m4f monster Let me cuddle with you (F4M) (Monster girl) (Bear Girl) (Strangers to Lovers) (Anal) (Spanking) (Romance) (Self-Aware) —————————————— (Campfire noise) ( This will go for the duration of the script) Oh, you're finally awake, how about that Wait: Stop! Please don’t freak out, please, just calm down! m4f monster How to get it for free? m4f monster Please, just stay close to the fire, you are nearly freezing to death What am I? Well, I'm a bear folk. I guess you have never met or ever heard of us before. Yeah, Our race isn’t exactly common, the only people who know we exist are people who come across this forest. Well, now you know what I am, can you please come close to fire, i don't want you to freeze to death Eat you!? If i were to eat you, you wouldn’t have woken up then, would you!? And besides, Bear folk’s are…basically just a hybrid between human and bear’s, so technically it's Cannibalism… or maybe half cannibalism? Whatever, you get my point, just please...come by the fire, I'll even stay on the other side if it makes you feel safer. m4f monster How to get it? m4f monster There, much better, isn’t it? (Long pause,For like 5 seconds) So.... What were you doing wandering in this forest? You got lost? From doing what? You were hiking? Alright m4f monster How to use it? m4f monster Well i'm glad I found you, otherwise there could’ve been something else that could’ve found you that would eat you, like a wolf or something else. What was I doing before I found you? Well, I was gonna go get some fish but by the time i got to the river I found you there, what were you doing there by the way? To also get some fish? You were?... But you guess you passed out before you caught anything… from what exactly? It was from Hunger? And Being Thirsty and Cold? God, From where you are from, do they ever teach any survival skills? m4f monster How to get it? m4f monster No!? That's insane! If it weren't for the education system, you wouldn't be in this situation and God knows how many lives would have been saved. Look, Once you warm up, I can go get some fish, but for now, im making sure you are warmed up. Speaking of which, you're... still shivering… like you might as well stay at the corner of the cave. Well let's just keep talking, and you should be warmed up by then. So… what do you want to talk about? m4f monster How to dowload it? m4f monster My kind? What would you like to know? How many of us are there? I don’t know but I'm guessing not many, in fact… (Sign) I think we are an endangered species. At this point I only see one of my kind once every few months or so. Why's that? Well my guess it's just have to do with the rest of the world not knowing we exist. Though maybe if that wasn’t the case, we would probably be extinct by now. You know how people can be? At first Once they see you, they take you for a threat and either run or try to hurt you. Even when you try to explain your innocence. (Slightly tears up) It's just… I'm scared that I could be the last of my species and just one day some hunters will find me, take me for a monster, and then shoot me. (Long pause with some sobbing going on, 5+ seconds) m4f monster PasteShr m4f monster You don’t think I’m a monster? (Sniff) Thank you, It's been a long time since someone said something nice to me. (Another long pause, this time without sobbing, 5+ seconds) By the way, Are you holding up? You're still Shivering!? God, this is getting ridiculous. How am I not Cold? Well, the benefits of being a bear folk is that we have this fur that could help us get through colder weather, so that should explain why i'm not as cold or… Wait! I have an idea! But you have to trust me on this. m4f monster How to get it for free? m4f monster Okay, I’m going to cuddle with you to keep you warm Look… We’ve been over this… I’m not gonna eat you, just please… let me cuddle with you, this fire isn’t gonna get the job done and I don’t know any other solutions to keep you warm, so just please… let me cuddle you. Why do I care so much about keeping you warm? Well it’s a nobel act for any intelligent being to help save a life while they can… plus I can't live with the guilt of someone losing their lives which i could’ve of prevented and if any other person that comes to this forest and see a dead body and then see me, they will get the wrong idea, so just please… let me cuddle with you… let ME help you… please, i'm begging! You will? Oh thank you! I promise I'll get you warmed up (Sound of footsteps and then the sound of two people getting in a cuddling position; Optional) m4f monster PasteShr m4f monster There … much better isn't it? ( 5 second pause ) Soooo…. You don't… mind this is what we are doing, right? I mean… I'm just trying to keep you warm but admiting this is a bit awkward. L-Like… this would be something a couple would do… r-right? N-not that I’m implying I have feelings for you it's just… you know? m4f monster How to get it for free? m4f monster Well, d-do you have a m-mate? Well would you look at that, I don't have one either (Awkward laugh)... yeah… ummm (Kisses, 3+ seconds) Wow, that felt…good, um… can we do that again? (Kisses, 4+ seconds) m4f monster How to dowload it? m4f monster Does that me... We are a thing now? Ha, I...never thought this would happen in my life… I thought that for most of my life, I'll just be alone but… I have you now I guess this makes this whole cuddle thing less awkward now, doesn’t it? Well in that case, let me do this (Reposition noise; Optional) There… I thought you weren't willing to let me lay on top of you so I thought I would only do it as a last resort but… I guess you're more willing now that you're my mate. m4f monster PasteShr m4f monster I hope you don’t mind my breast are pressed against you, Its kinda required to make sure your extra warm… speaking of which this whole cuddling thing is working, your still kinda shivering but a lot less than earlier You wouldn’t mind if I rest a little while I'm on you? Oh Thank you! I won't sleep too heavily, so you won't have a hard time waking me… Mmmmmmmm (Sound of getting comfortable; Optional) (5 second pause) Um... You didn’t happen to get a rock between us, right? Let me check and… Oh Is that your...erection? D-does this whole cuddling thing turns you on? m4f monster How to dowload it? m4f monster Mostly because you cuddling with me? Oh...I...Um Do you wanna...You know, have some fun~? I'm also sure this is another way of warming yourself up, please take of your pants will you? (Sound of pants being taken off) Oh my~! Its quit b-big m4f monster PasteShr m4f monster Okay, I-Im gonna put it inside me,now Oh My~(moans as membrane enters cunt) ( Sound of Pussy fucking and Moaning,10+ seconds ) I'm cumming… Im cumming (One massive moan as she has an orgasim, Sound of sex stops here) m4f monster How to use it? m4f monster My god, that was amazing! What's that? You haven’t cummed yet? Well, we can keep going until you cum What's that? You wanna try something else? Well what did you have in Mi…(Sound of Ass getting grabbed)... Ahh~ m4f monster How to dowload it? m4f monster Y-you wanna do it there? Okay then, let's get into position (Sound of getting into position) Ah...Ah...Ahhhh! (Sound of anal sex, 10+ seconds) Oh my God, this feels Amazin…(Ass spank)... Ahhh~ m4f monster How to use it? m4f monster K-Keep doing that (Sound of anal sex, moaning, and spanking continues, As long as you want) (Sex ends with her doing a massive moan) (5 second pause) That was one of the greatest pleasures in my life, have you cummed? You did? Oh my~ m4f monster How to dowload it? m4f monster Are you all warmed up then? You are!? Good, now that means I can go get some food for you I just wanted to say...thank you, I mean I know its weird how Im saying thank you when I'm the one who saved your life but… no, really, thank you… for giving me company W-would you like to live with me? This forest is beautiful, I could teach you how to survive, we could live together like a cute couple and even… (In shy voice) raise a few cubs~ You will!? Oh my God, Yes! Come here~ (Kissing, as long as you want) m4f monster How to dowload it? m4f monster I Love you~ m4f monster