pastebin api openapi: 3.0.0 info: description: Access to Mongoose through a RESTful service interface. version: v2 title: Mongoose REST Service contact: name: Infor url: tags: - name: Configuration description: Configuration pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api - name: Token description: Security Token - name: IDO description: Collection - name: AES description: Application Event System - name: File Stream description: Binary file upload and download - name: Document Object description: Document Object upload and download pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api paths: /configurations: get: tags: - Configuration summary: GetConfigurations description: Returns a list of available configurations for a server operationId: getConfigurations parameters: - name: configGroup pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api in: query required: false description: Configuration group name. Use this option when you want to display only the members of the specified configuration group schema: type: string responses: "200": description: See Success and Message in the response for result status. content: pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetConfigurationNamesResponse" "/token/{config}/{username}/{password}": get: tags: - Token summary: SecurityToken description: Returns a Mongoose token for a specific user which can be used for making authenticated requests when calling the Mongoose REST API pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api directly operationId: securityToken parameters: - name: config in: path required: true description: Configuration name schema: type: string - name: username pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api in: path required: true description: Username schema: type: string - name: password in: path required: true description: Password schema: pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api type: string format: password responses: "200": description: See Success and Message in the response for result status. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetMongooseTokenResponse" "/load/{ido}": pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api get: tags: - IDO summary: LoadCollection description: Returns a set of records from a collection operationId: loadCollection parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig in: header required: false description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service through ION API, not needed otherwise. pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api schema: type: string - name: ido in: path required: true description: IDO name schema: type: string - name: properties in: query pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api required: true description: A comma-delimited property list. Provide‘*’ to include all, except subcollection properties. schema: type: array items: type: string - name: filter in: query required: false pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api description: SQL filter string schema: type: string - name: orderBy in: query required: false description: SQL ORDER BY value schema: type: string - name: recordCap pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api in: query required: false description: "Sets row cap: -1 = default in Mongoose; 0 = unlimited." schema: type: integer - name: distinct in: query required: false description: SQL DISTINCT keyword schema: pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api type: boolean - name: clm in: query required: false description: Custom Load Method name schema: type: string - name: clmParam in: query required: false pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api description: Comma-separated Custom Load Method parameters schema: type: array items: {} - name: loadType in: query required: false description: Load type, one of FIRST | NEXT | PREVIOUS | LAST schema: type: string pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api enum: - FIRST - NEXT - PREVIOUS - LAST - name: bookmark in: query required: false description: Designate bookmark ID schema: pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api type: string - name: pqc in: query required: false description: Post Query Command name schema: type: string - name: readOnly in: query required: false pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api description: Read Only flag; if set to 'true', no ItemId is returned with query schema: type: boolean responses: "200": description: See Success and Message in the response for result status. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoadCollectionResponse" pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api "401": $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" "/update/{ido}": post: tags: - IDO summary: UpdateCollection description: Insert, update, or delete one or more records from a collection operationId: updateCollection parameters: pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api - name: Authorization in: header required: false description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig in: header pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api required: false description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service through ION API, not needed otherwise. schema: type: string - name: ido in: path required: true description: IDO name schema: pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api type: string - name: refresh in: query required: false description: Refresh after update flag schema: type: boolean requestBody: content: application/json: pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateCollectionRequest" description: IDOUpdateItem structure required: true responses: "200": description: See Success and Message in the response for result status. content: application/json: schema: pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateCollectionResponse" "401": $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" "/info/{ido}": get: tags: - IDO summary: IDOPropInfo description: Returns IDO property metadata operationId: propInfo pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api in: header required: false description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service through ION API, not needed otherwise. schema: type: string - name: ido in: path required: true description: IDO name pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Success (array will be empty in case of error). content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetPropertyInfoResponse" "401": pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" "/invoke/{ido}": post: tags: - IDO summary: InvokeMethod description: Invokes an IDO method operationId: invokeMethod parameters: - name: Authorization pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api in: header required: false description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig in: header required: false pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service through ION API, not needed otherwise. schema: type: string - name: ido in: path required: true description: IDO name schema: type: string pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api - name: method in: query required: false description: IDO method name schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api type: array items: type: string description: IDO method parameters required: true responses: "200": description: See Success and Message in the response for result status. content: application/json: pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvokeMethodResponse" "401": $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" "/aes/{eventName}": post: tags: - AES summary: FireAESEvent description: Fire an AES Event pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api operationId: fireAESEvent parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig in: header required: false description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service through ION API, not needed otherwise. schema: type: string - name: eventName in: path required: true pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api description: Event name schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AESEventParameter" pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api description: Event parameters required: true responses: "200": description: See Success and Message in the response for result status. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FireAESEventResponse" "401": pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" "/file/{ido}": post: tags: - File Stream summary: UploadFileStream description: Upload file operationId: uploadFileStreamJSON parameters: - name: Authorization pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api in: header required: false description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig in: header required: false pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service through ION API, not needed otherwise. schema: type: string - name: ido in: path required: true description: IDO name schema: type: string pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api - name: property in: query required: true description: IDO property schema: type: string - name: itemId in: query required: true description: _ItemId value pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/octet-stream: schema: type: string format: binary description: File to upload required: true pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api responses: "200": description: See Success and Message in the response for result status. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" "401": $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" get: pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api tags: - File Stream summary: DownloadFileStream description: Download file operationId: downloadFileStream parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig in: header required: false description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service through ION API, not needed otherwise. schema: pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api type: string - name: ido in: path required: true description: IDO name schema: type: string - name: property in: query required: true pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api description: IDO property name for storing binary data schema: type: string - name: rowPointer in: query required: true description: IDO row pointer schema: type: string responses: pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api "200": description: Success (response will be empty in case of error). See headers X-Message for information. content: application/octet-stream: schema: type: string format: binary "401": $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api /docobj/list: get: tags: - Document Object summary: GetDocumentObjects description: Returns a list of document objects operationId: getDocumentObjects parameters: - name: Authorization in: header pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api required: false description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig in: header required: false description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api through ION API, not needed otherwise. schema: type: string - name: ido in: query required: false description: IDO name. Use this option when you want to display documents from the specified IDO only schema: type: string pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api - name: rowPointer in: query required: false description: Referenced IDO row pointer. Use this in tandem with the ido parameter schema: type: string - name: docName in: query required: false description: Document name pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api schema: type: string - name: docExt in: query required: false description: Document extension schema: type: string - name: refSeq in: query pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api required: false description: Document RefSequence schema: type: string responses: "200": description: See Success and Message in the response for result status. content: application/json: schema: pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoadCollectionDocumentsResponse" "401": $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" "/docobj/{ido}": post: tags: - Document Object summary: UploadDocumentObject description: Upload document object operationId: uploadDocObject pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api in: header required: false description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service through ION API, not needed otherwise. schema: type: string - name: ido in: path required: true description: IDO name pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api schema: type: string - name: itemId in: query required: false description: _ItemId value in Document Object. Use this if you want to update an existing document object schema: type: string - name: rowPointer pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api in: query required: false description: Referenced IDO row pointer. Use this if you want to upload a new document object and link it to the referenced IDO and row pointer schema: type: string - name: name in: query required: false description: Document name pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api schema: type: string - name: desc in: query required: false description: Document description schema: type: string - name: ext in: query pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api required: false description: Document extension schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/octet-stream: schema: type: string format: binary pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api description: Document to upload required: true responses: "200": description: See Success and Message in the response for result status. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" "401": pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" get: tags: - Document Object summary: DownloadDocumentObject description: Download document object operationId: downloadDocObject parameters: - name: Authorization in: header pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api required: false description: Token obtained through a call to SecurityToken, or if using the service through ION API, a valid OAuth 2.0 Bearer token (filled in automatically by Swagger UI). schema: type: string - name: X-Infor-MongooseConfig in: header required: false description: Mongoose configuration to log into; required when using the service pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api through ION API, not needed otherwise. schema: type: string - name: ido in: path required: true description: IDO name schema: type: string - name: rowPointer pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api in: query required: true description: IDO row pointer schema: type: string - name: name in: query required: false description: Document name schema: pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api type: string - name: refSeq in: query required: false description: Document RefSequence schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Success (response will be empty in case of error). See headers pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api X-Message for information. content: "*/*": schema: type: string format: binary "401": $ref: "#/components/responses/Unauthorized" servers: - url: /IDORequestService/ido pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api components: responses: Unauthorized: description: Something went wrong validating OAuth 1.0a credentials. schemas: MethodResponse: type: object properties: Success: type: boolean pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api Message: type: string GetMongooseTokenResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" - type: object properties: Token: type: string GetConfigurationNamesResponse: pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" - type: object properties: Configurations: type: array items: type: string LoadCollectionResponse: allOf: pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" - type: object properties: Items: type: array items: type: object Bookmark: type: string UpdateCollectionResponse: pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" - type: object properties: RefreshItems: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IDOUpdateItem" Bookmark: type: string pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api GetPropertyInfoResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" - type: object properties: Properties: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PropertyInfo" Keys: pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api type: array items: type: string SubCollections: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelationshipInfo" PrimaryBaseTable: type: string PrimaryBaseTableAlias: pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api type: string InvokeMethodResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" - type: object properties: ReturnValue: type: string Parameters: type: array pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api items: type: string FireAESEventResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" - type: object properties: EventName: type: string Parameters: pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AESEventParameter" LoadCollectionDocumentsResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/MethodResponse" - type: object properties: Documents: type: array pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api items: type: object UpdateCollectionRequest: type: object properties: IDOName: type: string RefreshAfterSave: type: boolean CustomInsert: pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api type: string CustomUpdate: type: string CustomDelete: type: string Changes: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IDOUpdateItem" IDOUpdateItem: pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api type: object properties: Action: type: integer description: Use 1 for Insert, 2 for Update, 4 for Delete enum: - 1 - 2 - 4 ItemId: pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api type: string ItemNo: type: integer Properties: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpdateProperty" xml: wrapped: true UpdateProperty: pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api type: object properties: IsNull: type: boolean Modified: type: boolean Name: type: string Value: type: string pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api xml: name: UpdateProperty PropertyInfo: type: object properties: Name: type: string PropertyClass: type: string DataType: pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api type: string ColumnDataType: type: string ClrTypeName: type: string Length: type: integer DecimalPos: type: integer LabelStringID: pastebin api How to dowload it? pastebin api type: string ReadOnly: type: boolean Required: type: boolean RORecord: type: boolean BooleanTrueValue: type: string BooleanFalseValue: pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api type: string CaseFormat: type: string DateFormat: type: string JustifyFormat: type: string DefaultIMECharset: type: string DefaultValue: pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api type: string DomainIDOName: type: string DomainListProperties: type: string DomainProperty: type: string InputMask: type: string IsItemWarnings: pastebin api How to get it for free? pastebin api type: boolean RelationshipInfo: type: object properties: Name: type: string IDOName: type: string LinkBy: type: array pastebin api How to get it? pastebin api items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PropertyPair" PropertyPair: type: object properties: Parent: type: string Child: type: string AESEventParameter: pastebin api How to use it? pastebin api type: object properties: Name: type: string Value: type: string Return: type: boolean xml: name: Parameter pastebin api PasteShr pastebin api namespace: pastebin api