net bypass script roblox pastebin -- H3x0Rs Ownership Script v2.1.1 local PlayerInstance; local getgenv = getgenv or function() return _G end local sethiddenprop = (sethiddenproperty or set_hidden_property or sethiddenprop or set_hidden_prop) local setsimulationrad = setsimulationradius or set_simulation_radius or function(Radius) sethiddenprop(PlayerInstance, "SimulationRadius", Radius) end if not getgenv or not sethiddenprop or not setsimulationrad then return false end -- Not supported if getgenv().NETWORKOWNER then getgenv().NETWORKOWNER:Disconnect() getgenv().NETWORKPLAYERCHECK:Disconnect() getgenv().NETWORKPLAYERCHECK2:Disconnect() end getgenv().NETWORK_RADIUS = NETWORK_RADIUS or 1000 if not isfile("network-ownership.log") then writefile("network-ownership.log", "Script executed on game ""! net bypass script roblox pastebin PasteShr net bypass script roblox pastebin ") else appendfile("network-ownership.log", "Script executed on game ""! ") end if not game:IsLoaded() then appendfile("network-ownership.log", "Waiting for game to load... ") game.Loaded:Wait() -- Wait for game net bypass script roblox pastebin How to get it? net bypass script roblox pastebin end -- Grab services local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") PlayerInstance = Players.LocalPlayer -- Optimize local PlayerList = {} for _, Plr in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do net bypass script roblox pastebin How to get it? net bypass script roblox pastebin if Plr ~= PlayerInstance then PlayerList[Plr] = true end end getgenv().NETWORKPLAYERCHECK = Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Plr) PlayerList[Plr] = true end) getgenv().NETWORKPLAYERCHECK2 = Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Plr) net bypass script roblox pastebin How to use it? net bypass script roblox pastebin local Success, Err = pcall(function() PlayerList[Plr] = nil end) if not Success then appendfile("network-ownership.log", "Error while de-registering player that left: "..tostring(Err).." ") end end) -- Configure network services settings().Physics.AllowSleep = false -- Keep the current physics system from sleeping. (Non-moving parts lose ownership.) settings().Physics.PhysicsEnvironmentalThrottle = Enum.EnviromentalPhysicsThrottle.Disabled -- Keep the physics from throttling. net bypass script roblox pastebin How to get it? net bypass script roblox pastebin -- Start network runtime getgenv().NETWORKOWNER = RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() -- Revoke ownership from others for Plr, _ in pairs(PlayerList) do sethiddenprop(Plr, "MaximumSimulationRadius", 0.01) sethiddenprop(Plr, "SimulationRadius", 0.01) end -- Claim ownership for me net bypass script roblox pastebin How to get it? net bypass script roblox pastebin sethiddenprop(PlayerInstance, "MaximumSimulationRadius", NETWORK_RADIUS) setsimulationrad(NETWORK_RADIUS) end) return true net bypass script roblox pastebin