project baki script pastebin -- Non-Synapse Users if not pcall(function() return syn.protect_gui end) then syn = {} syn.protect_gui = function(egg) egg.Parent = game.CoreGui end end -- Variables local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local stat = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.ClientToServer.SkillPoint project baki script pastebin How to use it? project baki script pastebin -- SkillPoint Check if player.Data.SkillPoints.Value < 1 then return game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("You need at least 1 skill point") end -- UI Library local library = loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync(''))() local window = library:CreateWindow("baki 2 stats") window:AddLabel({text = "Made by egg salad"}) project baki script pastebin How to dowload it? project baki script pastebin -- Buttons local amount = 1 local stuff = {"Level","Strength","Agility","Intellect","Durability","ColorRerolls","StatResets"} window:AddBox({text='Amount',callback=function(v)amount=tonumber(v)end}) for i,v in pairs(stuff) do window:AddButton({text=v,callback=function() for i = 1, amount do stat:FireServer(v,"0.5") end project baki script pastebin PasteShr project baki script pastebin end}) end library:Init() project baki script pastebin