral, used during her purge of the heretical witch god worshippers." tagWeaponGun1hD004={^I}Exterminus shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun1hD004Desc="Exterminate, eviscerate, annihilate." tagWeaponGun1hD005={^I}Arcanum Sigillis tagWeaponGun1hD005Desc="Crafted to the exact specifications of Master Agrivix, Grand Arcanist of the Silver Tower." tagWeaponGun1hD006={^I}Deathdealer's Sidearm tagWeaponGun1hD007=(S) {^I}Demonslayer's Life-Ender tagWeaponGun1hD008=(S) {^I}Barrelsmith's Salvo tagWeaponGun1hD009=(S) {^I}Barrelsmith's Crossfire tagWeaponGun1hF001=Devil's Retribution tagWeaponGun1hF002=Solar Revolver shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun1hF003=Death's Revolver tagWeaponGun1hF004=Legion Hand Cannon tagWeaponGun1hF005=Death's Sixgun tagWeaponGun2hA001={^W}Musket tagWeaponGun2hA002={^W}Flintlock Rifle tagWeaponGun2hA003={^W}Bolt-Action Rifle tagWeaponGun2hA004={^W}Blunderbuss tagWeaponGun2hA005={^W}Revolving Rifle tagWeaponGun2hA006={^W}Repeating Rifle shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun2hA007={^W}Carbine tagWeaponGun2hA008={^W}Breechloading Rifle tagWeaponGun2hA009={^W}Revolving Cannon tagWeaponGun2hA010={^W}Shotgun tagWeaponGun2hA011=Combat Shotgun tagWeaponGun2hB001={^G}Rotating Rifle tagWeaponGun2hB002={^G}Frontloading Rifle tagWeaponGun2hB003={^G}Shrapnel Gun tagWeaponGun2hB004={^W}Fleshwarped Rifle shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun2hB005={^L}Fleshwarped Carbine tagWeaponGun2hB006={^W}Fleshwarped Conflagrator tagWeaponGun2hB007={^L}Fleshwarped Incinerator tagWeaponGun2hC001={^B}The Huntsman tagWeaponGun2hC001B={^B}Huntsman tagWeaponGun2hC002={^B}The Eye tagWeaponGun2hC002B={^B}Eye tagWeaponGun2hC002Desc="One shot, one kill" tagWeaponGun2hC003={^B}Hellmaw Shotgun shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun2hC004={^B}Devil's Mark tagWeaponGun2hC005={^B}Will of Fate tagWeaponGun2hC005Desc="Every bullet is destined to meet its true mark, regardless of who stands in its way." tagWeaponGun2hC006={^B}The Scarlet Marksman tagWeaponGun2hC006B={^B}Scarlet Marksman tagWeaponGun2hC007={^B}Salt-core Bolter tagWeaponGun2hC007Desc="A scrapped-together weapon designed to destroy Aetherials." tagWeaponGun2hC008={^B}Wrathbringer tagWeaponGun2hC009={^B}Thunderclap tagWeaponGun2hC010=(S) {^B}Sharpshooter's Bolt Rifle shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun2hC011=(S) {^B}Brimstone Repeater tagWeaponGun2hC012={^B}Wrathsteel Repeater tagWeaponGun2hC013=(S) {^B}Flame Keeper's Repeater tagWeaponGun2hD001={^I}The Adversary tagWeaponGun2hD002={^I}Witching Hour tagWeaponGun2hD002Desc="Weapon blessed by the witch gods and gifted to their followers in order to defend their sanctuaries from the wrath of the inquisition." tagWeaponGun2hD003={^I}Hellborne tagWeaponGun2hD003Desc="The barrel spews forth the fury of the seven hells." tagWeaponGun2hD004={^I}Vortex of Souls shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponGun2hD004Desc="Every shot fired sends ripples through the aether." tagWeaponGun2hD005={^I}Gutripper tagWeaponGun2hD006=(S) {^I}Ulzuin's Flamespreader tagWeaponGun2hD007=(S) {^I}Valdun's Rifle tagWeaponGun2hF001=Devil's Musket tagWeaponGun2hF002=Harvest's Double-Barrel tagWeaponCrossbow2hA001={^W}Crossbow tagWeaponCrossbow2hA002={^W}Arbalest shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCrossbow2hA003={^W}Heavy Crossbow tagWeaponCrossbow2hA004={^W}Scorpion tagWeaponCrossbow2hB001={^W}Spectral Crossbow tagWeaponCrossbow2hB002={^L}Spectral Arbalest tagWeaponCrossbow2hB003={^G}Ghavlin's Crossbow tagWeaponCrossbow2hC001={^B}Boltspitter tagWeaponCrossbow2hC001Desc="A prototype weapon. Unfortunately, its inventor was slain before it could be taken to mass production." tagWeaponCrossbow2hC002={^B}Malady shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCrossbow2hC003={^B}Curse of Burrwitch tagWeaponCrossbow2hC003Desc="An ill-fated weapon with too many past owners to speak of." tagWeaponCrossbow2hC004={^B}Blackwood Arbalest tagWeaponCrossbow2hC004Desc="Crafted using wood from the forest outside Blackwood Manor." tagWeaponCrossbow2hC005={^B}Frigid Quillbreath tagWeaponCrossbow2hC006={^B}Stake-Thrower tagWeaponCrossbow2hC007={^B}The Arachnid's Embrace tagWeaponCrossbow2hC007B={^B}Arachnid's Embrace tagWeaponCrossbow2hC008={^B}Wretched Crow of Bysmiel tagWeaponCrossbow2hC008Desc="Symbolic weapon of devout followers of Bysmiel." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCrossbow2hC009={^B}Ulda'Jax tagWeaponCrossbow2hC009Desc="A crude, yet surprisingly effective, weapon of the mountain wilds." tagWeaponCrossbow2hC010={^B}Sparkbolt Arbalest tagWeaponCrossbow2hC011={^B}Nar's Arcane Destroyer tagWeaponCrossbow2hC011Desc="Preferred weapon of Altos Nar, the arcanist-turned assassin." tagWeaponCrossbow2hC012={^B}Warpbreath Arbalest tagWeaponCrossbow2hD001={^I}Silverbolt tagWeaponCrossbow2hD001Desc="The weapon of choice for Demon Hunter Edith the Bloodied, Chthonian cultist turned demonslayer." tagWeaponCrossbow2hD002={^I}Quillthrower of Dreeg shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCrossbow2hD002Desc="Infused with the very essence of the witch god Dreeg." tagWeaponCrossbow2hD003={^I}The Northern Wyrm tagWeaponCrossbow2hD003Desc="The great wyrm freezes all that it touches before devouring it whole." tagWeaponCrossbow2hD004={^I}Raka'Jax tagWeaponCrossbow2hD005=(S) {^I}Harbinger of Eternal Suffering tagWeaponCrossbow2hF001=Rhowari Scorpion tagWeaponCrossbow2hF002=Chosen Bolter tagWeaponCrossbow2hF003=Rhowari Arbalest shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponMelee2hA001={^W}Greatsword tagWeaponMelee2hA002={^W}Warsword tagWeaponMelee2hA003={^W}Claymore tagWeaponMelee2hA004=Flamberge tagWeaponMelee2hA005={^W}Great Axe tagWeaponMelee2hA006={^W}War Axe tagWeaponMelee2hA007={^W}Scythe tagWeaponMelee2hA008={^W}Halberd tagWeaponMelee2hA009={^W}Maul tagWeaponMelee2hA010={^W}Sledgehammer shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponMelee2hA011={^W}Warmaul tagWeaponMelee2hB001=Troll Headsmasher tagWeaponMelee2hB002=Troll Skullcrusher tagWeaponMelee2hB003={^G}Brutal Great Axe tagWeaponMelee2hB004={^G}Brutal Carver tagWeaponMelee2hB005={^G}Brutal Decapitator tagWeaponMelee2hB006={^L}Alkamos' Scythe tagWeaponMelee2hB007={^W}Spectral War Axe tagWeaponMelee2hB008={^L}Alkamos' Warsword shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponMelee2hB009={^L}Spectral Warmaul tagWeaponMelee2hB010={^L}Archon's Warmaul tagWeaponMelee2hB011={^W}Obsidian Headsplitter tagWeaponMelee2hB012={^L}Obsidian War Cleaver tagWeaponMelee2hB013={^G}Hevill's Greatsword tagWeaponMelee2hC001={^B}Gutwrench Eviscerator tagWeaponMelee2hC002={^B}Massacre tagWeaponMelee2hC003={^B}Slithbane tagWeaponMelee2hC003Desc="Earned its name for the countless abomination skulls it split in two." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponMelee2hC004={^B}Falcon's Claw tagWeaponMelee2hC005={^B}Tremor tagWeaponMelee2hC006={^B}The Conduit tagWeaponMelee2hC006B={^B}Conduit tagWeaponMelee2hC006Desc="A rare success in the experimentation of arcane forging techniques." tagWeaponMelee2hC007={^B}Boneshard Lacerator tagWeaponMelee2hC008={^B}Golemfist Gavel tagWeaponMelee2hC009={^B}Wrathblade tagWeaponMelee2hC010={^B}The Farmstead Liberator tagWeaponMelee2hC010B={^B}Farmstead Liberator shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponMelee2hC010Desc="A historic weapon from the rebellion of Farmstead, mercilessly crushed by Imperial forces." tagWeaponMelee2hC011={^B}Alvarick's Rebuke tagWeaponMelee2hC012={^B}Prismatic Eviscerator tagWeaponMelee2hC013={^B}Razorleaf Glaive tagWeaponMelee2hC013Desc="Forged using ancient techniques now lost to the ages." tagWeaponMelee2hC014={^B}Scythe of Tenebris tagWeaponMelee2hC014Desc="The Lifestealer of Tenebris, the Blood Drinker." tagWeaponMelee2hC015={^B}Warhammer of Heavenly Judgment tagWeaponMelee2hC015Desc="Great hammer of Brother Bernard Mellington of the Templar." tagWeaponMelee2hC016=(S) {^B}Champion of the Light shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponMelee2hC017=(S) {^B}Wildcaller's Decapitator tagWeaponMelee2hC018={^Z}Shar'Zul's Furnace tagWeaponMelee2hC018B={^Z}Shar'Zul's Incinerator tagWeaponMelee2hC018Desc="Flames stoke endlessly within Shar'Zul's warmaul." tagWeaponMelee2hC019={^B}Wrathmourne tagWeaponMelee2hC020={^B}Trollgut Eviscerator tagWeaponMelee2hC021=(S) {^B}Blessed Cleaver of Mogdrogen tagWeaponMelee2hD001={^I}Stonefist Rebuke tagWeaponMelee2hD002={^I}The Guillotine shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponMelee2hD003={^I}Nightshade's Reach tagWeaponMelee2hD003Desc="Unorthodox tool of Master of Assassins Belanor. Few Nightblades had ever mastered the art of the greatsword as he had." tagWeaponMelee2hD004={^I}Obsidian Juggernaut tagWeaponMelee2hD004Desc="Forged within the molten depths of a living volcano." tagWeaponMelee2hD005={^I}Infernal Brimstone tagWeaponMelee2hD005Desc="Birthed when the blessed spear of Paladin Allister Forgebearer met with the heart of a greater demon." tagWeaponMelee2hD006={^I}Stormreaver tagWeaponMelee2hD006Desc="Charged over countless lightning storms, this weapon is primed to unleash nature's fury." tagWeaponMelee2hD007={^I}Bane of the Winter King tagWeaponMelee2hD007Desc="Sacred blade of King Hrothnar, ruler of the northern reaches and son of the great white wolf." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponMelee2hD008={^I}Temporal Arcblade tagWeaponMelee2hD009=(S) {^I}Wildblood Crusher tagWeaponMelee2hD010=(S) {^I}Ultos' Stormseeker tagWeaponMelee2hD011={^I}Leviathan tagWeaponMelee2hD012={^F}Soulrend tagWeaponMelee2hD012_Desc="The right hand of Alkamos, the devourer of souls and tormentor of the wicked." tagWeaponMelee2hD013={^F}Shar'Zul's Worldeater tagWeaponMelee2hD013_Desc="The weapon has spilled oceans of blood for Ch'thon, and it yearns for more." tagWeaponMelee2hF001=Legion Warblade shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponMelee2hF002=Solar Sledge tagWeaponMelee2hF003=Death's Scythe tagWeaponMelee2hF004=Chosen Warmaul tagWeaponMelee2hF005=Lunar Sledge tagWeaponMelee2hF006=Chosen Crusher tagWeaponCaster1hA001={^W}Wand tagWeaponCaster1hA002={^W}Scepter tagWeaponCaster1hA003={^W}Arcane Wand tagWeaponCaster1hA004=Arcane Scepter shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hA005={^W}Ritual Wand tagWeaponCaster1hA006={^W}Ritual Scepter tagWeaponCaster1hA007={^W}Exalted Scepter tagWeaponCaster1hA008={^W}Sacrificial Knife tagWeaponCaster1hA009=Runed Dagger tagWeaponCaster1hA010={^W}Arcane Dagger tagWeaponCaster1hA011={^W}Spellblade tagWeaponCaster1hA012=Arcane Blade tagWeaponCaster1hA013=Ritual Dagger tagWeaponCaster1hA014={^W}Ritual Blade shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hA015={^W}Exalted Dagger tagWeaponCaster1hB001={^G}Adept's Dagger tagWeaponCaster1hB002={^G}Adept's Spellblade tagWeaponCaster1hB003={^G}Master's Spellblade tagWeaponCaster1hB004={^G}Adept's Wand tagWeaponCaster1hB005={^G}Adept's Scepter tagWeaponCaster1hB006={^G}Master's Scepter tagWeaponCaster1hB007={^G}Witch's Spellblade tagWeaponCaster1hB008={^W}Boneshiv shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hB009={^P}Bonespike tagWeaponCaster1hB010={^W}Rift Scourge Claw tagWeaponCaster1hB011={^P}Rift Scourge Slicer tagWeaponCaster1hB012={^W}Bloodsworn Wand tagWeaponCaster1hB013={^L}Bloodsworn Scepter tagWeaponCaster1hB014={^P}Loxmere's Frostblade tagWeaponCaster1hB015={^G}Slithtongue tagWeaponCaster1hC001={^B}Burning Hatred tagWeaponCaster1hC002={^B}Spellfire Wand shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hC003={^B}Chillheart Scepter tagWeaponCaster1hC004={^B}Stormcaller's Spellblade tagWeaponCaster1hC004_Desc="The blade sparks with energy, always hungry for more power." tagWeaponCaster1hC005={^B}Voidblade tagWeaponCaster1hC006={^B}Plagueblood Carver tagWeaponCaster1hC007={^B}Soulcarver tagWeaponCaster1hC007_Desc="It is said that this blade cuts deeper than just the flesh." tagWeaponCaster1hC008={^B}Cortosian Invoker tagWeaponCaster1hC008_Desc="Implement favored by the Cortosian Masters during arcane invocations." tagWeaponCaster1hC009={^B}Coldsnap shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hC010={^B}Lifebinder tagWeaponCaster1hC011={^B}Sparkstone Scepter tagWeaponCaster1hC012={^B}Firestorm Scepter tagWeaponCaster1hC013={^B}Skyshard Spellblade tagWeaponCaster1hC013_Desc="Forged from the heart of a fallen star." tagWeaponCaster1hC014={^B}Tainted Blade of Nera'Val tagWeaponCaster1hC014_Desc="Nera'Val was a medical practitioner obsessed with curing a deadly wasting disease. He infected and killed dozens of innocents in his mad pursuit and was hanged for his crimes." tagWeaponCaster1hC015={^B}Fiendblood Spellblade tagWeaponCaster1hC016={^B}Spellweaver tagWeaponCaster1hC016_Desc="Weaves the aether through reality as a needle threads cloth." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hC017={^B}Blightstone Invoker tagWeaponCaster1hC018={^B}Cosmic Invoker tagWeaponCaster1hC019={^B}Stormtrap tagWeaponCaster1hC020={^B}Hellrune Carver tagWeaponCaster1hC021={^B}Glacierborn Spellblade tagWeaponCaster1hC022=(S) {^B}Bloodied Dagger of the Covenant tagWeaponCaster1hC023={^Z}Scepter of Aldritch tagWeaponCaster1hC023_Desc="Strange whispers in a language you cannot comprehend emanate from the scepter." tagWeaponCaster1hD001={^I}Touch of Purity shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hD001Desc="Ancient folklore spoke of a cloaked figure that traveled the world cleansing disease and mending wounds, never once asking for payment or any other sign of gratitude." tagWeaponCaster1hD002={^I}Black Scourge tagWeaponCaster1hD003={^I}Wrath of the Ascendant tagWeaponCaster1hD004={^I}Soulbearer tagWeaponCaster1hD004Desc="This vile scepter traps wandering souls." tagWeaponCaster1hD005={^I}Olexra's Chill tagWeaponCaster1hD006={^I}Panetti's Replicating Wand tagWeaponCaster1hD006Desc="The implement once belonging to Master Panetti, master of spell replication and creator of the Replicating Missile." tagWeaponCaster1hD007={^I}Spark of Ultos tagWeaponCaster1hD008={^I}Shard of Asterkarn shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hD008Desc="The blade steals heat from the air, like a chilling mountain wind." tagWeaponCaster1hD009={^I}Venomlash tagWeaponCaster1hD010={^I}Warpfire tagWeaponCaster1hD011={^I}Temporal Tempest tagWeaponCaster1hD011Desc="Time itself warps around this dagger's edge." tagWeaponCaster1hD012={^I}Dracarris tagWeaponCaster1hD013={^I}Fang of Ch'thon tagWeaponCaster1hD014={^I}Basilisk Claw tagWeaponCaster1hD015=(S) {^I}Clairvoyant's Wand tagWeaponCaster1hD016=(S) {^I}Runed Dagger of Dreeg shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hD017=(S) {^I}Trozan's Starkeeper tagWeaponCaster1hD018=(S) {^I}Blade of the Black Flame tagWeaponCaster1hD019={^F}Decree of Aldritch tagWeaponCaster1hD019Desc="With his final decree, Van Aldritch condemned an entire city to the Grim Dawn." tagWeaponCaster1hF001=Legion Firestarter tagWeaponCaster1hF002=Legion Aetherspark tagWeaponCaster1hF003=Legion Voidcutter tagWeaponCaster1hF004=Rhowari Biletouch tagWeaponCaster1hF005=Rhowari Chilltouch shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponCaster1hF006=Rhowari Deathtouch tagWeaponCaster1hF007=Chosen Skysplitter tagWeaponCaster1hF008=Chosen Flamecaller tagWeaponCaster1hF009=Chosen Arcanespark tagWeaponArcaneA001={^W}Crude Staff tagWeaponArcaneA002=Gnargled Staff tagWeaponArcaneA003={^W}Pine Staff tagWeaponArcaneA004=Ash Staff shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWeaponArcaneA005={^W}Cedar Staff tagWeaponArcaneA006=Oak Staff tagWeaponArcaneA007={^W}Blackwood Staff tagWeaponCrossbow1hA001=Pistol Crossbow tagWeaponCrossbow1hA002=Compound Crossbow tagWeaponCrossbow1hA003=Windlass Crossbow tagWeaponCrossbow1hA004=Repeating Crossbow shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer #Shields tagShieldA000={^W}Plank Shield tagShieldA001={^W}Buckler tagShieldA002={^W}Round Shield tagShieldA003={^W}Heater Shield tagShieldA004={^W}Tower Shield tagShieldA005=Riot Shield tagShieldA006={^W}War Shield tagShieldA007={^W}Aegis shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShieldA008=Targe tagShieldA009={^W}Rondache tagShieldA010={^W}Kite Shield tagShieldB001={^W}Warden's Bulwark tagShieldB001Desc="Forged from hardened steel and ruthless hatred." tagShieldB002={^L}Warden's Fortress tagShieldB003={^W}Spectral Shield tagShieldB004={^L}Spectral War Shield tagShieldB005={^G}Battle Shield shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShieldB006={^G}Siege Shield tagShieldB007={^G}Sovereign Shield tagShieldB008={^W}Trog Bonewall tagShieldB009={^L}Vampiric Bonewall tagShieldB010={^W}Obsidian Guard tagShieldB011={^L}Obsidian Bulwark tagShieldB012={^W}Fleshwarped Shield tagShieldB013={^L}Fleshwarped Bulwark tagShieldB014={^G}Bernard's Slightly-Chewed Buckler shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShieldC001={^B}Defender of Devil's Crossing tagShieldC002={^B}Spiriteater Bulwark tagShieldC002Desc="Forged by necromantic ritual as a bulwark against vile spirits." tagShieldC003=(S) {^B}Guardsman's Defender tagShieldC004={^B}Flamebreaker tagShieldC005={^B}Devil's Grin tagShieldC006={^B}Maw of the Beast tagShieldC007={^B}Crest of the Black Legion tagShieldC007Desc="Carried by the Black Legion of the Imperial army, also known as the Death's Bannermen." tagShieldC008={^B}Lichguard shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShieldC009={^B}Dawnshard Bulwark tagShieldC009Desc="Forged from the purest shard of soladrin crystal." tagShieldC010={^B}Templar's Faith tagShieldC011=(S) {^B}Shield of Perdition tagShieldC012=(S) {^B}Oathbreaker's Guard tagShieldC013={^B}Elementium tagShieldC013Desc="Forged by arcane smiths to channel the raw forces of the elements." tagShieldC014={^Z}Ravna's Guard tagShieldC014Desc="Overlapping layers of chitin from the slain Dermapteran Queen." tagShieldC015={^B}The Gladiator shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShieldC016={^B}Blazeguard Arbiter tagShieldC017={^B}Vanguard of the Legion tagShieldC018=(S) {^B}Myrmidon's Guard tagShieldD001={^I}Meat Shield tagShieldD001Desc="Necromantic shield molded from the chest cavity of an unfortunate peasant." tagShieldD002={^I}The Final Stop tagShieldD002Desc="Forged by railyard workers during a desparate battle against the rising Chthonian forces." tagShieldD003={^I}The Untouchable tagShieldD004={^I}Will of the Living shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShieldD004Desc="Formerly the Emperor's Crest, this shield has passed through Aetherfire to become a paragon of mankind." tagShieldD005={^I}Skybreach Bulwark tagShieldD006={^I}Siegebreaker tagShieldD007={^I}Zolhan's Revenge tagShieldD008=(S) {^I}Dawnbreaker's Duty tagShieldD009=(S) {^I}Markovian's Bulwark tagShieldF001=Devil's Protector tagShieldF002=Harvest's Guard tagShieldF003=Chosen Fireguard shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShieldF004=Harvest's Defender tagShieldF005=Chosen Crimsonguard tagQualityShieldA01={^S}Scrapmetal tagQualityShieldA02=Rusty tagQualityShieldA03={^S}Improvised tagQualityShieldA04={^S}Tarnished tagQualityShieldA05={^S}Raider tagQualityShieldA06={^S}Fortified tagQualityShieldA07={^S}Weathered shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagQualityShieldA08={^S}Reinforced tagQualityShieldA09={^S}Assault tagQualityShieldA10={^S}Imperial tagQualityShieldA11=Exalted #Focus tagFocusA001={^W}Musty Tome tagFocusA002={^W}Fleshbound Tome shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusA003={^W}Runebound Archive tagFocusA004={^W}Leatherbound Spellbook tagFocusA005={^W}Eldritch Tome tagFocusA006={^W}Arcane Codex tagFocusA013={^W}Exalted Codex tagFocusA007={^W}Runed Bone tagFocusA008={^W}Fiendish Effigy tagFocusA009={^W}Etched Horn tagFocusA010={^W}Glyphed Skull shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusA011={^W}Savage Effigy tagFocusA012={^W}Eldritch Effigy tagFocusA014={^W}Exalted Effigy tagFocusB001={^L}Zarthuzellan's Codex tagFocusB001Desc="Filled with fiery invocations to consecrate the nonbelievers." tagFocusB002={^P}Rolderathis' Tome tagFocusB002Desc="Words within this tome chill your heart with their maddening hatred." tagFocusB003A={^G}Glyphed Archive tagFocusB003B={^G}Occult Horn shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusB004A={^G}Glyphed Spellbook tagFocusB004B={^G}Occult Skull tagFocusB005A={^G}Glyphed Tome tagFocusB005B={^G}Occult Effigy tagFocusB006={^G}Witch's Effigy tagFocusB007={^L}Pulsing Shard tagFocusB008={^W}Bloodsworn Tome tagFocusB009={^L}Bloodsworn Codex tagFocusB010={^W}Groble Toxic Idol tagFocusB011={^L}Groble Toxic Effigy shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusB011_Desc="Ancient Groble proverb: two shrunken heads better than one." tagFocusB012={^W}Chipped Yeti Horn tagFocusB013={^L}Yeti Horn tagFocusB014={^W}Groble Sky Idol tagFocusB015={^P}Groble Sky Effigy tagFocusB016={^W}Groble Stone Idol tagFocusB017={^L}Groble Stone Effigy tagFocusB018={^W}Groble Ember Idol tagFocusB019={^L}Groble Ember Effigy tagFocusB020={^W}Groble Death Idol shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusB021={^P}Groble Death Effigy tagFocusB022={^W}Gazer Eye tagFocusB023={^L}Overseer Eye tagFocusB023_Desc="The eye still twitches in your hands." tagFocusB024={^G}Karvor's Conjuring Bone tagFocusC001={^B}Dementia tagFocusC002={^B}Crushing Will tagFocusC003=(S) {^B}Maiven's Tome tagFocusC004={^B}Heretic's Tome shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusC005={^B}Malformed Effigy tagFocusC006={^B}Banshee's Misery tagFocusC006Desc="Wails of misery emanate from this tome with every page turn." tagFocusC007={^B}Wyrmclaw tagFocusC008={^B}Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh tagFocusC008Desc="The dark writings of Og'Napesh, condemned necromancer." tagFocusC009={^B}Edrick's Backscratcher tagFocusC010={^B}Sacred Texts of Menhir tagFocusC010Desc="Scripture once carried by the devout knights of Menhir." tagFocusC011={^B}Nocturnis shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusC012=(S) {^B}Channeling Orb of the Covenant tagFocusC013=(S) {^B}Tome of Plagues tagFocusC014={^B}Stormcaller's Effigy tagFocusC015={^B}Storm Scion tagFocusC016={^B}Scorcher's Archive tagFocusC017={^B}Deathlord's Tome tagFocusC018=(S) {^B}Callidor's Codex tagFocusD001={^I}Fiend's Resolve tagFocusD002={^I}Aldanar's Vanity shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusD003={^I}Codex of Lies tagFocusD003Desc="Forbidden texts of the witch god Solael, as recorded by Cabalist Hester Maughan." tagFocusD004={^I}Tome of Names tagFocusD004Desc="This book contains the names of every mortal that ever was and ever will be." tagFocusD005={^I}Blood Orb of Ch'thon tagFocusD005Desc="Fanatical cabalists swear that a drop of their primordial god's blood is contained within this orb." tagFocusD006={^I}Speaker for the Dead tagFocusD006Desc="A compilation of poems and religious texts intended for burial rites." tagFocusD007={^I}Eye of Dominion tagFocusD008={^I}Tome of the Arcane Wastes shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusD009={^I}Skull of Gul'Amash tagFocusD009Desc="The skull of Gul'amash, a once powerful occultist, condemned for his knowledge and burnt at the stake during a public proceeding that saw him tried and executed within the hour at the behest of an angry mob." tagFocusD010={^I}Wretched Tome of Nar'Adin tagFocusD011={^I}Codex of Eternal Storms tagFocusD012={^I}Consumption of Agrivix tagFocusD012Desc="The Grand Arcanist Agrivix was famous for pouring inordinate quantities of energy into his spellwork, but this hunger for power took him down a path of destruction that had him convinced he was the rightful ruler of the world. Agrivix ultimately met his end at the hands of inquisitors, but not before taking several of them down with him." tagFocusD013=(S) {^I}Invoker's Blaze tagFocusD014=(S) {^I}Iskandra's Texts tagFocusD015=(S) {^I}Orb of the Black Flame tagFocusD016=(S) {^I}Codex of Agrivix shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusF001=Harvest's Tome tagFocusF002=Harvest's Ledger tagFocusF003=Solar Codex tagFocusF004=Rhowari Winter Codex tagFocusF005=Rhowari Void Codex tagFocusF006=Rhowari Sky Codex tagFocusF007=Death's Ruin tagFocusF008=Death's Embrace tagFocusF009=Death's Advance shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFocusF010=Rhowari Spellweaver Codex tagFocusF011=Death's Gaze #WEAPON_QUALITY TagQualityBrokenWeapon01=Broken TagQualityBrokenWeapon02=Shattered TagQualityBrokenWeapon03=Bent TagQualityBrokenArmor01=Ruined TagQualityBrokenAll01=Destroyed shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagQualityWeaponMetal01={^S}Scrapmetal tagQualityWeaponMetal02={^S}Tarnished tagQualityWeaponMetal03={^S}Iron tagQualityWeaponMetal04={^S}Steel tagQualityWeaponMetal05=Imbued tagQualityWeaponMetal06={^S}Raider tagQualityWeaponMetal07={^S}Assault tagQualityWeaponMetal08={^S}Imperial tagQualityWeaponMetal09={^S}Exalted shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagQualityWeaponWood01={^S}Splintered tagQualityWeaponWood02={^S}Crude tagQualityWeaponWood03={^S}Savage tagQualityWeaponWood04={^S}Weathered tagQualityWeaponWood05={^S}Solid tagQualityWeaponWood06=Polished tagQualityWeaponWood07=Imbued tagQualityWeaponWood08=Raider tagQualityWeaponWood09=Assault shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagQualityWeaponWood10=Imperial tagQualityWeaponWood11=Exalted #ARMOR_STYLES tagStyle001={^S}Worn tagStyle002={^S}Cloth tagStyle003={^S}Padded tagStyle004={^S}Quilted shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagStyle005={^S}Brigandine tagStyle006={^S}Embroidered tagStyle007={^S}Ornate tagStyle008={^S}Gilded tagStyle009={^S}Patchwork tagStyle010={^S}Leather tagStyle011={^S}Hide tagStyle012={^S}Fur-lined tagStyle013={^S}Spiked shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagStyle014={^S}Frontier tagStyle015={^S}Hinterland tagStyle016={^S}Raider tagStyle017={^S}Restored tagStyle018={^S}Salvaged tagStyle019={^S}Engraved tagStyle020={^S}Combat tagStyle021={^S}Infantry tagStyle022={^S}Imperial shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagStyle023={^S}Scrapmetal tagStyle024={^S}Splinted tagStyle025={^S}Chain tagStyle026={^S}Chainmail tagStyle027={^S}Scalemail tagStyle028={^S}Bronze tagStyle029={^S}Steel tagStyle030={^S}Plate tagStyle031={^S}Plated shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagStyle032={^S}Field tagStyle033={^S}Heavy tagStyle034={^S}Assault tagStyle035={^S}Studded tagStyle036={^S}Woven tagStyle037={^S}Reinforced tagStyle038={^S}Savage tagStyle039={^S}Novice tagStyle040={^S}Apprentice shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagStyle041={^S}Exalted tagStyle042={^S}Opulent #ArmorClass tagArmorClass01=Caster tagArmorClass02= tagArmorClass03=Heavy #WeaponClass shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagOffHand=Off-Hand tagShield=Shield tagOneHandedSword=One-Handed Sword tagOneHandedMace=One-Handed Mace tagOneHandedAxe=One-Handed Axe tagOneHandedDagger=One-Handed Dagger tagOneHandedScepter=One-Handed Scepter tagOneHandedPistol=One-Handed Ranged shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTwoHandedSword=Two-Handed Sword tagTwoHandedMace=Two-Handed Mace tagTwoHandedAxe=Two-Handed Axe tagTwoHandedRifle=Two-Handed Ranged tagSpear=Spear tagStaff=Staff tagWeaponUnknown=Unknown shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer #ArmorSlots tagRing=Ring tagAmulet=Amulet tagMedal=Medal tagBelt=Belt tagShoulders=Shoulders tagHead=Helm tagLegs=Pants tagChest=Chest Armor tagFeet=Boots shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagGloves=Gloves #QualityClass tagMagic=Magic tagRare=Rare tagEpic=Epic tagLegend=Legendary tagStyleUniqueTier2={^A}Empowered tagStyleUniqueTier3={^P}Mythical shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagStyleFactionTier2=Elite tagSoulbound=Soulbound tagDestroySoulbound=Destroy soulbound item? tagUntradeable=Untradeable tagDestroyUntradeable=Destroy untradeable item? tagTransmuted=Illusion: tagTransmuteCapture=[Right-Click to Infuse] shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTransmuteApply=[Right-Click to Apply] tagTransmuteApplyRemove=[Right-Click to Remove Illusion] tagTransmuteUnusable=[Cannot Use - Requirements Not Met] tagTransmuteConfirmation=Are you sure you want to apply this Illusion? tagTransmuteOverwrite=Are you sure you want to replace the existing Illusion? tagTransmuteSoulboundConfirmation=Are you sure you want to apply this Illusion? Doing so will make the item soulbound. tagTransmuteSoulboundOverwrite=Are you sure you want to replace the existing Illusion? Doing so will make the item soulbound. tagTransmuteDestroy=Are you sure you want to infuse this Illusion? Doing so will destroy the item. tagTransmuteRemove=Are you sure you want to remove this Illusion? shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer #ArmorHead tagHeadA001={^W}Helm tagHeadA002={^W}Cap tagHeadA003={^W}Helmet tagHeadA004={^W}Mask tagHeadA005={^W}Coif tagHeadA006={^W}Basinet tagHeadA007={^W}Casque tagHeadA008={^W}Hat shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadA009={^W}Visage tagHeadA010=Cowl tagHeadA011={^W}Hood tagHeadA012={^W}Circlet tagHeadA013={^W}Diadem tagHeadA014={^W}Coronet tagHeadB001={^W}Incendiary Helm tagHeadB002={^L}Incendiary Casque tagHeadB003={^W}Ascended Helm shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadB004={^L}Ascended Casque tagHeadB005={^W}Murderer's Coif tagHeadB006={^L}Murderer's Cowl tagHeadB007={^G}Adept's Hood tagHeadB008={^G}Ranger's Helm tagHeadB009={^G}Adept's Circlet tagHeadB010={^G}Ranger's Casque tagHeadB011={^W}Ascended Circlet tagHeadB012={^L}Ascended Diadem tagHeadB013={^W}Fleshwarped Helm shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadB014={^L}Fleshwarped Casque tagHeadB015={^L}Spectral Crown tagHeadB015Desc="Powerful necrotic energies caused this crown to manifest in the physical realm." tagHeadB016={^L}Milton's Casque tagHeadB016Desc="A notch on the helm for every Taken he's killed." tagHeadC001={^B}Stormcaller's Circlet tagHeadC002={^B}Berserker's Cowl tagHeadC003={^B}Nether Crown tagHeadC003Desc="Once worn by the first and only Arcanist king of Cairn, King Samuel Drake, before he was stripped of his title and executed for heresy by the clergy." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadC004={^B}Crown of Command tagHeadC005={^B}Templar's Headguard tagheadC005Desc="An initiate's helm for the Guardians of Menhir." tagHeadC006=(S) {^B}Guardsman's Helm tagHeadC007=(S) {^B}Explorer's Cover tagHeadC008=(S) {^B}Maiven's Hood tagHeadC009=(S) {^B}Bloodreaper's Cowl tagHeadC010={^B}Eye of the Beholder tagHeadC010Desc="A gazer eye worn by a mad witch obsessed with appearances and beauty." tagHeadC011={^B}Mask of Delirium shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadC012={^B}Tempest of the Void tagHeadC013={^B}Glory of the Silver Knight tagHeadC014={^B}Terror of the Grove tagHeadC014Desc="Cut from the hide of an ancient Thorned Horror." tagHeadC015={^B}Spiritweaver Circlet tagHeadC016={^B}Shadowspark Hood tagHeadC017=(S) {^B}Herald's Mask tagHeadC018=(S) {^B}Faceguard of Perdition tagHeadC019=(S) {^B}Cowl of the Blind Assassin tagHeadC020=(S) {^B}Sharpshooter's Glass Eye shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadC021=(S) {^B}Unholy Visage of the Covenant tagHeadC022=(S) {^B}Cowl of the Paragon tagHeadC023=(S) {^B}Dawnguard Helm tagHeadC024=(S) {^B}Miasma Hood tagHeadC025=(S) {^B}Eyes of Flame tagHeadC026=(S) {^B}Wildcaller's Cowl tagHeadC027=(S) {^B}Praetorian Faceguard tagHeadC028={^B}Frostshard Crown tagHeadC029={^B}Circlet of Burning Rage tagHeadC030={^B}Eyes of the Reaper shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadC031=(S) {^B}Myrmidon Visor tagHeadC032=(S) {^B}Cowl of Mogdrogen tagHeadC033={^Z}Eldritch-Keeper's Casque tagHeadC033Desc="The helm blurs your vision, as if you were staring into another realm." tagHeadC034={^Z}The Triumvirate tagHeadC034B={^B}Triumvirate tagHeadC034Desc="Blessed by the Three." tagHeadD001={^I}Maw of Despair tagHeadD001Desc="Look upon me and despair, for your hour has struck." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadD002={^I}Dread-Mask of Gurgoth tagHeadD003={^I}Whisperer of Secrets tagheadD003Desc="Whispers dark secrets into the ears of your victims prior to the killing blow." tagHeadD004={^I}Abyssal Mask tagheadD004Desc="Bound by death to a death unbound." tagHeadD005={^I}Circlet of the Great Serpent tagHeadD006={^I}Mask of Infernal Truth tagHeadD007=(S) {^I}Faceguard of Justice tagHeadD008=(S) {^I}Beastcaller's Cowl tagHeadD009=(S) {^I}Mask of the Harbinger shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadD010=(S) {^I}Demonslayer's Hat tagHeadD011=(S) {^I}Clairvoyant's Hat tagHeadD012=(S) {^I}Markovian's Visor tagHeadD013=(S) {^I}Ulzuin's Headguard tagHeadD014=(S) {^I}Hood of Dreeg tagHeadD015=(S) {^I}Deathmarked Hood tagHeadD016=(S) {^I}Iskandra's Hood tagHeadD017=(S) {^I}Ultos' Hood tagHeadD018={^I}Crown of the Winter King tagheadD018Desc="Crown of King Hrothnar, ruler of the northern reaches and son of the great white wolf." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadD019=(S) {^I}Trozan's Hat tagHeadD020=(S) {^I}Valdun's Hat tagHeadD021={^F}Outcast's Secret tagHeadD022={^I}Eldritch Gaze tagHeadD022Desc="The helm whispers to you in voices you cannot comprehend." tagHeadD023={^I}Covenant of the Three tagHeadD023Desc="Empowered with the essence of the three Witch Gods in a covenant binding them and their followers against mutual destruction." tagHeadD024=(S) {^I}Cowl of the Venomblade tagHeadD025=(S) {^I}Visage of the Black Flame tagHeadD026=(S) {^I}Light's Defender Helm shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadD027=(S) {^I}Infernal Knight's Faceguard tagHeadD028=(S) {^I}Warborn Visor tagHeadD029=(S) {^I}Bloodrager's Cowl tagHeadF001=Outcast's Hood tagHeadF001Desc="You can't help but feel as if the mask is staring back at you." tagHeadF002=Devil's Cover tagHeadF003=Devil's Headguard tagHeadF004=Legion Spellbearer shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHeadF005=Legion Casque tagHeadF006=Legion Headguard tagHeadF007=Harvest's Helm tagHeadF008=Solar Defender tagHeadF009=Death's Visage tagHeadF010=Death's Headguard tagHeadF011=Chosen Cowl tagHeadF012=Chosen Headguard shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer #ArmorShoulders tagShoulderA001={^W}Spaulders tagShoulderA002={^W}Mantle tagShoulderA003={^W}Shoulderguard tagShoulderA004={^W}Epaulets tagShoulderA005={^W}Shoulderplates tagShoulderA006={^W}Pauldrons tagShoulderB001={^W}Incendiary Spaulders shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderB002={^L}Incendiary Shoulderplates tagShoulderB003={^W}Ascended Spaulders tagShoulderB004={^L}Ascended Shoulderplates tagShoulderB005={^W}Murderer's Spaulders tagShoulderB006={^L}Murderer's Epaulets tagShoulderB007={^G}Isaac's Spaulders tagShoulderB008={^W}Haunted Mantle tagShoulderB009={^L}Haunted Shoulderpad tagShoulderB010={^W}Ascended Mantle tagShoulderB011={^L}Ascended Epaulets shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderB012={^W}Fleshwarped Spaulders tagShoulderB013={^L}Fleshwarped Pauldrons tagShoulderB014={^L}Valdaran's Mantle tagShoulderB015={^L}Valdaran's Shoulderguard tagShoulderB016={^L}Benn'Jahr's Shoulderguards tagShoulderB017={^L}Benn'Jahr's Pauldrons tagShoulderB018={^L}Moosilauke's Shoulderguards tagShoulderB019={^L}Moosilauke's Pauldrons tagShoulderB020={^L}Iron Maiden's Mantle tagShoulderB021={^L}Iron Maiden's Shoulderguard shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderB022={^L}Zantarin's Mantle tagShoulderB023={^P}Zantarin's Shoulderguard tagShoulderB024={^L}Fabius' Shoulderguard tagShoulderB025={^L}Fabius' Pauldron tagShoulderB026={^L}Loghorrean's Corruption tagShoulderB026_Desc="Still writhing with void corruption." tagShoulderC001={^B}Razorback's Spined Mantle tagShoulderC001Desc="Stitched together from the carcass of Razorback." tagShoulderC002={^B}Astral Mantle shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderC003={^B}Warlord's Spaulders tagShoulderC004=(S) {^B}Guardsman's Spaulders tagShoulderC005={^B}Grenadier Shoulderguard tagShoulderC005Desc="Seared and shredded by shrapnel, this shoulderguard nevertheless retains much of its protective qualities." tagShoulderC006={^B}Mantle of the Weeping Eye tagShoulderC006Desc="Symbolic garment of a secretive order eradicated during the reign of the Arcanist King, Samuel Drake." tagShoulderC007={^B}Shellshock Epaulets tagShoulderC008={^B}Decorated Pauldrons tagShoulderC009={^B}Mantle of the Patron tagShoulderC009Desc="A mantle of great raven feathers, bestowed by the witch god Bysmiel upon her mortal followers." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderC010=(S) {^B}Shoulderguards of Perdition tagShoulderC011=Sharpshooter's Cover tagShoulderC012=(S) {^B}Unholy Mantle of the Covenant tagShoulderC013=(S) {^B}Shoulderguard of the Paragon tagShoulderC014=(S) {^B}Dawnguard Epaulets tagShoulderC015=(S) {^B}Brimstone Shoulderguard tagShoulderC016=(S) {^B}Praetorian Shoulderguard tagShoulderC017={^B}Alchemist's Mantle tagShoulderC018={^B}Chillmane Mantle tagShoulderC019={^B}Amarastan Pauldrons shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderC020=(S) {^B}Flame Keeper's Pauldrons tagShoulderC021=(S) {^B}Callidor's Mantle tagShoulderC030={^Z}Spaulders of Mogdrogen tagShoulderD001={^I}Fateweaver's Mantle tagShoulderD001Desc="The strands of fate, like an endless weave, intertwine and fray with the passing ages of man." tagShoulderD002={^I}Divinesteel Shoulderguard tagShoulderD002Desc="Pauldrons bestowed upon masters of the Templar order who have gone beyond their mortal duties to become Exemplars." tagShoulderD003={^I}Bloodfury Spaulders tagShoulderD004={^I}Shadowflame Mantle shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderD005={^I}Titan Pauldrons tagShoulderD005Desc="The markings on these pauldrons are as if from another era." tagShoulderD006={^I}Chilldread Mantle tagShoulderD007={^I}Vileblood Mantle tagShoulderD008={^I}Fiendflesh Mantle tagShoulderD009=(S) {^I}Shoulderguards of Justice tagShoulderD010=(S) {^I}Beastcaller's Shoulderpads tagShoulderD011=(S) {^I}Dawnbreaker's Shoulderguard tagShoulderD012=(S) {^I}Wildblood Mantle tagShoulderD013=(S) {^I}Clairvoyant's Mantle shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderD014=(S) {^I}Markovian's Vanguard tagShoulderD015=(S) {^I}Ulzuin's Shoulderguard tagShoulderD016=(S) {^I}Mantle of Dreeg tagShoulderD017=(S) {^I}Deathmarked Shoulderguard tagShoulderD018=(S) {^I}Iskandra's Pauldrons tagShoulderD019=(S) {^I}Ultos' Spaulders tagShoulderD020={^F}Mantle of Mogdrogen tagShoulderD020Desc="The mantle worn by the avatar of Mogdrogen himself." tagShoulderD021=(S) {^I}Trozan's Mantle tagShoulderD022=(S) {^I}Mantle of the Black Flame shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderD023=(S) {^I}Light's Defender Epaulets tagShoulderD024=(S) {^I}Infernal Knight's Pauldrons tagShoulderD025=(S) {^I}Mantle of Agrivix tagShoulderD026=(S) {^I}Warborn Pauldrons tagShoulderD027=(S) {^I}Bloodrager's Shoulderguard tagShoulderF001=Outcast's Burning Mantle tagShoulderF002=Outcast's Chilled Mantle tagShoulderF003=Outcast's Sky Mantle tagShoulderF004=Outcast's Wrath Mantle shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderF005=Outcast's Void Mantle tagShoulderF006=Outcast's Burning Pauldrons tagShoulderF007=Outcast's Chilled Pauldrons tagShoulderF008=Outcast's Sky Pauldrons tagShoulderF009=Outcast's Wrath Pauldrons tagShoulderF010=Outcast's Void Pauldrons tagShoulderF011=Devil's Spaulders tagShoulderF012=Devil's Shoulderguard tagShoulderF013=Rhowari Mantle tagShoulderF014=Rhowari Shoulderguard shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagShoulderF015=Legion Mantle tagShoulderF016=Legion Spaulders tagShoulderF017=Legion Pauldrons tagShoulderF018=Death's Mantle tagShoulderF019=Death's Pauldrons tagShoulderF020=Chosen Mantle tagShoulderF021=Chosen Pauldrons #ArmorTorso shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoA000={^W}Clothing tagTorsoA001L={^W}Coat tagTorsoA002L={^W}Doublet tagTorsoA003L={^W}Cuirass tagTorsoA004L={^W}Hauberk tagTorsoA005H={^W}Armor tagTorsoA006H={^W}Trenchcoat tagTorsoA007H={^W}Surcoat tagTorsoA008H={^W}Chainmail shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoA009H={^W}Platemail tagTorsoA010M={^W}Jacket tagTorsoA011M={^W}Breastplate tagTorsoA012M={^W}Chestguard tagTorsoA013M={^W}Harness tagTorsoA014C={^W}Tunic tagTorsoA015C={^W}Vestment tagTorsoA016C={^W}Raiment tagTorsoA017C={^W}Robe shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoB001={^W}Murderer's Armor tagTorsoB002={^L}Murderer's Breastplate tagTorsoB003={^G}Fortified Doublet tagTorsoB004= tagTorsoB005= tagTorsoB006={^W}Haunted Robes tagTorsoB007={^L}Haunted Vestment tagTorsoB008={^W}Ascended Robes tagTorsoB009={^L}Ascended Vestment tagTorsoB010={^W}Fleshwarped Cuirass shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoB011={^L}Fleshwarped Platemail tagTorsoB012={^W}Bloodsworn Robes tagTorsoB013={^L}Bloodsworn Vestments tagTorsoC001= tagTorsoC002={^B}Nighthunter's Chestguard tagTorsoC003={^B}Gunslinger's Jacket tagTorsoC004={^B}Malduin's Cloth tagTorsoC005={^B}Doomforged Breastplate tagTorsoC006=(S) {^B}Guardsman's Breastplate shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoC007=(S) {^B}Explorer's Tunic tagTorsoC008=(S) {^B}Bloodreaper's Coat tagTorsoC009={^B}Fanatic's Overcoat tagTorsoC010={^B}Fused Carapace Armor tagTorsoC011={^B}Skinflayer Raiment tagTorsoC011Desc="It is unknown as to how many victims it took to sew together these foul robes." tagTorsoC012={^B}Obsidian-Plate Cuirass tagTorsoC013={^B}Magnison's Trench Coat tagTorsoC014={^B}Vestment of Mourning tagTorsoC014Desc="Priest's robes once worn by members of the Weeping Eye cabal." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoC015={^B}Spidersilk Hauberk tagTorsoC016={^B}Cloth of Unspeakable Invocation tagTorsoC016Desc="Chthonian robes worn only by elite members of the bloodthirsty cult." tagTorsoC017=(S) {^B}Herald's Jacket tagTorsoC018=(S) {^B}Chestguard of Perdition tagTorsoC019=(S) {^B}Stealth Jacket of the Blind Assassin tagTorsoC020=(S) {^B}Sharpshooter's Coat tagTorsoC021=(S) {^B}Dawnguard Plate tagTorsoC022={^B}Zolhan's Battle Plate tagTorsoC022Desc="Armor commissioned by the famed battle master, Zolhan." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoC023=(S) {^B}Miasma Robes tagTorsoC024=(S) {^B}Eastern Robes tagTorsoC025=(S) {^B}Wildcaller's Skins tagTorsoC026={^B}Wildspeaker Coat tagTorsoC027=(S) {^B}Praetorian Chestguard tagTorsoC028={^B}Voidforged Battle Plate tagTorsoC029=(S) {^B}Flame Keeper's Jacket tagTorsoC030=(S) {^B}Callidor's Vestments tagTorsoC031=(S) {^B}Myrmidon Chestguard tagTorsoC032=(S) {^B}Surcoat of Mogdrogen shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoD001={^I}Fiendscale Jacket tagTorsoD002={^I}Devil's Cage Hauberk tagTorsoD003={^I}Shroud of Illusion tagTorsoD003Desc="The strange cloth shimmers and fades with the light, creating a mesmerizing illusion around the wearer." tagTorsoD004={^I}Vestments of the Great Guardian tagTorsoD004Desc="Robes of the high priest of Dreeg, charged with safeguarding the witch god's earthly concerns." tagTorsoD005={^I}Dread Armor of Azragor tagTorsoD005Desc="Azragor was a brutal man feared amongst his fellow knights for his underhanded, yet undisputable tactics." tagTorsoD006={^I}Korvoran's Chestguard shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoD006Desc="Korvoran was a legendary nightblade renowned for his deadly accuracy with throwing knives, which he was able to procure even when his belt was seemingly devoid of blades." tagTorsoD007={^I}Fiendmaster Raiment tagTorsoD008={^I}Divinesteel Hauberk tagTorsoD008Desc="Armor bestowed upon masters of the Templar order who have gone beyond their mortal duties to become Exemplars." tagTorsoD009=(S) {^I}Chestguard of Justice tagTorsoD010=(S) {^I}Beastcaller's Shroud tagTorsoD011=(S) {^I}Demonslayer's Jacket tagTorsoD012=(S) {^I}Clairvoyant's Robe tagTorsoD013=(S) {^I}Markovian's Platemail tagTorsoD014=(S) {^I}Ulzuin's Chestguard shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoD015=(S) {^I}Vestments of Dreeg tagTorsoD016=(S) {^I}Deathmarked Jacket tagTorsoD017=(S) {^I}Iskandra's Vestments tagTorsoD018=(S) {^I}Ultos' Cuirass tagTorsoD019={^I}Frostdread Cuirass tagTorsoD020=(S) {^I}Trozan's Vestments tagTorsoD021=(S) {^I}Valdun's Jacket tagTorsoD022=(S) {^I}Stealth Jacket of the Venomblade tagTorsoD023=(S) {^I}Light's Defender Plate tagTorsoD024=(S) {^I}Infernal Knight's Jacket shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoD025=(S) {^I}Vestments of Agrivix tagTorsoD026=(S) {^I}Warborn Chestguard tagTorsoD027=(S) {^I}Bloodrager's Coat tagTorsoF001=Outcast's Burning Vestments tagTorsoF002=Outcast's Chilled Vestments tagTorsoF003=Outcast's Sky Vestments tagTorsoF004=Outcast's Wrath Vestments tagTorsoF005=Outcast's Void Vestments tagTorsoF006=Outcast's Burning Cuirass shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoF007=Outcast's Chilled Cuirass tagTorsoF008=Outcast's Sky Cuirass tagTorsoF009=Outcast's Wrath Cuirass tagTorsoF010=Outcast's Void Cuirass tagTorsoF011=Devil's Cuirass tagTorsoF012=Devil's Chestguard tagTorsoF013=Legion Vestments tagTorsoF014=Legion Cuirass tagTorsoF015=Legion Chestguard tagTorsoF016=Death's Vestments shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagTorsoF017=Death's Cuirass tagTorsoF018=Chosen Vestments tagTorsoF019=Chosen Chestguard tagTorsoF020=Rhowari Vestments tagTorsoF021=Rhowari Cuirass tagTorsoM001={^W}Ragged Tunic tagTorsoM002={^W}Bloodstained Tunic tagTorsoM003={^W}Bloodstained Robes shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer #ArmorWaist tagWaistA001={^W}Cloth Strap tagWaistA002={^W}Woven Cord tagWaistA003={^W}Hide Sash tagWaistA004={^W}Leather Belt tagWaistA005={^W}Chain Belt tagWaistA006={^W}Infantry Waistguard tagWaistA007={^W}Platemail Girdle shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWaistA008={^W}Assault Waistguard tagWaistA009={^W}Imperial Belt tagWaistA010={^W}Exalted Belt tagWaistB001={^G}Bounty Hunter's Girdle tagWaistB002={^G}Shockweave Sash tagWaistB003={^G}Warmonger's Belt tagWaistB004={^G}Flamesilk Sash tagWaistB005={^G}Frostguard Girdle tagWaistB006={^G}Wraithbone Sash shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWaistB007={^L}Chains of Ygraad tagWaistB008={^L}Chains of Ordas tagWaistB009={^L}Chains of Brandis tagWaistC001={^B}Oldenar's Stabilizer tagWaistC002={^B}Frizzick's Utility Pack tagWaistC002Desc="Worked wonders for Frizzick until it ran out of zombie repellant." tagWaistC003={^B}Alchemist's Belt tagWaistC004=(S) {^B}Marauder's Ammo Belt tagWaistC005={^B}Warchief's Glory shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWaistC006={^B}Headhunter's Trophy tagWaistC007={^B}Acolyte's Cord tagWaistC008={^B}Chthonian Thread Sash tagWaistC009={^B}Bloodbathed Links tagWaistC009Desc="Forever dripping with fresh blood." tagWaistC010={^B}Cord of the Ancestor tagWaistC011={^B}Chains of Anguish tagWaistC011Desc="The chains grant unspeakable power, but at equal cost in blood." tagWaistC012={^B}Warpath Girdle tagWaistC013=(S) {^B}Sharpshooter's Pouch shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWaistC014={^B}Skyreach Sash tagWaistC015={^B}Shadowstalker's Belt tagWaistC016={^B}Flamescourge Girdle tagWaistC017={^B}Legionnaire's Triumph tagWaistC018={^B}Stormtouched Chains tagWaistC019={^B}Stoneskin Girdle tagWaistC020={^B}Soulbinder's Chains tagWaistC021={^B}Blazethread Sash tagWaistC022={^B}Dreadweave Girdle tagWaistC023={^B}Equilibrium Sash shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWaistC024=(S) {^B}Flame Keeper's Girdle tagWaistD001={^I}Thorn Girdle of the Misty Glade tagWaistD002={^I}Blade Breaker Sash tagWaistD003={^I}Boneweave Girdle tagWaistD004={^I}Voidmancer's Cord tagWaistD005={^I}Guthook Belt tagWaistD005Desc="Once worn by an eccentric mass murderer convinced that wearing the entrails of his victims would in turn protect his own." tagWaistD006={^I}Tinker's Ingenuity tagWaistD006Desc="Every tool known to man, somehow contained within a single belt." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWaistD007={^I}Sash of the Bloodlord tagWaistD008={^I}Hammerfall Girdle tagWaistD009={^I}Reforged Chains of Oleron tagWaistD010={^I}Ulzuin's Torment tagWaistD011={^I}Sash of the Immortal Sage tagWaistD012={^I}Girdle of Stolen Dreams tagWaistD013={^I}Spellbreaker Waistguard tagWaistD013Desc="Waistguard worn by the Spellbreaker regiment, a selective group within the Templar of Menhir." tagWaistD014={^I}Phantom-Thread Girdle tagWaistD014Desc="Woven using thread spun from the souls of the damned through unspeakable necromantic techniques." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWaistD015=(S) {^I}Wildblood Girdle tagWaistD016=(S) {^I}Infernal Knight's Girdle tagWaistF001=Devil's Cord tagWaistF002=Devil's Waistguard tagWaistF003=Devil's Girdle tagWaistF004=Rhowari Cord tagWaistF005=Rhowari Waistguard tagWaistF006=Rhowari Girdle tagWaistF007=Solar Belt shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWaistF008=Solar Waistguard tagWaistF009=Solar Girdle tagWaistF010=Legion Belt tagWaistF011=Legion Waistguard tagWaistF012=Legion Girdle tagWaistF013=Death's Cord tagWaistF014=Death's Waistguard tagWaistF015=Death's Girdle tagWaistF016=Chosen Cord tagWaistF017=Chosen Waistguard shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWaistF018=Chosen Girdle #ArmorHands tagHandsA001={^W}Gloves tagHandsA002={^W}Vambraces tagHandsA003={^W}Gauntlets tagHandsA004={^W}Grips tagHandsA005={^W}Handguards shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHandsB001={^G}Adept's Gloves tagHandsB002={^G}Squire's Gauntlets tagHandsB003={^G}Adept's Grips tagHandsB004={^G}Squire's Handguards tagHandsC001={^B}Shadow's Grasp tagHandsC002={^B}Zealot's Gauntlets tagHandsC003={^B}Bladedancer's Handguards tagHandsC004={^B}Spellmaker's Grip tagHandsC005=(S) {^B}Marauder's Gloves shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHandsC006={^B}Soul's Touch tagHandsC007={^B}Inscribed Bracers tagHandsC008={^B}Brawler's Gloves tagHandsC009={^B}Runic Bracers tagHandsC009Desc="Engraved upon the steel are powerful symbols of immortality." tagHandsC010={^B}Blacksteel Gauntlets tagHandsC011={^B}Silktouch Handwraps tagHandsC011Desc="Bask in the shadows, for in the darkness you are invincible." tagHandsC012=Herald's Gloves tagHandsC013=(S) {^B}Apothecary's Touch shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHandsC014=(S) {^B}Handguards of Perdition tagHandsC015=(S) {^B}Dawnguard Gauntlets tagHandsC016={^B}Embergrip Handguards tagHandsC017={^B}Quickdraw Gloves tagHandsC018=(S) {^B}Eastern Gloves tagHandsC019={^B}Thundertouch Bracers tagHandsC020={^B}Obsidian Grasp tagHandsC021={^B}Doomtouch tagHandsC022={^B}Dreadchill Grasp shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHandsD001={^I}Grasp of Unchained Might tagHandsD001Desc="Gloves blessed with the ferocity of Oleron himself." tagHandsD002={^I}Touch of the Everliving Grove tagHandsD003={^I}Voidsteel Gauntlets tagHandsD003Desc="Forged over the smoldering corpse of a Chthonian harbinger." tagHandsD004={^I}Bonescavenger's Deathgrips tagHandsD004Desc="Channeling necromancer's gloves that still retain some of the mage's grisly power." tagHandsD005={^I}Wyrmbone Handguards tagHandsD006={^I}Iceskorn Talons tagHandsD007={^I}Viperfang Grips shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagHandsD008={^I}Aethereach tagHandsD009={^I}Colossal Grasp tagHandsD010=(S) {^I}Handguards of Justice tagHandsD011=(S) {^I}Harbinger's Grasp tagHandsD012=(S) {^I}Light's Defender Gauntlets tagHandsF001=Rhowari Grips tagHandsF002=Rhowari Handguards tagHandsF003=Harvest Grips tagHandsF004=Harvest Handguards shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer #ArmorLegs tagLegsA001={^W}Pants tagLegsA002={^W}Leggings tagLegsA003={^W}Legwraps tagLegsA004={^W}Breeches tagLegsA005={^W}Chausses tagLegsA006={^W}Legguards shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagLegsB001={^L}Dreeg-Sect Legguards tagLegsB002={^L}Solael-Sect Legguards tagLegsB003={^L}Bysmiel-Sect Legguards tagLegsC001={^B}Mistwalker Leggings tagLegsC002={^B}Hermit's Legguards tagLegsC003={^B}Swampdweller's Legguards tagLegsC004=(S) {^B}Explorer's Trousers tagLegsC005={^B}Soiled Trousers shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagLegsC005Desc="The previous owner seems to have left a little surprise in the seat of these trousers." tagLegsC006={^B}Slithscale Legwraps tagLegsC007={^B}Templar's Leg Armor tagLegsC008={^B}Legplates of Valor tagLegsC009={^B}Flesheater Legwraps tagLegsC009Desc="The origins of some objects are best left to the annals of history." tagLegsC010={^B}Shadeleather Leggings tagLegsC011={^B}Hulking Legguards tagLegsC012=(S) {^B}Eastern Legguards tagLegsC013={^B}Bladeguard Leggings shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagLegsC014={^B}Rifthound Legwraps tagLegsC015={^B}Spellweave Legwraps tagLegsD001={^I}Demonbone Legplates tagLegsD001Desc="The real challenge in the creation of this armor came in acquiring the necessary parts." tagLegsD002={^I}Boneweave Leggings tagLegsD003={^I}Deathwhisper Leggings tagLegsD004={^I}Hellforged Legplates tagLegsD004Desc="Forged in the fiery breath of a hellhound." tagLegsD005={^I}Fateweaver's Leggings shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagLegsD005Desc="Dozens of incantations and words of power were whispered into the threads which now form these leggings." tagLegsD006={^I}Wraithborne Legwraps tagLegsD007={^I}Arcane Harmony Leggings tagLegsD008={^I}Thornhide Legguards tagLegsD009={^I}Nidalla's Legwraps tagLegsD010={^I}Legwraps of the Tranquil Mind tagLegsD011={^I}Chausses of Barbaros tagLegsD011Desc="Barbaros was a legendary fighter in the ranks of the Black Legion who met his end on the field of battle, surrounded by dozens of mangled corpses of both men and horses." tagLegsD012={^I}Stormcage Legguards tagLegsD013={^I}Pretty Great Pants shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagLegsD013Desc="Actually, they're just ok." tagLegsD014={^I}Wildshorn Legguards #ArmorFeet tagFeetA001={^W}Footpads tagFeetA002={^W}Boots tagFeetA003={^W}Greaves tagFeetA004={^W}Sabatons shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFeetA005={^W}Treads tagFeetB001={^G}Adept's Boots tagFeetB002={^G}Squire's Boots tagFeetB003={^G}Adept's Greaves tagFeetB004={^G}Squire's Greaves tagFeetC001={^B}Molten Walkers tagFeetC002={^B}Windborne Greaves tagFeetC003={^B}Boots of Unseeing Swiftness shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFeetC003Desc="These boots appear to be of a make and material unlike any of this world." tagFeetC004={^B}Stonewrought Groundbreakers tagFeetC005=(S) {^B}Explorer's Footpads tagFeetC006={^B}Bloodhound Greaves tagFeetC007={^B}The Final March tagFeetC007B={^B}Final March tagFeetC007Desc="Each step bears the weight of a thousand soldiers who lost their lives to Chthonian Forces." tagFeetC008={^B}Rifthound Leather Boots tagFeetC008Desc="Good for nothing beasts, but they make great boots." tagFeetC009={^B}Dreadnought Footpads shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFeetC010={^B}Hellion Greaves tagFeetC011={^B}Serpentine Wraps tagFeetC012={^B}Desecrator Treads tagFeetC012Desc="In the wake of unfathomable odds, leave nought but a trail of desecration." tagFeetC013={^B}Spellsage Boots tagFeetC014={^B}Magelord's Greaves tagFeetD001={^I}Golemborn Greaves tagFeetD002={^I}Wyrmscale Footguards tagFeetD002Desc="Acquiring Wyrmscale is so dangerous few can manage to even afford a scrap, nevermind an actual piece of armor. These boots were likely a status symbol for a wealthy noble." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFeetD003={^I}Venomspine Greaves tagFeetD003Desc="The spines drip with the venom of several different species of spider and snake." tagFeetD004={^I}Voidwalker Footpads tagFeetD005={^I}Boneshatter Treads tagFeetD005Desc="Built with a heavy sole to maximize the sickening crunch of snapping bones." tagFeetD006={^I}Wraithwalkers tagFeetD007={^I}Windshear Greaves tagFeetD008={^I}Stormtitan Treads tagFeetD009={^I}Footpads of the Grey Magi tagFeetD010={^I}Earthshatter Treads shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFeetD010Desc="The very earth boils and cracks beneath these boots." tagFeetF001=Rhowari Footpads tagFeetF002=Rhowari Greaves tagFeetF003=Legion Greaves tagFeetF004=Harvest Footpads tagFeetF005=Harvest Greaves #Rings shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingA001={^W}Copper Band tagRingA002={^W}Silver Band tagRingA003={^W}Gold Band tagRingA004={^W}Platinum Band tagRingA005={^W}Amethyst Ring tagRingA006={^W}Moonstone Band tagRingA007={^W}Opal Signet tagRingA008={^W}Emerald Ring tagRingA009={^W}Sapphire Band shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingA010={^W}Topaz Signet tagRingA011={^W}Ruby Ring tagRingA012={^W}Inscribed Band tagRingA013={^W}Diamond Signet tagRingA014={^W}Imperial Ring tagRingA015={^W}Obsidian Band tagRingA016={^W}Imperial Signet tagRingB001={^G}Reddan Memento Ring tagRingB001Desc="A worn out inscription along the band says: With love - Amelia" shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingB002={^L}Cronley's Signet tagRingB002Desc="Stained with the blood of his victims, now joined by his own." tagRingB003={^G}Skinner Family Seal tagRingB003Desc="Likely the most valuable item the family had ever owned." tagRingB004={^L}Gollus' Ring tagRingB004Desc="He really liked that ring." tagRingB005={^L}Bloodsworn Signet tagRingB005Desc="The gem within shimmers during summoning rituals." tagRingB006={^L}Viloth's Ring tagRingB006Desc="A crudely fashioned piece of jewelry. Strange that a slith would use such a thing." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingC001={^B}Marrow Band tagRingC002={^B}Obsidian Seal tagRingC003={^B}Lorekeeper's Band tagRingC004={^B}Twilight Signet tagRingC005={^B}Blackwatch Seal tagRingC006={^B}Starfire tagRingC006Desc="Cast from the burning remains of a fallen star." tagRingC007={^B}Bloodseal tagRingC008={^B}Aetherlord's Signet shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingC008Desc="A ring commonly carried by nobles possessed by Aetherial spirits." tagRingC009={^B}Eternal Band tagRingC010={^B}Oblitorix tagRingC011={^B}Band of Wandering Souls tagRingC012=(S) {^B}Apothecary's Wisdom tagRingC013=(S) {^B}Seal of the Royal Crown tagRingC014=(S) {^B}Jewel of the Royal Crown tagRingC015=(S) {^B}Ring of Valiance tagRingC016=(S) {^B}Signet of Valiance tagRingC017=(S) {^B}Right Hand of Carnage shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingC018=(S) {^B}Left Hand of Carnage tagRingC019A=(S) {^Z}Alkamos' Dread tagRingC019B=(S) {^Z}Alkamos' Agony tagRingC019Desc="Death...." tagRingC020A=(S) {^Z}Alkamos' Anguish tagRingC020B=(S) {^Z}Alkamos' Torment tagRingC020Desc="Agony..." tagRingC021={^B}Band of Black Ice tagRingC022={^B}Ring of Vile Intent tagRingC023={^B}Chillsurge Ring shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingC023Desc="The sapphires within this ring absorb heat with the slightest touch." tagRingC024={^B}Ring of Eternal Rot tagRingC025={^B}Seal of the Blazing Inferno tagRingC026={^B}Sentinel's Seal tagRingC027={^B}Quickening Gem tagRingC028={^B}Briarthorn Band tagRingC029={^B}Lifebloom Band tagRingC030={^B}Goliath Signet tagRingC031={^B}Sigil of the Depraved tagRingC032={^B}Signet of the Damned shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingC033={^B}Mutagenic Sigil tagRingC033Desc="The gem keeps shifting and changing shape before your eyes." tagRingC034={^B}Amarastan Sigil tagRingC035={^B}Wildpact Emerald tagRingC036=(S) {^B}Aetherstorm Sigil tagRingC037=(S) {^B}Aetherstorm Seal tagRingC038=(S) {^B}Ruby of Elemental Balance tagRingC039=(S) {^B}Sapphire of Elemental Balance tagRingD001={^I}Signet of the Fallen shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingD002={^I}Glyph of Kelphat'Zoth tagRingD002Desc="Signet granted by Kelphat'Zoth, Grand Harbinger of Ch'Thon, upon his most loyal followers." tagRingD003={^I}Lifegiver Signet tagRingD004={^I}Time-Flux Band tagRingD005={^I}Screams of the Aether tagRingD005Desc="A mockery of the agonizing possession process." tagRingD006={^I}Entropic Coil tagRingD007={^I}Ring of the Black Matriarch tagRingD007Desc="Signet of the Black Matriach, a ruthless assassin who utilized spider venom to paralyze and execute her opponents." tagRingD008={^I}Band of the Eternal Haunt shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingD009={^I}Belgothian's Sigil tagRingD010={^I}Albrecht's Duality tagRingD010Desc="Master Albrecht, creator of the aether ray, was renowned not only for his mastery of the arcane, but also his connection to the eldritch gods; a fact that garnered him much legal trouble and would have ended in his execution if not for the intervention of the Gildam Arcanum." tagRingD011=(S) {^I}Open Hand of Mercy tagRingD012=(S) {^I}Closed Fist of Vengeance tagRingD013=(S) {^I}Invoker's Burning Hand tagRingD014=(S) {^I}Invoker's Shocking Touch tagRingD015=(S) {^F}Alkamos' Touch of Dread tagRingD016=(S) {^F}Alkamos' Touch of Anguish shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingF001=Devil's War Seal tagRingF002=Devil's Wrath Seal tagRingF003=Rhowari Wrath Seal tagRingF004=Rhowari Void Seal tagRingF005=Legion War Seal tagRingF006=Legion Conjuration Seal tagRingF007=Harvest Venom Seal tagRingF008=Harvest Blade Seal tagRingF009=Death's Frost Seal shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRingF010=Death's Life Seal tagRingF011=Chosen Flame Seal tagRingF012=Chosen Storm Seal #Necklaces tagNecklaceA00={^W}Salt Bag tagNecklaceA00Desc="A bag full of salt, seemingly to ward off evil spirits." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceA001={^W}Claw Fetish tagNecklaceA002={^W}Silver Amulet tagNecklaceA003={^W}Skull Fetish tagNecklaceA004={^W}Platinum Amulet tagNecklaceA005={^W}Bone Charm tagNecklaceA006={^W}Moonstone Amulet tagNecklaceA007={^W}Opal Pendant tagNecklaceA008={^W}Emerald Necklace tagNecklaceA009={^W}Sapphire Amulet tagNecklaceA010={^W}Topaz Pendant shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceA011={^W}Ruby Necklace tagNecklaceA012={^W}Inscribed Amulet tagNecklaceA013={^W}Diamond Pendant tagNecklaceA014={^W}Imperial Necklace tagNecklaceA015={^W}Obsidian Amulet tagNecklaceA016={^W}Imperial Pendant tagNecklaceB001={^P}Putrid Necklace tagNecklaceB001Desc="The skull is coated with a putrid slime." tagNecklaceB002={^L}Death-Watcher Pendant shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceB003={^L}Ellena's Necklace tagNecklaceB003Desc="A trophy once belonging to Ellena, the First Slith." tagNecklaceC001={^B}Amulet of the Eye tagNecklaceC001Desc="A peerless eye darts back and forth within the gem." tagNecklaceC002={^B}Alazra's Ruby tagNecklaceC003={^B}Bloodmoon tagNecklaceC004={^B}Devil's Charm tagNecklaceC004Desc="A Forked Tongue weaving lies and deceit." tagNecklaceC005=(S) {^B}Maiven's Lens shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceC006={^B}Warp Shard tagNecklaceC006Desc="The shard appears to twist reality itself." tagNecklaceC007={^B}Warmaster's Pride tagNecklaceC008={^B}Spiritstone Charm tagNecklaceC009={^B}Vortex Stone tagNecklaceC010={^B}Death Ward tagNecklaceC010Desc="A charm once worn to ward off evil spirits." tagNecklaceC011={^B}Essence of Beronath tagNecklaceC011Desc="Trapped residual essence of the great beast Beronath." tagNecklaceC012={^B}Bane of Nuram'Siin shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceC013={^B}Lapis Lupus tagNecklaceC014={^B}Avarice of Androneus tagNecklaceC014Desc="A perfect emerald openly flaunted by Master of Taxes Androneus Phillian, prior to his introduction to a knife in the back." tagNecklaceC015=(S) {^B}Herald's Ward tagNecklaceC016=(S) {^B}Unseeing Eye of the Blind Assassin tagNecklaceC017=(S) {^B}Pendant of the Royal Crown tagNecklaceC018=(S) {^B}Pendant of Valiance tagNecklaceC019={^B}Wretched Necessity tagNecklaceC019Desc="A mere glance at this gem creates an intense desire to take it as your own." tagNecklaceC020={^B}Stormcaller's Gem shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceC021={^B}Blightshard Amulet tagNecklaceC022={^B}Shieldmaiden's Guard tagNecklaceC023={^B}Frozen Core tagNecklaceC024={^B}Amulet of Scorched Earth tagNecklaceC025={^B}Plaguemancer's Amulet tagNecklaceC026={^B}Cerulean Shard tagNecklaceC027={^B}Bladeward's Courage tagNecklaceC028={^B}Shard of Menhir tagNecklaceC029={^B}Bramblewood Amulet tagNecklaceC030={^B}Locust Gem shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceC031={^B}Ancestral Ward tagNecklaceC032={^B}Shard of Command tagNecklaceC033={^B}Soul Pendant tagNecklaceC034={^B}Venomblade Amulet tagNecklaceC035={^B}Arcane Eclipse tagNecklaceC036={^B}Righteous Flame tagNecklaceC037={^B}Icetrap tagNecklaceC038=(S) {^B}Callidor's Shard tagNecklaceC039=(S) {^B}Binding Emerald of Mogdrogen tagNecklaceC040=(S) {^B}Aetherstorm Amulet shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceC041={^B}Lapis Mantichora tagNecklaceD001={^I}Will of Bysmiel tagNecklaceD002={^I}Thread of Mortality tagNecklaceD003={^I}Avatar of Mercy tagNecklaceD003Desc="First of the seven sacred virtues of humanity." tagNecklaceD004={^I}Sovereign Ruby of Domination tagNecklaceD005={^I}The Peerless Eye of Beronath tagNecklaceD005Desc="The embalmed eye of the great beast, Beronath." tagNecklaceD006={^I}Starfury Emerald shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceD007={^I}Essence of the Grim Dawn tagNecklaceD007Desc="A physical manifestation of the suffering and death witnessed at the beginning of the Grim Dawn." tagNecklaceD008={^I}Deathbound Amethyst tagNecklaceD009={^I}Celestial Stone of Halakor tagNecklaceD009Desc="Focusing gem of Arcanist Geneve Halakor, who forsook her order and its teachings to become a Templar of Menhir." tagNecklaceD010={^I}Doombringer tagNecklaceD011={^I}Herald of the Apocalypse tagNecklaceD011Desc="Rumored to have torn open the first rift at the beginning of the Grim Dawn." tagNecklaceD012={^I}Pestilence of Dreeg tagNecklaceD012Desc="Bearer of the seven plagues of the witch god Dreeg." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceD013={^I}Night's Embrace tagNecklaceD014={^I}Avenger of Cairn tagNecklaceD015=(S) {^I}Dawnbreaker's Beacon tagNecklaceD016=(S) {^I}Demonslayer's Defense tagNecklaceD017=(S) {^I}Invoker's Shard tagNecklaceD018=(S) {^I}Black Gem of Dreeg tagNecklaceD019=(S) {^I}Iskandra's Focusing Prism tagNecklaceD020=(S) {^I}Ultos' Gem tagNecklaceD021=(S) {^I}Markovian's Distinction tagNecklaceD022=(S) {^I}Heart of Ulzuin shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceD023={^I}Heart of the Mountain tagNecklaceD024=(S) {^I}Valdun's Bounty tagNecklaceD025=(S) {^I}Arcane Shard of Agrivix tagNecklaceD026=(S) {^I}Bloodrager's Gem tagNecklaceF001=Rhowari Guardstone tagNecklaceF002=Rhowari Rancor tagNecklaceF003=Rhowari Lifecaller tagNecklaceF004=Solar Channelling Stone tagNecklaceF005=Harvester Stone shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNecklaceF006=Thundering Gem tagNecklaceF007=Grasp of the Reaper tagNecklaceF008=Pendant of Ubiquitous Wrath tagNecklaceF009=Voidcaller Pendant #Medals tagMedalA001={^W}Ribbon tagMedalA002={^W}Badge shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagMedalA003={^W}Mark tagMedalA004={^W}Crest tagMedalA005={^W}Star tagMedalA006={^W}Imperial Crest tagMedalA007={^W}Imperial Star tagMedalB001={^G}Ranger's Ribbon tagMedalB002={^G}Ranger's Badge tagMedalB003={^L}Ikrix Scale tagMedalB004={^L}Kymon's Badge shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagMedalB005={^L}Bloodsworn Sigil tagMedalC001={^B}Beast Slayer's Mark tagMedalC002={^B}Badge of Tenacity tagMedalC003={^B}Insignia of Justice tagMedalC004=(S) {^B}Bloodreaper's Mark tagMedalC005={^B}Crimson Heart tagMedalC006={^B}Combat Medic's Mark tagMedalC006Desc="Bestowed upon battle-hardened medics for their valiant service in the heat of combat." tagMedalC007={^B}Mark of the Templar shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagMedalC008={^B}Arcanum Sigil tagMedalC009={^B}Vanguard Star tagMedalC010={^B}Badge of the Crimson Company tagMedalC010Desc="Symbol of the Crimson Company, a ruthlessly effective mercenary group." tagMedalC011=(S) {^B}Apothecary's Sign tagMedalC012=(S) {^B}Unholy Sigil of the Covenant tagMedalC013=(S) {^B}Ribbon of Valiance tagMedalC014={^B}Enchanter's Insignia tagMedalC015={^B}Heretic's Sigil tagMedalC016={^B}Tempest Sigil shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagMedalC017={^B}Mark of the False Gods tagMedalC018={^B}Gutworm's Bloody Seal tagMedalC018Desc="Drenched with the blood of his victims." tagMedalC019={^B}Mogdrogen Sigil tagMedalC020={^B}Illusionist's Mark tagMedalC021={^B}Black Star of Deceit tagMedalC022={^B}Mark of the Nymph tagMedalC023={^B}Star of Frozen Skies tagMedalC024={^B}Volcanum tagMedalC025={^B}Mark of Fierce Resolve shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagMedalC026=(S) {^B}Myrmidon Revered Star tagMedalD001={^I}Mark of the Forbidden tagMedalD001Desc="Symbol once forced upon heretics, later worn with pride by worshippers of the witch gods." tagMedalD002={^I}Badge of Mastery tagMedalD003={^I}Pyroclasm Mark tagMedalD004={^I}Sigil of the Bear King tagMedalD004Desc="Sigil of King Ursal Benedict IV, also known as the Bear King." tagMedalD005={^I}Blood Sigil of Ch'Thon tagMedalD006={^I}Direwolf Crest shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagMedalD006Desc="Crest of the great white wolf, patron animal of the northern wastes." tagMedalD007={^I}Undying Oath tagMedalD008={^I}Markovian's Stratagem tagMedalD008Desc="Named in honor of the famed tactician Markovian, this medal was awarded to only the most distinguished generals." tagMedalD009={^I}Mark of Dark Dreams tagMedalD010={^I}Mark of Anathema tagMedalD011={^I}Mark of Divinity tagMedalD012=(S) {^I}Beastcaller's Talisman tagMedalF001=Devil's Badge of Flame shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagMedalF002=Devil's Badge of Frost tagMedalF003=Devil's Badge of Venom tagMedalF004=Legion Mark of the Spellweaver tagMedalF005=Legion Mark of the Void tagMedalF006=Legion Mark of Blades tagMedalF007=Chosen Star of War tagMedalF008=Chosen Star of Thunder tagMedalF009=Defiled Chosen Star tagMedalF009Desc="Tarnished by the powers of the enemy, this medal nevertheless can serve a righteous purpose." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer #Blueprints tagTestBlueprint=Blueprint: Item Name of the Awesomesauce tagTestBlueprintDescription="Flavor text of the Awesomesauce item that is awesome at things." tagBlueprint_RelicB001=Blueprint: Relic - Calamity tagBlueprint_RelicB002=Blueprint: Relic - Ruination tagBlueprint_RelicB003=Blueprint: Relic - Equilibrium tagBlueprint_RelicB004=Blueprint: Relic - Glacier tagBlueprint_RelicB005=Blueprint: Relic - Squall shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_RelicB006=Blueprint: Relic - Inferno tagBlueprint_RelicB007=Blueprint: Relic - Corruption tagBlueprint_RelicB008=Blueprint: Relic - Sanctuary tagBlueprint_RelicB009=Blueprint: Relic - Guile tagBlueprint_RelicB010=Blueprint: Relic - Rampage tagBlueprint_RelicB011=Blueprint: Relic - Mistborn Talisman tagBlueprint_RelicB012=Blueprint: Relic - Bladesworn Talisman tagBlueprint_RelicB013=Blueprint: Relic - Gunslinger's Talisman tagBlueprint_RelicC001=Blueprint: Relic - Arbiter tagBlueprint_RelicC002=Blueprint: Relic - Fortress shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_RelicC003=Blueprint: Relic - Slaughter tagBlueprint_RelicC004=Blueprint: Relic - Juggernaut tagBlueprint_RelicC005=Blueprint: Relic - Terror tagBlueprint_RelicC006=Blueprint: Relic - Torment tagBlueprint_RelicC007=Blueprint: Relic - Haunt tagBlueprint_RelicC008=Blueprint: Relic - Conflagration tagBlueprint_RelicC009=Blueprint: Relic - Savage tagBlueprint_RelicC010=Blueprint: Relic - Deathchill tagBlueprint_RelicC011=Blueprint: Relic - Sacrifice tagBlueprint_RelicC012=Blueprint: Relic - Zeal shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_RelicC013=Blueprint: Relic - Desolation tagBlueprint_RelicC014=Blueprint: Relic - Blight tagBlueprint_RelicC015=Blueprint: Relic - Ancestor tagBlueprint_RelicC016=Blueprint: Relic - Bladedancer's Talisman tagBlueprint_RelicC017=Blueprint: Relic - Marauder's Talisman tagBlueprint_RelicD001=Blueprint: Relic - Aegis tagBlueprint_RelicD002=Blueprint: Relic - Malediction tagBlueprint_RelicD003=Blueprint: Relic - Nemesis tagBlueprint_RelicD004=Blueprint: Relic - Citadel tagBlueprint_RelicD005=Blueprint: Relic - Eye of the Storm shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_RelicD006=Blueprint: Relic - Reckoning tagBlueprint_RelicD007=Blueprint: Relic - Scourge tagBlueprint_RelicD008=Blueprint: Relic - Ulzuin's Pyroclasm tagBlueprint_RelicD009=Blueprint: Relic - Necrosis tagBlueprint_RelicD010=Blueprint: Relic - Agrivix's Malice tagBlueprint_RelicD011=Blueprint: Relic - Oblivion tagBlueprint_RelicD012=Blueprint: Relic - Belgothian's Carnage tagBlueprint_RelicD013=Blueprint: Relic - Annihilation tagBlueprint_RelicD014=Blueprint: Relic - Avenger tagBlueprint_RelicD015=Blueprint: Relic - Primal Instinct shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_RelicD016=Blueprint: Relic - Solael's Decimation tagBlueprint_RelicD017=Blueprint: Relic - Dreeg's Affliction tagBlueprint_RelicD018=Blueprint: Relic - Bysmiel's Domination tagBlueprint_RelicD019=Blueprint: Relic - Oleron's Wrath tagBlueprint_RelicD020=Blueprint: Relic - Menhir's Bastion tagBlueprint_RelicD021=Blueprint: Relic - Iskandra's Balance tagBlueprint_RelicD022=Blueprint: Relic - Blademaster's Talisman tagBlueprint_RelicD023=Blueprint: Relic - Plunderer's Talisman tagBlueprint_ComponentA01=Blueprint: Aether Soul shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ComponentA02=Blueprint: Ballistic Plating tagBlueprint_ComponentA03=Blueprint: Blessed Steel tagBlueprint_ComponentA04=Blueprint: Focusing Prism tagBlueprint_ComponentA05=Blueprint: Leathery Hide tagBlueprint_ComponentA06=Blueprint: Restless Remains tagBlueprint_ComponentA07=Blueprint: Rotten Heart tagBlueprint_ComponentA08=Blueprint: Runestone tagBlueprint_ComponentA09=Blueprint: Sanctified Bone tagBlueprint_ComponentA10=Blueprint: Spined Carapace tagBlueprint_ComponentA11=Blueprint: Vengeful Wraith shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ComponentA12=Blueprint: Wardstone tagBlueprint_ComponentA13=Blueprint: Silk Swatch tagBlueprint_ComponentA14=Blueprint: Scaled Hide tagBlueprint_ComponentA15=Blueprint: Purified Salt tagBlueprint_ComponentA16=Blueprint: Hollowed Fang tagBlueprint_ComponentA17=Blueprint: Imbued Silver tagBlueprint_ComponentA18=Blueprint: Blessed Whetstone tagBlueprint_ComponentA19=Blueprint: Black Tallow tagBlueprint_ComponentC01=Blueprint: Oleron's Blood tagBlueprint_ComponentC02=Blueprint: Shard of Beronath shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ComponentC03=Blueprint: Arcane Spark tagBlueprint_ComponentC04=Blueprint: Prismatic Diamond tagBlueprint_ComponentC05=Blueprint: Haunted Steel tagBlueprint_ComponentC06=Blueprint: Mark of Mogdrogen tagBlueprint_ComponentC07=Blueprint: Silvercore Bolts tagBlueprint_ComponentC08=Blueprint: Bloody Whetstone tagBlueprint_WaistB001=Blueprint: Bounty Hunter's Girdle tagBlueprint_WaistB002=Blueprint: Shockweave Sash shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_WaistB003=Blueprint: Warmonger's Belt tagBlueprint_WaistB004=Blueprint: Flamesilk Sash tagBlueprint_WaistB005=Blueprint: Frostguard Girdle tagBlueprint_WaistB006=Blueprint: Wraithbone Sash tagBlueprint_WeaponB001=Blueprint: Battle Shield tagBlueprint_WeaponB002=Blueprint: Siege Shield tagBlueprint_WeaponB003=Blueprint: Sovereign Shield tagBlueprint_WeaponB004=Blueprint: Rotating Rifle tagBlueprint_WeaponB005=Blueprint: Frontloading Rifle shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_WeaponB006=Blueprint: Shrapnel Gun tagBlueprint_WeaponB007=Blueprint: Honed Longsword tagBlueprint_WeaponB008=Blueprint: Honed Broadsword tagBlueprint_WeaponB009=Blueprint: Honed Conqueror tagBlueprint_WeaponB010=Blueprint: Brutal Great Axe tagBlueprint_WeaponB011=Blueprint: Brutal Carver tagBlueprint_WeaponB012=Blueprint: Brutal Decapitator tagBlueprint_WeaponB013=Blueprint: Glyphed Archive tagBlueprint_WeaponB014=Blueprint: Glyphed Spellbook tagBlueprint_WeaponB015=Blueprint: Glyphed Tome shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_WeaponB016=Blueprint: Occult Horn tagBlueprint_WeaponB017=Blueprint: Occult Skull tagBlueprint_WeaponB018=Blueprint: Occult Effigy tagBlueprint_WeaponB019=Blueprint: Double-Barrel Pistol tagBlueprint_WeaponB020=Blueprint: Hand Mortar tagBlueprint_WeaponB021=Blueprint: Shrapnel Pistol tagBlueprint_WeaponB022=Blueprint: Adept's Bladed Mace tagBlueprint_WeaponB023=Blueprint: Adept's Morningstar tagBlueprint_WeaponB024=Blueprint: Adept's Flanged Mace tagBlueprint_WeaponB025=Blueprint: Adept's Dagger shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_WeaponB026=Blueprint: Adept's Spellblade tagBlueprint_WeaponB027=Blueprint: Master's Spellblade tagBlueprint_WeaponB028=Blueprint: Adept's Wand tagBlueprint_WeaponB029=Blueprint: Adept's Scepter tagBlueprint_WeaponB030=Blueprint: Master's Scepter tagBlueprint_WeaponC001=Blueprint: Witchstalker tagBlueprint_WeaponC002=Blueprint: The Eye tagBlueprint_WeaponC003=Blueprint: Storm's Edge tagBlueprint_WeaponC004=Blueprint: Omen shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_WeaponC005=Blueprint: Tremor tagBlueprint_WeaponC006=Blueprint: Spellfire Wand tagBlueprint_WeaponC007=Blueprint: Firestorm Scepter tagBlueprint_WeaponC008=Blueprint: Ulda'Jax tagBlueprint_WeaponC009=Blueprint: Empowered Spellfire Wand tagBlueprint_WeaponC010=Blueprint: Empowered Skyshard Spellblade tagBlueprint_WeaponC011=Blueprint: Empowered Malformed Effigy tagBlueprint_WeaponC012=Blueprint: Empowered Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh tagBlueprint_WeaponD001=Blueprint: Arcanum Sigillis shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_WeaponD002=Blueprint: Raka'Jax tagBlueprint_WeaponD003=Blueprint: Damnation tagBlueprint_WeaponD004=Blueprint: Herald of Blazing Ends tagBlueprint_WeaponD005=Blueprint: Beronath, Reforged tagBlueprint_WeaponD006=Blueprint: Leviathan tagBlueprint_WeaponD007=Blueprint: Olexra's Chill tagBlueprint_WeaponD008=Blueprint: Basilisk Claw tagBlueprint_WeaponD009=Blueprint: Siegebreaker tagBlueprint_WeaponD010=Blueprint: Eye of Dominion tagBlueprint_WeaponD011=Blueprint: Codex of Eternal Storms shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_WeaponF001=Blueprint: Devil's Cudgel tagBlueprint_WeaponF002=Blueprint: Empowered Defender of Devil's Crossing tagBlueprint_WeaponF003=Blueprint: Rhowari Spellweaver Codex tagBlueprint_WeaponF004=Blueprint: Rhowari Arbalest tagBlueprint_WeaponF005=Blueprint: Empowered Omen tagBlueprint_WeaponF006=Blueprint: Lunar Sledge tagBlueprint_WeaponF007=Blueprint: Harvest's Defender tagBlueprint_WeaponF008=Blueprint: Empowered Boltspitter tagBlueprint_WeaponF009=Blueprint: Legion Slicer shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_WeaponF010=Blueprint: Empowered Crest of the Black Legion tagBlueprint_WeaponF011=Blueprint: Death's Sixgun tagBlueprint_WeaponF012=Blueprint: Death's Gaze tagBlueprint_WeaponF013=Blueprint: Empowered Reaper's Touch tagBlueprint_WeaponF014=Blueprint: Chosen Crimsonguard tagBlueprint_WeaponF015=Blueprint: Chosen Crusher tagBlueprint_WeaponF016=Blueprint: Empowered Orwell's Revolver tagBlueprint_ArmorB001=Blueprint: Adept's Boots shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ArmorB002=Blueprint: Adept's Greaves tagBlueprint_ArmorB003=Blueprint: Squire's Boots tagBlueprint_ArmorB004=Blueprint: Squire's Greaves tagBlueprint_ArmorB005=Blueprint: Adept's Gloves tagBlueprint_ArmorB006=Blueprint: Adept's Grips tagBlueprint_ArmorB007=Blueprint: Squire's Gauntlets tagBlueprint_ArmorB008=Blueprint: Squire's Handguards tagBlueprint_ArmorB009=Blueprint: Adept's Hood tagBlueprint_ArmorB010=Blueprint: Adept's Circlet tagBlueprint_ArmorB011=Blueprint: Ranger's Helm shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ArmorB012=Blueprint: Ranger's Casque tagBlueprint_ArmorF001=Blueprint: Devil's Cord tagBlueprint_ArmorF002=Blueprint: Devil's Waistguard tagBlueprint_ArmorF003=Blueprint: Devil's Girdle tagBlueprint_ArmorF004=Blueprint: Rhowari Cord tagBlueprint_ArmorF005=Blueprint: Rhowari Waistguard tagBlueprint_ArmorF006=Blueprint: Rhowari Girdle tagBlueprint_ArmorF007=Blueprint: Solar Belt tagBlueprint_ArmorF008=Blueprint: Solar Waistguard shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ArmorF009=Blueprint: Solar Girdle tagBlueprint_ArmorF010=Blueprint: Legion Belt tagBlueprint_ArmorF011=Blueprint: Legion Waistguard tagBlueprint_ArmorF012=Blueprint: Legion Girdle tagBlueprint_ArmorF013=Blueprint: Death's Cord tagBlueprint_ArmorF014=Blueprint: Death's Waistguard tagBlueprint_ArmorF015=Blueprint: Death's Girdle tagBlueprint_ArmorF016=Blueprint: Chosen Cord tagBlueprint_ArmorF017=Blueprint: Chosen Waistguard tagBlueprint_ArmorF018=Blueprint: Chosen Girdle shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ArmorC001=Blueprint: Guardsman's Defender tagBlueprint_ArmorC002=Blueprint: Guardsman's Breastplate tagBlueprint_ArmorC003=Blueprint: Explorer's Tunic tagBlueprint_ArmorC004=Blueprint: Explorer's Trousers tagBlueprint_ArmorC005=Blueprint: Decorated Pauldrons tagBlueprint_ArmorC006=Blueprint: Cowl of the Blind Assassin tagBlueprint_ArmorC007=Blueprint: Unholy Visage of the Covenant tagBlueprint_ArmorC008=Blueprint: Flame Keeper's Jacket tagBlueprint_ArmorC009=Blueprint: Callidor's Vestments shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ArmorC010=Blueprint: Myrmidon Visor tagBlueprint_ArmorC011=Blueprint: Cowl of Mogdrogen tagBlueprint_ArmorD001=Blueprint: Maw of Despair tagBlueprint_ArmorD002=Blueprint: Dread-Mask of Gurgoth tagBlueprint_ArmorD003=Blueprint: Whisperer of Secrets tagBlueprint_ArmorD004=Blueprint: Abyssal Mask tagBlueprint_ArmorD005=Blueprint: Circlet of the Great Serpent tagBlueprint_ArmorD006=Blueprint: Mask of Infernal Truth tagBlueprint_ArmorD007=Blueprint: Faceguard of Justice shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ArmorD008=Blueprint: Beastcaller's Cowl tagBlueprint_ArmorD009=Blueprint: Mask of the Harbinger tagBlueprint_ArmorD010=Blueprint: Demonslayer's Hat tagBlueprint_ArmorD011=Blueprint: Clairvoyant's Hat tagBlueprint_ArmorD012=Blueprint: Markovian's Visor tagBlueprint_ArmorD013=Blueprint: Ulzuin's Headguard tagBlueprint_ArmorD014=Blueprint: Hood of Dreeg tagBlueprint_ArmorD015=Blueprint: Deathmarked Hood tagBlueprint_ArmorD016=Blueprint: Iskandra's Hood tagBlueprint_ArmorD017=Blueprint: Ultos' Hood shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ArmorD018=Blueprint: Crown of the Winter King tagBlueprint_ArmorD019=Blueprint: Trozan's Hat tagBlueprint_ArmorD020=Blueprint: Valdun's Hat tagBlueprint_ArmorD021=Blueprint: Eldritch Gaze tagBlueprint_ArmorD022=Blueprint: Covenant of the Three tagBlueprint_ArmorD023=Blueprint: Cowl of the Venomblade tagBlueprint_ArmorD024=Blueprint: Visage of the Black Flame tagBlueprint_ArmorD025=Blueprint: Light's Defender Helm tagBlueprint_ArmorD026=Blueprint: Infernal Knight's Faceguard tagBlueprint_ArmorD027=Blueprint: Warborn Visor shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_ArmorD028=Blueprint: Bloodrager's Cowl tagBlueprint_AccessoryC001=Blueprint: Maiven's Lens tagBlueprint_AccessoryC002=Blueprint: Vortex Stone tagBlueprint_AccessoryC003=Blueprint: Lapis Mantichora tagBlueprint_AccessoryC004=Blueprint: Mark of Fierce Resolve tagBlueprint_AccessoryC005=Blueprint: Ruby of Elemental Balance tagBlueprint_AccessoryC006=Blueprint: Sapphire of Elemental Balance tagBlueprint_AccessoryC007=Blueprint: Empowered Plaguemancer's Amulet shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_AccessoryC008=Blueprint: Empowered Essence of Beronath tagBlueprint_AccessoryC009=Blueprint: Empowered Tempest Sigil tagBlueprint_AccessoryC010=Blueprint: Blazethread Sash tagBlueprint_AccessoryC011=Blueprint: Equilibrium Sash tagBlueprint_AccessoryC012=Blueprint: Empowered Chthonian Thread Sash tagBlueprint_AccessoryD001=Blueprint: Starfury Emerald tagBlueprint_AccessoryD002=Blueprint: Essence of the Grim Dawn tagBlueprint_AccessoryD003=Blueprint: Herald of the Apocalypse tagBlueprint_AccessoryD004=Blueprint: Pestilence of Dreeg shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_AccessoryD005=Blueprint: Voidmancer's Cord tagBlueprint_AccessoryD006=Blueprint: Tinker's Ingenuity tagBlueprint_AccessoryD007=Blueprint: Reforged Chains of Oleron tagBlueprint_AccessoryD008=Blueprint: Ulzuin's Torment tagBlueprint_AccessoryD009=Blueprint: Spellbreaker Waistguard tagBlueprint_AccessoryD010=Blueprint: Badge of Mastery tagBlueprint_AccessoryD011=Blueprint: Mark of Divinity tagBlueprint_MiscA01=Blueprint: Skeleton Key tagBlueprint_MiscA01Desc=An ancient crafting technique known only by a select few. shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBlueprint_MaterialA01=Blueprint: Aether Cluster #Relics tagDeviceBonus=Completion Bonus tagDeviceTier01=Empowered Relic tagDeviceTier02=Transcendent Relic tagDeviceTier03=Mythical Relic shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicB001=Calamity tagRelicB001Desc="Unbridled destruction." tagRelicB002=Ruination tagRelicB002Desc="Reckless devastation." tagRelicB003=Equilibrium tagRelicB003Desc="Balance in an elemental sea of unrest." tagRelicB004=Glacier tagRelicB004Desc="A core of ice and a heart of stone." tagRelicB005=Squall tagRelicB005Desc="The tumultuous spirit of Ultos, Arkovian god of the sky." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicB006=Inferno tagRelicB006Desc="The contained vengeance of Ulzuin." tagRelicB007=Corruption tagRelicB007Desc="The suffering of Cairn made manifest." tagRelicB008=Sanctuary tagRelicB008Desc="Safe haven in these trying times." tagRelicB009=Guile tagRelicB009Desc="Subtlety and wit over brute force and muscle." tagRelicB010=Rampage tagRelicB010Desc="Unmatched passion to wage war in the name of Oleron." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicB011=Mistborn Talisman tagRelicB011Desc="A talisman carried by trolls to drive them into a mindless battlerage that does not end until every enemy lies dead." tagRelicB012=Bladesworn Talisman tagRelicB012Desc="A symbol of expertise in the art of wielding two melee weapons at the same time." tagRelicB013=Gunslinger's Talisman tagRelicB013Desc="A symbol of expertise in the art of firing two pistols at the same time with lethal accuracy." tagRelicB014=Bone Talisman tagRelicB014Desc="This chip of bone was meticulously covered with phrases and symbols of spiritual importance to the Rovers." tagRelicB015=Ivory Talisman tagRelicB016=Sacred Talisman shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicC001=Arbiter tagRelicC001Desc="Justice, unbiased and fair..." tagRelicC002=Fortress tagRelicC002Desc="The immovable defender and bastion of the weak." tagRelicC003=Slaughter tagRelicC003Desc="Not all nightblade assignments end with a clean kill." tagRelicC004=Juggernaut tagRelicC004Desc="A force of destruction that will not be denied." tagRelicC005=Terror shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicC005Desc="Visions of terror and horrors from the dark places of the world." tagRelicC006=Torment tagRelicC006Desc="A memento of the Arkovian Steps of Torment, filled with the agony of its innumerable victims." tagRelicC007=Haunt tagRelicC007Desc="Ageless spirits, eager to escape into the world of the living." tagRelicC008=Conflagration tagRelicC008Desc="The breath of Ulzuin." tagRelicC009=Savage tagRelicC009Desc="Embrace the call of the wild." tagRelicC010=Deathchill shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicC010Desc="The chilling touch of death lingers hungrily over all..." tagRelicC011=Sacrifice tagRelicC011Desc="Spill blood so that those who cannot will never have to." tagRelicC012=Zeal tagRelicC012Desc="Wage war with reckless abandon." tagRelicC013=Desolation tagRelicC013Desc="Leave nothing but desolation in your wake." tagRelicC014=Blight tagRelicC014Desc="The master stroke of the nine plagues of Dreeg." tagRelicC015=Ancestor shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicC015Desc="Within our ancestry lies the key to true potential." tagRelicC016=Bladedancer's Talisman tagRelicC016Desc="A symbol of supremacy in the art of wielding two melee weapons at the same time." tagRelicC017=Marauder's Talisman tagRelicC017Desc="A symbol of supremacy in the art of firing two pistols at the same time with lethal accuracy." tagRelicD001=Aegis tagRelicD001Desc="The guiding light of Ishtak cleanses of pain and fills with renewed resolve." tagRelicD002=Malediction tagRelicD002Desc="Plague and disease are an unmatched force, felling both the cripple and the warrior alike." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicD003=Nemesis tagRelicD003Desc="The moon as my guide, shadows my allies. I am the hunter..." tagRelicD004=Citadel tagRelicD004Desc="Become like the unbreachable citadel and behold as your enemies meet their doom before your insurmountable walls." tagRelicD005=Eye of the Storm tagRelicD005Desc="Those who seek divine power need but to look up to the skies during a lightning storm." tagRelicD006=Reckoning tagRelicD006Desc="For every blow, reckoning a thousand-fold." tagRelicD007=Scourge tagRelicD007Desc="I fear not the reaper, for I am death incarnate." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicD008=Ulzuin's Pyroclasm tagRelicD008Desc="Bathe the world in cleansing fire..." tagRelicD009=Necrosis tagRelicD009Desc="In the end of all things, we all share the same fate." tagRelicD010=Agrivix's Malice tagRelicD010Desc="The secrets of the aether are ours for the taking. I simply do not fear what lies beyond the veil." tagRelicD011=Oblivion tagRelicD011Desc="I have looked into the great dark beyond expecting the empty void. I never expected it to look back." tagRelicD012=Belgothian's Carnage tagRelicD012Desc="My brother nightblades have their methods, and I have mine. There are no innocents." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicD013=Annihilation tagRelicD013Desc="The skies shall tear asunder, and fire shall rain from crimson heavens..." tagRelicD014=Avenger tagRelicD014Desc="It is true, you have landed a mighty blow; but the last one shall be mine." tagRelicD015=Primal Instinct tagRelicD015Desc="Come forth, my minions. It is time to feast..." tagRelicD016=Solael's Decimation tagRelicD016Desc="They said no man could harness such power, so I ceased to be a man." tagRelicD017=Dreeg's Affliction tagRelicD017Desc="The greatest secret kept from you is the fallacy of your fragile mortality." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicD018=Bysmiel's Domination tagRelicD018Desc="Look at them, little puppets, all moving along my invisible strings." tagRelicD019=Oleron's Wrath tagRelicD019Desc="Blood... agony... death. Will you deny the drums of war?" tagRelicD020=Menhir's Bastion tagRelicD020Desc="The earth will suffer neither foul spirit nor vile blood of heathens. Rise up to her defense and Cairn will rise with you." tagRelicD021=Iskandra's Balance tagRelicD021Desc="The first lesson every aspirant must learn is to find a balance in the raw forces of magic that surround us all." tagRelicD022=Blademaster's Talisman tagRelicD022Desc="A symbol of mastery in the art of wielding two melee weapons at the same time." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagRelicD023=Plunderer's Talisman tagRelicD023Desc="A symbol of mastery in the art of firing two pistols at the same time with lethal accuracy." #Crafting tagCraftTabArtifactA=Relics tagCraftTabArtifactB=Talismans, relics and artifacts of great power. tagCraftTabMeleeA=Melee Weapons tagCraftTabMeleeB=An assortment of martial weapons intended for slicing, chopping and smashing. tagCraftTabRangedA=Ranged Weapons tagCraftTabRangedB=A selection of pistols, rifles and crossbows for those who prefer to fight at range. shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCraftTabArmorA=Armor tagCraftTabArmorB=A collection of shields, foci and body armor of various makes and materials. tagCraftTabMiscA=Accessories and Consumables tagCraftTabMiscB=A mix of techniques that sometimes go beyond use of the forge. tagCraftMaterial_RoyalJelly=Royal Jelly tagCraftMaterial_RoyalJelly_Desc="Concentrated secretion from giant wasps of Old Arkovia. Widely believed to carry restorative properties." tagCraftMaterial_AetherShard=Aether Shard tagCraftMaterial_AetherShard_Desc="A large shard from an aether crystal formation, still teeming with untapped power." tagCraftMaterial_AetherCluster=Aether Cluster shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCraftMaterial_AetherCluster_Desc="A concentrated cluster of Aether Shards, bursting with unstable energies." tagCraftMaterial_TaintedBrain=Tainted Brain Matter tagCraftMaterial_TaintedBrain_Desc="Brain tissue scarred and twisted by the manipulations of a powerful Aetherial." tagCraftMaterial_BloodChthon=Blood of Ch'thon tagCraftMaterial_BloodChthon_Desc="Coalesced essence of the void god." tagCraftMaterial_AncientHeart=Ancient Heart tagCraftMaterial_AncientHeart_Desc="It continues to beat within your bag with an eerily steady rhythm." tagCraftMaterial_Manticore=Manticore Eye tagCraftMaterial_Mancitore_Desc="The sharp eye of an unmatched predator." tagCraftMaterial_SkeletonKey=Skeleton Key shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCraftMaterial_SkeletonKey_Desc="If the stories are to be believed, this key will open nearly any ancient door." tagCraftMaterial_CultistSeal=Chthonic Seal of Binding tagCraftMaterial_CultistSeal_Desc="Sigils used by the Cult of Ch'thon to bind powerful creatures to the physical realm." tagCraftRandomItemDesc=The blacksmith crafts an enchanted item appropriate to your level of magical or even rare quality, with a bonus chance of generating extremely rare items. tagCraftRandomLegendaryItemDesc=The blacksmith crafts an enchanted item appropriate to your level of Legendary quality, up to level 75. tagCraftComponentDesc=Experienced forging technique can yield materials of superior quality. tagCraftComponentRareDesc=An extraordinary crafting technique thought lost to the ages. tagCraftShardBeronathDesc=Transmute steel into a shard of the sacred Beronath. tagCraftRelicDesc=Ancient forging technique thought lost to the Grim Dawn. shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCraftTransmuteDesc=Through the heat of the forge and a bit of alchemy, rare materials can be transmuted to other equally rare creations. tagCraftRandomLegendaryDesc=The blacksmith combines the raw arcane power within these objects to create an object of Legendary potential, up to level 75. Characters below level 58 may craft an Epic item instead. tagCraftRandomLegendaryAccessoryDesc=The blacksmith combines the raw arcane power within these objects to create an object of Legendary potential, up to level 75. Characters below level 58 will craft an Epic item instead. tagCraftRandomAxe=Enchanted Axe tagCraftRandomBlunt=Enchanted Mace tagCraftRandomCrossbow2h=Enchanted Crossbow tagCraftRandomFocus=Enchanted Focus tagCraftRandomGun2h=Enchanted Two-Handed Gun tagCraftRandomShield=Enchanted Shield shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCraftRandomSword=Enchanted Sword tagCraftRandomGun1h=Enchanted One-Handed Gun tagCraftRandomAxe2h=Enchanted Two-Handed Axe tagCraftRandomBlunt2h=Enchanted Two-Handed Mace tagCraftRandomSword2h=Enchanted Two-Handed Sword tagCraftRandomCasterWeapon_01=Enchanted Cold Implement tagCraftRandomCasterWeapon_02=Enchanted Fire Implement tagCraftRandomCasterWeapon_03=Enchanted Acid Implement tagCraftRandomCasterWeapon_04=Enchanted Lightning Implement tagCraftRandomCasterWeapon_05=Enchanted Vitality Implement shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCraftRandomCasterWeapon_06=Enchanted Chaos Implement tagCraftRandomCasterWeapon_07=Enchanted Aether Implement tagCraftRandomRing=Enchanted Ring tagCraftRandomNecklace=Enchanted Necklace tagCraftRandomMedal=Enchanted Medal tagCraftRandomBelt=Enchanted Belt tagCraftRandomFeet_Heavy=Enchanted Heavy Boots tagCraftRandomFeet_Light=Enchanted Boots shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCraftRandomHands_Heavy=Enchanted Heavy Gloves tagCraftRandomHands_Light=Enchanted Gloves tagCraftRandomHead_Caster=Enchanted Caster Helm tagCraftRandomHead_Heavy=Enchanted Heavy Helm tagCraftRandomHead_Light=Enchanted Helm tagCraftRandomLegs_Heavy=Enchanted Heavy Leg Armor tagCraftRandomLegs_Light=Enchanted Leg Armor tagCraftRandomShoulder_Heavy=Enchanted Heavy Shoulder Armor tagCraftRandomShoulder_Light=Enchanted Shoulder Armor tagCraftRandomTorso_Caster=Enchanted Caster Chest Armor shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCraftRandomTorso_Heavy=Enchanted Heavy Chest Armor tagCraftRandomTorso_Light=Enchanted Chest Armor tagCraftRandomLegendary_Armor=Legendary Armor tagCraftRandomLegendary_Accessory=Legendary Accessory tagCraftRandomLegendary_MeleeWeapon=Legendary Melee Weapon tagCraftRandomLegendary_RangedWeapon=Legendary Ranged Weapon tagCraftRandomLegendary_CasterWeapon=Legendary Caster Weapon shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuppliesIncomplete=Crafting Supply Parts tagSuppliesComplete=Crafting Supplies tagSuppliesNumber={%s0 - %d1 / %d2} tagSuppliesBonus= tagSuppliesHelp=[Crafting Supplies are used with Blueprints] tagSuppliesError= #Consumables shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagScrollDirections=[Right-Click to Consume] tagUseDirections=[Right-Click to Use] tagConsumableRoyalJellyBalmBlueprint=Recipe: Royal Jelly Balm tagConsumableRoyalJellyBalmBlueprintDesc="A secret medicinal technique of the Rovers." tagConsumableBlueprintA01=Recipe: Flamedrinker Ointment tagConsumableBlueprintA02=Recipe: Frostshroud Ointment tagConsumableBlueprintA03=Recipe: Stormshroud Ointment tagConsumableBlueprintA04=Recipe: Venomguard Ointment tagConsumableBlueprintA05=Recipe: Bloodbound Ointment shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableBlueprintA06=Recipe: Spiritbane Ointment tagConsumableBlueprintA07=Recipe: Deathwhisper Ointment tagConsumableBlueprintA08=Recipe: Hoarfrost Ointment tagConsumableBlueprintA09=Recipe: Lifestealer Oil tagConsumableBlueprintA10=Recipe: Venomfang Oil tagConsumableBlueprintA11=Recipe: Bloodfang Oil tagConsumableBlueprintA12=Recipe: Arcanum Oil tagConsumableBlueprintA13=Recipe: Elixir of the Ancients tagConsumableBlueprintA13Desc="A forgotten art that dabbles in forbidden magic." tagConsumableBlueprintA14=Recipe: Elixir of the Aether shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableBlueprintA14Desc="A concoction perfected by the Gildam Arcanum to clear the mind of all distractions." tagConsumableBlueprintA15=Recipe: Elixir of the Void tagConsumableBlueprintA15Desc="A concoction often used by the Cult of Ch'thon to bring them closer to their god." tagConsumableBlueprintA16=Recipe: Elixir of the Hunt tagConsumableBlueprintA16Desc="A mixture used by hunters to better track their prey." tagConsumableBlueprintA17=Recipe: Royal Jelly Extract tagConsumableBlueprintA18=Recipe: Royal Jelly Essence tagConsumableBlueprintA19=Recipe: Royal Jelly Salve tagConsumableBlueprintA19Desc="A secret medicinal technique of the Rovers." tagConsumableBlueprintA20=Recipe: Royal Jelly Ointment shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableBlueprintA20Desc="A secret medicinal technique of the Rovers." tagConsumable_RoyalJellyBalm=Royal Jelly Balm tagConsumable_RoyalJellyBalmDesc="A soothing concoction made from concentrated Royal Jelly." tagConsumableA01=Flamedrinker Ointment tagConsumableA01Desc="A foul-smelling concoction which refuses to catch fire." tagConsumableA02=Frostshroud Ointment tagConsumableA02Desc="A dense concoction that's strangely warm to the touch." tagConsumableA03=Stormshroud Ointment tagConsumableA03Desc="A slimy concoction that deflects electrical energy." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableA04=Venomguard Ointment tagConsumableA04Desc="A sweet-smelling concoction that neutralizes most toxins." tagConsumableA05=Bloodbound Ointment tagConsumableA05Desc="A thick concoction that constantly shifts between black and a deep bloody red." tagConsumableA06=Spiritbane Ointment tagConsumableA06Desc="A glowing concoction that gives off a strange warmth." tagConsumableA07=Deathwhisper Ointment tagConsumableA07Desc="A nauseating concoction that bubbles and shifts even after application." tagConsumableA08=Hoarfrost Ointment tagConsumableA08Desc="An oily concoction so warm it's nearly scalding to the touch." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableA09=Lifestealer Oil tagConsumableA09Desc="A repulsive toxin used to draw the life out of the intended target." tagConsumableA10=Venomfang Oil tagConsumableA10Desc="A vile toxin mixed from various poisonous creatures, with a touch of slith venom." tagConsumableA11=Bloodfang Oil tagConsumableA11Desc="A foul toxin which induces heavy bleeding in the target." tagConsumableA12=Arcanum Oil tagConsumableA12Desc="A mixture employed by the Gildam Arcanum to enhance the focal properties of weapons." tagConsumableA13=Elixir of the Ancients tagConsumableA13Desc="A powerful elixir derived from the ancient beasts of Cairn." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableA14=Elixir of the Aether tagConsumableA14Desc="A powerful elixir derived from the essence of the Aether." tagConsumableA15=Elixir of the Void tagConsumableA15Desc="A powerful elixir derived by foul blood magic." tagConsumableA16=Elixir of the Hunt tagConsumableA16Desc="A powerful elixir employed by hunters and assassins to better track their prey." tagConsumableA17=Royal Jelly Extract tagConsumableA17Desc="A concentrated form of Royal Jelly which sharpens the mind." tagConsumableA18=Royal Jelly Essence tagConsumableA18Desc="A revitalizing tonic made from wasp Royal Jelly." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableA19=Royal Jelly Salve tagConsumableA19Desc="A soothing concoction made from concentrated Royal Jelly." tagConsumableA20=Royal Jelly Ointment tagConsumableA20Desc="A soothing concoction made from concentrated Royal Jelly." tagConsumableA21= tagConsumableA21Desc= tagConsumableA22=Aether Cluster tagConsumableA22Desc="A large cluster of Aether crystals, humming with strange energy." tagConsumableF01=Stoneheart Oil shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableF01Desc="An oil that strengthens the shield and lightens its load." tagConsumableF02=Slithblood Tincture tagConsumableF02Desc="Shatter the vial, releasing a cloud of vile toxins around you." tagConsumableF03=Rhowari Oil tagConsumableF03Desc="A toxin derived from the vile undead roaming Old Arkovia." tagConsumableF04=Wrath of the Beast Tincture tagConsumableF04Desc="Shatter the vial, driving your minions into a frenzy." tagConsumableF05=Dermapteran Oil tagConsumableF05Desc="A toxin derived from the poison glands of Dermapterans." tagConsumableF06=Courageous Tincture shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableF06Desc="Shatter the vial, emboldening all nearby allies." tagConsumableF07=Heartseeker Oil tagConsumableF07Desc="A toxin devised by Black Legion assassins." tagConsumableF08=Blade-Ward Tincture tagConsumableF08Desc="Shatter the vial, conjuring swirling blades around you." tagConsumableF09=Ice-Blood Oil tagConsumableF09Desc="An arcane toxin that freezes the blood of your enemies." tagConsumableF10=Frostguard Tincture tagConsumableF10Desc="Shatter the vial, releasing a bone-chilling wind around you." tagConsumableF11=Kymon's Sacred Oil shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagConsumableF11Desc="Sacred oils blessed by Kymon himself to ignite your foes." tagConsumableF12=Kymon's Wrath Tincture tagConsumableF12Desc="Shatter the vial, releasing Kymon's divine wrath around you." tagConsumable_DevotionReset=Tonic of Clarity tagConsumable_DevotionReset_Desc="Clears the mind and primes it for a new spiritual journey." #DLC tagDLCIllusionRemoval=Illusion-Be-Gone tagDLCIllusionRemovalDesc="Filled with 100% authentic Illusion Purging powder." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagDLCIllusionA01=Illusion: Powdered Wig tagDLCA01=Powdered Wig tagDLCA01Desc="The definition of sophistication and style." tagDLCIllusionA02=Illusion: Swashbuckler's Coat tagDLCA02=Swashbuckler's Coat tagDLCA02Desc="The preferred choice of adventurers everywhere." tagDLCIllusionA03=Illusion: Backer's Distinction tagDLCA03=Backer's Distinction tagDLCA03Desc="Recognition for the most dedicated of backers." tagDLCIllusionA04=Illusion: Kickstarter Service Medal shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagDLCA04=Kickstarter Service Medal tagDLCA04Desc="A military insignia from the great Kickstarter Wars of 2012." tagDLCIllusionA05=Illusion: Kickstarter Veteran's Medal tagDLCA05=Kickstarter Veteran's Medal tagDLCA05Desc="A veteran's insignia from the great Kickstarter Wars of 2012." tagDLCIllusionA06=Illusion: Kickstarter Officer's Medal tagDLCA06=Kickstarter Officer's Medal tagDLCA06Desc="An officer's insignia from the great Kickstarter Wars of 2012." tagDLCIllusionA07=Illusion: Admiral's Hat tagDLCA07=Admiral's Hat shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagDLCA07Desc="Leading the charge, on land and sea." tagDLCIllusionA08=Illusion: Helm of the Southern General tagDLCA08=Helm of the Southern General tagDLCA08Desc="The helm inspires unwavering loyalty." tagDLCIllusionA09=Illusion: Pillager's Dread Helm tagDLCA09=Pillager's Dread Helm tagDLCA09Desc="This helm has seen countless bloody conflicts." tagDLCIllusionA10=Illusion: Helm of the Venerable Warrior tagDLCA10=Helm of the Venerable Warrior tagDLCA10Desc="Honor in all things." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagDLCConsumableA01=Will'O'Wisp in a Jar tagDLCConsumableA01Desc="A harmless spirit, trapped in a jar." tagDLCConsumableA01PetSkill01=Wisp Aura tagDLCConsumableA01PetSkill01Desc=The Wisp surrounds you with a warm light that pierces the darkness. tagDLCConsumableA02=Burrwitch Brew tagDLCConsumableA02Desc="Not for the faint of heart. Side effects may include: nausea, vomiting, forgetting where you were last night." #ItemNote tagNoteHelp=[Right-Click to Read] shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagNoteKnown=[Already Known] tagNoteExcerpt="{%t}.." #ItemEnchantment tagEnchanted=Augmented tagEnchantmentName=Augment tagEnchantmentUsable=[Right-Click to Augment Item] tagEnchantmentUnusable=[Cannot Use - Requirements Not Met] tagEnchantmentConfirmation=Are you sure you want to apply this Augment? shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantmentOverwrite=Are you sure you want to replace the existing Augment? tagEnchantmentSoulboundConfirmation=Are you sure you want to apply this Augment? Augmenting this item will make it soulbound. tagEnchantmentSoulboundOverwrite=Are you sure you want to replace the existing Augment? Augmenting this item will make it soulbound. tagEnchantmentSoulboundRemoval=Are you sure you want to replace the existing Augment? Overwriting the current Augment will remove the Soulbound effect. tagEnchantTest=TEST NAME tagEnchantTestDesc="A test description."^w^n(Used in rings) tagEnchantA001A=Manticore Venom tagEnchantA001B=Manticore Venom II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA001C=Manticore Venom III tagEnchantA001Desc="Powerful toxin extracted from Manticores that burns the skin on contact."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA002A=Potent Manticore Venom tagEnchantA002B=Potent Manticore Venom II tagEnchantA002C=Potent Manticore Venom III tagEnchantA002Desc="Powerful toxin extracted from Manticores that burns the skin on contact."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA003A=Voidbeast Powder tagEnchantA003B=Voidbeast Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA003C=Voidbeast Powder III tagEnchantA003Desc="Fine powder derived from the dried remains of Chthonic beasts."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA004A=Potent Voidbeast Powder tagEnchantA004B=Potent Voidbeast Powder II tagEnchantA004C=Potent Voidbeast Powder III tagEnchantA004Desc="Fine powder derived from the dried remains of Chthonic beasts."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA005A=Blacksteel Powder tagEnchantA005B=Blacksteel Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA005C=Blacksteel Powder III tagEnchantA005Desc="Secret mix of iron and various minerals known only to the Black Legion."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA006A=Potent Blacksteel Powder tagEnchantA006B=Potent Blacksteel Powder II tagEnchantA006C=Potent Blacksteel Powder III tagEnchantA006Desc="Secret mix of iron and various minerals known only to the Black Legion."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA007A=Aether Dust tagEnchantA007B=Aether Dust II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA007C=Aether Dust III tagEnchantA007Desc="Powder derived from the remains of an Aetherial exposed to concentrated doses of salt."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA008A=Potent Aether Dust tagEnchantA008B=Potent Aether Dust II tagEnchantA008C=Potent Aether Dust III tagEnchantA008Desc="Powder derived from the remains of an Aetherial exposed to concentrated doses of salt."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA009A=Arkovian Rose Powder tagEnchantA009B=Arkovian Rose Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA009C=Arkovian Rose Powder III tagEnchantA009Desc="Powder derived from a vibrant red flower known to grow only high up in the peaks of Old Arkovia."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA010A=Rotbloom Powder tagEnchantA010B=Rotbloom Powder II tagEnchantA010C=Rotbloom Powder III tagEnchantA010Desc="Powder derived from a brown-grey flower found growing among carnage and rot."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA011A=Slithweed Powder tagEnchantA011B=Slithweed Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA011C=Slithweed Powder III tagEnchantA011Desc="Foul-smelling powder derived from a weed found commonly around swamps and refuse."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA012A=Stormtail Viper Venom tagEnchantA012B=Stormtail Viper Venom II tagEnchantA012C=Stormtail Viper Venom III tagEnchantA012Desc="Powder that sparks with energy, carefully extracted from the venom of a Stormtail Viper."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA013A=Arkovian Bonemeal tagEnchantA013B=Arkovian Bonemeal II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA013C=Arkovian Bonemeal III tagEnchantA013Desc="Crushed bones from the cursed Arkovians, made safe to handle by Rover elders."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA014A=Potent Arkovian Bonemeal tagEnchantA014B=Potent Arkovian Bonemeal II tagEnchantA014C=Potent Arkovian Bonemeal III tagEnchantA014Desc="Crushed bones from the cursed Arkovians, made safe to handle by Rover elders."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA015A=Troll Wart Powder tagEnchantA015B=Troll Wart Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA015C=Troll Wart Powder III tagEnchantA015Desc="Powder derived from the warts of ancient trolls. Should only be handled with gloves."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA016A=Potent Troll Wart Powder tagEnchantA016B=Potent Troll Wart Powder II tagEnchantA016C=Potent Troll Wart Powder III tagEnchantA016Desc="Powder derived from the warts of ancient trolls. Should only be handled with gloves."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA017A=Boneback Spine tagEnchantA017B=Boneback Spine II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA017C=Boneback Spine III tagEnchantA017Desc="Coarse powder derived from the spines of Boneback rats."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA018A=Slith Venom tagEnchantA018B=Slith Venom II tagEnchantA018C=Slith Venom III tagEnchantA018Desc="Powder extracted from the venomous saliva of Slith matriarchs."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA019A=Gazer Eye tagEnchantA019B=Gazer Eye II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA019C=Gazer Eye III tagEnchantA019Desc="Powder derived from the crushed eyes of Aetherial Gazers."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA020A=Corpsefiend Tentacle tagEnchantA020B=Corpsefiend Tentacle II tagEnchantA020C=Corpsefiend Tentacle III tagEnchantA020Desc="The powder continues to shift within the pouch, as if it were still alive."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA021A=Voidvine Powder tagEnchantA021B=Voidvine Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA021C=Voidvine Powder III tagEnchantA021Desc="Powder derived from a vine found spreading aggressively throughout the Chthonic Void."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA022A=Potent Voidvine Powder tagEnchantA022B=Potent Voidvine Powder II tagEnchantA022C=Potent Voidvine Powder III tagEnchantA022Desc="Powder derived from a vine found spreading aggressively throughout the Chthonic Void."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA023A=Stonetusk Hoof tagEnchantA023B=Stonetusk Hoof II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA023C=Stonetusk Hoof III tagEnchantA023Desc="Powder derived from the crushed hoof of a Stonetusk boar, a process which involves many blows with a hefty sledge."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA024A=Potent Stonetusk Hoof tagEnchantA024B=Potent Stonetusk Hoof II tagEnchantA024C=Potent Stonetusk Hoof III tagEnchantA024Desc="Powder derived from the crushed hoof of a Stonetusk boar, a process which involves many blows with a hefty sledge."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA025A=Dermapteran Chitin tagEnchantA025B=Dermapteran Chitin II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA025C=Dermapteran Chitin III tagEnchantA025Desc="Powder derived from Dermapteran armor plates, after they go through an extensive acid treatment."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA026A=Potent Dermapteran Chitin tagEnchantA026B=Potent Dermapteran Chitin II tagEnchantA026C=Potent Dermapteran Chitin III tagEnchantA026Desc="Powder derived from Dermapteran armor plates, after they go through an extensive acid treatment."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA027A=Raincaller Powder tagEnchantA027B=Raincaller Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA027C=Raincaller Powder III tagEnchantA027Desc="Folktales speak of a sorcerous powder which, when thrown upon an open flame by the village shaman, will summon rain within a fortnight."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA028A=Potent Raincaller Powder tagEnchantA028B=Potent Raincaller Powder II tagEnchantA028C=Potent Raincaller Powder III tagEnchantA028Desc="Folktales speak of a sorcerous powder which, when thrown upon an open flame by the village shaman, will summon rain within a fortnight."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA029A=Divine Flame tagEnchantA029B=Divine Flame II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA029C=Divine Flame III tagEnchantA029Desc="Powder used by Kymon's Chosen during ceremonies. When thrown upon a brazier, it erupts in sparking embers. "^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA030A=Blessed Ashes tagEnchantA030B=Blessed Ashes II tagEnchantA030C=Blessed Ashes III tagEnchantA030Desc="Ashes from the remains of a fallen member of Kymon's Chosen."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA031A=Consecrated Silver tagEnchantA031B=Consecrated Silver II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA031C=Consecrated Silver III tagEnchantA031Desc="Silver consecrated in the divine flame to combat the wretched Chthonians."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA032A=Ritual Salts tagEnchantA032B=Ritual Salts II tagEnchantA032C=Ritual Salts III tagEnchantA032Desc="Salts used in necromantic rituals, often to outline the ritual circle and ward it off from restless spirits."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA033A=Necrotic Flesh tagEnchantA033B=Necrotic Flesh II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA033C=Necrotic Flesh III tagEnchantA033Desc="Powder derived from the flesh of the long-deceased, used to power necromantic rituals."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA034A=Mortal Coil tagEnchantA034B=Mortal Coil II tagEnchantA034C=Mortal Coil III tagEnchantA034Desc="Essence of restless spirits, condensed into physical form by forbidden rituals."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA035A=Winterbloom Powder tagEnchantA035B=Winterbloom Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA035C=Winterbloom Powder III tagEnchantA035Desc="Powder from a pale blue flower strangely found blooming only during the harsh winter months."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA036A=Potent Winterbloom Powder tagEnchantA036B=Potent Winterbloom Powder II tagEnchantA036C=Potent Winterbloom Powder III tagEnchantA036Desc="Powder from a pale blue flower strangely found blooming only during the harsh winter months."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA037A=Witch's Powder tagEnchantA037B=Witch's Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA037C=Witch's Powder III tagEnchantA037Desc="Though technically illegal, the powder has found its use among the Legion's conjurers."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA038A=Potent Witch's Powder tagEnchantA038B=Potent Witch's Powder II tagEnchantA038C=Potent Witch's Powder III tagEnchantA038Desc="Though technically illegal, the powder has found its use among the Legion's conjurers."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA039A=Conjurer's Powder tagEnchantA039B=Conjurer's Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA039C=Conjurer's Powder III tagEnchantA039Desc="Powder used by Rovers in various rituals and meditation sessions. Surprisingly effective during summoning rituals."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA040A=Rifthound Salts tagEnchantA040B=Rifthound Salts II tagEnchantA040C=Rifthound Salts III tagEnchantA040Desc="Powder derived from the glowing skin of a rifthound matriarch."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA041A=Beast Tamer's Powder tagEnchantA041B=Beast Tamer's Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA041C=Beast Tamer's Powder III tagEnchantA041Desc="A calming agent used by Homestead farmers to soothe wild animals into submission."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantA042A=Potent Beast Tamer's Powder tagEnchantA042B=Potent Beast Tamer's Powder II tagEnchantA042C=Potent Beast Tamer's Powder III tagEnchantA042Desc="A calming agent used by Homestead farmers to soothe wild animals into submission."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantA043A=Firebloom Powder tagEnchantA043B=Firebloom Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA043C=Firebloom Powder III tagEnchantA043Desc="Powder derived from a flower hot to the touch, often found at the base of volcanoes."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA044A=Storm Powder tagEnchantA044B=Storm Powder II tagEnchantA044C=Storm Powder III tagEnchantA044Desc="A blue powder sparking with raw power from a lightning strike."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA045A=Binding Dust tagEnchantA045B=Binding Dust II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantA045C=Binding Dust III tagEnchantA045Desc="Dust used by the Order to bind undead beings to their will."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantA046A=Chillheart Powder tagEnchantA046B=Chillheart Powder II tagEnchantA046C=Chillheart Powder III tagEnchantA046Desc="Powder derived from the dead. It appears to readily sap heat from the air around it."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB001A=Ulgrim's Guile tagEnchantB001B=Ulgrim's Guile II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB001BC=Ulgrim's Guile III tagEnchantB001Desc="Nobody knows for sure what the First Blade of the Emperor combines to create this sorcerous powder, but none can question the results."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB002A=Potent Ulgrim's Guile tagEnchantB002B=Potent Ulgrim's Guile II tagEnchantB002BC=Potent Ulgrim's Guile III tagEnchantB002Desc="Nobody knows for sure what the First Blade of the Emperor combines to create this sorcerous powder, but none can question the results."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB003A=Creed's Cunning tagEnchantB003B=Creed's Cunning II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB003BC=Creed's Cunning III tagEnchantB003Desc="The inquisitor's powder, given only to his most trusted allies, sparks with arcane energy."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB004A=Potent Creed's Cunning tagEnchantB004B=Potent Creed's Cunning II tagEnchantB004BC=Potent Creed's Cunning III tagEnchantB004Desc="The inquisitor's powder, given only to his most trusted allies, sparks with arcane energy."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB005A=Oleron's Fervor tagEnchantB005B=Oleron's Fervor II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB005BC=Oleron's Fervor III tagEnchantB005Desc="Some Black Legion troops shout the war god's name as they charge into battle. This enchantment, given only to officers, was named in honor of the legion's patron deity."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB006A=Potent Oleron's Fervor tagEnchantB006B=Potent Oleron's Fervor II tagEnchantB006BC=Potent Oleron's Fervor III tagEnchantB006Desc="Some Black Legion troops shout the war god's name as they charge into battle. This enchantment, given only to officers, was named in honor of the legion's patron deity."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB007A=Aetherstorm Powder tagEnchantB007B=Aetherstorm Powder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB007BC=Aetherstorm Powder III tagEnchantB007Desc="Black Legion mages believe that the best way to combat the enemy is to use their power against them. This powder is a rare example where such experiments were sanctioned."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB008A=Potent Aetherstorm Powder tagEnchantB008B=Potent Aetherstorm Powder II tagEnchantB008BC=Potent Aetherstorm Powder III tagEnchantB008Desc="Black Legion mages believe that the best way to combat the enemy is to use their power against them. This powder is a rare example where such experiments were sanctioned."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB009A=Essence of Ch'thon tagEnchantB009B=Essence of Ch'thon II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB009BC=Essence of Ch'thon III tagEnchantB009Desc="Weapons coated with the entrails of Chthonian beings often become warped and unrecognizable, but in doing so capture the essence of the void itself."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB010A=Potent Essence of Ch'thon tagEnchantB010B=Potent Essence of Ch'thon II tagEnchantB010BC=Potent Essence of Ch'thon III tagEnchantB010Desc="Weapons coated with the entrails of Chthonian beings often become warped and unrecognizable, but in doing so capture the essence of the void itself."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB011A=Rhowan's Wisdom tagEnchantB011B=Rhowan's Wisdom II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB011BC=Rhowan's Wisdom III tagEnchantB011Desc="Rhowan, the last king of Arkovia and founder of the Rhowari, represents wisdom among the Rovers. This enchantment was named in his honor."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB012A=Mogdrogen's Sanctity tagEnchantB012B=Mogdrogen's Sanctity II tagEnchantB012BC=Mogdrogen's Sanctity III tagEnchantB012Desc="Legends speak of a time when Mogdrogen, the beast god, made a pact with Rhowan that no animal shall harm him or his people for as long as they never lift a blade. Unfortunately aether-afflicted animals do not seem to share this sentiment."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB013A=Traveler's Boon tagEnchantB013B=Traveler's Boon II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB013BC=Traveler's Boon III tagEnchantB013Desc="Rovers setting out on particularly lengthy journeys will have the elders prepare this enchantment to protect them on the long road."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB014A=Breath of Life tagEnchantB014B=Breath of Life II tagEnchantB014BC=Breath of Life III tagEnchantB014Desc="The spirit of spring, rebirth, a breath of new life."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB015A=Winter's Chill tagEnchantB015B=Winter's Chill II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB015BC=Winter's Chill III tagEnchantB015Desc="The essence of winter's chill, a terrible force of change and cleansing for the world, mark of a new beginning."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB016A=Rhowan's Resolve tagEnchantB016B=Rhowan's Resolve II tagEnchantB016BC=Rhowan's Resolve III tagEnchantB016Desc="Rhowan, the last king of Arkovia and founder of the Rhowari, was said to have abandoned all his kingly possessions when he set out upon the road. His conviction and resolve through difficult times represent everything that all Rovers strive towards."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB017A=Survivor's Ingenuity tagEnchantB017B=Survivor's Ingenuity II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB017BC=Survivor's Ingenuity III tagEnchantB017Desc="With supplies limited, the people of Devil's Crossing have devised clever solutions to deal with seemingly any threat, and that includes enchantments."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB018A=Survivor's Resilience tagEnchantB018B=Survivor's Resilience II tagEnchantB018BC=Survivor's Resilience III tagEnchantB018Desc="When times seem most grim, the human will to survive is at its greatest."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB019A=Survivor's Perseverance tagEnchantB019B=Survivor's Perseverance II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB019BC=Survivor's Perseverance III tagEnchantB019Desc="With the powers of chaos and the aether on their doorstep, the survivors have adapted to these new threats."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB020A=Cairn's Hope tagEnchantB020B=Cairn's Hope II tagEnchantB020BC=Cairn's Hope III tagEnchantB020Desc="Even as they prepare their defenses, the survivors speak fondly of a time when the world will be free of the invaders."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB021A=Song of the Elements tagEnchantB021B=Song of the Elements II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB021BC=Song of the Elements III tagEnchantB021Desc="Sahdina, the spirit guide, has devised this enchantment to contain the conflicting forces of fire and ice."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB022A=Viloth's Bite tagEnchantB022B=Viloth's Bite II tagEnchantB022BC=Viloth's Bite III tagEnchantB022Desc="The legendary slith matriarch, Viloth, produces a bile of extraordinary toxicity. Barnabas discovered a way to process it into a powder, which he now offers to those willing to fight for Devil's Crossing."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB023A=Overseer's Gaze tagEnchantB023B=Overseer's Gaze II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB023BC=Overseer's Gaze III tagEnchantB023Desc="Kasparov, his attention ever consumed by his experiments, accidentally stumbled upon a use for the eyes of Aetherial Overseers when he tried to turn one into an explosive."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB024A=Nature's Harvest tagEnchantB024B=Nature's Harvest II tagEnchantB024BC=Nature's Harvest III tagEnchantB024Desc="Some farmers pray for a healthy harvest. Those more magically inclined know how to cheat the odds. When adapted to weapons, this wild growth can prove disastrous to flesh."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB025A=Potent Nature's Harvest tagEnchantB025B=Potent Nature's Harvest II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB025BC=Potent Nature's Harvest III tagEnchantB025Desc="Some farmers pray for a healthy harvest. Those more magically inclined know how to cheat the odds. When adapted to weapons, this wild growth can prove disastrous to flesh."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB026A=Solar Radiance tagEnchantB026B=Solar Radiance II tagEnchantB026BC=Solar Radiance III tagEnchantB026Desc="The power of the sun, trapped in sorcerous powder."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB027A=Potent Solar Radiance tagEnchantB027B=Potent Solar Radiance II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB027BC=Potent Solar Radiance III tagEnchantB027Desc="The power of the sun, trapped in sorcerous powder."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB028A=Menhir's Blessing tagEnchantB028B=Menhir's Blessing II tagEnchantB028BC=Menhir's Blessing III tagEnchantB028Desc="It is said that earth blessed by the deity Menhir brings the most plentiful harvest. When applied correctly, this blessing can be extended to tools, homes and even weapons."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB029A=Potent Menhir's Blessing tagEnchantB029B=Potent Menhir's Blessing II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB029BC=Potent Menhir's Blessing III tagEnchantB029Desc="It is said that earth blessed by the deity Menhir brings the most plentiful harvest. When applied correctly, this blessing can be extended to tools, homes and even weapons."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB030A=Kymon's Will tagEnchantB030B=Kymon's Will II tagEnchantB030BC=Kymon's Will III tagEnchantB030Desc="Kymon, chosen by the gods, bestows some of his divine status upon the worthy and willing."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB031A=Kymon's Fury tagEnchantB031B=Kymon's Fury II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB031BC=Kymon's Fury III tagEnchantB031Desc="Those that have seen Kymon in battle say that he fights with the vengeful fury of the gods themselves."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB032A=Kymon's Vision tagEnchantB032B=Kymon's Vision II tagEnchantB032BC=Kymon's Vision III tagEnchantB032Desc="Kymon's vision for Cairn's future drives his Chosen into a frenzy when they engage with the enemies of Cairn."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB033A=Uroboruuk's Word tagEnchantB033B=Uroboruuk's Word II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB033BC=Uroboruuk's Word III tagEnchantB033Desc="During the first of many lessons, the master Uroboruuk would utter just a single word as he held his arms over a corpse: Rise."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB034A=Uroboruuk's Anguish tagEnchantB034B=Uroboruuk's Anguish II tagEnchantB034BC=Uroboruuk's Anguish III tagEnchantB034Desc="The master Uroboruuk endured unspeakable anguish at the hands of the Arkovians. This horrid enchantment seeks to replicate his suffering."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB035A=Uroboruuk's Path tagEnchantB035B=Uroboruuk's Path II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB035BC=Uroboruuk's Path III tagEnchantB035Desc="To follow Uroboruuk's path is to seek the path of knowledge, wherever it may lead."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB036A=Outcast's Might tagEnchantB036B=Outcast's Might II tagEnchantB036BC=Outcast's Might III tagEnchantB036Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow the strength of ten men upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB037A=Potent Outcast's Might tagEnchantB037B=Potent Outcast's Might II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB037BC=Potent Outcast's Might III tagEnchantB037Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow the strength of ten men upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB038A=Outcast's Frostbite tagEnchantB038B=Outcast's Frostbite II tagEnchantB038BC=Outcast's Frostbite III tagEnchantB038Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over ice upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB039A=Potent Outcast's Frostbite tagEnchantB039B=Potent Outcast's Frostbite II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB039BC=Potent Outcast's Frostbite III tagEnchantB039Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over ice upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB040A=Outcast's Inferno tagEnchantB040B=Outcast's Inferno II tagEnchantB040BC=Outcast's Inferno III tagEnchantB040Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery of hellfire upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB041A=Potent Outcast's Inferno tagEnchantB041B=Potent Outcast's Inferno II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB041BC=Potent Outcast's Inferno III tagEnchantB041Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery of hellfire upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB042A=Outcast's Thunder tagEnchantB042B=Outcast's Thunder II tagEnchantB042BC=Outcast's Thunder III tagEnchantB042Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery of the skies upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB043A=Potent Outcast's Thunder tagEnchantB043B=Potent Outcast's Thunder II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB043BC=Potent Outcast's Thunder III tagEnchantB043Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery of the skies upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB044A=Outcast's Venom tagEnchantB044B=Outcast's Venom II tagEnchantB044BC=Outcast's Venom III tagEnchantB044Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over poisons upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB045A=Potent Outcast's Venom tagEnchantB045B=Potent Outcast's Venom II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB045BC=Potent Outcast's Venom III tagEnchantB045Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over poisons upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB046A=Outcast's Deathtouch tagEnchantB046B=Outcast's Deathtouch II tagEnchantB046BC=Outcast's Deathtouch III tagEnchantB046Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over life's essence upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB047A=Potent Outcast's Deathtouch tagEnchantB047B=Potent Outcast's Deathtouch II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB047BC=Potent Outcast's Deathtouch III tagEnchantB047Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over life's essence upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB048A=Outcast's Wrath tagEnchantB048B=Outcast's Wrath II tagEnchantB048BC=Outcast's Wrath III tagEnchantB048Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over the aether upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB049A=Potent Outcast's Wrath tagEnchantB049B=Potent Outcast's Wrath II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB049BC=Potent Outcast's Wrath III tagEnchantB049Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over the aether upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB050A=Outcast's Riftstorm tagEnchantB050B=Outcast's Riftstorm II tagEnchantB050BC=Outcast's Riftstorm III tagEnchantB050Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over the chaotic void upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB051A=Potent Outcast's Riftstorm tagEnchantB051B=Potent Outcast's Riftstorm II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB051BC=Potent Outcast's Riftstorm III tagEnchantB051Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow mastery over the chaotic void upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB052A=Outcast's Bastion tagEnchantB052B=Outcast's Bastion II tagEnchantB052BC=Outcast's Bastion III tagEnchantB052Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow skin of iron upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB053A=Potent Outcast's Bastion tagEnchantB053B=Potent Outcast's Bastion II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB053BC=Potent Outcast's Bastion III tagEnchantB053Desc="Supreme enchantment devised by the Outcast to bestow skin of iron upon the user."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB054A=Nature's Wrath tagEnchantB054B=Nature's Wrath II tagEnchantB054C=Nature's Wrath III tagEnchantB054Desc="Potent mix of poisons and toxins known only to the Rovers and used only under dire circumstances."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB055A=Spirit of Vengeance tagEnchantB055B=Spirit of Vengeance II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB055C=Spirit of Vengeance III tagEnchantB055Desc="Captured form of a vile and vengeful spirit from the Arkovian ruins. The inside of the crucible is etched with protective runes."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB056A=Survivor's Ally tagEnchantB056B=Survivor's Ally II tagEnchantB056C=Survivor's Ally III tagEnchantB056Desc="When allies are few, an animal companion can prove to be the only true friend."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB057A=Beastlord's Calling tagEnchantB057B=Beastlord's Calling II shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB057BC=Beastlord's Calling III tagEnchantB057Desc="A concoction used by the people of Homestead to bless their herds."^w^n(Applied to all one-handed weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagEnchantB058A=Potent Beastlord's Calling tagEnchantB058B=Potent Beastlord's Calling II tagEnchantB058BC=Potent Beastlord's Calling III tagEnchantB058Desc="A concoction used by the people of Homestead to bless their herds."^w^n(Applied to all two-handed weapons) tagEnchantB059A=Mogdrogen's Blessing tagEnchantB059B=Mogdrogen's Blessing II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB059C=Mogdrogen's Blessing III tagEnchantB059Desc="Powder allegedly blessed by the beast god himself to strengthen the bond between man and beast."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB060A=Empyrion's Touch tagEnchantB060B=Empyrion's Touch II tagEnchantB060C=Empyrion's Touch III tagEnchantB060Desc="Sparking powder believed to have been touched by the Lightbringer himself."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB061A=Infernal Dust tagEnchantB061B=Infernal Dust II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB061C=Infernal Dust III tagEnchantB061Desc="Sorcerous powder burning with the wrath of Empyrion."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB062A=Malkadarr's Chillbane tagEnchantB062B=Malkadarr's Chillbane II tagEnchantB062C=Malkadarr's Chillbane III tagEnchantB062Desc="Sorcerous powder created by Malkadarr, First of the Inner Circle."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantB063A=Keeper's Binding Dust tagEnchantB063B=Keeper's Binding Dust II shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantB063C=Keeper's Binding Dust III tagEnchantB063Desc="Binding Dust created by the Keeper herself to bind the most powerful of undead servants."^w^n(Applied to rings and amulets) tagEnchantC001A=Mankind's Vigil tagEnchantC001Desc="Sorcerous powder crafted by the Legion's arcanists to ward their soldiers against the invading forces of the Aetherials and the Chthonians."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC002A=Kingsguard Powder tagEnchantC002Desc="Sorcerous powder aptly named for its use on the wardrobes of royalty, but it finds equal value in combat."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC003A=Venomguard Powder tagEnchantC003Desc="A Rover powder derived from several deadly toxins originating from both beast and plant."^w^n(Applied to all armor) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantC004A=Nightshade Powder tagEnchantC004Desc="Powder derived from the blue petals of the Asterkarn Nightshade, a flower that only blossoms in the light of the moon."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC005A=Bladeward Powder tagEnchantC005Desc="Sorcerous powder devised by Sahdina to protect the defenders of Devil's Crossing from physical altercations."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC006A=Mogdrogen's Touch tagEnchantC006Desc="A blessing from the beast god to protect his followers from the ravages of nature."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC007A=Flameweave Powder tagEnchantC007Desc="Sorcerous powder derived from the sun-bleached bones of Manticores, often used to strengthen armor against flame."^w^n(Applied to all armor) shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantC008A=Solarstorm Powder tagEnchantC008Desc="This specially crafted powder can only be mixed during a solar eclipse, lest it loses its arcane properties and becomes no more than ash."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC009A=Kymon's Blessing tagEnchantC009Desc="Sorcerous powder blessed by Father Kymon to ward his followers against the scorching flames of Empyrion."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC010A=Kymon's Conduit tagEnchantC010Desc="Sorcerous powder created by Father Kymon to channel lightning away from the wearer's heart."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC011A=Demonbane Powder tagEnchantC011Desc="Sorcerous powder created by Chosen priests to protect their allies against the vile denizens of the Chthonic Void."^w^n(Applied to all armor) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantC012A=Wraithtouch Powder tagEnchantC012Desc="Sorcerous powder infused with the essence of a captured wraith."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC013A=Spiritguard Powder tagEnchantC013Desc="Sorcerous powder derived from the ashes of a fallen necromancer."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC014A=Spellward Powder tagEnchantC014Desc="Experienced arcanists within the ranks of the Order have crafted this powder to protect their allies from arcane rituals."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC015A=Outcast's Warding Powder tagEnchantC015Desc="The Outcast's exceptional mastery over the arcane allows her to create powders that can ward even the dimmest man against the destructive forces of the Aether."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC016A=Outcast's Elemental Scales shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagEnchantC016Desc="The Outcast's specially crafted powder wards the user against the contrasting forces of fire and ice."^w^n(Applied to all armor) tagEnchantC017A=Outcast's Skyguard Powder tagEnchantC017Desc="The Outcast's specially crafted powder wards the user against sky-powered sorcery."^w^n(Applied to all armor) #ItemComponents tagComponentIncomplete=Partial Component tagComponentComplete=Component shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagComponentNumber={%s0 - %d1 / %d2} tagComponentNumberRare={%s0}{%s1 - %d2 / %d3} tagComponentBonus=Completion Bonus tagComponentQualities=Component Qualities: tagComponentHelp=[Right-Click to Apply or Combine] tagComponentError=[Cannot Use - Requirements Not Met] tagComponentCombine=[Right-Click to Combine] tagComponentConfirmation=Are you sure you want to complete this combination? tagCompA001Name=Spined Carapace shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA001Desc="A thick carapace lined with jagged spines."^w^n(Used in all armor) tagCompA002Name=Ballistic Plating tagCompA002Desc="Fragments of old armor designed to withstand arrows, bolts, and bullets."^w^n(Used in chest armor) tagCompA003Name=Sanctified Bone tagCompA003Desc="The purified bones of a paladin slain in righteous combat."^w^n(Used in chest and head armor) tagCompA004Name=Leathery Hide tagCompA004Desc="A thick hide with a rough surface, perfect for absorbing sudden shocks."^w^n(Used in head armor) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA005Name=Runestone tagCompA005Desc="A mysterious rune decorates this stone."^w^n(Used in head armor) tagCompA006Name=Mutagenic Ichor tagCompA006Desc="Discharge from the creatures of Cairn infected with otherwordly energies."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA007Name=Rotten Heart tagCompA007Desc="A long silenced heart shriveled with necromantic power."^w^n(Used in chest armor) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA008Name=Mutated Scales tagCompA008Desc="Unusually thick, tough scales mutated by exposure to Aetherial energy."^w^n(Used in shoulder, chest, leg and hand armor) tagCompA009Name=Corpse Dust tagCompA009Desc="Dust derived from the remains of the deceased, often used for witchcraft and enchantments."^w^n(Used in rings, amulets and medals) tagCompA010Name=Soul Shard tagCompA010Desc="A magical gem, used by witch hunters, rumored to trap the souls of the damned."^w^n(Used in rings, amulets and medals) tagCompA011Name=Ectoplasm shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA011Desc="A gelatinous residue sometimes left behind by non-corporeal entities."^w^n(Used in head armor, rings, amulets and medals) tagCompA012Name=Blessed Steel tagCompA012Desc="Steel blessed by the priests of Menhir to vanquish the spreading darkness."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA013Name=Venomous Fang tagCompA013Desc="A ferocious fang still dripping with foul toxins."^w^n(Used in melee weapons) tagCompA014Name=Purified Salt tagCompA014Desc="Rock salt extracted for the exorcism and deterrence of otherworldly demons."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA015Name=Hollowed Fang tagCompA015Desc="A curved fang intended for the consumption of vital fluids."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA016Name=Severed Claw tagCompA016Desc="A ruthless claw torn from the limb of a mighty beast."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA017Name=Imbued Silver tagCompA017Desc="Silver dust enhanced with powerful sorcery."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA018Name=Vicious Spikes tagCompA018Desc="Savage spikes from an unnatural being."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA019Name=Radiant Gem tagCompA019Desc="A reflective gem that shimmers with the elements."^w^n(Used in shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA020Name=Hell's Bane Ammo tagCompA020Desc="Consecrated ammunition intended to inflict great pain upon those of impure intent."^w^n(Used in guns, crossbows and caster off-hands) tagCompA021Name=Deathchill Bolts shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA021Desc="Deliver the cold chill of death upon your enemies."^w^n(Used in guns, crossbows and caster off-hands) tagCompA022Name=Aether Soul tagCompA022Desc="A stone vibrating with energy, often left behind by Aetherial beings destroyed in the material plane."^w^n(Used in amulets and medals) tagCompA023Name=Rigid Shell tagCompA023Desc="A tough shell seemingly impervious to shock."^w^n(Used in all armor) tagCompA024Name=Molten Skin tagCompA024Desc="A thick layer of skin from a fiery creature."^w^n(Used in all armor) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA025Name=Enchanted Flint tagCompA025Desc="This enchanted flint will impart a spirit of flame within any weapon it caresses."^w^n(Used in melee weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA026Name=Coldstone tagCompA026Desc="In folklore, these mysterious stones that radiate cold are said to be the hearts of banished revenants."^w^n(Used in melee weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA027Name=Amber tagCompA027Desc="It is said that sometimes storm spirits become entrapped in the crystalized sap of lightning-struck trees."^w^n(Used in melee weapons, shields and caster off-hands) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA028Name=Vitriolic Gallstone tagCompA028Desc="Vitriolic stones formed in the bile of foul beasts."^w^n(Used in melee weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA029Name=Blessed Whetstone tagCompA029Desc="Sharpens even the sharpest of edges, increasing the damage that penetrates enemy armor."^w^n(Used in axes and swords) tagCompA030Name=Silk Swatch tagCompA030Desc="Western nomads have long known that layered silk can envelop and slow the penetration of piercing projectiles."^w^n(Used in shoulder, chest and leg armor) tagCompA031Name=Scaled Hide shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA031Desc="These dense but lightweight scales can be layered onto armor for extra protection."^w^n(Used in shoulder, chest and leg armor) tagCompA032Name=Flintcore Bolts tagCompA032Desc="The enchanted core sparks flame with any surface."^w^n(Used in guns, crossbows and caster off-hands) tagCompA033Name=Venom-Tipped Ammo tagCompA033Desc="Toxins from a poisonous maw coat the tip of this ammunition."^w^n(Used in guns, crossbows and caster off-hands) tagCompA034Name=Mark of the Traveler tagCompA034Desc="Travelers used these marks when passing through wild country, so as not to be mistaken as hunters by Mogdrogen, the beast god."^w^n(Used in boots) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA035Name=Consecrated Wrappings tagCompA035Desc="Blood-stained wrappings worn by Chthonic cultists."^w^n(Used in hand armor) tagCompA036Name=Restless Remains tagCompA036Desc="The remains of a tortured being denied its rightful peace."^w^n(Used in hand armor) tagCompA037Name=Dense Fur tagCompA037Desc="A dense coat of fur perfect for harsh winter conditions."^w^n(Used in all armor) shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA038Name=Serrated Spike tagCompA038Desc="A flimsy but extremely sharp spike from a beast."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA039Name=Searing Ember tagCompA039Desc="An everlasting ember from a burnt-down home."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA040Name=Chilled Steel tagCompA040Desc="This steel is infused with a chilling winter wind."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA041Name=Cracked Lodestone shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA041Desc="Sparks of energy jump across its surface."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA042Name=Chipped Claw tagCompA042Desc="A claw from a ruthless predator that finally met its match."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA043Name=Scavenged Plating tagCompA043Desc="Plating from armor that's seen better days."^w^n(Used in all armor) tagCompA044Name=Bristly Fur tagCompA044Desc="A thick patch of fur from an unnatural beast."^w^n(Used in all armor) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA045Name=Resilient Plating tagCompA045Desc="A plate of armor that's survived countless battles and looks fit to survive many more."^w^n(Used in shields, caster off-hands, chest and shoulder armor) tagCompA046Name=Polished Emerald tagCompA046Desc="A fine gem polished to perfection."^w^n(Used in shields, caster off-hands, rings, head and chest armor) tagCompA047Name=Frozen Heart tagCompA047Desc="Eternally encased in black ice."^w^n(Used in rings) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA048Name=Roiling Blood tagCompA048Desc="Bubbling with the rage that once fueled it."^w^n(Used in rings, amulets and medals) tagCompA049Name=Wardstone tagCompA049Desc="A stone etching of an ancient protective symbol."^w^n(Used in amulets and medals) tagCompA050Name=Focusing Prism tagCompA050Desc="Used by arcanists to channel their powers during particularly straining rituals."^w^n(Used in amulets) tagCompA051Name=Black Tallow shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA051Desc="Tallow from a candle burnt during Chthonic rituals."^w^n(Used in amulets and medals) tagCompA052Name=Vengeful Wraith tagCompA052Desc="A spirit of vengeance."^w^n(Used in rings, amulets and medals) tagCompA053Name=Mark of Illusions tagCompA053Desc="A symbol of power used in many inscriptions."^w^n(Used in rings and amulets) tagCompA054Name=Vicious Jawbone tagCompA054Desc="The jaw of a beast built to snap bones as if they were sticks."^w^n(Used in amulets and medals) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA055Name=Wrathstone tagCompA055Desc="It vibrates at the slightest contact with living flesh."^w^n(Used in melee weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA056Name=Riftstone tagCompA056Desc="Teeming with the raw power of the void."^w^n(Used in melee weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompA057Name=Aethersteel Bolts tagCompA057Desc="Augmented with the essence of Aetherial monstrosities."^w^n(Used in guns, crossbows and caster off-hands) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA058Name=Void-Touched Ammo tagCompA058Desc="Dipped in fresh Chthonian blood."^w^n(Used in guns, crossbows and caster off-hands) tagCompA059Name=Reinforced Shell tagCompA059Desc="A nearly impervious shell that has absorbed countless blows."^w^n(Used in shields) tagCompA060Name=Battered Shell tagCompA060Desc="A shell that has survived seemingly impossible blows."^w^n(Used in shields) tagCompA061Name=Antivenom Salve shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompA061Desc="The neutralized bile from a particularly toxic creature."^w^n(Used in all armor) tagCompA062Name=Serrated Shell tagCompA062Desc="A tough shell made all the more formidable by a series of razor sharp spines."^w^n(Used in shields) tagCompB001Name=^kBindings of Bysmiel tagCompB001Desc="Spellwoven bindings used by the coven of Bysmiel to strengthen control over summoned beings."^w^n(Used in chest armor) tagCompB002Name=^kChains of Oleron shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompB002Desc="The broken chains once used to contain the fury of the deity Oleron."^w^n(Used in chest armor) tagCompB003Name=^kHallowed Ground tagCompB003Desc="Dirt from the base of the standing stones of Menhir."^w^n(Used in chest armor) tagCompB004Name=^kPrismatic Diamond tagCompB004Desc="The core shimmers with untold power."^w^n(Used in head armor) tagCompB005Name=^kSpellwoven Threads tagCompB005Desc="Strips of fabric cut from the death shroud of a once powerful magi."^w^n(Used in hand armor) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompB006Name=^kUnholy Inscription tagCompB006Desc="Words of power from an ancient language that cannot be spoken by mortal men."^w^n(Used in hand armor) tagCompB007Name=^kAncient Armor Plate tagCompB007Desc="Plating from a once mighty set of armor."^w^n(Used in chest and leg armor) tagCompB008Name=^kArcane Lens tagCompB008Desc="A locus for the arcane flows of the universe."^w^n(Used in amulets) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompB009Name=^kDevil-Touched Ammo tagCompB009Desc="Infused with sacrilegious flame."^w^n(Used in guns, crossbows and caster off-hands) tagCompB010Name=^kSilvercore Bolts tagCompB010Desc="Purge evil with the faintest scratch."^w^n(Used in guns, crossbows and caster off-hands) tagCompB011Name=^kSymbol of Solael tagCompB011Desc="A secret symbol used by followers of Solael to identify themselves to one another."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompB012Name=^kMark of Dreeg shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompB012Desc="An inscription of a lidless eye dripping tears of vitriolic blood."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompB013Name=^kHaunted Steel tagCompB013Desc="It fills your mind with the maddening whispers of trapped spirits."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompB014Name=^kShard of Beronath tagCompB014Desc="But a piece of the legendary spear that felled Beronath, yet still retains great power."^w^n(Used in all weapons, shields and caster off-hands) tagCompB015Name=^kBloody Whetstone tagCompB015Desc="Soaked in the blood of the fallen, this accursed whetstone gives blades a hunger for blood."^w^n(Used in axes and swords) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompB016Name=^kAttuned Lodestone tagCompB016Desc="These rare and potent stones still echo with the thunder of the storm that birthed them."^w^n(Used in amulets and medals) tagCompB017Name=^kMark of Mogdrogen tagCompB017Desc="A secret mark worn by druidic worshipers of Mogdrogen, the beast god."^w^n(Used in boots) tagCompB018Name=^kDread Skull tagCompB018Desc="An assassin's symbol granted upon the acceptance of a particularly dangerous bounty."^w^n(Used in amulets and medals) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompB019Name=^kArcane Spark tagCompB019Desc="A spark of the purest arcane energy."^w^n(Used in amulets and medals) tagCompB020Name=^kMark of the Myrmidon tagCompB020Desc="A powerful symbol bestowed upon the most fearless battle lords."^w^n(Used in shields) tagCompB021Name=^kOleron's Blood tagCompB021Desc="Sacred blood of the war god."^w^n(Used in all weapons) tagCompB022Name=^kKilrian's Shattered Soul shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompB022Desc="The tainted soul of Kilrian, terror of the Arkovian Undercity."^w^n(Used in chest armor) tagCompAetherCrystal=Aether Crystal tagCompAetherCrystalDesc="A crystalline shard still lingering with Aetherial power. Can be used in the creation of arcane items." tagCompAmmoBox=Ammunition Box tagCompAmmoBoxDesc="The resistance can always use more ammunition to hold off the dark forces plaguing Cairn." tagCompAScrap=Scrap shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagCompAScrapDesc="Scrap materials such as bolts, leather cords and low-grade metals that can be used to fasten together items or structures." #ItemDifficultyUnlock tagDifficultyUnlock={^E}Unlock {%s0} difficulty tagDifficultyAlreadyUnlocked=You have already unlocked this difficulty tagDifficultyUnlockDLC=You do not own the DLC associated with this item #ItemFactionBoosters tagFactionBooster={^E}Reputation gain increased by {^H}{%d0}% {^E}with {%s1} shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagFactionAlreadyBoosted={^r}[This faction has already had a Faction Mandate applied] tagFactionNegativeBooster={^E}Infamy gain increased by {^H}{%d0}% {^E}with {%s1} tagFactionAlreadyNegativeBoosted={^r}[This faction has already had a Faction Warrant applied] tagFactionMandateConfirmation=Are you sure you want to apply this Faction Mandate? This will overwrite the current Faction Warrant. tagFactionWarrantConfirmation=Are you sure you want to apply this Faction Warrant? This will overwrite the current Faction Mandate. tagBoosterADesc=Faction documents recognizing you as a paragon of their people. ^oDoes not stack with Mandates. A Mandate will overwrite this bonus. tagBoosterBDesc=Faction documents entrusting another entity as a representative. ^oCan be placed in the Transfer Stash to use on other characters. Does not stack with Writs. shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBoosterCDesc=A wanted poster condemning you as a sworn enemy. tagBoosterBL_A01=Writ of the Black Legion tagBoosterBL_A02=Greater Writ of the Black Legion tagBoosterBL_B01=Mandate of the Black Legion tagBoosterBL_B02=Greater Mandate of the Black Legion tagBoosterBL_B03=Mythical Mandate of the Black Legion tagBoosterDC_A01=Writ of Devil's Crossing tagBoosterDC_A02=Greater Writ of Devil's Crossing tagBoosterDC_B01=Mandate of Devil's Crossing tagBoosterDC_B02=Greater Mandate of Devil's Crossing shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBoosterDC_B03=Mythical Mandate of Devil's Crossing tagBoosterEXILE_A01=Writ of the Outcast tagBoosterEXILE_A02=Greater Writ of the Outcast tagBoosterEXILE_B01=Mandate of the Outcast tagBoosterEXILE_B02=Greater Mandate of the Outcast tagBoosterEXILE_B03=Mythical Mandate of the Outcast tagBoosterHS_A01=Writ of Homestead tagBoosterHS_A02=Greater Writ of Homestead tagBoosterHS_B01=Mandate of Homestead tagBoosterHS_B02=Greater Mandate of Homestead shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBoosterHS_B03=Mythical Mandate of Homestead tagBoosterKC_A01=Writ of the Kymon's Chosen tagBoosterKC_A02=Greater Writ of the Kymon's Chosen tagBoosterKC_B01=Mandate of the Kymon's Chosen tagBoosterKC_B02=Greater Mandate of the Kymon's Chosen tagBoosterKC_B03=Mythical Mandate of the Kymon's Chosen tagBoosterODV_A01=Writ of the Order of Death's Vigil tagBoosterODV_A02=Greater Writ of the Order of Death's Vigil tagBoosterODV_B01=Mandate of the Order of Death's Vigil tagBoosterODV_B02=Greater Mandate of the Order of Death's Vigil shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBoosterODV_B03=Mythical Mandate of the Order of Death's Vigil tagBoosterRO_A01=Writ of the Rovers tagBoosterRO_A02=Greater Writ of the Rovers tagBoosterRO_B01=Mandate of the Rovers tagBoosterRO_B02=Greater Mandate of the Rovers tagBoosterRO_B03=Mythical Mandate of the Rovers tagBoosterAetherial_C01=Aetherial Warrant tagBoosterAetherial_C02=Greater Aetherial Warrant tagBoosterAetherial_C03=Mythical Aetherial Warrant shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBoosterChthonian_C01=Chthonian Warrant tagBoosterChthonian_C02=Greater Chthonian Warrant tagBoosterChthonian_C03=Mythical Chthonian Warrant tagBoosterOutlaw_C01=Cronley's Warrant tagBoosterOutlaw_C02=Greater Cronley's Warrant tagBoosterOutlaw_C03=Mythical Cronley's Warrant tagBoosterUndead_C01=Arkovian Warrant tagBoosterUndead_C02=Greater Arkovian Warrant tagBoosterUndead_C03=Mythical Arkovian Warrant tagBoosterKC_C01=Kymon's Warrant shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBoosterKC_C02=Greater Kymon's Warrant tagBoosterKC_C03=Mythical Kymon's Warrant tagBoosterODV_C01=Order Warrant tagBoosterODV_C02=Greater Order Warrant tagBoosterODV_C03=Mythical Order Warrant tagBoosterEXILE_C01=Outcast's Warrant tagBoosterEXILE_C02=Greater Outcast's Warrant tagBoosterEXILE_C03=Mythical Outcast's Warrant shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer #Misc tagMoney01=Iron Bits tagMoneyFormat={^s}{%d0} {%s1} tagPotionHealthA01=Tonic of Mending tagPotionHealthA01Desc="Seals wounds and mends broken bones." tagPotionHealthA02=Tonic of Healing tagPotionHealthA02Desc="Seals wounds and mends broken bones." tagPotionHealthA03=Tonic of Revival shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPotionHealthA03Desc="Seals wounds and mends broken bones." tagPotionEnergyA01=Elixir of Spirit tagPotionEnergyA01Desc="Rejuvenates the mind and spirit." tagPotionConstitutionA01=Food Ration tagPotionConstitutionA01Desc="Tastes like stale dirt but lasts forever and restores lost constitution." tagPotionConstitutionB01=Vital Essence tagPotionConstitutionB01Desc=Lingering vital energy that can be absorbed to restore lost constitution. shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPotionDirections=[Right-Click to Consume] tagCombineStacks=[Ctrl-Click to Split Stacks] tagHideTooltip=[Hold Ctrl to Hide Tooltip] # Bonuses tagBonusLifePercentAbsPercent={^E}Restores {^H}{%.0f0}%+{%.0f1} {^E}Health {^H}+{%.0f2}% {^E}Over Time tagBonusLifePercentPercent={^E}Restores {^H}{%.0f0}% {^E}Health {^H}+{%.0f1}% {^E}Over Time tagBonusLifePercentAbs={^E}Restores {^H}{%.0f0}% + {%.0f1} {^E}Health tagBonusLifePercent={^E}Restores {^H}{%.0f0}% {^E}Health shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBonusLifeAbs={^E}Restores {^H}{%.0f0} {^E}Health tagBonusManaPercentAbs={^E}Restores {^H}{%.0f0}% + {%.0f1} {^E}Energy tagBonusManaPercent={^E}Restores {^H}{%.0f0}% {^E}Energy tagBonusManaAbs={^E}Restores {^H}{%.0f0}% {^E}Energy tagBonusExperience={%+d0} Experience tagBonusMoney={%+d0} Iron tagBonusSkillPoint={%+d0} Skill Points tagBonusAttribPoint={%+d0} Attribute Points shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer #Devotion tagDevotionReset={^E}Use to Reset your Devotion Points tagDevotionNoPointsUsed={^r}[No Devotion Points to Reset] tagDevotionResetConfirmation=Reset all your Devotion Points? #ItemSets shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC001Name=Guardsman's Raiment tagItemSetC001NameB=Peacekeeper's Raiment tagItemSetC001Desc="Once the standard issue equipment of peacekeepers and royal guards, only a few of these outfits survived the Grim Dawn." tagItemSetC002Name=Explorer's Garments tagItemSetC002Desc="Light but durable armor for the eager traveler." tagItemSetC003Name=Maiven's Sanctuary tagItemSetC003NameB=Maiven's Sanctum tagItemSetC003Desc="Regalia honoring the legendary Arcanist Maiven." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC004Name=Bloodreaper's Glory tagItemSetC004NameB=Bloodreaper's Carnage tagItemSetC004Desc="Armor and weapons used only by the most bloodthirsty assassins of Cairn." tagItemSetC005Name=Marauder's Justice tagItemSetC005NameB=Marauder's Judgement tagItemSetC005Desc="Judge, jury, and executioner." tagItemSetC006Name=Herald's Regalia shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC006NameB=Herald's Markings tagItemSetC006Desc="Armor worn by the Emperor's herald on diplomatic missions." tagItemSetC007Name=The Apothecary tagItemSetC007NameB=The Soothsayer tagItemSetC007Desc="Regalia worn by medics and soothsayers dedicated to aiding those in need, designating them as healers with no diplomatic affiliation." tagItemSetC008Name=Perdition tagItemSetC008NameB=Absolution tagItemSetC008Desc="Armor of Inquisitor Grayweather, infamous for splashing foes with acid, as he believed merely slaying the wicked was insufficient and that punishment should be exacted in the process." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC009Name=The Unseeing Eye tagItemSetC009Desc="The blind assassin, Thaddeus Brannagan, earned his fame when he assassinated a headmaster of the Templar order in broad daylight." tagItemSetC010Name=Sharpshooter's Mark tagItemSetC010Desc="Arsenal of master riflemen capable of hitting a flying bird at 500 yards." tagItemSetC011Name=Unholy Covenant tagItemSetC011Desc="Cabal regalia worn during unspeakable rituals." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC012Name=Royal Exuberance tagItemSetC012Desc="Royal collection of jewelry thought lost to the ravages of the Grim Dawn." tagItemSetC013Name=Oathbreaker tagItemSetC013NameB=Oathbreaker's Flame tagItemSetC013Desc="Equipment once carried by the Oathbreaker, a knight who betrayed his king by opening the city gates to the enemy." tagItemSetC014Name=Adornments of Valiance tagItemSetC014Desc="Commendations bestowed upon soldiers for heroic actions in time of war." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC015Name=Carnage tagItemSetC015Desc="These rings inspire bloodshed in whoever wears them." tagItemSetC016Name=The Paragon of Arcanum tagItemSetC016Desc="Regalia bestowed upon arcanists who had made extraordinary leaps in the understanding of the arcane." tagItemSetC017Name=Dawnguard tagItemSetC017Desc="Armor worn only by the most zealous defenders of the holy faith of Menhir." tagItemSetC018Name=Wrath of Alkamos shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC018NameB=Rage of Alkamos tagItemSetC018Desc="Sigils of Alkamos, Lord Executioner of Arkovia." tagItemSetC019Name=Miasma tagItemSetC019NameB=Deathly Miasma tagItemSetC019Desc="Regalia worn by Dreeg's Chosen." tagItemSetC020Name=Brimstone tagItemSetC020NameB=Everburning Brimstone tagItemSetC020Desc="Armor and weapon carried by the devout of Ulzuin." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC021Name=The Eastern Pledge tagItemSetC021Desc="Robes worn by revered priests from a foreign land beyond the great seas." tagItemSetC022Name=Wildcaller tagItemSetC022NameB=Wildcaller's Call tagItemSetC022Desc="Adornments of the Wildcallers, shamans attuned to the voices of nature." tagItemSetC023Name=The Praetorian tagItemSetC023Desc="Armor worn by war-hardened veterans, as acknowledgement for their undaunted dedication on the fields of battle." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC024Name=Keeper of the Flame tagItemSetC024Desc="A fiery heart, imbued with a spirit of the flame." tagItemSetC025Name=Callidor's Regalia tagItemSetC025Desc="Implements of Master Callidor, revered Arcanist and creator of the arcane tempest technique." tagItemSetC026Name=Myrmidon Armor tagItemSetC026Desc="Black Legion armor issued to their elite vanguard." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetC027Name=Mogdrogen's Tranquility tagItemSetC027Desc="Few earn the beast god's trust, fewer still are blessed with his tranquil gaze." tagItemSetC028Name=The Arcane Storm tagItemSetC028Desc="Tumultuous energies rage within the aether, tapped into only by the daring, or the foolish." tagItemSetC029Name=Elemental Balance tagItemSetC029Desc="The fury of fire and the might of ice, at your fingertips." tagItemSetD001Name=Justicar Armor shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetD001Desc="Armor of Horvald the Silent, Grand Arbiter of the Guardians of Menhir." tagItemSetD002Name=The Sacred Balance tagItemSetD002Desc="The very essence of Life and Death is imbued within these blades." tagItemSetD003Name=Beastcaller's Regalia tagItemSetD003Desc="Might of the bear, wisdom of the owl, fury of the wolf." tagItemSetD004Name=Dawnbreaker's Light tagItemSetD004Desc="The wrath of the sun against the encroaching darkness." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetD005Name=The Harbinger tagItemSetD005Desc="Tools of the Harbinger, renowned bounty hunter in the outskirts of Erulan." tagItemSetD006Name=Judicator's Signets tagItemSetD006Desc="The fates of many decided by the heavy hand of one." tagItemSetD007Name=Demonslayer's Garb tagItemSetD007Desc="Attire of Oliver Barnstead, pious follower of Menhir and exorcist of demons." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetD008Name=Barrelsmith's Twins tagItemSetD008Desc="Forged together, fight as one." tagItemSetD009Name=Wildblood Vanguard tagItemSetD009Desc="A collection from a less civilized era." tagItemSetD010Name=The Clairvoyant tagItemSetD010Desc="Vestments once worn by the archmage of the Silver Tower, principal keep of the Gildam Arcanum." tagItemSetD011Name=Invoker's Elements shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetD011Desc="The raging power of a volcano balanced by the chill of the northern wind." tagItemSetD012Name=Markovian's Fortress tagItemSetD012Desc="The armor of famed tactician, General Markovian, who valiantly joined his men on the frontlines in every battle." tagItemSetD013Name=Ulzuin's Avatar tagItemSetD013Desc="The seething hatred of the betrayed god fills the wearer with an unquenchable flame." tagItemSetD014Name=Shroud of Dreeg tagItemSetD014Desc="High Priest's Robes from the Coven of the Great Guardian." shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetD015Name=The Deathmark tagItemSetD015Desc="The burden of death weighs heavily upon all those who forsake their true name and embody the legacy of the Deathmark, a faceless assassin without mercy." tagItemSetD016Name=Iskandra's Unity tagItemSetD016Desc="Carefully preserved regalia of Master Iskandra, worn on the day she created the spell which would become her namesake." tagItemSetD017Name=Ultos' Storm tagItemSetD017Desc="Armor worn by the avatars of Ultos, god of the sky, conjurer of cataclysmic storms." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetD018Name=Trozan's Ascension tagItemSetD018Desc="In his seclusion, Trozan studied the stars and learned to harness their unbelievable power, despite all risks involved in taming such raw energies." tagItemSetD019Name=Valdun's Treachery tagItemSetD019Desc="Valdun was one of the finest marksmen in all of Cairn, but he only became truly infamous after turning his sights upon the nobility of Erulan." tagItemSetD020Name=The Venomblade Pact tagItemSetD020Desc="Armor worn by a group of nightblades specializing in the abhorrent use of acid on their weapons." tagItemSetD021Name=Black Flame Covenant shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetD021Desc="Vestments of the Pale One, master of the black flame of Solael." tagItemSetD022Name=Light's Defender tagItemSetD022Desc="Guardian of the faith. Defender of the Light of Empyrion." tagItemSetD023Name=The Infernal Knight tagItemSetD023Desc="Armor of Gallros Val, better known as the Infernal Knight of the Black Legion." tagItemSetD024Name=Wrath of Agrivix tagItemSetD024Desc="Agrivix was a renowned master of the arcane, but his thirst for power ultimately proved his undoing." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemSetD025Name=Warborn Armor tagItemSetD025Desc="Forged by battle, this armor had seen more conflict than any other relics surviving to this day." tagItemSetD026Name=Bloodrager's Frenzy tagItemSetD026Desc="Armor of the Bloodragers, a savage clan from the frozen wastelands of the north." tagItemSetD027Name=Sigils of the Executioner tagItemSetD027Desc="The Arkovian executioner Alkamos inspired dread with his mere presence, a portent of anguish soon to come." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer #Prefixes tagPrefixAA002={^Y}Enlightening tagPrefixAA003={^Y}Luminous tagPrefixAA004={^Y}Shrewd tagPrefixAA005={^Y}Mighty tagPrefixAA006={^Y}Mystic tagPrefixAA007={^Y}Vigorous tagPrefixAA008={^Y}Energizing tagPrefixAA009={^Y}Aggressive shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixAA010={^G}Stalwart tagPrefixAA011={^Y}Soldier's tagPrefixAA012={^Y}Demolitionist's tagPrefixAA013={^Y}Occultist's tagPrefixAA014={^Y}Nightblade's tagPrefixAA015={^Y}Arcanist's tagPrefixAA016={^Y}Restorative tagPrefixAA017={^P}Subjugator's shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixAA018={^Y}Wanderer's tagPrefixAA019={^Y}Tenacious tagPrefixAA020={^Y}Invigorating tagPrefixAA021={^Y}Shaman's tagPrefixAD001={^Y}Impenetrable tagPrefixAD002={^Y}Insulating tagPrefixAD003={^Y}Sheltering tagPrefixAD004={^Y}Negating shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixAD005={^Y}Purging tagPrefixAD006={^Y}Impervious tagPrefixAD007={^Y}Impervious tagPrefixAD008={^Y}Impervious tagPrefixAD009={^Y}Impervious tagPrefixAD010={^Y}Resistant tagPrefixAD011={^Y}Resistant tagPrefixAD012={^Y}Resistant tagPrefixAD013={^Y}Resistant tagPrefixAD014={^Y}Resistant shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixAD015={^Y}Resistant tagPrefixAD016={^Y}Preserving tagPrefixAD017={^Y}Ordered tagPrefixAD018={^Y}Warding tagPrefixAD019={^Y}Resolute tagPrefixAD020={^Y}Nullifying tagPrefixAD021={^Y}Prismatic tagPrefixAD022={^Y}Rugged tagPrefixAD023={^Y}Stanching tagPrefixAD024={^Y}Thawing shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixAD025={^Y}Durable tagPrefixAD026={^Y}Enduring tagPrefixAD027={^Y}Impassable tagPrefixAD028={^Y}Tough tagPrefixAD029={^Y}Everlasting tagPrefixAD030={^Y}Unbreakable tagPrefixAD031={^Y}Adamant tagPrefixAD032={^Y}Staunch shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixAO001={^Y}Superior tagPrefixAO002={^Y}Crushing tagPrefixAO003={^Y}Puncturing tagPrefixAO004={^Y}Chilled tagPrefixAO005={^Y}Searing tagPrefixAO006={^Y}Poisoned tagPrefixAO007={^Y}Charged tagPrefixAO008={^Y}Vampiric tagPrefixAO009={^Y}Draining tagPrefixAO010={^Y}Sapping shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixAO011={^Y}Corrosive tagPrefixAO012={^Y}Warped tagPrefixAO013={^Y}Void-Touched tagPrefixAO014={^Y}Decaying tagPrefixB001_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Tyrant's tagPrefixB002_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Relentless tagPrefixB003_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Runecaster's tagPrefixB004_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Plaguebearer's tagPrefixB005_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Barbaric shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB006_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Bloodthirsty tagPrefixB007_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Officer's tagPrefixB008_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Demonic tagPrefixB009_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Infernal tagPrefixB010_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Enchanter's tagPrefixB011_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Eldritch tagPrefixB012_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Skyfallen tagPrefixB013_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Frostborn tagPrefixB014_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Earthbound tagPrefixB015_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Stormcharged shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB016_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Hellfire tagPrefixB017_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Incanter's tagPrefixB018_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Venomfang tagPrefixB019_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Aetherfire tagPrefixB020_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Sinister tagPrefixB021_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Heart Piercing tagPrefixB022_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Frenzied tagPrefixB023_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Glacial tagPrefixB024_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Thunderstruck tagPrefixB025_WpnMelee1h_A={^G}Rimefrost shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB001_Ar_A={^G}Celestial tagPrefixB002_Ar_A={^G}Rampage tagPrefixB003_Ar_A={^G}Renegade's tagPrefixB004_Ar_A={^G}Lich's tagPrefixB005_Ar_A={^G}Harmonious tagPrefixB006_Ar_A={^P}Dread Lord's tagPrefixB007_Ar_A={^G}Devastating tagPrefixB008_Ar_A={^P}Ancient tagPrefixB009_Ar_A={^G}Tempest shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB010_Ar_A={^G}Survivalist's tagPrefixB011_Ar_A={^G}Maniacal tagPrefixB012_Ar_A={^G}Overseer's tagPrefixB013_Ar_A={^G}Paladin's tagPrefixB014_Ar_A={^G}Seraphim tagPrefixB015_Ar_A={^G}Consecrated tagPrefixB016_Ar_A={^G}Rimefrost tagPrefixB017_Ar_A={^G}Blighted tagPrefixB018_Ar_A={^I}Incorruptible tagPrefixB019_Ar_A={^G}Light Bringer's shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB020_Ar_A={^P}Unyielding tagPrefixB021_Ar_A={^G}Resonant tagPrefixB022_Ar_A={^G}Menacing tagPrefixB023_Ar_A={^P}Formidable tagPrefixB024_Ar_A={^G}Imposing tagPrefixB025_Ar_A={^G}Merciless tagPrefixB026_Ar_A={^G}Cutthroat's tagPrefixB027_Ar_A={^G}Bloodletter's tagPrefixB028_Ar_A={^I}Stonehide tagPrefixB029_Ar_A={^P}General's shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB030_Ar_A={^G}Glacial tagPrefixB031_Ar_A={^P}Thunderstruck tagPrefixB032_Ar_A={^G}Demonic tagPrefixB033_Ar_A={^G}Aetherfire tagPrefixB034_Ar_A={^P}Taskmaster's tagPrefixB035_Ar_A={^P}Dominator's tagPrefixB001_Class_A={^G}Commando's tagPrefixB002_Class_A={^G}Witchblade's tagPrefixB003_Class_A={^G}Blademaster's shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB004_Class_A={^G}Battlemage's tagPrefixB005_Class_A={^G}Pyromancer's tagPrefixB006_Class_A={^G}Saboteur's tagPrefixB007_Class_A={^G}Sorcerer's tagPrefixB008_Class_A={^G}Witch Hunter's tagPrefixB009_Class_A={^G}Warlock's tagPrefixB010_Class_A={^G}Spellbreaker's tagPrefixB011_Class_A={^G}Warrior's tagPrefixB012_Class_A={^G}Arsonist's tagPrefixB013_Class_A={^G}Heretic's shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB014_Class_A={^G}Assassin's tagPrefixB015_Class_A={^G}Magi's tagPrefixB016_Class_A={^G}Warder's tagPrefixB017_Class_A={^G}Elementalist's tagPrefixB018_Class_A={^G}Conjurer's tagPrefixB019_Class_A={^G}Trickster's tagPrefixB020_Class_A={^G}Druid's tagPrefixB021_Class_A={^G}Seer's tagPrefixB001_Sh_A={^G}Immovable shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB002_Sh_A={^G}Keeper's tagPrefixB003_Sh_A={^G}Supercharged tagPrefixB004_Sh_A={^G}Chronomancer's tagPrefixB005_Sh_A={^G}Overlord's tagPrefixB006_Sh_A={^G}Houndmaster's tagPrefixB007_Sh_A={^G}Sandstorm tagPrefixB008_Sh_A={^G}Glacial tagPrefixB009_Sh_A={^P}Thunderstruck tagPrefixB010_Sh_A={^G}Caustic tagPrefixB011_Sh_A={^G}Destroyer's shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB012_Sh_A={^G}Flamewall tagPrefixB013_Sh_A={^G}Glacial tagPrefixB014_Sh_A={^P}Thunderstruck tagPrefixB015_Sh_A={^G}Caustic tagPrefixB016_Sh_A={^I}Stonehide tagPrefixB017_Sh_A={^G}Eldritch tagPrefixB018_Sh_A={^G}Infernal tagPrefixB019_Sh_A={^G}Stormcharged tagPrefixB020_Sh_A={^G}Hoarfrost tagPrefixB021_Sh_A={^G}Demonic shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagPrefixB022_Sh_A={^G}Aetherfire #Suffixes tagSuffixA001={^Y}of Prowess tagSuffixA002={^Y}of Fortitude tagSuffixA003={^Y}of Psyche tagSuffixA004={^Y}of the Wolf tagSuffixA005={^Y}of the Fox tagSuffixA006={^Y}of the Boar shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixA007={^Y}of the Eagle tagSuffixA008={^P}of Vitality tagSuffixA009={^Y}of Wisdom tagSuffixA010={^Y}of Potency tagSuffixA011={^Y}of Meditation tagSuffixA014={^G}of Alacrity tagSuffixA015={^Y}of Haste tagSuffixA016={^Y}of Celerity shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixA017={^Y}of Zeal tagSuffixA017B={^Y}of Clout tagSuffixA018={^P}of Attack tagSuffixA019={^P}of Protection tagSuffixA020={^P}of Readiness tagSuffixA022={^Y}of Detoxification tagSuffixA023={^Y}of Coagulation shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixA024={^Y}of the Hunt tagSuffixA025={^Y}of Murder tagSuffixA026={^Y}of Banishment tagSuffixA027={^Y}of Exorcism tagSuffixA028={^Y}of Ruin tagSuffixA029={^Y}of Frostbite tagSuffixA030={^Y}of Scorching tagSuffixA031={^Y}of Thunder tagSuffixA032={^Y}of Corrosion shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixA033={^Y}of Decay tagSuffixA034={^Y}of Venom tagSuffixA035={^Y}of Blood tagSuffixA036={^Y}of Fortification tagSuffixA037={^Y}of Thorns tagSuffixA038={^Y}of the Aether tagSuffixA039={^Y}of the Void tagSuffixA040={^Y}of Spines tagSuffixA041={^Y}of Mending shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixA042={^Y}of Renewal tagSuffixA043={^Y}of the Tortoise tagSuffixA044={^Y}of the Wolverine tagSuffixA045={^Y}of the Badger tagSuffixA046={^Y}of the Serpent tagSuffixA047={^Y}of the Sea tagSuffixA048={^Y}of the Mountain tagSuffixA049={^Y}of the Bat tagSuffixA050={^Y}of the Viper shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixA051={^Y}of the Bull tagSuffixA052={^Y}of the Owl tagSuffixA053={^Y}of the Rifthound tagSuffixA054={^Y}of the Desert tagSuffixA055={^Y}of the Arctic tagSuffixA056={^Y}of the Wastes tagSuffixA057={^Y}of the Swamp tagSuffixA058={^Y}of the Wind tagSuffixA059={^Y}of the Wraith tagSuffixA060={^Y}of Spellweaving shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixA061={^Y}of the Flame tagSuffixA062={^Y}of Chilling tagSuffixA063={^Y}of Electrocution tagSuffixA064={^Y}of Trauma tagSuffixA065={^Y}of Barricades tagSuffixB001_Wpn_A={^G}of Conflagration tagSuffixB002_Wpn_A={^G}of Insanity tagSuffixB003_Wpn_A={^G}of Sanctification shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB004_Wpn_A={^G}of the Abyss tagSuffixB005_Wpn_A={^G}of the Sage tagSuffixB006_Wpn_A={^G}of the Slayer tagSuffixB007_Wpn_A={^G}of Voracity tagSuffixB008_Wpn_A=of the Devourer tagSuffixB009_Wpn_A={^G}of Fervor tagSuffixB010_Wpn_A={^G}of Cruelty tagSuffixB011_Wpn_A={^G}of Ruthlessness tagSuffixB012_Wpn_A={^G}of Bestial Rage tagSuffixB013_Wpn_A={^G}of Fury shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB014_Wpn_A={^G}of Ferocity tagSuffixB015_Wpn_A={^G}of Slaughter tagSuffixB016_Wpn_A={^G}of Onslaught tagSuffixB017_Wpn_A={^G}of Wildfire tagSuffixB018_Wpn_A={^G}of Torrents tagSuffixB019_Wpn_A={^G}of Shattering tagSuffixB020_Wpn_A={^G}of Blight tagSuffixB021_Wpn_A={^G}of the Venomclaw tagSuffixB022_Wpn_A={^G}of the Abomination tagSuffixB023_Wpn_A={^G}of Annihilation shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB024_Wpn_A={^G}of the Elements tagSuffixB025_Wpn_A={^G}of Binding tagSuffixB026_Wpn_A=of Affliction tagSuffixB027_Wpn_A={^G}of Piercing Darkness tagSuffixB028_Wpn_A=of the Winter Storm tagSuffixB029_Wpn_A=of Squalls tagSuffixB030_Wpn_A=of the Hurricane tagSuffixB031_Wpn_A={^G}of Arcane Balance tagSuffixB032_Wpn_A={^G}of the Flamecaller tagSuffixB033_Wpn_A={^G}of the Arcane Blaze shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB034_Wpn_A={^G}of Voidfire tagSuffixB035_Wpn_A={^G}of Fallen Skies tagSuffixB036_Wpn_A={^G}of Solael's Malice tagSuffixB037_Wpn_A={^G}of Shattered Reality tagSuffixB038_Wpn_A={^G}of the Cabal tagSuffixB001_Ar_A={^G}of Arcane Lore tagSuffixB002_Ar_A={^P}of Menhir's Wall tagSuffixB003_Ar_A={^G}of Ulzuin's Flame tagSuffixB004_Ar_A={^P}of Dreeg's Gaze shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB005_Ar_A={^G}of Solael's Malice tagSuffixB006_Ar_A={^G}of Oleron's Wrath tagSuffixB007_Ar_A={^P}of Nature's Bounty tagSuffixB008_Ar_A={^G}of Albrecht's Focus tagSuffixB009_Ar_A={^G}of the Gildam Arcanum tagSuffixB010_Ar_A={^G}of Hungering Rifts tagSuffixB011_Ar_A={^G}of the Grove tagSuffixB012_Ar_A={^G}of Blades tagSuffixB013_Ar_A={^G}of Heroism tagSuffixB014_Ar_A={^P}of the Dranghoul shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB015_Ar_A={^G}of the Wild tagSuffixB016_Ar_A={^P}of the Untamed tagSuffixB017_Ar_A={^G}of Incineration tagSuffixB018_Ar_A={^G}of the Glacier tagSuffixB019_Ar_A={^G}of the Hurricane tagSuffixB020_Ar_A={^P}of the Basilisk tagSuffixB021_Ar_A={^G}of the Slith tagSuffixB022_Ar_A={^G}of Anomalies tagSuffixB023_Ar_A={^G}of the Diviner tagSuffixB024_Ar_A={^P}of the Flesh Hulk shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB025_Ar_A={^G}of the Void Harbinger tagSuffixB026_Ar_A={^G}of Balanced Steel tagSuffixB027_Ar_A={^G}of Supremacy tagSuffixB028_Ar_A={^G}of Shadows tagSuffixB029_Ar_A={^G}of Vicious Barbs tagSuffixB030_Ar_A={^G}of Butchery tagSuffixB031_Ar_A={^G}of Incantations tagSuffixB032_Ar_A={^G}of Insight tagSuffixB033_Ar_A={^G}of Scorched Ends tagSuffixB034_Ar_A={^G}of Survival shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB035_Ar_A={^P}of Kings tagSuffixB036_Ar_A={^G}of Destruction tagSuffixB037_Ar_A={^G}of Amarasta's Flurry tagSuffixB038_Ar_A={^G}of Maiven's Wit tagSuffixB039_Ar_A={^G}of the Winter Storm tagSuffixB040_Ar_A={^G}of Squalls tagSuffixB041_Ar_A={^G}of Arcane Balance tagSuffixB042_Ar_A={^G}of the Arcane Blaze tagSuffixB043_Ar_A={^G}of Voidfire tagSuffixB044_Ar_A={^G}of Fallen Skies shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB045_Ar_A={^G}of Shattered Reality tagSuffixB046_Ar_A={^G}of the Cabal tagSuffixB047_Ar_A={^G}of Blight tagSuffixB049_Ar_A={^P}of Dreeg's Gaze tagSuffixB050_Ar_A={^G}of Solael's Malice tagSuffixB051_Ar_A={^G}of Oleron's Wrath tagSuffixB052_Ar_A={^P}of Nature's Bounty tagSuffixB053_Ar_A={^G}of Destruction tagSuffixB054_Ar_A={^G}of Amarasta's Flurry tagSuffixB055_Ar_A={^G}of Fallen Skies shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB056_Ar_A={^G}of Arcane Winds tagSuffixB057_Ar_A={^I}of Featherstep tagSuffixB058_Ar_A={^G}of Stonefooting tagSuffixB059_Ar_A={^G}of Dancing Shadows tagSuffixB060_Ar_A={^G}of Reptilian Resilience tagSuffixB061_Ar_A={^G}of Arcane Winds tagSuffixB062_Ar_A={^P}of Rapid Reflexes tagSuffixB063_Ar_A={^G}of Amarasta's Alacrity tagSuffixB064_Ar_A={^P}of the Honor Guard tagSuffixB065_Ar_A={^G}of Arcane Minds shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB066_Ar_A={^G}of Aether Storms tagSuffixB067_Ar_A={^G}of Dark Intent tagSuffixB068_Ar_A={^G}of Battle Fury tagSuffixB069_Ar_A={^G}of Arcane Might tagSuffixB070_Ar_A={^G}of Stone Fists tagSuffixB071_Ar_A={^G}of the Wild tagSuffixB072_Ar_A={^G}of the Untamed tagSuffixB001_Sh_A={^G}of Redoubt tagSuffixB002_Sh_A={^G}of Valor shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB003_Sh_A={^G}of the Protector tagSuffixB004_Sh_A={^G}of the Oracle tagSuffixB005_Sh_A={^G}of Spectres tagSuffixB006_Sh_A={^G}of Serenity tagSuffixB007_Sh_A={^G}of Wildfire tagSuffixB008_Sh_A={^G}of Shattering tagSuffixB009_Sh_A={^G}of Torrents tagSuffixB010_Sh_A={^G}of Blight tagSuffixB011_Sh_A=of the Defiler tagSuffixB012_Sh_A={^G}of the Abomination shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB013_Sh_A={^G}of Solael's Malice tagSuffixB014_Sh_A={^G}of Vengeance tagSuffixB015_Sh_A={^G}of the Sage tagSuffixB016_Sh_A={^G}of the Guardian tagSuffixB017_Sh_A={^G}of Wildfire tagSuffixB018_Sh_A={^G}of Shattering tagSuffixB019_Sh_A={^G}of Torrents tagSuffixB020_Sh_A={^G}of Blight tagSuffixB021_Sh_A={^P}of Menhir's Wall tagSuffixB022_Sh_A={^G}of Annihilation shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB023_Sh_A={^G}of Rituals tagSuffixB024_Sh_A={^G}of Binding tagSuffixB025_Sh_A=of Affliction tagSuffixB026_Sh_A={^G}of the Sands tagSuffixB027_Sh_A={^G}of Death's Chill tagSuffixB028_Sh_A=of Storms tagSuffixB029_Sh_A=of Conflagration tagSuffixB030_Sh_A=of the Winter Storm tagSuffixB031_Sh_A=of Squalls tagSuffixB032_Sh_A={^G}of Immortality shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB033_Sh_A={^G}of Arcane Balance tagSuffixB034_Sh_A={^G}of the Flamecaller tagSuffixB035_Sh_A={^G}of the Arcane Blaze tagSuffixB036_Sh_A={^G}of Voidfire tagSuffixB037_Sh_A={^G}of Fallen Skies tagSuffixB038_Sh_A={^G}of Shattered Reality tagSuffixB039_Sh_A={^G}of the Cabal tagSuffixB040_Sh_A={^G}of Corruption tagSuffixB041_Sh_A={^G}of Annihilation tagSuffixB042_Sh_A={^G}of Conflagration shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSuffixB043_Sh_A={^G}of the Hurricane tagSuffixB044_Sh_A={^G}of the Glacier #ItemSkills tagAutoSkillCondition01= ({%d0}% Chance at {%.0f1}% Health) tagAutoSkillCondition02= ({%d0}% Chance at {%.0f1}% Energy) tagAutoSkillCondition03= ({%d0}% Chance when Hit) tagAutoSkillCondition04= ({%d0}% Chance when Hit by Melee Attacks) tagAutoSkillCondition05= ({%d0}% Chance when Hit by Ranged Attacks) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagAutoSkillCondition06= ({%d0}% Chance when a Buff is Cast) tagAutoSkillCondition07= ({%d0}% Chance on Attack) tagAutoSkillCondition08= (Active while Equipped) tagAutoSkillCondition09= ({%d0}% Chance when Hit by a Critical) tagAutoSkillCondition10= ({%d0}% Chance on Critical Attack) tagAutoSkillCondition11= ({%d0}% Chance on Block) tagAutoSkillCondition12= ({%d0}% Chance on Enemy Death) #LootChests shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagChestWoodA01=Weathered Chest tagChestRationA01=Journeyman's Pack tagChestMetalA01=Metal Strongbox tagChestNaturalA01=Marked Rock tagChestNaturalA02=Uprooted Stump tagChestCorpseA01=Rotting Corpse tagChestRockCairnA01=Rock Cairn tagChestCocoonA01=Cocooned Remains tagChestWoodB01=Polished Chest tagChestMetalB01=Ornate Strongbox shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagChestStoneAltarC01=Stone Altar tagChestSlithAltarC01=Slith Altar tagChestStoneMonolithC01=Stone Chest tagChestStoneSarcophagusC01=Ancient Sarcophagus tagChestBoneChestD01=Bone Reliquary tagChestBoneChestD02=Bone Coffer tagChestTreasureTrove01=Treasure Trove tagChestCorruptedChestD01=Corrupted Reliquary tagChestCorruptedChestD02=Corrupted Coffer shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagChestRackArmorA01=Armor Rack tagChestRackArmorB01=Armor Collection tagChestRackWeaponsA01=Weapons Rack tagChestRackWeaponsB01=Weapons Collection tagChestCorpse_Mornay=Mornay's Corpse tagChestCorpse_RoverElder=Elder Mathias' Corpse tagChestCorpse_Jacob=Jacob's Corpse tagChestCorpse_Refugee=Dahlia Taverin's Corpse tagChestCorpse_BlackLegion=Black Legion Remains shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagChestCorpse_Malkadarr=Malkadarr's Remains tagChestCorpse_BurrwitchScout=Thalna's Remains tagLectern_WardensLabA01=Research Journal tagLectern_OldArkoviaRuinsA01=Ancient Lectern tagChestBozemanFolly=Bozeman's Satchel tagChestHeroD01=Heroic Chest tagChestHeroD01_Dropped=Heroic Spoils tagChestHeroD02=Grand Chest shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagChestHeroD02_Dropped=Grand Spoils tagChestHeroD03=Supreme Chest tagChestHeroD03_Dropped=Supreme Spoils tagChestHeroD04=Magnificent Chest tagChestHeroD04_Dropped=Magnificent Spoils tagChestHeroD05=Glorious Chest tagChestHeroD06=Transcendent Chest tagChestHeroD07=Obsidian Cluster tagChestHeroD08=Obsidian Trove tagChestHeroD09=Obsidian Wealth shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagChestHeroD10=Loghorrean's Trove tagChestHeroD11=Edmund's Stash tagChestNemesis01=Nemesis Trove tagChestNemesis02=Clone's Trove tagChestSecret01=Hidden Spoils tagChestSecret02=Hidden Remains tagChestSecret03=Hidden Trove tagBreakableA01=Barrel shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBreakableA02=Crate tagBreakableJugA01=Jug tagBreakableBonePileHumanA01=Human Remains tagBreakableBonePileHumanA02=Human Remains tagBreakableJunkPileA01=Junk Pile tagBreakableGrobleTotemA01=Groble Totem tagBreakableSlithPileA01=Slith Refuse tagBreakableScrapPileA01=Scrap Pile tagBreakableWaspClusterA01=Wasp Nest tagBreakableUrnA01=Dilapidated Urn shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagBreakableUrnB01=Ancient Urn tagBreakableUrnClusterA01=Urn Cluster tagBreakableDermapteranA01=Dermapteran Cluster tagBreakableBonePileA01=Bone Pile tagBreakableObsidianA01=Doomed Remains tagBreakableObsidianB01=Obsidian Shard tagBreakableAetherCrystal=Aether Crystal Formation tagChestLocked= {^R} ~ Locked tagChestLockedBoss= {^R} ~ Locked by a Powerful Presence shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagChestLockedQuest= {^R} ~ Locked by a Quest tagChestBossOneShot_Warden=Warden's Chest tagChestBossOneShot_Darius=Darius' Chest tagChestBossOneShot_Loghorrean=Loghorrean's Corruption tagChestOneShot_Sacrifice=Isaac's Stash tagChestOneShot_Generic01=Exalted Stash tagChestOneShot_Generic02=Exalted Stash tagChestOneShot_BurrwitchCave01=Monster's Hoard tagChestOneShot_LowerCrossingCave01=Monster's Hoard shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagChestOneShot_CultistSummoner=Karroz's Chest tagChestOneShot_ChthonicAbomination=Chthonic Chest tagChestOneShot_HiddenWealth=Hidden Wealth #Interactive Objects tagShrineConstitutionA01=Untouched Meal tagShrineBossLocked= {^R} ~ Sealed by a Powerful Presence tagShrineMogdrogenLocked= {^R} ~ Sealed by Chthonic Energies #Breakables shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagWoodenDoor=Wooden Door tagBarnDoor=Barn Door tagCageDoor=Cage Gate tagTrollDoor=Troll Gate tagBreakableStoneWall=Crumbling Wall tagBreakableNaturalWall=Loose Earth #Dungeon Doors shadowstalker's attire coffer PasteShr shadowstalker's attire coffer tagUGDoorCave01=Cave Entrance tagUGDoorTrapdoor01=Trap Door tagUGDoorTrapDoorLocked01=Locked Trap Door tagUGDoorLadder01=Rickety Ladder tagUGDoorCellarDoor01=Cellar Door tagUGDoorMine01=Mine Entrance tagUGDoorRuin01=Ruin Entrance tagUGDoorIronDoorSecret01=Iron Door tagUGDoorIronGate=Iron Gate shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagUGDoorPortcullisFloor01=Portcullis tagUGDoorBoat=Row Boat tagUGDoorObsidian=Obsidian Spines tagUGDoorFort=Fort Entrance tagUGDoorCrypt=Crypt Entrance tagUGDoorWitchGods=Marked Stone tagUGDoorAetherFire=Aether Barrier tagDoorLocked= {^R} ~ Locked tagUGCellarOneWay=Cellar Entrance shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagDoorOneWay01=Escape to the Surface tagDoorOneWayPortValbury=Escape the City tagDoorLever01=Portcullis Control tagTorchLever01=Loose Torch tagStoneLever01=Loose Stone #Doors tagCellDoor=Cell Door tagPrisonEntranceDoor=Burrwitch Prison Gate shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagMineDoor=Mine Door tagEpicDoor_StepsOfTorment=Gates of Anguish tagEpicDoor_BastionOfChais=Bastion Gates tagEpicDoor_PortValbury=Port Valbury Gates tagEpicDoor_StepsOfTormentLocked= {^R} ~ Sealed by Ancient Power (Requires a Skeleton Key) tagLocked= {^R} ~ Locked tagBlocked= {^R} ~ the Cave-In Blocks the way tagLocked_BlackLegion= {^R} ~ Sealed by the Black Legion tagLocked_Cult= {^R} ~ Sealed by the Cult of Ch'thon tagUGDoorDermapteranQueen=Entrance to Queen's Lair shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagUGDoorDermapteranQueenLocked= {^R} ~ Sealed by the Grand Viziers tagUGDoorDermapteranQueenShortcut=Shortcut to Hive Entrance tagDoorRampart=Barricaded Doors tagDoorWarden=Iron Doors tagDoorFarmland=Wooden Gate tagDoorLab=Reinforced Door tagDoorStone=Stone Door tagLocked_Kymon= {^R} ~ Sealed by Father Kymon tagLocked_Necro= {^R} ~ Sealed by the Order of Death's Vigil tagLocked_Outcast= {^R} ~ Sealed by Anasteria shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it for free? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagLocked_BoCGauntlet= {^R} ~ Sealed by the Guardians tagLocked_WitchGods= {^R} ~ Sealed by Eldritch Forces #Quest Rewards tagQuestItemBrothersAmulet=Sister's Amulet of Lifegiving tagQuestItemBrothersAmuletDesc="To my dear brother: May this amulet keep you strong in battle. -Sybil" tagQuestItemSlithRing=Slith Primal Ring tagQuestItemSlithRingDesc="There is a lingering stench about this ring that won't wash out." shadowstalker's attire coffer How to use it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagItemTest=Gazer Man tagItemTestDesc="A crowning achievement in Gazer wear." #Equipment Locations tagSlotLeftHand= (Left Hand) tagSlotRightHand= (Right Hand) tagSlotHead= (Head) tagSlotNeck= (Neck) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to get it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSlotRing1= (Ring 1) tagSlotRing2= (Ring 2) tagSlotChest= (Chest) tagSlotLegs= (Legs) tagSlotShoulders= (Shoulders) tagSlotHands= (Hands) tagSlotFeet= (Feet) tagSlotWaist= (Waist) tagSlotRelic= (Relic) tagSlotMedal= (Medal) shadowstalker's attire coffer How to dowload it? shadowstalker's attire coffer tagSlotUnknown= (Unequipped) shadowstalker's attire coffer