plates of fate remastered script for i,v in next, workspace.Lobby.Obbies.Map.Hard:GetChildren() do if v.Name == "Lava" then v.CanTouch = false end end local TweenService = game.TweenService local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Streak = 0 local cont = false local done = false plates of fate remastered script How to get it for free? plates of fate remastered script local function CheckChar(PlrInstance) if PlrInstance and PlrInstance.Character and PlrInstance.Character.Parent and PlrInstance.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then return true end return false end local function Teleport(Position, stopStreak) if not CheckChar(Player) then return end plates of fate remastered script How to get it? plates of fate remastered script local HumanoidRP = Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart local Speed = 20 local RealSpeed = Player:DistanceFromCharacter(Position.p) / Speed local Tween = TweenService:Create(HumanoidRP,, {CFrame = Position}) for i,v in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do if v ~= Player and CheckChar(v) and Player:DistanceFromCharacter(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) <= 700 then Tween = false end end plates of fate remastered script How to get it for free? plates of fate remastered script if stopStreak then Player.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(, 2.990870952606201, -16.797283172607422)) return end if not Tween then if not done then Player.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(, 2.990870952606201, -16.797283172607422)) end done = true return plates of fate remastered script How to dowload it? plates of fate remastered script end Player.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true for i,v in next, workspace.Lobby.Obbies.Map.Hard:GetChildren() do if not v.CanCollide then v.CanCollide = true end end done = false plates of fate remastered script How to use it? plates of fate remastered script Tween:Play() Tween.Completed:Wait() task.wait(.45) end while true do for i,v in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do if v ~= Player and CheckChar(v) and Player:DistanceFromCharacter(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) <= 700 then cont = true end plates of fate remastered script How to use it? plates of fate remastered script end if cont then cont = false task.wait() continue end for i,v in next, workspace.Lobby.Obbies.Map.Hard:GetChildren() do if not v.CanCollide then plates of fate remastered script How to get it? plates of fate remastered script v.CanCollide = true end end Teleport(, 7.999995231628418, -4.4880523681640625)) Teleport(, 12.318075180053711, -5.639031887054443)) Teleport(, 13.99051570892334, -4.101502418518066)) plates of fate remastered script PasteShr plates of fate remastered script Teleport(, 16.890138626098633, -3.8153603076934814)) Teleport(, 13.996150016784668, -6.499391555786133)) Teleport(, 10.983436584472656, -1.636106252670288)) Teleport(, 10.540236473083496, -5.25571346282959)) Teleport(, 14.539032936096191, -11.843955039978027)) plates of fate remastered script How to get it? plates of fate remastered script Teleport(, 10.540236473083496, -3.0094919204711914)) Teleport(, 14.53902816772461, 2.9932143688201904)) Teleport(, 10.540236473083496, -5.445741653442383)) Teleport(, 14.539077758789062, -12.188730239868164)) Teleport(, 10.540236473083496, -4.518214225769043)) plates of fate remastered script How to get it? plates of fate remastered script Teleport(, 14.541645050048828, -3.6775033473968506)) Teleport(, 16.47861099243164, -6.620037078857422)) Teleport(, 15.029881477355957, -11.023331642150879)) Teleport(, 17.081806182861328, -10.38608169555664)) if Streak >= 8 then Streak = 0 plates of fate remastered script How to use it? plates of fate remastered script Teleport(, 2.990870952606201, -16.797283172607422), true) task.wait(10) continue end Teleport(, 16.792306900024414, -3.640791416168213)) Teleport(, 8.541457176208496, -9.9331636428833)) task.wait(1) Teleport(, 15.435270309448242, -3.8339412212371826)) plates of fate remastered script How to dowload it? plates of fate remastered script Streak += 1 task.wait(10) end plates of fate remastered script