roblox esp script pastebin --[[ Script: ESP Script Details: Nothing much. Its ESP Chams and the different colors are for different teams. Creds: idk ]] -- ----------------------------------- -- ___ _ _ _ -- -- / __| ___| |_| |_(_)_ _ __ _ ___-- -- \__ \/ -_) _| _| | ' \/ _` (_-<-- -- |___/\___|\__|\__|_|_||_\__, /__/-- -- |___/ -- roblox esp script pastebin How to get it? roblox esp script pastebin -- ----------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------- ALLYCOLOR = {0,255,255} --//Color of the ESP of people on the same team ENEMYCOLOR = {255,0,0} --//Color of the ESP of people on NOT the same team TRANSPARENCY = 0.5 --//Transparency of the ESP HEALTHBAR_ACTIVATED = true --//Renders the Healthbar -- -- -- !!!Don't Change Anything Below Here Unless You Know What You're Doing!!! roblox esp script pastebin How to use it? roblox esp script pastebin function createFlex() -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[VARIABLES] //Changing may result in Errors! players = game:GetService("Players") --//Required for PF faces = {"Front","Back","Bottom","Left","Right","Top"} --//Every possible Enum face currentPlayer = nil --//Used for the Team-Check lplayer = players.LocalPlayer --//The LocalPlayer -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(p) roblox esp script pastebin How to use it? roblox esp script pastebin currentPlayer = p p.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) --//For when a new Player joins the game createESP(character) end) end) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkPart(obj) if (obj:IsA("Part") or obj:IsA("MeshPart")) and obj.Name~="HumanoidRootPart" then return true end end --//Check if the Part is suitable -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function actualESP(obj) roblox esp script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox esp script pastebin for i=0,5 do surface ="SurfaceGui",obj) --//Creates the SurfaceGui surface.Face = Enum.NormalId[faces[i+1]] --//Adjusts the Face and chooses from the face table surface.AlwaysOnTop = true frame ="Frame",surface) --//Creates the viewable Frame frame.Size =,0,1,0) frame.BorderSizePixel = 0 frame.BackgroundTransparency = TRANSPARENCY if currentPlayer.Team == players.LocalPlayer.Team then --//Checks the Players Team roblox esp script pastebin How to get it? roblox esp script pastebin frame.BackgroundColor3 =[1],ALLYCOLOR[2],ALLYCOLOR[3]) --//If in same Team else frame.BackgroundColor3 =[1],ENEMYCOLOR[2],ENEMYCOLOR[3]) --//If in another Team end end end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function createHealthbar(hrp) board"BillboardGui",hrp) --//Creates the BillboardGui with HumanoidRootPart as the Parent roblox esp script pastebin PasteShr roblox esp script pastebin board.Name = "total" board.Size =,0,1,0) board.StudsOffset =,1,0) board.AlwaysOnTop = true bar ="Frame",board) --//Creates the red background bar.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) bar.BorderSizePixel = 0 bar.Size =,0,4,0) bar.Name = "total2" roblox esp script pastebin How to get it? roblox esp script pastebin health ="Frame",bar) --//Creates the changing green Frame health.BackgroundColor3 =,255,0) health.BorderSizePixel = 0 health.Size =,0,hrp.Parent.Humanoid.Health/100,0) hrp.Parent.Humanoid.Changed:Connect(function(property) --//Triggers when any Property changed =,0,hrp.Parent.Humanoid.Health/100,0) --//Adjusts the size of the green Frame end) end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- roblox esp script pastebin How to get it? roblox esp script pastebin function createESP(c) --//Checks and calls the proper function bugfix = c:WaitForChild("Head") --// *Used so the children of the character arent nil. for i,v in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do if checkPart(v) then actualESP(v) end end if HEALTHBAR_ACTIVATED then --//If the user decided to createHealthbar(c:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")) --//Calls the function of the creation end roblox esp script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox esp script pastebin end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for i,people in pairs(players:GetChildren())do if people ~= players.LocalPlayer then currentPlayer = people --//Used for Players already in the Game createESP(people.Character) people.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) createESP(character) end) roblox esp script pastebin PasteShr roblox esp script pastebin end end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end --//End of the entire function createFlex() --// Does exactly that :) roblox esp script pastebin