midori pastebin 神社 Shrine 弓道場が見える・・・・・・ An archery field can be seen 翠 Midori はぁ・・・・・・・・・・・・。 Haa... midori pastebin How to dowload it? midori pastebin 女子A Woman A そんな落ち込まないでください、翠先輩。 翠先輩の執弓、今日もすごくきれいでした。 Don't be so down, Midori-sempai. The way you hold your bow was pretty as always. 女子B Woman B そうですよ。 midori pastebin How to dowload it? midori pastebin 他校の子も見に来てじゃないですか! 当たらないのは、きっとたまたまで・・・・・・。 She's right. There are even those from other schools who came here just to see you! I'm sure that you just missed by accident. 翠 Midori ええ、そうね。ありがとう。 ・・・・・・少し、一人にしてくれるかしら。 midori pastebin PasteShr midori pastebin Yes, that might be the case. Thank you. Umm, could you leave me alone for a moment? 女子A Woman A あんまり悩みすぎないでくださいね、翠先輩。 じゃあ、私たち失礼します。 Don't get too caught up in worrying, Midori-sempai. Well, we'll be going now. midori pastebin PasteShr midori pastebin 翠 Midori ・・・・・・それで、あなたは? さっきから・・・・・・いえ、弓道場にいたときから、 私を見ていましたよね。何者ですか? Now then, who could you be? It's been a while, no, more like ever since you came to the archery field, you've had your eyes on me. Just who are you? 名刺を渡す midori pastebin PasteShr midori pastebin Hand her your business card 翠 Midori アイドル事務所のプロデューサーさん? スカウトですか?容姿をほめられても、 アイドルなんかになるつもりはありませんよ。 A producer of an idol agency? And you're scouting me? Even if you praise my appearance, I have no intention of becoming an idol. midori pastebin How to use it? midori pastebin 自信があるな You sure are confident 翠 Midori 自信・・・・・・いえ、経験から言えることです。 容姿をほめられた経験は多少あります。 でも、本当に大切なおは外見ではないでしょう。 Confident? No, I'm just speaking out of experience. midori pastebin How to get it? midori pastebin I do have my share of praises about my appearance. However, what's really important isn't the outside, right? 翠 Midori まっすぐ生きること。それこそが大切なんです。 弓道は、矢をまっすぐに射ることで 生きる道を示してくれますからね。 To lead an honest life. That's what's important. The Way of the Bow preaches to like in a straight way, just like shooting an arrow. midori pastebin How to get it? midori pastebin [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyūdō ] 矢はまっすぐ飛んでいなかった・・・・・・。 But the arrow you just shoot didn't fly straight 翠 Midori ・・・・・・っ。 そのとおりです。 今の私はまっすぐな矢を射ることができない・・・・・・。 midori pastebin PasteShr midori pastebin It's just as you said. Right now, I can't shoot an arrow straight. 真心がないから It's because you don't have devotion 翠 Midori 真心は・・・・・・真心は弓道の基本です。 私は幼い頃から弓道をたしなみ、腕も認められてきました。 midori pastebin How to get it for free? midori pastebin その私に、真心がないと・・・・・・? Devotion? But, devotion is the foundation of the Way of the Bow. I have been practicing the Way of the Bow ever since I was young. And even my skill for it is recognized. Are you saying that I don't have devotion? アイドルになればわかるも You might understand if you become an idol 翠 Midori midori pastebin PasteShr midori pastebin そんな都合の良いことが、あるわけ・・・・・・。 There is no way that it would be that easy... アイドルから学べないとでも? So, you're saying you won't learn it from being an idol? 翠 Midori ・・・・・・アイドルから学べなければ、弓道から学べるわけがないと? そんなことが・・・・・・あるなんて。 midori pastebin PasteShr midori pastebin If I don't learn it from being an idol, I won't learn it in the Way of the Bow? That... To think something like that... 翠 Midori 私には分かりません。 自分がまっすぐ生きるために、何か必要なのか。 もしあなたが知っているのでしたら、教えてくださいますか? I don't know. I don't know what is needed to be able to lead an honest life. midori pastebin How to get it? midori pastebin If you know about it, will you teach it to me? midori pastebin