mow my lawn 2 script -- Rex. E#0001 -- MOW MY LAWN 2 Get it all done in one package script -- Has Kill aura (AutoBossKill), Lawn Mower Range Expansion (AutoMow), and Automatic Multiplier Collection. (AutoMults) -- HIGHLY RECOMMEND DISABLING AUTOMULTS IN A PUBLIC SERVER UNLESS YOU'RE BAN SPEEDRUNNING LOL -- Todo: -- Make flying sword exploit (Flying sword bypasses iframes. I think you can understand why I want to exploit it.) -- Make dungeon autofarm (for levels) (WORK IN PROGRESS) -- V6.4 local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character mow my lawn 2 script How to use it? mow my lawn 2 script local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local RenderStepped = RunService.RenderStepped local Grass = workspace:FindFirstChild("GRASS") local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local HeckYeah = workspace["Heck Yeah"] local BringTheMowingIGuess = HeckYeah.BringTheMowingIGuess local CutTime = 0.275 -- The time between each lawn cut. local StudRange = 35 -- The range in which you can MOW THE LAWN. local AttackDebounce = 0.075 -- for the swordfunction debounce. local CurrentTarget = nil -- This is for the dungeon autofarm mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script local CanTweenToTarget = true -- Target movement debounce. Tween stacking is painful. local CanChangeTarget = true local TweenSpeed = 3 -- Game has anti-tp by the way. _G.AutoMow = true _G.AutoBossKill = true _G.AutoMults = true function BreakVelocity() -- Taken straight from infiniteyield local BeenASecond, V3 = false,, 0, 0) delay(1, function() mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script BeenASecond = true end) while not BeenASecond do for _, v in ipairs(Player.Character:GetDescendants()) do if v.IsA(v, "BasePart") then v.Velocity, v.RotVelocity = V3, V3 end end wait() end mow my lawn 2 script How to dowload it? mow my lawn 2 script end function SwordFunction(Plr) if (Plr.Character or workspace:FindFirstChild(Plr.Name)) then if Plr == Player then Character = Plr.Character end Chr = Plr.Character local Root if Chr:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local Root = Chr:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") end mow my lawn 2 script PasteShr mow my lawn 2 script if Chr:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") and Chr:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):FindFirstChild("Handle") then local Sword = Chr:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") for i, Boss in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if Boss:IsA("Model") and Boss:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and not Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Boss) then if Chr:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local Target = Boss:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") local Root = Chr:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") local MagicSword = nil local MagicBlade = nil if (Chr:FindFirstChild("MagicSword1") or Chr:FindFirstChild("MagicSword2")) then mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script MagicSword = Chr:FindFirstChild("MagicSword1") and Chr:FindFirstChild("MagicSword2") MagicBlade = MagicSword:FindFirstChild("Blade") end if Boss:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and Chr:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local Dist = (Target.Position - Root.Position).magnitude if Dist <= StudRange then if Boss:FindFirstChild("Stats") then local Stats = Boss:FindFirstChild("Stats") if Stats:FindFirstChild("HP") and Stats:FindFirstChild("HP").Value > 0 then if MagicSword ~= nil and MagicBlade ~= nil then mow my lawn 2 script PasteShr mow my lawn 2 script firetouchinterest(MagicBlade,Target,0) end BringTheMowingIGuess:FireServer(Target,Sword) else if MagicSword ~= nil and MagicBlade ~= nil then firetouchinterest(MagicBlade,Target,0) end BringTheMowingIGuess:FireServer(Target,Sword) end end mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script end end end end end end end end function SwordFunctionTargetting() mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and CanChangeTarget and Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then CanChangeTarget = false BreakVelocity() Character = Player.Character local Mower = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") local Root = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") Humanoid.Destroying:Connect(function() CanChangeTarget = false CurrentTarget = nil mow my lawn 2 script How to use it? mow my lawn 2 script CanTweenToTarget = true delay(4,function() CanChangeTarget = true end) end) for i,Target in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if Target:IsA("Model") and Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and not Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target) then local HumanoidIdentifier = Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if CurrentTarget == nil or (CurrentTarget.Parent and CurrentTarget.Parent:FindFirstChild("Stats") and CurrentTarget.Parent:FindFirstChild("Stats"):FindFirstChild("HP") and CurrentTarget.Parent:FindFirstChild("Stats"):FindFirstChild("HP").Value <= 0) then if HumanoidIdentifier ~= CurrentTarget then CurrentTarget = HumanoidIdentifier local Stats mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script local HP if CurrentTarget.Parent:FindFirstChild("Stats") and CurrentTarget.Parent:FindFirstChild("Stats"):FindFirstChild("HP") then Stats = CurrentTarget.Parent:FindFirstChild("Stats") HP = Stats:FindFirstChild("HP") end local TargetRoot if Target and Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then TargetRoot = Target:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") end if CanTweenToTarget then mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script CanTweenToTarget = false local EndFrame = TargetRoot.CFrame * Root.CFrame.LookVector TargetRoot.CFrame = Root.CFrame TargetRoot.Anchored = true repeat RenderStepped:Wait() BreakVelocity() EndFrame = TargetRoot.CFrame * Root.CFrame.LookVector Root.CFrame = +,-8, 0) BringTheMowingIGuess:FireServer(TargetRoot,Mower) for i,movethisguy in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do mow my lawn 2 script How to dowload it? mow my lawn 2 script if movethisguy:IsA("Model") and movethisguy:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and not Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(movethisguy) and movethisguy ~= Target then if movethisguy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local EnemyRoot = movethisguy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") EnemyRoot.CFrame =,900),900000000,math.random(1,900)) --EnemyRoot.Anchored = true for i,apart in pairs(movethisguy:GetChildren()) do if apart:IsA("BasePart") then apart.Anchored = false end end mow my lawn 2 script How to use it? mow my lawn 2 script end end end until (CurrentTarget and CurrentTarget.Parent and CurrentTarget.Parent:FindFirstChild("Stats") and Stats:FindFirstChild("HP") and HP.Value <= 0) or CurrentTarget == nil or not CurrentTarget.Parent or Target == nil or TargetRoot == nil or Character == nil CurrentTarget = nil CanTweenToTarget = true CanChangeTarget = true end end end mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script end end end end coroutine.wrap(function() while _G.AutoMow and wait(CutTime) do if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") and Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool"):FindFirstChild("SmashMouth") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then Character = Player.Character local Mower = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") mow my lawn 2 script How to use it? mow my lawn 2 script local MowPart = Mower:FindFirstChild("SmashMouth") local Root = Character.HumanoidRootPart for i,GrassPiece in pairs(Grass:GetChildren()) do if GrassPiece:FindFirstChild("Slapped") and GrassPiece:FindFirstChild("Slapped").Value == false then if GrassPiece.Size ==, 4, 3) and GrassPiece.CFrame.X ~= 43.5 then local Root = Character.HumanoidRootPart local Dist = (GrassPiece.Position - Root.Position).magnitude if Dist <= StudRange then firetouchinterest(MowPart,GrassPiece,0) firetouchinterest(MowPart,GrassPiece,1) mow my lawn 2 script PasteShr mow my lawn 2 script end end end end end end end)() coroutine.wrap(function() RenderStepped:Connect(function() mow my lawn 2 script PasteShr mow my lawn 2 script if _G.AutoBossKill then if game.PlaceId == 4742977291 then SwordFunctionTargetting() else SwordFunction(Player) end end end) end)() mow my lawn 2 script PasteShr mow my lawn 2 script coroutine.wrap(function() RenderStepped:Connect(function() if _G.AutoMults then for i,part in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if (part.Name == "Unimportant" and part:IsA("Folder")) or (part.Name == "Strainer" and part:IsA("Model") and part:FindFirstChild("StrainerHitbox")) or (part.Name == "CarePackage" and part:FindFirstChild("Box")) or (part.Name == "Part" and workspace:FindFirstChild("Rain")) or (part.Name == "BallChase") or (part.Name == "Soccer") or (part.Name == "GoldRoller" or part.Name == "Roller") or (part.Name == "RingChase" and part:FindFirstChild("ARingadingding")) or (part.Name == "Graffiti" and part:FindFirstChild("Nodes")) then if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg") then Character = Player.Character local Root = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") local Torso = Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") local RLeg = Character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg") mow my lawn 2 script How to get it? mow my lawn 2 script local LLeg = Character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg") if Root:FindFirstChild("MultPopup") then Root:FindFirstChild("MultPopup"):Destroy() end if part.Name == "Unimportant" then for i,food in pairs(part:GetChildren()) do if food.Name ~= "Part" and food.Name ~= "part" and food:IsA("BasePart") then firetouchinterest(Root,food,0) firetouchinterest(Root,food,1) elseif food:IsA("MeshPart") then mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script firetouchinterest(Torso,food,0) firetouchinterest(Torso,food,1) end end elseif part.Name == "Strainer" and part:FindFirstChild("StrainerHitbox") then local StrainHitbox = part:FindFirstChild("StrainerHitbox") firetouchinterest(RLeg,StrainHitbox,0) firetouchinterest(RLeg,StrainHitbox,1) elseif part.Name == "CarePackage" and part:FindFirstChild("Box") then local Box = part:FindFirstChild("Box") mow my lawn 2 script How to get it? mow my lawn 2 script firetouchinterest(Torso,Box,0) firetouchinterest(Torso,Box,1) elseif part.Name == "Part" and workspace:FindFirstChild("Rain") then firetouchinterest(Root,part,0) firetouchinterest(Root,part,1) elseif part.Name == "BallChase" then if part:FindFirstChild("Part") then local Ball = part:FindFirstChild("Part") firetouchinterest(Root,Ball,0) firetouchinterest(Root,Ball,1) mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script end elseif part.Name == "Soccer" then local SoccerBall = part.Ball local RGoal = part.RedGoal local BGoal = part.BlueGoal for i,ring in pairs(part:GetDescendants()) do if (ring:IsA("WeldConstraint") or ring:IsA("Weld")) and ring.Part1 == Root then if ring.Parent.Color == Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) then firetouchinterest(SoccerBall,RGoal,0) firetouchinterest(SoccerBall,RGoal,1) mow my lawn 2 script How to get it? mow my lawn 2 script elseif ring.Parent.Color == Color3.fromRGB(0,0,255) then firetouchinterest(SoccerBall,BGoal,0) firetouchinterest(SoccerBall,BGoal,1) end end end elseif (part.Name == "GoldRoller" or part.Name == "Roller") then local Ball = part.Ball local Goal = part.Goal firetouchinterest(Ball,Goal,0) mow my lawn 2 script How to get it for free? mow my lawn 2 script firetouchinterest(Ball,Goal,1) elseif (part.Name == "RingChase" and part:FindFirstChild("ARingadingding")) then local Ring = part:FindFirstChild("ARingadingding") firetouchinterest(Torso,Ring,0) firetouchinterest(Torso,Ring,1) elseif (part.Name == "Graffiti" and part:FindFirstChild("Nodes")) then local Nodes = part:FindFirstChild("Nodes") for i,ring in pairs(part:GetDescendants()) do if (ring:IsA("WeldConstraint") or ring:IsA("Weld")) and ring.Part1 == Root then for i,node in pairs(Nodes:GetChildren()) do mow my lawn 2 script PasteShr mow my lawn 2 script -- giant blob of guesswork. -- pretty sure I cant do anything about the graffiti minigame, I think it uses raycast. firetouchinterest(ring.Parent,node,0) firetouchinterest(ring.Parent,node,1) firetouchinterest(RLeg,node,0) firetouchinterest(RLeg,node,1) firetouchinterest(LLeg,node,0) firetouchinterest(LLeg,node,1) firetouchinterest(Torso,node,0) firetouchinterest(Torso,node,1) mow my lawn 2 script How to dowload it? mow my lawn 2 script end end end end end end end end end) end)() mow my lawn 2 script PasteShr mow my lawn 2 script mow my lawn 2 script