hungry decapitant Foxglove loot A hungry decapitant. Which is a decapitated Monkey Head with an attached bellpull. When the attached rope is pulled, the head gives out a shrill simian shriek akin to an alarm spell. It’s worth 500 gp. Iesha's Scarf. Beautifully patterend work of art worth 100gp. An old painting of a bullfight. The painting bears a plaque that reads “Throwdown in Swynetown,” and in the painting, vast crowds jeer and cheer the bullfighter on, the huge bull aurochs towering over him, its cruel forward-jutting horns each the length of a spear. Dozens of bodies lie in the streets—the aurochs has clearly rampaged through them already, and although a score of brightly colored spears jut from the creature’s flanks and back, it still rages on. This painting is, in fact, an original work by renowned Magnimarian artist Andosalu, worth 600 gp. Three stacks of coins (20 pp in all), two vials that once contained doses of pesh but now contain only a foulsmelling and worthless residue, and a copper key to Vorel’s workshop (area B29)—it also opens the lock in the stone door to area B37. Some books on Shoanti tribal cultures and history, along with numerous maps of mysterious realms and nautical charts. None of the books are particularly valuable. hungry decapitant How to use it? hungry decapitant The scroll cases contain more maps, along with a scroll of lightning bolt and a scroll of keen edge. A very fine silver dinner set, with an exceptionally large silver salver and a dozen crystal decanters. The set as a whole is worth 1,000 gp. A small clay urn stuffed with some dried pine cones and three small violet garnets worth 100 gp each. Eight fine vintages of wine from the famed Vigardeis vineyard in distant Cheliax. Each bottle is worth 100 gp. A pearl ring worth 300 gp, an adamantine longsword, a hat of disguise, and a scattering of 56 gp. a +1 heavy pick. hungry decapitant How to get it? hungry decapitant +1 leather armor, +1 war razor, ring of jumping, ring of protection +1, stalker’s mask, extravagant noble’s outfit worth 200 gp, cameo worth 100 gp containing tiny portrait of PC, key to area B29. If cleaned, the portrait of Iesha is worth 200 gp. A small silver key ring worth 10 gp sits on the table amid the rotten meat, with two keys on the ring. The larger of these two is a tarnished iron key set with a round opal worth 100 gp-- It leads to no rooms in the house, and is probably important, judging from teh appearance of the key it seems to open a front door. though not to this house. The smaller key is made of bronze and has an unusually long tang ending in a set of three notched blades. The head of this key resembles a roaring lion. This key also fails to open anything in foxglove manor. It's more like the key to a small chest or cache. There's also a mold-encrusted but still functional chime of opening (5 charges), the same one used over 60 years ago by Kasanda Foxglove to enter her husband’s secret world. Non-Default loot: Robe of Infinite Twine 1k hungry decapitant How to dowload it? hungry decapitant Bladed belt 2k Campfire Bead 720gp Belt of Tumbling 800gp Trapspringer's Glove 4k Boots of Levitation 7.5k Rope of Climbing 3k Page of Spell Knowledge 1st - Magic Weapon 1k Elven Chain 5.150k +1 Throwing rapier 8k Shatterspike 4.315k hungry decapitant How to get it? hungry decapitant Minor Rod of Disruptive Spell 3k Ring of Spell Knowledge I 1.5k hungry decapitant