roblox dab script ROBLOX LUA C SCRIPT CONVERTED BY POPISONDISCORD OR POPULARGUY211 ______________________________________________________________ getglobal game getfield -1 Players getfield -1 LocalPlayer pushvalue -1 setfield -2 local plr getglobal plr getfield -1 Character pushvalue -1 roblox dab script How to use it? roblox dab script setfield -2 local chr setfield -2 local mouse getglobal getglobal Instance getfield -1 new('HopperBin', plr getfield -1 Backpack) pushvalue -1 setfield -2 q getglobal q setfield -2 Name roblox dab script How to get it? roblox dab script setfield -2 Bin getglobal getglobal getglobal Instance getfield -1 new('Sound', plr getfield -1 Character getfield -1 Torso) pushvalue -1 setfield -2 dabbing getglobal dabbing roblox dab script How to get it for free? roblox dab script pushnumber 5 setfield -2 Volume getglobal 0 getfield -1 7 getglobal dabbing pushvalue -2 setfield -2 Pitch getglobal dabbing setfield -2 SoundId getglobal roblox dab script PasteShr roblox dab script getglobal function stopAnimations pcall 1 1 0 getglobal for _,v in pairs(game getfield -1 Players getfield -1 LocalPlayer getfield -1 Character getfield -1 Humanoid getfield -1 GetPlayingAnimationTracks) do pushvalue -2 pcall 1 1 0 roblox dab script How to get it? roblox dab script getglobal v getfield -1 Stop pushvalue -2 pcall 1 1 0) getglobal end getglobal end getglobal getglobal Bin getfield -1 Selected getfield -1 connect roblox dab script PasteShr roblox dab script pushvalue -2 pcall 2 1 0 getglobal mouse getfield -1 Button1Down getfield -1 connect pushvalue -2 pcall 1 1 0 getglobal game getfield -1 Players getfield -1 LocalPlayer roblox dab script How to get it for free? roblox dab script getfield -1 Character pushvalue -1 setfield -2 local chr getglobal chr getfield -1 Animate pushboolean true setfield -2 Disabled getglobal CFrame getfield -1 new(-0 getfield -1 5, 0 roblox dab script PasteShr roblox dab script getfield -1 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0) getglobal chr getfield -1 Torso["Left Shoulder"] pushvalue -3 setfield -2 C1 getglobal CFrame getfield -1 new(-0 getfield -1 5, 0 getfield -1 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0) getglobal chr roblox dab script How to dowload it? roblox dab script getfield -1 Torso["Right Shoulder"] pushvalue -3 setfield -2 C1 getglobal game getfield -1 GetService pushvalue -2 pushstring Chat pcall 2 1 0 getfield -1 Chat(plr getfield -1 Character roblox dab script How to get it? roblox dab script getfield -1 Head, "DAAAB", Enum getfield -1 ChatColor getfield -1 Blue) getglobal CFrame getfield -1 new(0, -0 getfield -1 5, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) getglobal chr getfield -1 Torso["Neck"] pushvalue -3 setfield -2 C1 roblox dab script PasteShr roblox dab script getglobal dabbing getfield -1 Play pushvalue -2 pcall 1 1 0) getglobal wait(0 getfield -1 3) getglobal game getfield -1 Players getfield -1 LocalPlayer getfield -1 Character roblox dab script How to get it for free? roblox dab script pushvalue -1 setfield -2 local chr getglobal stopAnimations pcall 1 1 0 getglobal chr getfield -1 Animate pushboolean true setfield -2 Disabled getglobal CFrame getfield -1 new(0, 0 roblox dab script PasteShr roblox dab script getfield -1 699999988, 0, 0 getfield -1 939692616, 0, -0 getfield -1 342020124, -0 getfield -1 330366075, -0 getfield -1 258819044, -0 getfield -1 907673359, -0 getfield -1 0885213241, 0 getfield -1 965925813, -0 getfield -1 243210346) getglobal chr roblox dab script PasteShr roblox dab script getfield -1 Torso["Left Shoulder"] pushvalue -3 setfield -2 C1 getglobal CFrame getfield -1 new(-0 getfield -1 600000024, 0 getfield -1 5, -0 getfield -1 200000003, 0 getfield -1 664462984, 0 getfield -1 241844743, 0 roblox dab script How to use it? roblox dab script getfield -1 707106769, -0 getfield -1 664462984, -0 getfield -1 241844788, 0 getfield -1 707106769, 0 getfield -1 342020154, -0 getfield -1 939692616, -3 getfield -1 09086197e-008) getglobal chr getfield -1 Torso["Right Shoulder"] pushvalue -3 roblox dab script How to get it for free? roblox dab script setfield -2 C1 getglobal CFrame getfield -1 new(0, -0 getfield -1 600000024, 0, -0 getfield -1 866025388, 0 getfield -1 5, 0, -0 getfield -1 171010137, -0 getfield -1 29619807, 0 getfield -1 939692616, 0 getfield -1 469846278, 0 roblox dab script How to use it? roblox dab script getfield -1 813797653, 0 getfield -1 342020124) getglobal chr getfield -1 Torso["Neck"] pushvalue -3 setfield -2 C1 getglobal wait pushnumber 2 pcall 1 1 0 getglobal stopAnimations roblox dab script PasteShr roblox dab script pcall 1 1 0 getglobal CFrame getfield -1 new(-0 getfield -1 5, 0 getfield -1 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0) getglobal chr getfield -1 Torso["Left Shoulder"] pushvalue -3 setfield -2 C1 getglobal CFrame roblox dab script How to dowload it? roblox dab script getfield -1 new(-0 getfield -1 5, 0 getfield -1 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0) getglobal chr getfield -1 Torso["Right Shoulder"] pushvalue -3 setfield -2 C1 getglobal CFrame getfield -1 new(0, -0 getfield -1 5, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) roblox dab script How to get it for free? roblox dab script getglobal chr getfield -1 Torso["Neck"] pushvalue -3 setfield -2 C1 getglobal chr getfield -1 Animate pushboolean false setfield -2 Disabled getglobal end) getglobal end) roblox dab script PasteShr roblox dab script roblox dab script