hcbb 9v9 script local set = { AutoAimBat = false; AutoHitBat = true; WindupDist = 67; HitDist = 14; BallEsp = true; YOffset = -10; OnlyHitInBox = true; AimWithMouse = true; showBoundsAndPrediction = true; } hcbb 9v9 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 script local function find_constant(func, sig) local s = "9271YE7DGWDAHSDBSSS" for i,v in ipairs(getconstants(func)) do if tostring(v):find(sig) then return true end end return false end hcbb 9v9 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 script local theBall = nil; local tweenSpeed = 0 local Circle = Drawing.new("Circle") Circle.Visible = true Circle.Thickness = 2 Circle.Radius = 10 Circle.Color = Color3.new(0,255,0) hcbb 9v9 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 script local PredictionCircle = Drawing.new("Circle") PredictionCircle.Visible = true PredictionCircle.Thickness = 2 PredictionCircle.Radius = 30 PredictionCircle.Color = Color3.new(255,0,0) local InsidePredictionCircle = Drawing.new("Circle") InsidePredictionCircle.Visible = true InsidePredictionCircle.Thickness = 2 InsidePredictionCircle.Filled = true hcbb 9v9 script How to dowload it? hcbb 9v9 script InsidePredictionCircle.Transparency = 0.5 InsidePredictionCircle.Radius = 30 InsidePredictionCircle.Color = Color3.new(255,0,0) local part = _G.Part or Instance.new("Part") _G.Part = part part.Anchored = true part.Size = Vector3.new(0.5,0.5,0.5) part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really red") part.CanCollide = false hcbb 9v9 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 script part.Transparency = set.showBoundsAndPrediction and 0.35 or 1 --part.Parent = workspace local currentPathTable = {} local predictedPos = Vector3.new() local founditthing = false local lastTick = 0 local old hcbb 9v9 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 script old = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...) if not checkcaller() and getnamecallmethod() == "Clone" and self and self.Parent and self.Parent.Name == "Ball" then if tick() > lastTick + 2 then lastTick = tick() theBall = self.Parent end end return old(self, ...) end) hcbb 9v9 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 script local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera for i,v in ipairs(getgc(true)) do if type(v) == 'function' and islclosure(v) and not (syn and is_synapse_function or Krnl and iskrnlclosure)(v) then if tostring(getfenv(v).script) == "GoFirst" then for a,c in pairs(getupvalues(v)) do if type(c) == 'function' and islclosure(c) and find_constant(c, "NextNumber") and (find_constant(c, "abs") or find_constant(c, "sin")) then setupvalue(v, a, function() return Vector3.new() end) end end hcbb 9v9 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 script end elseif type(v) == 'table' and rawget(v, "GetPos") then local old = v.SetPitchtab v["SetPitchtab"] = function(self, thingy) delay(0.1, function() if not workspace.Ignore:FindFirstChild("BGUI") then return end local borderBox = workspace.Ignore.BGUI.BlackBoarder local closestMag = math.huge hcbb 9v9 script How to dowload it? hcbb 9v9 script local newPos = Vector3.new() for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do local pos = v:GetPos(i, currentPathTable, false, nil, thingy) if pos and pos.p ~= Vector3.new(0,0,0) then local mag = (pos.p - borderBox.Position).Magnitude if mag < closestMag then closestMag = mag newPos = pos.p end end hcbb 9v9 script How to get it? hcbb 9v9 script end if newPos ~= Vector3.new() then PredictionCircle.Visible = set.showBoundsAndPrediction InsidePredictionCircle.Visible = set.showBoundsAndPrediction local pos, isInScreen = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(newPos) PredictionCircle.Position = Vector2.new(pos.x, pos.y) InsidePredictionCircle.Position = Vector2.new(pos.x, pos.y) --part.Position = newPos predictedPos = newPos hcbb 9v9 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 script else PredictionCircle.Visible = false InsidePredictionCircle.Visible = false end end) return old(self, thingy) end end end hcbb 9v9 script How to dowload it? hcbb 9v9 script game.ReplicatedStorage.RESC.SEVREPBALLTHROW.OnClientEvent:connect(function(_, p219) currentPathTable = p219 end) local mouse = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local smoothness = 1 local toChange = nil local hasWindedUp = false local hasSwang = false local aiming = false hcbb 9v9 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 script local tween local completedTween function actuallyAim() if theBall ~= nil and theBall.Parent ~= nil then local toAimAt = theBall.Position if predictedPos and predictedPos ~= Vector3.new() then toAimAt = predictedPos end hcbb 9v9 script How to get it? hcbb 9v9 script local ballPos = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(toAimAt + Vector3.new(0,-theBall.Size.Y/2,0)) local mousePos = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(mouse.Hit.p) local aimAt = Vector2.new() local normalPos = Vector2.new(ballPos.X, ballPos.Y) local diff if toChange then local cursorV2 = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(toChange.Position + Vector3.new(0, toChange.Size.Y/2, 0)) local myMousePos = Vector2.new(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y) local cursorPos = Vector2.new(cursorV2.X, cursorV2.Y) hcbb 9v9 script How to dowload it? hcbb 9v9 script local difference = (myMousePos - cursorPos) normalPos = normalPos + difference + Vector2.new(0, set.YOffset) diff = difference end aimAt = normalPos local shouldAim = false if set.AutoHitBat then local toMag = workspace.Plates.SwingTarget.Position if predictedPos and predictedPos ~= Vector3.new() then hcbb 9v9 script How to get it? hcbb 9v9 script toMag = predictedPos end local ballMag = (theBall.Position - toMag).Magnitude if ballMag <= set.WindupDist and not hasWindedUp then hasWindedUp = true mouse1click() end if hasWindedUp and not hasSwang then local borderBox = workspace.Ignore.BGUI.BlackBoarder local ballPos = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(toAimAt) hcbb 9v9 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 script local BorderPositions = { TopLeft = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(borderBox.Position + Vector3.new(0,borderBox.Size.Y/2 + 0.2 + 0.25,borderBox.Size.X/2 + 0.2+ 0.25)), TopRight = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(borderBox.Position + Vector3.new(0,borderBox.Size.Y/2 + 0.2+ 0.25,-borderBox.Size.X/2 - 0.2 - 0.25)), BottomRight = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(borderBox.Position + Vector3.new(0,-borderBox.Size.Y/2 - 0.2 - 0.25,-borderBox.Size.X/2 - 0.2 - 0.25)), BottomLeft = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(borderBox.Position + Vector3.new(0,-borderBox.Size.Y/2 - 0.2 - 0.25,borderBox.Size.X/2 + 0.2 + 0.25)), } local parts = _G.parts or { TopLeft = Instance.new("Part"), TopRight = Instance.new("Part"), hcbb 9v9 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 script BottomLeft = Instance.new("Part"), BottomRight = Instance.new("Part") } _G.parts = parts for i,v in pairs(parts) do v.Anchored = true v.CanCollide = false v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Cyan") v.Size = Vector3.new(0.25,0.25,0.25) hcbb 9v9 script How to dowload it? hcbb 9v9 script v.Transparency = set.showBoundsAndPrediction and 0.1 or 1 --v.Parent = workspace end if set.showBoundsAndPrediction then _G.Part.Transparency = 0.35 else _G.Part.Transparency = 1 end hcbb 9v9 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 script parts.TopLeft.Position = borderBox.Position + Vector3.new(0,borderBox.Size.Y/2 + 0.2 + 0.25,borderBox.Size.X/2 + 0.2 + 0.25) parts.TopRight.Position = borderBox.Position + Vector3.new(0,borderBox.Size.Y/2 + 0.2 + 0.25,-borderBox.Size.X/2 - 0.2 - 0.25) parts.BottomRight.Position = borderBox.Position + Vector3.new(0,-borderBox.Size.Y/2 - 0.2,-borderBox.Size.X/2 - 0.2 - 0.25) parts.BottomLeft.Position = borderBox.Position + Vector3.new(0,-borderBox.Size.Y/2 - 0.2,borderBox.Size.X/2 + 0.2 + 0.25) --TopLeft if not set.OnlyHitInBox or (ballPos.X <= BorderPositions.TopRight.X and ballPos.X >= BorderPositions.TopLeft.X and ballPos.Y <= BorderPositions.BottomRight.Y and ballPos.Y >= BorderPositions.TopRight.Y) then shouldAim = true hcbb 9v9 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 script if ballMag <= set.HitDist then mouse1click() end end hasSwang = true delay(2, function() hcbb 9v9 script How to dowload it? hcbb 9v9 script hasSwang = false hasWindedUp = false theBall = nil end) end end if set.AimWithMouse and not aiming and theBall then aiming = true local CFValue = Instance.new("CFrameValue") hcbb 9v9 script How to dowload it? hcbb 9v9 script CFValue.Value = CFrame.new(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y, 0) local con = true if tweenSpeed ~= 0 then tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(CFValue, TweenInfo.new(tweenSpeed, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad), {Value = CFrame.new(aimAt.X, aimAt.Y, 0)}) tween:Play() completedTween = tween.Completed:Connect(function() con = false delay(2, function() hcbb 9v9 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 script aiming = false end) end) theBall.Changed:Connect(function() if theBall and theBall.Parent then tween:Pause() local toAimAt = theBall.Position if predictedPos and predictedPos ~= Vector3.new() then toAimAt = predictedPos hcbb 9v9 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 script end local ballPos = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(toAimAt + Vector3.new(0,-theBall.Size.Y/2,0)) local mousePos = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(mouse.Hit.p) local aimAt = Vector2.new() local normalPos = Vector2.new(ballPos.X, ballPos.Y) local diff if toChange then local cursorV2 = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(toChange.Position + Vector3.new(0, toChange.Size.Y/2, 0)) local myMousePos = Vector2.new(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y) local cursorPos = Vector2.new(cursorV2.X, cursorV2.Y) hcbb 9v9 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 script local difference = (myMousePos - cursorPos) normalPos = normalPos + difference + Vector2.new(0, set.YOffset) diff = difference end aimAt = normalPos tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(CFValue, TweenInfo.new(tweenSpeed, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad), {Value = CFrame.new(aimAt.X, aimAt.Y, 0)}) tween:Play() hcbb 9v9 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 script completedTween:Disconnect() completedTween = tween.Completed:Connect(function() con = false delay(2, function() aiming = false end) end) end end) spawn(function() hcbb 9v9 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 script while con do task.wait() mousemoveabs(CFValue.Value.X, CFValue.Value.Y) end end) else aiming = false mousemoveabs(aimAt.X, aimAt.Y) mousemoverel(1,1) end hcbb 9v9 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 script end end end local specialTable = {} for i,v in ipairs(getgc(true)) do if type(v) == 'table' and rawget(v, "CENT_VECTOR2_1") then specialTable = v end end hcbb 9v9 script How to get it? hcbb 9v9 script local Mouse, Backup = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse(); Backup = hookmetamethod(Mouse, "__index", newcclosure(function(self, idx) if not checkcaller() and idx == "X" and theBall then local ballPos = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(theBall.Position) local offset = rawget(specialTable, "CENT_VECTOR2_1") if offset and set.AutoAimBat then return ballPos.X - offset.X end hcbb 9v9 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 script end; if not checkcaller() and idx == "Y" and theBall then local ballPos = camera:WorldToScreenPoint(theBall.Position) local offset = rawget(specialTable, "CENT_VECTOR2_1") if offset and set.AutoAimBat then return ballPos.Y - offset.Y end end; return Backup(self, idx); hcbb 9v9 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 script end)); local function setToChange(self) if self.ClassName == "Part" and self.Name ~= "Shad" and self.Name ~= "Self" and self.Name ~= "HitTracker" then self:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CFrame"):Connect(function() toChange = self end) end end for i,v in ipairs(workspace.Ignore:GetChildren()) do hcbb 9v9 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 script setToChange(v) end workspace.Ignore.ChildAdded:Connect(setToChange) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function() if theBall == nil or theBall.Parent == nil then Circle.Visible = false else actuallyAim() Circle.Visible = set.BallEsp hcbb 9v9 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 script local pos, isInScreen = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(theBall.Position) Circle.Position = Vector2.new(pos.x, pos.y) end end) hcbb 9v9 script