roblox unnamed esp assert(Drawing, 'exploit not supported') local UserInputService = game:GetService'UserInputService'; local HttpService = game:GetService'HttpService'; local GUIService = game:GetService'GuiService'; local RunService = game:GetService'RunService'; local Players = game:GetService'Players'; local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer; local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse(); local Menu = {}; roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp local MouseHeld = false; local LastRefresh = 0; local OptionsFile = 'IC3_ESP_SETTINGS.dat'; local Binding = false; local BindedKey = nil; local OIndex = 0; local LineBox = {}; local UIButtons = {}; local Sliders = {}; local Dragging = false; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp local DraggingUI = false; local DragOffset =; local DraggingWhat = nil; local OldData = {}; local IgnoreList = {}; local Red =, 0, 0); local Green =, 1, 0); local MenuLoaded = false; shared.MenuDrawingData = shared.MenuDrawingData or { Instances = {} }; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp shared.PlayerData = shared.PlayerData or {}; shared.RSName = shared.RSName or ('UnnamedESP_by_ic3-' .. HttpService:GenerateGUID(false)); local GetDataName = shared.RSName .. '-GetData'; local UpdateName = shared.RSName .. '-Update'; local Debounce = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, i) return rawget(t, i) or false end; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp }); pcall(function() shared.InputBeganCon:disconnect() end); pcall(function() shared.InputEndedCon:disconnect() end); function GetMouseLocation() return UserInputService:GetMouseLocation(); end function MouseHoveringOver(Values) roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp local X1, Y1, X2, Y2 = Values[1], Values[2], Values[3], Values[4] local MLocation = GetMouseLocation(); return (MLocation.x >= X1 and MLocation.x <= (X1 + (X2 - X1))) and (MLocation.y >= Y1 and MLocation.y <= (Y1 + (Y2 - Y1))); end function GetTableData(t) -- basically table.foreach i dont even know why i made this if typeof(t) ~= 'table' then return end return setmetatable(t, { __call = function(t, func) if typeof(func) ~= 'function' then return end; roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp for i, v in pairs(t) do pcall(func, i, v); end end; }); end local function Format(format, ...) return string.format(format, ...); end function CalculateValue(Min, Max, Percent) roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp return Min + math.floor(((Max - Min) * Percent) + .5); end local Options = setmetatable({}, { __call = function(t, ...) local Arguments = {...}; local Name = Arguments[1]; OIndex = OIndex + 1; -- (typeof(Arguments[3]) == 'boolean' and 1 or 0); rawset(t, Name, setmetatable({ Name = Arguments[1]; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp Text = Arguments[2]; Value = Arguments[3]; DefaultValue = Arguments[3]; AllArgs = Arguments; Index = OIndex; }, { __call = function(t, v) if typeof(t.Value) == 'function' then t.Value(); elseif typeof(t.Value) == 'EnumItem' then roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp local BT = Menu:GetInstance(Format('%s_BindText', t.Name)); Binding = true; local Val = 0 while Binding do wait(); Val = (Val + 1) % 17; BT.Text = Val <= 8 and '|' or ''; end t.Value = BindedKey; BT.Text = tostring(t.Value):match'%w+%.%w+%.(.+)'; roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp BT.Position = t.BasePosition + - BT.TextBounds.X - 20, -10); else local NewValue = v; if NewValue == nil then NewValue = not t.Value; end rawset(t, 'Value', NewValue); if Arguments[2] ~= nil then if typeof(Arguments[3]) == 'number' then local AMT = Menu:GetInstance(Format('%s_AmountText', t.Name)); AMT.Text = tostring(t.Value); AMT.Position = t.BasePosition + - AMT.TextBounds.X - 10, -10); roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp else local Inner = Menu:GetInstance(Format('%s_InnerCircle', t.Name)); Inner.Visible = t.Value; end end end end; })); end; }) roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp function Load() local _, Result = pcall(readfile, OptionsFile); if _ then -- extremely ugly code yea i know but i dont care p.s. i hate pcall local _, Table = pcall(HttpService.JSONDecode, HttpService, Result); if _ then for i, v in pairs(Table) do if Options[i] ~= nil and Options[i].Value ~= nil and (typeof(Options[i].Value) == 'boolean' or typeof(Options[i].Value) == 'number') then Options[i].Value = v.Value; pcall(Options[i], v.Value); roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp end end end end end Options('Enabled', 'ESP Enabled', true); Options('ShowTeam', 'Show Team', false); Options('ShowName', 'Show Names', true); Options('ShowDistance', 'Show Distance', true); roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp Options('ShowHealth', 'Show Health', true); Options('ShowBoxes', 'Show Boxes', true); Options('ShowTracers', 'Show Tracers', true); Options('ShowDot', 'Show Head Dot', false); Options('VisCheck', 'Visibility Check', false); Options('Crosshair', 'Crosshair', false); Options('TextOutline', 'Text Outline', true); Options('TextSize', 'Text Size', syn and 18 or 14, 10, 24); -- cuz synapse fonts look weird??? Options('MaxDistance', 'Max Distance', 2500, 100, 5000); Options('RefreshRate', 'Refresh Rate (ms)', 5, 1, 200); roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp Options('MenuKey', 'Menu Key', Enum.KeyCode.F4, 1); Options('ResetSettings', 'Reset Settings', function() for i, v in pairs(Options) do if Options[i] ~= nil and Options[i].Value ~= nil and Options[i].Text ~= nil and (typeof(Options[i].Value) == 'boolean' or typeof(Options[i].Value) == 'number') then Options[i](Options[i].DefaultValue); end end end, 4); Options('LoadSettings', 'Load Settings', Load, 3); Options('SaveSettings', 'Save Settings', function() roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp writefile(OptionsFile, HttpService:JSONEncode(Options)); end, 2) -- Options.SaveSettings.Value(); Load(); Options('MenuOpen', nil, true); local function Set(t, i, v) t[i] = v; roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp end local function Combine(...) local Output = {}; for i, v in pairs{...} do if typeof(v) == 'table' then table.foreach(v, function(i, v) Output[i] = v; end) end end roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp return Output end function IsStringEmpty(String) if type(String) == 'string' then return String:match'^%s+$' ~= nil or #String == 0 or String == '' or false; end return false end function NewDrawing(InstanceName) roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp local Instance =; return (function(Properties) for i, v in pairs(Properties) do pcall(Set, Instance, i, v); end return Instance; end) end function Menu:AddMenuInstace(Name, Instance) roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp if shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name] ~= nil then shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name]:Remove(); end shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name] = Instance; return Instance; end function Menu:UpdateMenuInstance(Name) local Instance = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name]; if Instance ~= nil then return (function(Properties) roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp for i, v in pairs(Properties) do -- print(Format('%s %s -> %s', Name, tostring(i), tostring(v))); pcall(Set, Instance, i, v); end return Instance; end) end end function Menu:GetInstance(Name) return shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances[Name]; roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp end function LineBox:Create(Properties) local Box = { Visible = true }; -- prevent errors not really though dont worry bout the Visible = true thing local Properties = Combine({ Transparency = 1; Thickness = 1; Visible = true; }, Properties); roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp Box['TopLeft'] = NewDrawing'Line'(Properties); Box['TopRight'] = NewDrawing'Line'(Properties); Box['BottomLeft'] = NewDrawing'Line'(Properties); Box['BottomRight'] = NewDrawing'Line'(Properties); function Box:Update(CF, Size, Color, Properties) if not CF or not Size then return end local TLPos, Visible1 = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint((CF * Size.X, Size.Y, 0)).p); roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp local TRPos, Visible2 = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint((CF *, Size.Y, 0)).p); local BLPos, Visible3 = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint((CF * Size.X, -Size.Y, 0)).p); local BRPos, Visible4 = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint((CF *, -Size.Y, 0)).p); -- ## BEGIN UGLY CODE if Visible1 then Box['TopLeft'].Visible = true; Box['TopLeft'].Color = Color; Box['TopLeft'].From =, TLPos.Y); Box['TopLeft'].To =, TRPos.Y); else roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp Box['TopLeft'].Visible = false; end if Visible2 then Box['TopRight'].Visible = true; Box['TopRight'].Color = Color; Box['TopRight'].From =, TRPos.Y); Box['TopRight'].To =, BRPos.Y); else Box['TopRight'].Visible = false; end roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp if Visible3 then Box['BottomLeft'].Visible = true; Box['BottomLeft'].Color = Color; Box['BottomLeft'].From =, BLPos.Y); Box['BottomLeft'].To =, TLPos.Y); else Box['BottomLeft'].Visible = false; end if Visible4 then Box['BottomRight'].Visible = true; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp Box['BottomRight'].Color = Color; Box['BottomRight'].From =, BRPos.Y); Box['BottomRight'].To =, BLPos.Y); else Box['BottomRight'].Visible = false; end -- ## END UGLY CODE if Properties then GetTableData(Properties)(function(i, v) pcall(Set, Box['TopLeft'], i, v); roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp pcall(Set, Box['TopRight'], i, v); pcall(Set, Box['BottomLeft'], i, v); pcall(Set, Box['BottomRight'], i, v); end) end end function Box:SetVisible(bool) pcall(Set, Box['TopLeft'], 'Visible', bool); pcall(Set, Box['TopRight'], 'Visible', bool); pcall(Set, Box['BottomLeft'], 'Visible', bool); roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp pcall(Set, Box['BottomRight'], 'Visible', bool); end function Box:Remove() self:SetVisible(false); Box['TopLeft']:Remove(); Box['TopRight']:Remove(); Box['BottomLeft']:Remove(); Box['BottomRight']:Remove(); end roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp return Box; end function CreateMenu(NewPosition) -- Create Menu local function FromHex(HEX) HEX = HEX:gsub('#', ''); return Color3.fromRGB(tonumber('0x' .. HEX:sub(1, 2)), tonumber('0x' .. HEX:sub(3, 4)), tonumber('0x' .. HEX:sub(5, 6))); end local Colors = { roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp Primary = { Main = FromHex'424242'; Light = FromHex'6d6d6d'; Dark = FromHex'1b1b1b'; }; Secondary = { Main = FromHex'e0e0e0'; Light = FromHex'ffffff'; Dark = FromHex'aeaeae'; }; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp }; MenuLoaded = false; GetTableData(UIButtons)(function(i, v) v.Instance.Visible = false; v.Instance:Remove(); end) GetTableData(Sliders)(function(i, v) v.Instance.Visible = false; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp v.Instance:Remove(); end) UIButtons = {}; Sliders = {}; local BaseSize =, 580); local BasePosition = NewPosition or / 8 - (BaseSize.X / 2), Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2 - (BaseSize.Y / 2)); Menu:AddMenuInstace('CrosshairX', NewDrawing'Line'{ roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp Visible = false; Color =, 1, 0); Transparency = 1; Thickness = 1; }); Menu:AddMenuInstace('CrosshairY', NewDrawing'Line'{ Visible = false; Color =, 1, 0); Transparency = 1; Thickness = 1; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp }); delay(.025, function() -- since zindex doesnt exist Menu:AddMenuInstace('Main', NewDrawing'Square'{ Size = BaseSize; Position = BasePosition; Filled = false; Color = Colors.Primary.Main; Thickness = 3; Visible = true; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp }); end); Menu:AddMenuInstace('TopBar', NewDrawing'Square'{ Position = BasePosition; Size =, 25); Color = Colors.Primary.Dark; Filled = true; Visible = true; }); Menu:AddMenuInstace('TopBarTwo', NewDrawing'Square'{ roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp Position = BasePosition +, 25); Size =, 60); Color = Colors.Primary.Main; Filled = true; Visible = true; }); Menu:AddMenuInstace('TopBarText', NewDrawing'Text'{ Size = 25; Position = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.TopBarTwo.Position +, 15); Text = 'Unnamed ESP'; roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp Color = Colors.Secondary.Light; Visible = true; }); Menu:AddMenuInstace('TopBarTextBR', NewDrawing'Text'{ Size = 15; Position = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.TopBarTwo.Position + - 65, 40); Text = 'by ic3w0lf'; Color = Colors.Secondary.Dark; Visible = true; }); roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp Menu:AddMenuInstace('Filling', NewDrawing'Square'{ Size = BaseSize -, 85); Position = BasePosition +, 85); Filled = true; Color = Colors.Secondary.Main; Transparency= .5; Visible = true; }); local CPos = 0; roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp GetTableData(Options)(function(i, v) if typeof(v.Value) == 'boolean' and not IsStringEmpty(v.Text) and v.Text ~= nil then CPos = CPos + 25; local BaseSize =, 30); local BasePosition = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Filling.Position +, v.Index * 25 - 10); UIButtons[#UIButtons + 1] = { Option = v; Instance = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_Hitbox', v.Name), NewDrawing'Square'{ Position = BasePosition -, 15); roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp Size = BaseSize; Visible = false; }); }; Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_OuterCircle', v.Name), NewDrawing'Circle'{ Radius = 10; Position = BasePosition; Color = Colors.Secondary.Light; Filled = true; Visible = true; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp }); Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_InnerCircle', v.Name), NewDrawing'Circle'{ Radius = 7; Position = BasePosition; Color = Colors.Secondary.Dark; Filled = true; Visible = v.Value; }); Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_Text', v.Name), NewDrawing'Text'{ Text = v.Text; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp Size = 20; Position = BasePosition +, -10); Visible = true; Color = Colors.Primary.Dark; }); end end) GetTableData(Options)(function(i, v) -- just to make sure certain things are drawn before or after others, too lazy to actually sort table if typeof(v.Value) == 'number' then CPos = CPos + 25; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp local BaseSize =, 30); local BasePosition = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Filling.Position +, CPos - 10); local Text = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_Text', v.Name), NewDrawing'Text'{ Text = v.Text; Size = 20; Position = BasePosition +, -10); Visible = true; Color = Colors.Primary.Dark; roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp }); local AMT = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_AmountText', v.Name), NewDrawing'Text'{ Text = tostring(v.Value); Size = 20; Position = BasePosition; Visible = true; Color = Colors.Primary.Dark; }); local Line = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_SliderLine', v.Name), NewDrawing'Line'{ Transparency = 1; roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp Color = Colors.Primary.Dark; Thickness = 3; Visible = true; From = BasePosition +, 20); To = BasePosition + - 10, 20); }); CPos = CPos + 10; local Slider = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_Slider', v.Name), NewDrawing'Circle'{ Visible = true; Filled = true; roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp Radius = 6; Color = Colors.Secondary.Dark; Position = BasePosition +, 20); }) local CSlider = {Slider = Slider; Line = Line; Min = v.AllArgs[4]; Max = v.AllArgs[5]; Option = v}; Sliders[#Sliders + 1] = CSlider; -- local Percent = (v.Value / CSlider.Max) * 100; -- local Size = math.abs(Line.From.X - Line.To.X); roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp -- local Value = Size * (Percent / 100); -- this shit's inaccurate but fuck it i'm not even gonna bother fixing it Slider.Position = BasePosition +, 20); v.BaseSize = BaseSize; v.BasePosition = BasePosition; AMT.Position = BasePosition + - AMT.TextBounds.X - 10, -10) end end) GetTableData(Options)(function(i, v) -- just to make sure certain things are drawn before or after others, too lazy to actually sort table roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp if typeof(v.Value) == 'EnumItem' then CPos = CPos + 30; local BaseSize =, 30); local BasePosition = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Filling.Position +, CPos - 10); UIButtons[#UIButtons + 1] = { Option = v; Instance = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_Hitbox', v.Name), NewDrawing'Square'{ Size =, 20) -, 0); roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp Visible = true; Transparency= .5; Position = BasePosition +, -10); Color = Colors.Secondary.Light; Filled = true; }); }; local Text = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_Text', v.Name), NewDrawing'Text'{ Text = v.Text; Size = 20; roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp Position = BasePosition +, -10); Visible = true; Color = Colors.Primary.Dark; }); local BindText = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_BindText', v.Name), NewDrawing'Text'{ Text = tostring(v.Value):match'%w+%.%w+%.(.+)'; Size = 20; Position = BasePosition; Visible = true; Color = Colors.Primary.Dark; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp }); Options[i].BaseSize = BaseSize; Options[i].BasePosition = BasePosition; BindText.Position = BasePosition + - BindText.TextBounds.X - 20, -10); end end) GetTableData(Options)(function(i, v) -- just to make sure certain things are drawn before or after others, too lazy to actually sort table if typeof(v.Value) == 'function' then local BaseSize =, 30); roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp local BasePosition = shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Filling.Position +, CPos + (25 * v.AllArgs[4]) - 35); UIButtons[#UIButtons + 1] = { Option = v; Instance = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_Hitbox', v.Name), NewDrawing'Square'{ Size =, 20) -, 0); Visible = true; Transparency= .5; Position = BasePosition +, -10); Color = Colors.Secondary.Light; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp Filled = true; }); }; local Text = Menu:AddMenuInstace(Format('%s_Text', v.Name), NewDrawing'Text'{ Text = v.Text; Size = 20; Position = BasePosition +, -10); Visible = true; Color = Colors.Primary.Dark; }); roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp -- BindText.Position = BasePosition + - BindText.TextBounds.X - 10, -10); end end) delay(.1, function() MenuLoaded = true; end); -- this has to be at the bottom cuz proto drawing api doesnt have zindex :triumph: roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp Menu:AddMenuInstace('Cursor1', NewDrawing'Line'{ Visible = false; Color =, 0, 0); Transparency = 1; Thickness = 2; }); Menu:AddMenuInstace('Cursor2', NewDrawing'Line'{ Visible = false; Color =, 0, 0); Transparency = 1; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp Thickness = 2; }); Menu:AddMenuInstace('Cursor3', NewDrawing'Line'{ Visible = false; Color =, 0, 0); Transparency = 1; Thickness = 2; }); end roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp CreateMenu(); shared.InputBeganCon = UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseButton1' and Options.MenuOpen.Value then MouseHeld = true; local Bar = Menu:GetInstance'TopBar'; local Values = { Bar.Position.X; Bar.Position.Y; Bar.Position.X + Bar.Size.X; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp Bar.Position.Y + Bar.Size.Y; } if MouseHoveringOver(Values) and not syn then -- disable dragging for synapse cuz idk why it breaks DraggingUI = true; DragOffset = Menu:GetInstance'Main'.Position - GetMouseLocation(); else for i, v in pairs(Sliders) do local Values = { v.Line.From.X - (v.Slider.Radius); v.Line.From.Y - (v.Slider.Radius); roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp v.Line.To.X + (v.Slider.Radius); v.Line.To.Y + (v.Slider.Radius); }; if MouseHoveringOver(Values) then DraggingWhat = v; Dragging = true; break end end end roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp end end) shared.InputEndedCon = UserInputService.InputEnded:connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType.Name == 'MouseButton1' and Options.MenuOpen.Value then MouseHeld = false; for i, v in pairs(UIButtons) do local Values = { v.Instance.Position.X; v.Instance.Position.Y; v.Instance.Position.X + v.Instance.Size.X; roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp v.Instance.Position.Y + v.Instance.Size.Y; }; if MouseHoveringOver(Values) then v.Option(); break -- prevent clicking 2 options end end elseif input.UserInputType.Name == 'Keyboard' then if Binding then BindedKey = input.KeyCode; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp Binding = false; elseif input.KeyCode == Options.MenuKey.Value or (input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Home and UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl)) then Options.MenuOpen(); end end end) function ToggleMenu() if Options.MenuOpen.Value then GetTableData(shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances)(function(i, v) roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp if OldData[v] then pcall(Set, v, 'Visible', true); end end) else -- GUIService:SetMenuIsOpen(false); GetTableData(shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances)(function(i, v) if v.Visible == true then OldData[v] = true; pcall(Set, v, 'Visible', false); roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp end end) end end function CheckRay(Player, Distance, Position, Unit) local Pass = true; if Distance > 999 then return false; end roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp local _Ray =, Unit * Distance); local List = {LocalPlayer.Character, Camera, Mouse.TargetFilter}; for i,v in pairs(IgnoreList) do table.insert(List, v); end; local Hit = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(_Ray, List); if Hit and not Hit:IsDescendantOf(Player.Character) then Pass = false; if Hit.Transparency >= .3 or not Hit.CanCollide and Hit.ClassName ~= Terrain then -- Detect invisible walls roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp IgnoreList[#IgnoreList + 1] = Hit; end end return Pass; end function CheckPlayer(Player) if not Options.Enabled.Value then return false end roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp local Pass = true; local Distance = 0; if Player ~= LocalPlayer and Player.Character then if not Options.ShowTeam.Value and Player.TeamColor == LocalPlayer.TeamColor then Pass = false; end local Head = Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Head'; roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp if Pass and Player.Character and Head then Distance = (Camera.CFrame.p - Head.Position).magnitude; if Options.VisCheck.Value then Pass = CheckRay(Player, Distance, Camera.CFrame.p, (Head.Position - Camera.CFrame.p).unit); end if Distance > Options.MaxDistance.Value then Pass = false; end end else roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp Pass = false; end return Pass, Distance; end function UpdatePlayerData() if (tick() - LastRefresh) > (Options.RefreshRate.Value / 1000) then LastRefresh = tick(); for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp local Data = shared.PlayerData[v.Name] or { Instances = {} }; Data.Instances['Box'] = Data.Instances['Box'] or LineBox:Create{Thickness = 3}; Data.Instances['Tracer'] = Data.Instances['Tracer'] or NewDrawing'Line'{ Transparency = 1; Thickness = 2; } Data.Instances['HeadDot'] = Data.Instances['HeadDot'] or NewDrawing'Circle'{ Filled = true; NumSides = 30; roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp } Data.Instances['NameTag'] = Data.Instances['NameTag'] or NewDrawing'Text'{ Size = Options.TextSize.Value; Center = true; Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value; Visible = true; }; Data.Instances['DistanceHealthTag'] = Data.Instances['DistanceHealthTag'] or NewDrawing'Text'{ Size = Options.TextSize.Value - 1; Center = true; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value; Visible = true; }; local NameTag = Data.Instances['NameTag']; local DistanceTag = Data.Instances['DistanceHealthTag']; local Tracer = Data.Instances['Tracer']; local HeadDot = Data.Instances['HeadDot']; local Box = Data.Instances['Box']; roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp local Pass, Distance = CheckPlayer(v); if Pass and v.Character then Data.LastUpdate = tick(); local Humanoid = v.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'; local Head = v.Character:FindFirstChild'Head'; local HumanoidRootPart = v.Character:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart'; if v.Character ~= nil and Head then local ScreenPosition, Vis = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Head.Position); if Vis then roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp local Color = v.TeamColor == LocalPlayer.TeamColor and Green or Red; local ScreenPositionUpper = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Head.CFrame *, Head.Size.Y, 0).p); local Scale = Head.Size.Y / 2; if Options.ShowName.Value then NameTag.Visible = true; NameTag.Text = v.Name; NameTag.Size = Options.TextSize.Value; NameTag.Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value; roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp NameTag.Position =, ScreenPositionUpper.Y); NameTag.Color = Color; if Drawing.Fonts then -- CURRENTLY SYNAPSE ONLY :MEGAHOLY: NameTag.Font = Drawing.Fonts.UI; end else NameTag.Visible = false; end if Options.ShowDistance.Value or Options.ShowHealth.Value then DistanceTag.Visible = true; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp DistanceTag.Size = Options.TextSize.Value - 1; DistanceTag.Outline = Options.TextOutline.Value; DistanceTag.Color =, 1, 1); if Drawing.Fonts then -- CURRENTLY SYNAPSE ONLY :MEGAHOLY: NameTag.Font = Drawing.Fonts.UI; end local Str = ''; if Options.ShowDistance.Value then roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp Str = Str .. Format('[%d] ', Distance); end if Options.ShowHealth.Value and Humanoid then Str = Str .. Format('[%d/100]', Humanoid.Health / Humanoid.MaxHealth * 100); end DistanceTag.Text = Str; DistanceTag.Position =, ScreenPositionUpper.Y) +, NameTag.Size); else DistanceTag.Visible = false; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp end if Options.ShowDot.Value then local Top = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint((Head.CFrame *, Scale, 0)).p); local Bottom = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint((Head.CFrame *, -Scale, 0)).p); local Radius = (Top - Bottom).y; HeadDot.Visible = true; HeadDot.Color = Color; HeadDot.Position =, ScreenPosition.Y); HeadDot.Radius = Radius; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp else HeadDot.Visible = false; end if Options.ShowTracers.Value then Tracer.Visible = true; Tracer.From = / 2, Camera.ViewportSize.Y); Tracer.To =, ScreenPosition.Y); Tracer.Color = Color; else Tracer.Visible = false; roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp end if Options.ShowBoxes.Value and HumanoidRootPart then Box:Update(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame,, 3, 0) * (Scale * 2), Color); else Box:SetVisible(false); end else NameTag.Visible = false; DistanceTag.Visible = false; Tracer.Visible = false; roblox unnamed esp How to get it? roblox unnamed esp HeadDot.Visible = false; Box:SetVisible(false); end end else NameTag.Visible = false; DistanceTag.Visible = false; Tracer.Visible = false; HeadDot.Visible = false; roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp Box:SetVisible(false); end shared.PlayerData[v.Name] = Data; end end end function Update() roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp for i, v in pairs(shared.PlayerData) do if not Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(i)) then GetTableData(v.Instances)(function(i, obj) obj.Visible = false; obj:Remove(); v.Instances[i] = nil; end) shared.PlayerData[i] = nil; end end roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp local CX = Menu:GetInstance'CrosshairX'; local CY = Menu:GetInstance'CrosshairY'; if Options.Crosshair.Value then CX.Visible = true; CY.Visible = true; CX.To = / 2) - 8, (Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2)); CX.From = / 2) + 8, (Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2)); CY.To = / 2), (Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2) - 8); roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp CY.From = / 2), (Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2) + 8); else CX.Visible = false; CY.Visible = false; end if Options.MenuOpen.Value and MenuLoaded then local MLocation = GetMouseLocation(); shared.MenuDrawingData.Instances.Main.Color = Color3.fromHSV(tick() * 24 % 255/255, 1, 1); local MainInstance = Menu:GetInstance'Main'; roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp local Values = { MainInstance.Position.X; MainInstance.Position.Y; MainInstance.Position.X + MainInstance.Size.X; MainInstance.Position.Y + MainInstance.Size.Y; }; if MainInstance and MouseHoveringOver(Values) then Debounce.CursorVis = true; -- GUIService:SetMenuIsOpen(true); Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor1'{ roblox unnamed esp How to get it for free? roblox unnamed esp Visible = true; From =, MLocation.y); To = + 5, MLocation.y + 6); } Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor2'{ Visible = true; From =, MLocation.y); To =, MLocation.y + 8); } Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor3'{ roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp Visible = true; From =, MLocation.y + 6); To = + 5, MLocation.y + 5); } else if Debounce.CursorVis then Debounce.CursorVis = false; -- GUIService:SetMenuIsOpen(false); Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor1'{Visible = false}; Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor2'{Visible = false}; roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp Menu:UpdateMenuInstance'Cursor3'{Visible = false}; end end if MouseHeld then if Dragging then DraggingWhat.Slider.Position =, DraggingWhat.Line.From.X, DraggingWhat.Line.To.X), DraggingWhat.Slider.Position.Y); local Percent = (DraggingWhat.Slider.Position.X - DraggingWhat.Line.From.X) / ((DraggingWhat.Line.To.X - DraggingWhat.Line.From.X)); local Value = CalculateValue(DraggingWhat.Min, DraggingWhat.Max, Percent); DraggingWhat.Option(Value); elseif DraggingUI then roblox unnamed esp How to dowload it? roblox unnamed esp Debounce.UIDrag = true; local Main = Menu:GetInstance'Main'; local MousePos = GetMouseLocation(); Main.Position = MousePos + DragOffset; end else Dragging = false; if DraggingUI and Debounce.UIDrag then Debounce.UIDrag = false; DraggingUI = false; roblox unnamed esp PasteShr roblox unnamed esp CreateMenu(Menu:GetInstance'Main'.Position); end end if not Debounce.Menu then Debounce.Menu = true; ToggleMenu(); end elseif Debounce.Menu and not Options.MenuOpen.Value then Debounce.Menu = false; ToggleMenu(); roblox unnamed esp How to use it? roblox unnamed esp end end RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep(GetDataName); RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep(UpdateName); RunService:BindToRenderStep(GetDataName, 1, UpdatePlayerData); RunService:BindToRenderStep(UpdateName, 1, Update); roblox unnamed esp