jsk studio translated >Here's every translated and uncensored JSK game. https://mega.co.nz/#!MtpH1Q6Z!adQ1wkbRbbhaAmupFm8wVdxr4-0Ex3C88BUooazlI1o >This is a game called Dragon Bride -- very good. Uncensored and translated. https://mega.co.nz/#!19IBDJKK!zhih0SB7MnSXsKqq49NGCU6uvFr-y_QfRrDOLSh53wE >Made by the same person that did Dragon Bride, this is The Hero of Numbness. Uncensored and translated. https://mega.co.nz/#!As5xiZwJ!huVkhemMwjS3qjNimjYeEB3hnRIaJg6GfoFrTuO_WN4 jsk studio translated How to get it? jsk studio translated >...And its less story-inclined sequel, uncensored, but nothing to really translate. https://mega.co.nz/#!V84CVBZC!bWYPhnIUEbIj0nXPxKTFqemQIiRrz2LglDfg568nUa8 >My final contribution from Pabisshu, Queen Hunt. https://mega.co.nz/#!RhxVGDBD!LcJaPWuNqn0ohuOkZvCgfxnv4YpYS76WRf_RX1yX6FU >An old favorite, Kasumi Rebirth, uncensored and translated for your convenience. jsk studio translated How to use it? jsk studio translated https://mega.co.nz/#!R8hBFZoY!8J9hlqrPJeAZW0H0dj2wWidzKp5x_ob8_8FfKZbFc_o >This is a flash involving the young Roll from the popular Megaman series. Uncensored and translated of course. https://mega.co.nz/#!M5h1mbDI!b1cX4MAFKJXIJkwvvdgmQmSCxzRfE5tcSPa66WKKL9g >Another oldie you may be familiar with, Robozou, the story of a young boy and his robot creating a harem. Uncensored and translated. https://mega.co.nz/#!E9oThT6S!97L3UFwnNNNONmOsWZxMMkW6dYTkXMfrPlMjy2esuOg jsk studio translated How to get it? jsk studio translated >Finally, a game where you assume the role of Ika Musume (squid girl) as she works out some frustrations. Translated and uncensored. https://mega.co.nz/#!ox4TBCLA!tz6d_WIGayTVnbg8oKkzzJmxvUor9Sr5msXXEsTbjAM >> Anonymous 03/21/15(Sat)06:10:16 No.3914675▶>>3914765 >>3915315 >>3914667 >>3914668 Ah, I forgot this one. My apologies. jsk studio translated How to use it? jsk studio translated >All the Koooonsoft games, uncensored. Passwords are included in folders as text files where applicable. https://mega.co.nz/#!VlwhQKRI!oWmaN3P2LGhPHYRr1-1ljVGwJPgShrHNLAl78qzMgKs jsk studio translated