phantom forces script 2023 pastebin game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", { Text = "Creat By = Fauzan640!!"; Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold; --Arial, Cartoon, ArialBold, etc Color =, 255, 0); FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size8; }) wait(2) --Phantom Forces script --EmperorNooget local World = game:GetService('Workspace'); local Input = game:GetService('UserInputService'); phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting"); local Players = game:GetService('Players'); local Player = Players['LocalPlayer']; local Keys = {} local Misc = { CharFunctions = getmetatable(newproxy(true)); GUIColors = { On = Color3.fromRGB(46, 105, 132); Off =, .38, .38); phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin }; ChamsColors = { {'White',, 1, 1)}; {'Black',, 0, 0)}; {'Red',, 0, 0)}; {'Green',, 1, 0)}; {'Blue',, 0, 1)}; {'Purple',, 0, 0.65)}; {'Yellow',, 1, 0)}; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin {'Grey',, 0.8, 0.8)}; } } local function GetFunc(t, i) for __, ___ in next, (t) do if string.lower(i):match(__:lower()) then return ___, __ end end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end local function GetColor(t, i) for __, ___ in next, (t) do if (___[1] == i) then return ___, __ elseif (___[2] == i) then return ___, __ end end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end local Settings = { {'Menu', false, Enum.KeyCode.Delete}; {'Team Chams [\'COLOR\']', true, 'Toggle'}; {'Enemy Chams [\'COLOR\']', true, 'Toggle'}; {'Chams Transparency', false, '0'}; {'Fullbright', true, 'MAX'}; -- {'ESP', true, 'N/A'}; {'Aimbot [Not PF]', true, 'Toggle'}; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin } ------------ [[ GUI SPAWN ]] ------------ FormAssets = function() ------ ERROR MAGIC ------ local __ERROR__ ='BindableEvent') __ERROR__['Event']:Connect(error) --------- CREATE FUNCTION --------- local create = function(class, parent) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local instance =; return function(props) for property, value in next, (props) do if (property ~= 'Parent') and (typeof(value) ~= 'Instance') then local suc, err = pcall(function() instance[property] = value end) if not suc then __ERROR__:Fire('[Script->Asset]: ' .. err) end elseif (property == 'Parent') then phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin parent = value end end if parent and (typeof(parent) == 'Instance') then instance['Parent'] = parent end return instance end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -- SOME THINGS MAY BE OUT OF ORDER -- ----(INSTANCE RELATED PROPERTIES)---- -------------(UNLIKELY)-------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local Main = create('ScreenGui'){ Name = "Fauzan640 - Menu" } local Folder = create('Folder', Main){ Name = 'Chams' } local Folder1 = create('Folder', Folder){ Name = 'Team' phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin } local Folder2 = create('Folder', Folder){ Name = 'Enemy' } local Frame = create('Frame', Main){ Name = "Main"; BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1); BackgroundTransparency = 1; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Position =, 0, 0.5, 0); Size =, 250, 0, 190); Draggable = true; Active = true; AnchorPoint =, 0.5); Transparency = 1 } local TextLabel = create('TextLabel', Frame){ Name = "Title"; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin BackgroundColor3 =, 0.411765, 0.517647); BorderSizePixel = 0; Size =, 0, 0, 35); Text = "Fauzan640"; TextColor3 =, 0.843137, 0.843137); Font = Enum.Font.SciFi; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size28; TextWrapped = true } phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local ScrollingFrame = create('ScrollingFrame', Frame){ Name = "Buttons"; BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1); BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 0; Position =, 0, 0, 40); CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 0); Size =, 0, 0, 260); AnchorPoint =, 0); Transparency = 1 phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin } local Frame1 = create('Frame'){ BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1); BackgroundTransparency = 1; BorderSizePixel = 0; Position =, 0, 0, 1); Selectable = true; Size =, 0, 0, 25); ClipsDescendants = true; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Transparency = 1 } local TextLabel1 = create('TextButton', Frame1){ Name = "Text"; BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1); BorderColor3 =, 0.411765, 0.517647); Position =, 0, 0, 0); Size =, 0, 1, 0); Text = "Example"; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin TextColor3 =, 0.411765, 0.517647); Font = Enum.Font.SciFi; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 } local Frame2 = create('Frame', Frame1){ Name = "Status"; BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 0); BorderSizePixel = 0; Position =, 0, 0.5, 0); phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Size =, 7, 0, 7); Style = Enum.FrameStyle.DropShadow; AnchorPoint =, 0.5) } local TextButton = create('TextButton', Frame1){ Name = "Key"; BackgroundColor3 =, 0.411765, 0.517647); BackgroundTransparency = 0.5; BorderSizePixel = 0; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Position =, 0, 0, 0); Size =, 0, 1, 0); Text = "[EXAMPLE]"; TextColor3 =, 0.839216, 0.839216); Font = Enum.Font.SciFi; FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14; TextStrokeColor3 =, 0.380392, 0.380392); TextStrokeTransparency = 0; Transparency = 0.5 } phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local UIListLayout = create('UIListLayout', ScrollingFrame){ Padding =, 4); HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center } local UIPadding = create('UIPadding', ScrollingFrame){} return create, Main, Frame1, Folder phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end local Create, Menu, Button, Chams = FormAssets() local TDB = false local EDB = false local Functions = { ['Menu'] = function() Menu['Enabled'] = not (Menu['Enabled']); end; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin ['Team Chams'] = function() if TDB then return end TDB = true Settings['TCO'] = not (Settings['TCO']) if Settings['TCO'] then Misc['CharFunctions'] ['TCCH'] = function(char) local Target = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) if (Target == Player) or (Target.TeamColor ~= Player.TeamColor) then return end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local Folder = Chams['Team']:FindFirstChild(Target['Name']) or Create('Folder', Chams['Team']){Name = Target['Name']} for __, part in next, (char:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA('BasePart') then Create('BoxHandleAdornment', Folder) { Name = part.Name .. '_CHAM'; Color3 = Settings['TCC'][2]; AlwaysOnTop = true; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Transparency = Settings['CT']; Visible = true; ZIndex = 10; Size = (part['Name'] == 'Head' and, 1.3, 1.25)) or (, .5, .5) + part.Size) }['Adornee'] = part end end end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin elseif Misc['CharFunctions']['TCCH'] then Misc['CharFunctions']['TCCH'] = nil Chams['Team']:ClearAllChildren() end TDB = false end; ['Enemy Chams'] = function() if EDB then return end EDB = true phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Settings['ECO'] = not (Settings['ECO']) if Settings['ECO'] then Misc['CharFunctions'] ['ECCH'] = function(char) local Target = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) if (Target == Player) or (Target.TeamColor == Player.TeamColor) then return end local Folder = Chams['Enemy']:FindFirstChild(Target['Name']) or Create('Folder', Chams['Enemy']){Name = Target['Name']} phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin for __, part in next, (char:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA('BasePart') then Create('BoxHandleAdornment', Folder) { Name = part.Name .. '_CHAM'; Color3 = Settings['ECC'][2]; AlwaysOnTop = true; Transparency = Settings['CT']; Visible = true; ZIndex = 10; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Size = (part['Name'] == 'Head' and, 1.3, 1.25)) or (, .5, .5) + part.Size) }['Adornee'] = part end end end elseif Misc['CharFunctions']['ECCH'] then Misc['CharFunctions']['ECCH'] = nil Chams['Enemy']:ClearAllChildren() phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end EDB = false end; ['Chams Transparency'] = function(t) if t then local Trans = Settings['CT'] Settings['CT'] = (Trans < .8 and Trans + (1/10)) or 0 end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local TeamCham = Chams['Team']:GetChildren() local EnemyCham = Chams['Enemy']:GetChildren() for __, object in next, (TeamCham) do for __, bha in next, (object:GetChildren()) do bha.Transparency = Settings['CT'] bha.Color3 = Settings['TCC'][2] end end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin for __, object in next, (EnemyCham) do for __, bha in next, (object:GetChildren()) do bha.Transparency = Settings['CT'] bha.Color3 = Settings['ECC'][2] end end Menu['Main']['Buttons']['Frans']['Key'].Text = '[' .. tostring(Settings['CT']) .. ']' end; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin ['Fullbright'] = function(Toggle, TextBox) local Fullbright = Settings.Fullbright if Toggle then Fullbright.On = not (Fullbright.On); end local function Handle() local Setting = Fullbright.Options[Fullbright.Current] local Settings = Fullbright.OptionDefs[Setting] TextBox['Text'] = '[' .. Setting .. ']' phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Lighting.Ambient = Settings.InAmbience; Lighting.OutdoorAmbient = Settings.OutAmbience; Lighting.Brightness = Settings.Brightness; Lighting.FogStart = Settings.Fog; Lighting.FogEnd = Settings.Fog; end if (not Fullbright.On) then Fullbright.Current = 3 end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Handle() end; ['Aimbot'] = function(l) l:Destroy() local IgnorePlayersNamed = {NAME=true} -- Name = true or false --[[ [J] - To go down the list. phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin [U] - To go up the list. [H] - To toggle that item in the list. [RMB] - To aim at your target using the current settings. (THIS UPDATES IN LIVE TIME SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO STOP AIMING FOR IT TO TAKE EFFECT) --]] local services = setmetatable({ World = game:GetService('Workspace'); Players = game:GetService('Players'); Input = game:GetService('UserInputService'); Run = game:GetService('RunService'); phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin UI = game:GetService('StarterGui'); },{ __index = function(tab,index) local serv local ran,err = pcall(function() serv=game:service(index) end) if ran then tab[index] = serv return serv end end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin }) local cre = Create local ResizeUI = function(ui,downscale,byclass) if not rawequal(ui['ClassName'],'ScrollingFrame') then return end local count = 0; for __, asset in next, (ui:GetChildren()) do if rawequal(asset['ClassName'],byclass) then count = count + 1 phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end end ui['CanvasSize'] =,ui.CanvasSize.X.Offset,ui.CanvasSize.Y.Scale,downscale*count) end local wfc, ffc, ffoc, cast, ray = services.World.WaitForChild, services.World.FindFirstChild, services.World.FindFirstChildOfClass, services.World.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList, local wfcoc = function(p,class) local obj repeat services.Run.RenderStepped:wait() phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin obj = p:FindFirstChildOfClass(class) until obj return obj end local Client = services.Players.LocalPlayer local ClientUI = wfc(Client,'PlayerGui') local ClientMouse = Client:GetMouse() local ClientModel = Client.Character or Client.CharacterAdded:wait() local ClientCamera = services.World.CurrentCamera phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local ClientHumanoid = wfcoc(ClientModel,'Humanoid') local ClientActiveUI; local status = { Enabled = false, TeamCheck = false, HeadsOnly = false, RayCheck = true, AutoAim = false, } phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local function toggle(button) local option, val = button['Text']:match('(.*):%s*(.*)') status[option] = not status[option] if status[option] then button.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0) else button.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin button.Text = option .. ': ' .. tostring(status[option]) end local selection = {} local select_pos = 1 local current_pos = 0 local __ = function() if ffc(game.CoreGui, '___') then return end local GUI = cre('ScreenGui',game:GetService('CoreGui')){ phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Name = '___'; } local Frame = cre('ScrollingFrame',GUI){ BackgroundTransparency = 1, BorderSizePixel = 0, Name = 'Options', Position =,0,.915,0), Size =,0,0,30), phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin ZIndex = 10, ClipsDescendants = true, CanvasSize =,0,0,0), ScrollBarThickness = 0, ScrollingEnabled = false, } local UILL = cre('UIListLayout',Frame){ Name = 'LayoutHandler', FillDirection = 'Vertical', phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin HorizontalAlignment = 'Center', SortOrder = 'LayoutOrder', VerticalAlignment = 'Top' } local Template = cre('TextButton',nil){ BackgroundTransparency = 1, BorderSizePixel = 0, Name = 'Template', phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Size =,0,0,30), Font = 'SciFi', Text = '', TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255), TextScaled = true, TextWrapped = true, } local TSC = cre('UISizeConstraint',Template){ Name = 'TemplateSizeConstraint', phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin MaxSize =,30), } Frame['ChildAdded']:connect(function() ResizeUI(Frame,30,'TextButton') end) local sel_pos = 0 for option, val in next, status do local tp = Template:Clone() phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin tp.Name = option tp.Text = option .. ': ' .. tostring(val) if status[option] then tp.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0) else tp.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin sel_pos = sel_pos + 1 selection[sel_pos] = tp tp.Parent = Frame end Frame.CanvasPosition =, current_pos) return Frame end Client['CharacterAdded']:connect(function(c) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin ClientModel = c ClientHumanoid = wfcoc(ClientModel,'Humanoid') ClientActiveUI.Parent.Parent = nil ClientActiveUI = coroutine.wrap(__)() end) ClientActiveUI = coroutine.wrap(__)() local right_down, keylogs, inputlogs = nil, {}, {} services.Input.InputBegan:connect(function(input, procc) keylogs[input.KeyCode],inputlogs[input.UserInputType] = true, true; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin if not ClientActiveUI then return end if keylogs[Enum.KeyCode.U] and current_pos >= 30 then select_pos = select_pos - 1 current_pos = current_pos - 30 ClientActiveUI.CanvasPosition =,current_pos) elseif keylogs[Enum.KeyCode.J] and current_pos < ClientActiveUI.CanvasSize.Y.Offset - 30 then select_pos = select_pos + 1 current_pos = current_pos + 30 phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin ClientActiveUI.CanvasPosition =,current_pos) elseif keylogs[Enum.KeyCode.H] then if selection[select_pos] then toggle(selection[select_pos]) end end end) services.Input.InputEnded:connect(function(input, procc) keylogs[input.KeyCode],inputlogs[input.UserInputType] = false, false; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end) local function GetPlayerFromCharacter(mod) if not mod:IsA('Model') then return end for __, client in next, services.Players:GetPlayers() do if rawequal(string.lower(client['Name']):sub(1,#mod['Name']),mod['Name']:lower()) then return client, client['Name'] end end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin return nil, 'N/A' end local function Search() local t = {} for __, child in next, services.World:GetChildren() do local UserFromCharacter = GetPlayerFromCharacter(child) if UserFromCharacter then if child:IsA('Model') and not rawequal(UserFromCharacter,Client) then local h = ffoc(child,'Humanoid') phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin if h and h.Health > 0 then table.insert(t, {child,UserFromCharacter}) end end end end return t end local function cast_ray(p0,p1,blacklist) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local Part local __=0 repeat __=__+1 local cond=(p1-p0).magnitude < 999 Part,p0=cast(workspace,ray(p0,cond and p1-p0 or (p1-p0).unit*999),blacklist) if Part then if Part.CanCollide==false or Part.Transparency==1 then blacklist[#blacklist+1]=Part Part=nil phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end elseif cond or __ > 15 then break end until Part return Part,p0 end services.Run.RenderStepped:connect(function() local Storage = {} phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin if status['Enabled'] and (inputlogs[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2] or status['AutoAim']) then Storage = Search() local dot, face = -1 for __, info in next, (Storage) do local h = ffc(info[1],'Humanoid') local skip; if not inputlogs[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2] and not status['AutoAim'] then return end if not info[1] or not info[2] or IgnorePlayersNamed[info[2]['Name']] or ffoc(info[1],'ForceField') then skip = true end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin if not ffc(info[1],'HumanoidRootPart') then skip = true end if h and h['Health'] > 0 then if status['TeamCheck'] then if Client['TeamColor'] == info[2]['TeamColor'] then skip = true end end if not skip then phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local cc = ClientCamera.CFrame local pos = status['HeadsOnly'] and info[1]['Head'].CFrame.p or info[1]['HumanoidRootPart'].Position local HitPart=cast_ray(cc.p,pos,{ClientCamera,ClientModel}) if not (status['RayCheck'] and HitPart) or info[1]:IsAncestorOf(HitPart) then local m = (pos-cc.p).unit:Dot(cc.lookVector) if rawequal(m,m) and m > dot then dot, face= m, pos end end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end end end if face then ClientCamera.CFrame =,face) *,0,0.5) end end end) end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin } Settings = (function() local NewSettings = { --- Chams --- CT = 0; -- Transparency TCO = false; -- Team Chams On ECO = false; -- Enemy Chams On TCC = GetColor(Misc.ChamsColors, 'Grey'); -- Current Team Chams Color ECC = GetColor(Misc.ChamsColors, 'Red'); -- Current Enemy Chams Color phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin --- Fullbright --- Fullbright = { On = false; Current = 1; Options = {'Max','Half','Default'}; OptionDefs = { Max = { Fog = 1000000; Brightness = 10; phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin InAmbience =, 1, 1); OutAmbience =, 1, 1); }; Half = { Fog = 250; Brightness = 1.5; InAmbience =, 0.6, 0.6); OutAmbience =, 0.6, 0.6); }; Default = { phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Fog = Lighting.FogEnd; Brightness = Lighting.Brightness; InAmbience = Lighting.Ambient; OutAmbience = Lighting.OutdoorAmbient; } } } } for __, option in next, (Settings) do phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local NewOption = Button:Clone() if option[1] == 'Menu' or option[1] == 'Chams Transparency' then NewOption['Status']['Style'] = 'Custom'; NewOption['Key']['TextStrokeColor3'] = Misc.GUIColors.On end NewOption['Text'].Text = option[1]:match('COLOR') and ( (option[1]:match('Team') and option[1]:gsub('COLOR', NewSettings.TCC[1])) or (option[1]:match('Enemy') and option[1]:gsub('COLOR', NewSettings.ECC[1])) ) or option[1] phantom forces script 2023 pastebin PasteShr phantom forces script 2023 pastebin NewOption['Key'].Text = '['.. ((typeof(option[3]) == 'EnumItem' and option[3].Name) or option[3]) .. ']' NewOption.Parent = Menu['Main']['Buttons'] if option[1] == 'Chams Transparency' then NewOption['Name'] = 'Frans' end local Func, Name = GetFunc(Functions, option[1]) if Func then NewOption['Text']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function() phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to use it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin if not option[2] then return end if NewOption.Status.Style.Name == 'DropShadow' then NewOption.Status.Style = 'Custom' elseif NewOption.Status.Style.Name == 'Custom' then NewOption.Status.Style = 'DropShadow' end if option[1]:match('Aimbot') then Func(NewOption) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin elseif option[1]:match('Fullbright') then Func(true, NewOption['Key']) else Func() end end) if option[3] == 'Toggle' then if Name:match('Team') then NewOption['Key']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function() phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local Tab, Pos = GetColor(Misc.ChamsColors, NewSettings.TCC[2]) if (Pos + 1) < #Misc.ChamsColors then NewOption['Text'].Text = NewOption['Text'].Text:gsub(NewSettings.TCC[1], Misc.ChamsColors[Pos + 1][1]) NewSettings.TCC = Misc.ChamsColors[Pos + 1] else NewOption['Text'].Text = NewOption['Text'].Text:gsub(NewSettings.TCC[1], Misc.ChamsColors[1][1]) NewSettings.TCC = Misc.ChamsColors[1] end GetFunc(Functions, 'Chams Transparency')() phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end) elseif Name:match('Enemy') then NewOption['Key']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function() local Tab, Pos = GetColor(Misc.ChamsColors, NewSettings.ECC[2]) if (Pos + 1) < #Misc.ChamsColors then NewOption['Text'].Text = NewOption['Text'].Text:gsub(NewSettings.ECC[1], Misc.ChamsColors[Pos + 1][1]) NewSettings.ECC = Misc.ChamsColors[Pos + 1] else NewOption['Text'].Text = NewOption['Text'].Text:gsub(NewSettings.ECC[1], Misc.ChamsColors[1][1]) NewSettings.ECC = Misc.ChamsColors[1] phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end GetFunc(Functions, 'Chams Transparency')() end) end elseif option[1] == 'Chams Transparency' then NewOption['Key']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function() GetFunc(Functions, 'Chams Transparency')(true) end) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it for free? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin elseif option[1] == 'Fullbright' then NewOption['Key']['MouseButton1Down']:connect(function() local Fullbright = Settings.Fullbright if not Fullbright.On then return end if Fullbright.Current < #Fullbright.Options then Fullbright.Current = Fullbright.Current + 1 else Fullbright.Current = 1 end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin GetFunc(Functions, 'Fullbright')(false, NewOption['Key']) end) end end end return NewSettings end)() setmetatable(Misc['CharFunctions'], { phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin __newindex = function(s, i, v) rawset(Misc['CharFunctions'], i, v) for __, player in next, (Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character then v(player.Character) end end end }) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin local CharFix = function(char) local Target = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) local Team = Chams['Team']:FindFirstChild(Target['Name']) local Enemy = Chams['Enemy']:FindFirstChild(Target['Name']) if Team then for __, handle in next, (Team:GetChildren()) do if handle['Adornee'] and not handle['Adornee']:IsDescendantOf(game) then handle['Parent'] = nil end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end end if Enemy then for __, handle in next, (Enemy:GetChildren()) do if handle['Adornee'] and not handle['Adornee']:IsDescendantOf(game) then handle['Parent'] = nil end end end phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end local CharAbuse = function(char) wait() for __, func in next, (Misc['CharFunctions']) do coroutine.wrap(func)(char) end char['Changed']:connect(function(prop) if (prop == 'Parent') then CharFix(char) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end end) end for __, player in next, (Players:GetPlayers()) do player['CharacterAdded']:connect(CharAbuse) end Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Client) Client['CharacterAdded']:connect(CharAbuse) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin end) Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Client) local Team = Chams['Team']:FindFirstChild(Client['Name']) local Enemy = Chams['Enemy']:FindFirstChild(Client['Name']) if Team then Team['Parent'] = nil end if Enemy then Enemy['Parent'] = nil end end) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to dowload it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Input['InputBegan']:connect(function(input, og) if og then return end if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Delete then Functions['Menu']() end end end) phantom forces script 2023 pastebin How to get it? phantom forces script 2023 pastebin Menu.Parent = game.CoreGui phantom forces script 2023 pastebin