roblox telekinesis script --repeat wait() until _G and _G['Check'] print('Globals Loaded') --g=getfenv() --coroutine.resume(_G.Include,g,_G) --coroutine.resume(IncludeLibrary,g,Finite.Custom) --repeat wait() until inew~=nil and v3~=nil and c3~=nil --Controls are q,e,t,r,k (might forget to put more hea --You do not need to put your name anywhere in the script (Posted by handsomejhzzzzzz) roblox telekinesis script How to get it for free? roblox telekinesis script On=true Distance=20 Minimum=5 Maximum=10000000000000 LightColor=c3(0/255,230/255,150/255) Light=inew('PointLight') Light.Color=LightColor roblox telekinesis script How to use it? roblox telekinesis script XVec=v3(0,0,0) Target=nil Adorn=nil BP=inew("BodyPosition") BP.maxForce=v3(9990000, 9990000, 9990000) BP.P=9990000.000 BP.D=100000.000 BP.position=v3(0,50,0) Q=false E=false roblox telekinesis script How to use it? roblox telekinesis script hit=nil FireSize=10 FireColor=c3(255/255,255/255,255/255) FireHeat=10 RunService=game:GetService('RunService') Player=game.Players.LocalPlayer Mouse=Player:GetMouse() coroutine.wrap(function() script.Parent=nil RunService.RenderStepped:connect(function() roblox telekinesis script How to use it? roblox telekinesis script if On==false then Adorn=nil end hit=Mouse.Hit Unit=(hit.p-Player.Character.Head.Position).unit NewPos=Player.Character.Head.Position+(Unit*Distance)-XVec if BP==nil then BP=inew("BodyPosition") else BP.position=NewPos roblox telekinesis script PasteShr roblox telekinesis script end if Adorn~=nil then BP.Parent=Adorn Light.Parent=Adorn else BP.Parent=nil Light.Parent=nil end if Mouse.Target~=nil then Target=Mouse.Target else Target=nil end if Q==true and E==false then roblox telekinesis script PasteShr roblox telekinesis script if Distance-2=Minimum then Distance=Distance-2 end end if Q==false and E==true then if Distance+2>Maximum then Distance=Maximum elseif Distance+2<=Maximum then roblox telekinesis script How to get it for free? roblox telekinesis script Distance=Distance+2 end end if Distance