lesbian belly stuffing Severa/Cynthia lesbian stuff and belly stuffing The sun was high in the sky above the Shepherds camp on a clear windy day. Good weather meant that two overzealous young women in the Shepherd’s army would finally get to have their three tiered contest of speed, strength, and, intestinal fortitude. “Ouch! You idiot, that was my beautiful face!” Severa yelped as Cynthia landed a quick blow on Severa’s pale cheek. “Hah! Serves you right for getting so co-Nyah! My head!” Cynthia was dealt an aggressive blow to the top of her head. “Hmph! And eye for an eye!” Severa grimaced at her display of skill. Cynthia threw down her sword as she rubbed her head. “Bah! This isn’t getting anywhere! I think it’s time to move on to the final part of our challenge!” Severa smiled at this news. “Great! I haven’t eaten all day in preparation!” The two hot-headed girls marched to Cynthia’s tent for their final battle. As soon as the two stepped into the tent; Severa’s eyes widened and her nostrils flared. “Oh it smells so good! What do we have here?” Severa purveyed the two tables filled with several pies, cakes, meats, drinks, and what looked like some of Gaius’ select sweets. “It smells so heavenly . . . Where did you get all this?” Severa’s mouth watered as she eyed which delicious dessert she was going devour first. “Well I convinced mom to make a few things for the “army” an-Ah-ah! Not so fast!” Cynthia pulled the nearly drooling Severa away from the food. “I have to explain the rules first dumby!” Severa was getting impatient and cranky; her belly growled in anticipation. “We both have to start at the same time, of course, you’re disqualified if you hurl, and whoever finishes their side first wins!” Cynthia beamed and spoke with enthusiasm. “Fine fine fine whatever! Let’s just begin already!” The two girls sat down side by side and Cynthia began counting down. “3. . .2. . .1. . .GO!” As soon as Cynthia said go; the two girls practically leapt at the food, beginning their feast. Severa beat Cynthia on the quick-draw and plucked a sweet cherry pie, one of the larger items on the table, first. She cleanly grabbed two slices of the pie and shoved half of it in her mouth, chewing as fast as she possibly could. Cynthia started with her favorites hoping to get an edge over Severa. She grabbed half of an entire rhubarb pie and slammed it inter her face, trying to get as much into her mouth as possible. As Cynthia was trying to eat her oversized slice of pie; Severa was finishing up her first two slices. Severa dabbed the corners of her mouth as she stuffed her face with pie, making sure her supple pink lips stayed free of crumbs. On the other side of the scale, Cynthia showed no elegance in her consumption of baked goods as she woofed down the rest of her first pie. Minutes passed as the pace of the girl’s contest began to slow. Cynthia’s strong start had given her the advantage over Severa, who while still eating fast, had been more deliberate in her choices. Severa had consumed most of her larger treats and was snacking on some of the smaller cakes while Cynthia had practically been grabbing whatever was closest to her mouth. “Haaaah . . .” Cynthia sighed deeply and leaned back to undo the belts on her dress. “What’s wrong? Done already?” Severa smiled as she popped a chocolate covered sweet into her mouth. “Please! I’m just making room for more!” Cynthia proudly declared while patting her bulging belly. “Good! I’m just getting started too!” Severa fuddled with her pants as she loosened her belt, ready for more. The two gluttonous girls dove into their meal with newfound strength and increased their eating speed. The contest continued as the two tables were half empty. Severa loosened her belt once more as she huffed in discomfort. Cynthia’s belly bulged out on her tiny frame as it expanded rapidly with half-chewed food. Severa, while a slower eater, had the advantage of being taller than Cynthia. She was still only human though, and she was beginning to reach her limit. Cynthia stifled a belch and rubbed her obtrusive gut, its round shape clearly visible through her riding dress. “Err . . .” Cynthia wore a pained expression on her face as she continued rubbing her bloated belly. “Whew. Are you finished already? Good! I’m the wi-“ Cynthia slammed her fist down on the table, interrupting Severa’s gloating. “Huwaaaaaaaaaa! I’ll never lose to you, fatty!” Cynthia dug into the last of her feast as she bursted with energy. “Like hell I’ll lose to an idiot like you!” Severa also flew into a gluttonous frenzy as she became determined to win. After a few minutes the girls slowed to a near stop once more, moaning in pain. “Ohhh just two more pieces of pie.” Cynthia managed to get out between her mouthfuls of food. Severa had a bit more than Cynthia to finish and was going to lose if she kept up her slow pace. Severa breathed deeply and closed her eyes. Her hands shook as she fought to get her belt off; her engorged gut digging into it. With some effort Severa finally removed the belt entirely and her belly peeked out from under her shirt and over the top of her pants. Severa finished off her meal and leaned back, hands on her gut. She was about to declare herself the winner when her eyes hovered over to one final full glass of fresh cranberry juice. “Oh-urrrp, gods . . .” With tears in her eyes, she chugged the tall glass of juice as fast possible and swallowed with difficulty. With her final gulp her pants button burst open and her gut spilled over onto her lap. “F-Finished. URRRRP” Severa was unable to hold back anymore and let out a loud belch and rubbed her pearly white belly. She looked over to Cynthia who had also finished. Cynthia moaned while stroking her comically inflated midsection. “Unnnng . . . T-Tie. It’s a BUURP tie.” Gasped the over-stuffed Pegasus knight. “Oooh no way you j-jerk. I can’t give in to you!” The two girls lay sloppily back in their seats as they attempted to determine the winner. “I don’t even care anymore. You can win. I’m s-so full it hurts!” Severa was losing her rational as she was near to bursting. “N-No it’s alright, ugh. I’ll n-never eat again . . .” Cynthia winced in pain as she cradled her copious amount of belly. “Urrrp. Please . . . Let’s forget about food now. Maybe we should focus on being friends instead of fighting like this.” Severa tried to smile as best she could. “Our moms were best friends right? Maybe it’s totally our destiny to be friends too?” “Hehe! You are quite the passionate girl. I like that.” The two girls were beginning to warm up to each other as they declared their contest a tie. “H-Here Cynthia you have some pie on your face.” Severa grabbed a napkin and leaned over to clean Cynthia’s cheek. “This will only take a sec-Whoa!” Severa misjudged the distance as well as her own weight when she leaned and came crashing down onto the unsuspecting Cynthia. “Oof! S-Severa I’m gonna spew!” Cynthia’s cheeks puffed up as Severa could do nothing but brace herself. “Ung . . .Aah-BRRAAAAAP!” Cynthia let loose a burp that seemingly shook the tent. “. . . Eww . . .Rhubarb.” Severa’s nose scrunched up. Cynthia burst out into laughter at Severa’s remark and belched some more. “Hilarious Cynthia, but I’m so stuffed I can’t even move. Ohh . . . That silly mess is still on your face. L-Let me get it off.” Severa hesitated for a moment before licking the corners of Cynthia’s mouth. “Eek! Severa!” Cynthia turned beet red and her eyes widened at Severa’s bold action. “What? It’s what my mom does when I get peanut butter on my face!” Cynthia giggled in response. “But seriously Severa, you’re squishing my belly!” Cynthia wiggled around showing her discomfort. “O-Oh I’m sorry for falling on you. I uhh, totally can’t move though.” The two girls were so happy that they forgot their full, gurgling bellies. “Ugh, this is really lame. What a stupid idea.” Severa rolled off Cynthia and onto her side, cradling her stomach. “Wow Severa, when are you due? Hehe.” Cynthia poked at Severa’s round belly and mocked it. “Well, look at yourself! You’re not supposed to eat watermelons whole you know!” Severa slapped her friend’s firm gut through her dress, causing Cynthia to belch again. “H-Hey not cool!” Cynthia grabbed Severa’s full, but squishy belly and began groping and teasing it. “Haha! S-Stop stop! You’re tick-Urrrrp T-Tickling me!” lesbian belly stuffing How to use it? lesbian belly stuffing The two girls played around like children with each other until they were both sweaty and panting heavily. “Haaah . . . Cynthia my stomach is sore from laughing so much . . . And eating.” Severa lay on her back with her arms on her hefty paunch. Cynthia turned on her side, facing Severa. “How about I give you one of Cynthia’s famous belly rubs?” “Famous?” Severa furrowed her brow. “Well they could be famous soon! Let me test on you!” Cynthia said ecstatically. “I’ll give you a shot I suppose.” Severa rolled up her shirt right up under her breasts and exposed her pale stomach. “Looks like your pearl’s ready Severa!” “Your jokes are so lame, you know. Just get started already!” Cynthia put her dainty hands on top of Severa’s soft fleshy mound and attempted rubbing in some metholodical way. “Mmmm that feels nice, but are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Cynthia looked up and grinned. “Erm, how hard could something like this be?” Severa rolled her eyes at Cynthia’s words. “Bah, you’re hopele-Ohhh press down right there again, it feels wonder-URRRRP oh gods that was loud.” Cynthia’s methods proved effective as Severa was relieved of gas. “Maybe I should have found some more wholesome things to eat huh?” “I told you I’m never eating again, missy.” Severa continued to relax as Cynthia rubbed her stomach in silence, aside from the occasional belch from Severa. “Oogh Severa I can’t sit up for much longer.” Cynthia stopped her impressive rubbing to lean back and rub her own. “Hey now! It was just getting good!” Severa protested as Cynthia stopped rubbing her. “Maybe you could try me? I bet you’d do a good job!” Cynthia lay back and invited Severa to rub her inflated belly. “I-I’ll give it a try then . . .” Severa moved over to Cynthia with some effort and lifted up her dress, revealing her firm, round, stomach and tight riding spats. Severa blushed after seeing more of Cynthia than she had ever seen before. She immediately went to work on Cynthia, rubbing and prodding her stuffed belly. “Feels pretty good . . .Urrrp.” Severa was getting lost in her own world as her hands traveled further south and into Cynthia’s pitch black spats. “Aaaah! Severa what are you doing?” Severa didn’t respond as she rubbed her friend’s messy patch of pubic hair. Cynthia went silent and showed no resistance to Severa’s bold advance. “C-Cynthia you should keep these things in check.” Severa’s words seemed to calm the sudden tension between the two and Cynthia spoke up. “I don’t spend all my time primping myself like you! How much gloss did you put on your lips today anyway?” Severa lowered her face to Cynthia’s, eyes gleaming. “. . . Wanna find out?” Before Cynthia could answer, Severa planted a gentle kiss on her lips. At first Cynthia was shocked and she sat wide-eyed, but she soon closed her eyes and returned the notion. Severa pushed Cynthia down to the ground and lay on top of her as best she could; the girl’s fattened bellies squishing against each other. Severa continued to kiss and touch Cynthia’s soft skin, removing her dress and spats as she went. Both girls grew wilder as they touched and played with one another. Soon both girls were down to just their under garments as they explored each other’s mouths. “Ohh Severa . . .” Cynthia moaned and mumbled as Severa’s fingers worked their magic inside of Cynthia’s virgin pussy. The combination of pleasure and pressure from Cynthia’s huge stuffed gut sent her into bliss she had never experienced before. Cynthia reached around to Severa’s tight butt and grabbed two handfuls of ass; causing Severa to bite her lip and delve deeper into Cynthia. The two girls bucked and thrashed about with pleasure, “S-Severa I’m feeling kinda tingly!” Cynthia was panting heavily while caressing Severa’s ample behind. Severa began gliding herself up and down Cynthia’s body while fingering her own sex hole as the two reached a fever pitch. “Cynthia you’re so good!” “Aaah Severa!” Cynthia began squirting all over Severa like a waterfall as she arched her back. “O-Oh gods what are you-Aaaah!” Severa climaxed as well and let her fluids pour all over Cynthia’s crotch. Severa rolled off of Cynthia’s front and lay by her side; panting. “Haaaah Cynthia . . . I’m so finished. I’ll never move again.” Severa said to Cynthia, almost inaudibly. Cynthia peered over to Severa with an awkward smile. “I’m s-seriously about to pop. So tired too . . . Just stay here for the night, Severa. I doubt anyone will bother us this late anyway.” Severa giggled. “I suppose this makes us a bit . . . More than just friends, huh? Cynthia?” Severa looked over to her friend and saw that she had fallen asleep. “Hehe. That’s cute. What a silly girl.” Severa sat up and attempted to put on her clothes. Her belly hung out of her shirt as she struggled with her pants. “Oomph. These damned things!” After several minutes of struggling; Severa was unable to button her pants and admitted defeat. “I’m just gonna . . . Pass out here then.” Severa let out a heavy sigh as she stole Cynthia’s bed and fell into a deep sleep. “Heeeey you can’ do that. That’s mine . . .” A groggy Cynthia crawled over to the bed and barely managed to pull herself up to sleep on top of Severa; falling into a deep sleep. lesbian belly stuffing