money tycoon script pastebin --Script made by Fiterpilot. All rights reserved to Nova Studio --Variables objects = {} local tycoon = script.Parent.Tycoon --Variable for Tycoon object (inside of tycoon) local ownerName = tycoon.OwnerName --Variable for OwnerName object local cash = tycoon.Cash --Variable for cash object local essentials = tycoon.Essentials -- Variable for Essentials object local buttons = tycoon:WaitForChild("Buttons") local purchases = tycoon.Purchases money tycoon script pastebin How to dowload it? money tycoon script pastebin local purchasedO = tycoon.PurchasedObjects local claim = tycoon["Become Owner"].Head --Variable for claim part local collector = essentials.Collector -- Variable for collector part local giver = essentials.Giver --Varaible for giver part local display = essentials.Display --Variable for display local buySound = essentials.BuySound local player --Variable for player local PCash --Variable for player's cash money tycoon script pastebin PasteShr money tycoon script pastebin --Variable for Regen local Model = tycoon --Gets The Tycoon Model local Backup = Model:clone() --Clones Model --Functions --Claiming claim.Touched:connect(function(hit) --Function for claiming money tycoon script pastebin How to get it? money tycoon script pastebin print("Claim was tocuhed") if ownerName.Value == "" then --If ownerName.Value is "" print("ownerName is clear") player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) --Find the player that touched it if player ~= nil then --if that player exists print("player exists") PCash = player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Cash") --Find his cash if PCash ~= nil then --if his cash exists then print("PCash exists") local owns = player:FindFirstChild("Owns") --Find his owns money tycoon script pastebin How to dowload it? money tycoon script pastebin if owns ~= nil then --if his owns exist print("Owns exists") if owns.Value == 0 then --See if he owns a tycoon if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then --Now, is he a human? if hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health > 0 then --Is he alive?! print("Humanoid exists and has health") ownerName.Value = player.Name --Change ownerName to his name owns.Value = 1 --Make him own something claim.Parent.Name = player.Name.."'s kitchen" --Show ownership claim.Transparency = 1 --Make the block invisible money tycoon script pastebin How to get it for free? money tycoon script pastebin claim.CanCollide = false --Make sure we can walk through player.TeamColor = claim.BrickColor --Set his team to the color of the brick print("It all works") end end end end end end end money tycoon script pastebin How to get it for free? money tycoon script pastebin end) --Give the tycoon money collector.Touched:connect(function(hit)--When the collector is touched if hit.Name == "Food" then --If it was touched by "Food" local val = hit:FindFirstChild("Value") --Find how much it's worth cash.Value = cash.Value + val.Value --Add the value of the food to cash hit:Destroy() --Remove the food end money tycoon script pastebin How to use it? money tycoon script pastebin end) --Give player money giver.Touched:connect(function(hit) --When the giver is touched print("Giver was touched") if cash.Value > 0 then if hit.Parent.Name == ownerName.Value then --If hit's name is = to ownerName PCash.Value = PCash.Value + cash.Value --Give the player the money cash.Value = 0 --Reset the cash value buySound:Play() --Plays sound money tycoon script pastebin How to get it for free? money tycoon script pastebin print("Money was given") end end end) --Updating display cash.Changed:connect(function() --When cash is changed display.SG.Frame.Money.Text = tostring(cash.Value) --Update display end) money tycoon script pastebin How to get it for free? money tycoon script pastebin --Buying the objects for i,v in pairs(buttons:GetChildren()) do --Look through all the buttons and get their children print("working") if v:FindFirstChild("Head") then --Find the children's heads print("Finding the heads") local object = purchases:FindFirstChild(v.Object.Value) --Hold the value for objects if object ~= nil then --If it exists objects[object.Name] = object:Clone() --Clone it object:Destroy() --Destroy it else money tycoon script pastebin How to get it for free? money tycoon script pastebin print("Button: "..v.Name.." is missing its object and has been removed.") v.Head.CanCollide = false v.Head.Transparency = 1 end if v:FindFirstChild("Dependency") then --Find the dependency v.Head.CanCollide = false v.Head.Transparency = 1 coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() if purchasedO:WaitForChild(v.Dependency.Value) then --Wait for that object to be purchased money tycoon script pastebin How to get it? money tycoon script pastebin v.Head.CanCollide = true v.Head.Transparency = 0 end end)) end v.Head.Touched:connect(function(hit) --If the head of a button is touched print("Touched") local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) --Find the player if v.Head.CanCollide == true then --See if the button can collide money tycoon script pastebin PasteShr money tycoon script pastebin if player ~= nil then --Check if the player is real print("Player exists") if ownerName.Value == player.Name then --See if the player owns the tycoon print("Ownername is touched player") if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then --See if the player has a humanoid if hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health > 0 then --See if the humanoid is alive print("Humanoid exists and is alive") if PCash ~= nil then --See if PCash exists if PCash.Value >= v.Price.Value then --If PCash is greater than price PCash.Value = PCash.Value - v.Price.Value --Purchase the object money tycoon script pastebin How to get it? money tycoon script pastebin objects[v.Object.Value].Parent = purchasedO --Move it into puchasedobjects v.Head.CanCollide = false --Get rid of the button v.Head.Transparency = 1 print(v.Name.." was purchased!") end end end end end end money tycoon script pastebin PasteShr money tycoon script pastebin end end) end end --Regen game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player) --Function for player removal if ownerName.Value ~= "" then --If ownerName isn't equal to nothing then if ownerName.Value == player.Name then --If the leaving player has the same name as ownerName print(script.Parent.Name.." is regenerating.") money tycoon script pastebin How to get it? money tycoon script pastebin Model:remove() --Removes Model Model = Backup:clone() --Replaces Model Model.Parent = script.Parent --Sets Models Parent To The Tycoon Model:makeJoints() --Makes Joints end end end) money tycoon script pastebin