pls donate script pastebin 2022 --Wait until game loads repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() --Stops script if on a different game if game.PlaceId ~= 8737602449 then return end --Anti-AFK pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 local connections = getconnections or get_signal_cons if connections then for i,v in pairs(connections(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Idled)) do if v["Disable"] then v["Disable"](v) elseif v["Disconnect"] then v["Disconnect"](v) end end else pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 game.Players.LocalPlayer.Idled:Connect(function() local VirtualUser = game:GetService("VirtualUser") VirtualUser:CaptureController() VirtualUser:ClickButton2( end) end wait(5) --Variables local unclaimed = {} pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to use it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 local counter local donation local boothText local errCount = 0 local booths = { ["1"] = "72, 4, 36", ["2"] = "83, 4, 161", ["3"] = "11, 4, 36", ["4"] = "100, 4, 59", ["5"] = "72, 4, 166", pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 ["6"] = "2, 4, 42", ["7"] = "-9, 4, 52", ["8"] = "10, 4, 166", ["9"] = "-17, 4, 60", ["10"] = "35, 4, 173", ["11"] = "24, 4, 170", ["12"] = "48, 4, 29", ["13"] = "24, 4, 33", ["14"] = "101, 4, 142", ["15"] = "-18, 4, 142", pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 ["16"] = "60, 4, 33", ["17"] = "35, 4, 29", ["18"] = "0, 4, 160", ["19"] = "48, 4, 173", ["20"] = "61, 3, 170", ["21"] = "91, 4, 151", ["22"] = "-24, 4, 72", ["23"] = "-28, 4, 88", ["24"] = "92, 4, 51", ["25"] = "-28, 4, 112", pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to use it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 ["26"] = "-24, 3, 129", ["27"] = "83, 4, 42", ["28"] = "-8, 4, 151" } local queueonteleport = (syn and syn.queue_on_teleport) or queue_on_teleport or (fluxus and fluxus.queue_on_teleport) local httprequest = (syn and syn.request) or http and http.request or http_request or (fluxus and fluxus.request) or request local Players = game:GetService("Players") queueonteleport("loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()") local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to use it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 --Load Settings if isfile("plsdonate-settings.txt") then getgenv().settings = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(readfile('plsdonate-settings.txt')) else getgenv().settings = { textUpdateToggle = true, textUpdateDelay = 30, serverHopToggle = true, serverHopDelay = 30, hexBox = "#32CD32", pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 goalBox = 5, webhookToggle = false, webhookBox = "" } writefile('plsdonate-settings.txt', game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode(getgenv().settings)) end --Save Settings local settingsLock = true local function saveSettings() pls donate script pastebin 2022 PasteShr pls donate script pastebin 2022 if settingsLock == false then print('Settings saved.') writefile('plsdonate-settings.txt', game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode(getgenv().settings)) end end --Function to fix slider local sliderInProgress = false; local function slider(value, whichSlider) if sliderInProgress then pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 return end sliderInProgress = true wait(5) if whichSlider == "serverHopDelay" then if getgenv().settings.serverHopDelay == value then print(getgenv().settings.serverHopDelay) print(value) saveSettings() sliderInProgress = false; pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 else sliderInProgress = false; return slider(getgenv().settings.serverHopDelay, "serverHopDelay") end elseif whichSlider == "textUpdateDelay" then if getgenv().settings.textUpdateDelay == value then saveSettings() sliderInProgress = false; else sliderInProgress = false; pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 return slider(getgenv().settings.textUpdateDelay, "textUpdateDelay") end end end --Booth update function function update() local text local Raised = Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Raised pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 --Checks if you have 1000+ robux raised --4 digit numbers are censored so they will be shortened if Raised.Value > 999 then text = tostring(math.ceil(tonumber(Raised.Value + 1) / 100) * 100) text = string.format("%.1fk", text / 10 ^ 3) --Booth text when 1000+ robux raised boothText = tostring('GOAL: ' .. text .. "") else --Booth text when under 1000 robux raised text = tostring(Raised.Value + getgenv().settings.goalBox) pls donate script pastebin 2022 PasteShr pls donate script pastebin 2022 boothText = tostring('GOAL: ' .. Raised.value .. " / " .. text .. "") end --Updates the booth text require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes).Event("SetBoothText"):FireServer(boothText, "booth") end --GUI local Window = library:AddWindow("PLS DONATE", { pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 main_color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 128, 0), min_size =, 400), toggle_key = Enum.KeyCode.RightShift, can_resize = true }) local mainTab = Window:AddTab("Main") local webhookTab = Window:AddTab("Webhook") local textUpdateToggle = mainTab:AddSwitch("Text Update", function(bool) getgenv().settings.textUpdateToggle = bool saveSettings() pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 if bool then wait(1) update() end end) textUpdateToggle:Set(getgenv().settings.textUpdateToggle) local textUpdateDelay = mainTab:AddSlider("Text Update Delay (S)", function(x) if settingsLock then return end pls donate script pastebin 2022 PasteShr pls donate script pastebin 2022 getgenv().settings.textUpdateDelay = x coroutine.wrap(slider)(getgenv().settings.textUpdateDelay, "textUpdateDelay") end, { ["min"] = 0, ["max"] = 120 }) textUpdateDelay:Set((getgenv().settings.textUpdateDelay / 120) * 100) local serverHopToggle = mainTab:AddSwitch("Auto Server Hop", function(bool) getgenv().settings.serverHopToggle = bool pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 saveSettings() end) serverHopToggle:Set(getgenv().settings.serverHopToggle) local serverHopDelay = mainTab:AddSlider("Server Hop Delay (M)", function(x) if settingsLock then return end getgenv().settings.serverHopDelay = x coroutine.wrap(slider)(getgenv().settings.serverHopDelay, "serverHopDelay") end, pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 { ["min"] = 1, ["max"] = 120 }) serverHopDelay:Set((getgenv().settings.serverHopDelay / 120) * 100) local hexBox = mainTab:AddTextBox("Text Color (HEX)", function(text) local success = pcall(function() return Color3.fromHex(text) end) if success and string.find(text, "#") then pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 getgenv().settings.hexBox = text saveSettings() if getgenv().settings.textUpdateToggle then wait(1) update() end end end, { ["clear"] = false pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 }) hexBox.Text = getgenv().settings.hexBox local goalBox = mainTab:AddTextBox("Goal Increase", function(text) if tonumber(text) then getgenv().settings.goalBox = text saveSettings() if getgenv().settings.textUpdateToggle then wait(1) update() end pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 end end, { ["clear"] = false }) goalBox.Text = getgenv().settings.goalBox mainTab:AddButton("Server Hop", function() while wait(5) do local servers = {} local req = httprequest({Url = ""}) pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to use it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 local body = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(req.Body) if body and then for i, v in next, do if type(v) == "table" and tonumber(v.playing) and tonumber(v.maxPlayers) and v.playing < v.maxPlayers and v.playing > 19 then table.insert(servers, 1, end end end if #servers > 0 then game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance("8737602449", servers[math.random(1, #servers)], Players.LocalPlayer) pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 end end end) local webhookToggle = webhookTab:AddSwitch("Discord Webhook Notifications", function(bool) getgenv().settings.webhookToggle = bool saveSettings() end) webhookToggle:Set(getgenv().settings.webhookToggle) local webhookBox = webhookTab:AddTextBox("Webhook URL", function(text) if string.find(text, "") then pls donate script pastebin 2022 PasteShr pls donate script pastebin 2022 getgenv().settings.webhookBox = text; saveSettings() end end, { ["clear"] = false }) webhookBox.Text = getgenv().settings.webhookBox webhookTab:AddButton("Test Message", function() if getgenv().settings.webhookToggle and getgenv().settings.webhookBox then pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 httprequest({ Url = getgenv().settings.webhookBox, Body = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({["content"] = "Test"}), Method = "POST", Headers = {["content-type"] = "application/json"} }) end end) mainTab:Show() library:FormatWindows() pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 settingsLock = false --Finds unclaimed booths local function findUnclaimed() for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MapUIContainer.MapUI.BoothUI:GetChildren()) do if (v.Details.Owner.Text == "unclaimed") then table.insert(unclaimed, tonumber(string.match(tostring(v), "%d+"))) end end end pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to use it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 if not pcall(findUnclaimed) then while wait(5) do local servers = {} local req = httprequest({Url = ""}) local body = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(req.Body) if body and then for i, v in next, do if type(v) == "table" and tonumber(v.playing) and tonumber(v.maxPlayers) and v.playing < v.maxPlayers and v.playing > 19 then table.insert(servers, 1, end pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 end end if #servers > 0 then game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance("8737602449", servers[math.random(1, #servers)], Players.LocalPlayer) end end end local claimCount = #unclaimed --Claim booth function local function boothclaim() pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to use it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 local claimevent = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes).Event("ClaimBooth") claimevent:InvokeServer(unclaimed[1]) end --Checks if booth claim fails while not pcall(boothclaim) do if errCount >= claimCount then while wait(5) do local servers = {} local req = httprequest({Url = ""}) pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 local body = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(req.Body) if body and then for i, v in next, do if type(v) == "table" and tonumber(v.playing) and tonumber(v.maxPlayers) and v.playing < v.maxPlayers and v.playing > 19 then table.insert(servers, 1, end end end if #servers > 0 then game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance("8737602449", servers[math.random(1, #servers)], Players.LocalPlayer) pls donate script pastebin 2022 PasteShr pls donate script pastebin 2022 end end end errCount = errCount + 1 end --Walks to booth game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:MoveTo([tostring(unclaimed[1])]:match("(.+), (.+), (.+)"))) local atBooth = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.MoveToFinished:Connect(function(reached) pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it for free? pls donate script pastebin 2022 atBooth = true end) --Just in case you run into a bench while not atBooth do wait(.25) if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Seated then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true end end pls donate script pastebin 2022 PasteShr pls donate script pastebin 2022 --Turns charcter to face away from booth game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(,, 14, 101))) --Waits for donations while true do counter = 0 if getgenv().settings.textUpdateToggle then update() end pls donate script pastebin 2022 PasteShr pls donate script pastebin 2022 local RaisedC = Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Raised.value while (Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Raised.value == RaisedC) do wait(1) counter = counter + 1 --Server hops after 1800 seconds (30 minutes) if getgenv().settings.serverHopToggle then if counter >= (getgenv().settings.serverHopDelay * 60) then --Random wait time in case of interference from alts wait(math.random(1, 60)) local servers = {} pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 local req = httprequest({Url = ""}) local body = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(req.Body) if body and then for i, v in next, do if type(v) == "table" and tonumber(v.playing) and tonumber(v.maxPlayers) and v.playing < v.maxPlayers and v.playing > 19 then table.insert(servers, 1, end end end if #servers > 0 then pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to get it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportToPlaceInstance("8737602449", servers[math.random(1, #servers)], Players.LocalPlayer) end end end end --Checks for Discord Webhook if getgenv().settings.webhookToggle and getgenv().settings.webhookBox then local LogService = Game:GetService("LogService") local logs = LogService:GetLogHistory() pls donate script pastebin 2022 PasteShr pls donate script pastebin 2022 local donation --Tries to grabs donation message from logs if string.find(logs[#logs].message, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name) then donation = tostring(logs[#logs].message.. " (Total: ".. Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Raised.value.. ")") else donation = tostring("💰 Somebody tipped ".. Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Raised.value - RaisedC.. " Robux to ".. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name.. " (Total: " .. Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Raised.value.. ")") end --Sends to webhook httprequest({ pls donate script pastebin 2022 PasteShr pls donate script pastebin 2022 Url = getgenv().settings.webhookBox, Body = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode({["content"] = donation}), Method = "POST", Headers = {["content-type"] = "application/json"} }) end --Text update delay wait(getgenv().settings.textUpdateDelay) end pls donate script pastebin 2022 How to dowload it? pls donate script pastebin 2022 pls donate script pastebin 2022