iathegame https-strict: behind-the-scene false matrix-off: about-scheme true matrix-off: behind-the-scene true matrix-off: chrome-extension-scheme true matrix-off: chrome-scheme true matrix-off: moz-extension-scheme true matrix-off: opera-scheme true matrix-off: wyciwyg-scheme true noscript-spoof: * true referrer-spoof: * true referrer-spoof: behind-the-scene false iathegame How to get it for free? iathegame * * * block * * css allow * * frame block * * image allow * 1st-party * allow * 1st-party frame allow * ajax.googleapis.com script allow * code.jquery.com * allow * connect.facebook.net script block * github.com * allow iathegame How to get it? iathegame * googlevideo.com * allow * i.imgur.com media allow * my.mixtape.moe * allow * openload.co frame allow * openload.co media allow * openload.co script allow * platform.twitter.com script block * slot1-images.wikia.nocookie.net script allow * trends.google.com * block * tt1.openload.co xhr allow iathegame How to use it? iathegame * www.facebook.com frame block * www.google-analytics.com script block * www.google.com frame allow * www.google.com media allow * www.google.com script allow * www.google.com xhr allow * www.gstatic.com script allow * www.youtube.com frame allow * www.youtube.com script allow * www.youtube.com xhr allow iathegame How to get it? 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iathegame imageshack.com connect.facebook.net * block imageshack.com imageshack.us * allow imageshack.com www.facebook.com * block instagram.com instagram.fbaq2-2.fna.fbcdn.net media allow instagram.com instagram.fbaq6-1.fna.fbcdn.net media allow jav.watch * frame allow jav.watch * script allow jav.watch * xhr allow jav.watch openload.co cookie block jav.watch openload.co frame allow iathegame How to dowload it? iathegame jav.watch openload.co media allow jav.watch openload.co script allow jav.watch tt1.openload.co xhr allow kdenlive.org * frame allow knowyourmeme.com * script allow krita.org googlevideo.com * allow krita.org www.youtube.com frame allow krita.org youtube.com * allow krita.org youtube.com cookie block kurayamireborn.com code.jquery.com script allow iathegame How to dowload it? iathegame live.com * script allow live.com * xhr allow mangarock.com * xhr allow mcedit.net * script allow mcedit.net api.github.com xhr allow mega.nz * xhr allow mega.nz g.api.mega.co.nz xhr allow mega.nz gfs270n174.userstorage.mega.co.nz xhr allow mega.nz na.static.mega.co.nz xhr allow mega.nz w.api.mega.co.nz xhr allow iathegame How to dowload it? 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iathegame reddit.com imgur.com frame allow reddit.com imgur.com script allow reddit.com p.imgur.com image allow reddit.com thumbs.gfycat.com media allow reddit.com v.redd.it media allow reddit.com v.redd.it xhr allow reddit.com www.redditmedia.com frame allow reddit.com www.redditmedia.com script allow rutracker.org cse.google.com script allow rutracker.org static.t-ru.org script allow iathegame PasteShr iathegame soundcloud.com * script allow soundcloud.com cf-hls-media.sndcdn.com xhr allow soundcloud.com wis.sndcdn.com xhr allow spcr.netlify.com * script allow spcr.netlify.com * xhr allow speedruns.com * script allow speedtest.net * script allow speedtest.net * xhr allow startpage.com * xhr allow startpage.com manifest.googlevideo.com xhr allow iathegame How to get it for free? iathegame startpage.com s.ytimg.com script allow startpage.com www.youtube-nocookie.com * allow startpage.com www.youtube-nocookie.com frame allow startpage.com youtube-nocookie.com * allow steamcommunity.com steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net script allow steampowered.com * script allow steampowered.com steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net media allow tcrf.net www.youtube.com frame allow tcrf.net www.youtube.com script allow tumangaonline.me * script allow iathegame How to get it? iathegame tumangaonline.me ad.nakamasweb.com script block tumangaonline.me ads.vidoomy.com script block tumbex.com * xhr allow tumbex.com krekk0v.tumblr.com script allow tumbex.com thickerella1.tumblr.com script allow tumbex.com tumblr.com * allow twitter.com * script allow twitter.com video.twimg.com media allow twitter.com video.twimg.com xhr allow txtchan.org * frame allow iathegame PasteShr iathegame txtchan.org 4-ch.net frame allow txtchan.org 4-ch.net script allow txtchan.org dis.4ct.org frame allow udp.jp * script allow unilago.com * script allow watchjavonline.com * script allow watchjavonline.com 1fgqfve.oloadcdn.net media allow watchjavonline.com openload.co xhr allow whatanime.ga anilist.co cookie allow whatanime.ga www.youtube.com frame allow iathegame How to use it? iathegame whatanime.ga www.youtube.com script allow wikia.com slot1-images.wikia.nocookie.net script allow wikipedia.org login.wikimedia.org script allow wikipedia.org meta.wikimedia.org script allow wikipedia.org upload.wikimedia.org media allow winehq.org * script allow wordpress.com * script allow xvideos.com hls-hw.xvideos-cdn.com * allow xvideos.com hls2-l3.xvideos-cdn.com xhr allow xvideos.com hls4-l3.xvideos-cdn.com xhr allow iathegame PasteShr iathegame xvideos.com img-egc.xvideos-cdn.com * allow xvideos.com img-hw.xvideos-cdn.com media allow xvideos.com img-hw.xvideos-cdn.com xhr allow xvideos.com img-l3.xvideos-cdn.com media allow xvideos.com img-l3.xvideos-cdn.com xhr allow xvideos.com static-egc.xvideos-cdn.com script allow xvideos.com static-egc.xvideos-cdn.com xhr allow xvideos.com vid-egc.xvideos-cdn.com xhr allow youtube.com g.doubleclick.net * block youtube.com googlevideo.com * allow iathegame How to get it? iathegame youtube.com s.ytimg.com script allow youtube.com s.ytimg.com xhr allow iathegame