hcbb 9v9 2.0 script --Aimbot Options local AimbotEnabled=true local NoKillList={Sutic=true,LolUrGarbage=true,Flawless_Nick=true} local AimBotting=true local AimAtTorso=false local AimbotIgnoreWalls=true local AimbotTeamCheck=false local AimbotFriendCheck=true local AimAhead=false--WIP. For games like Anarchy (Cannonical's). local currchar hcbb 9v9 2.0 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 2.0 script local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") function SetHatTrans(trans) for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren())do if v and v:IsA("Accessory")then v.Handle.LocalTransparencyModifier = trans end end end hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to dowload it? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script --aimbot do if AimbotEnabled then spawn(function() print("Loading AimBot 1.0") hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script local cast=workspace.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList local ray=Ray.new local MAX_ITERATIONS=30 local function PiercingCast(p0,p1,ignore) local Part local i=0 repeat i=i+1 local cond=(p1-p0).magnitude<999 hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script Part,p0=cast(workspace,ray(p0,cond and p1-p0 or (p1-p0).unit*999),ignore) if Part then if Part.CanCollide==false or Part.Transparency==1 then ignore[#ignore+1]=Part Part=nil end elseif cond or i>MAX_ITERATIONS then break end until Part hcbb 9v9 2.0 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 2.0 script return Part,p0 end local Camera=workspace.CurrentCamera local Player=game.Players.LocalPlayer local ptor=Player.Character.Torso local canaim=true local dist=0 game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function() if canaim then hcbb 9v9 2.0 script PasteShr hcbb 9v9 2.0 script if AimBotting or AutoAimBot then local p=game.Players:GetPlayers() local d,t=-1 local c=Camera.CoordinateFrame local tor local enemyplr local char for i=1,#p do local ch=p[i].Character if p[i]~=Player hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to dowload it? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script and ch:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and ch:FindFirstChild("Torso") and ch.Humanoid.Health>0 and not (AimbotTeamCheck and Player.TeamColor==p[i].TeamColor or NoKillList[p[i].Name]) then local tp=AimAtTorso and ch.Torso.Position or ch.Torso.CFrame*Vector3.new(0,1.5,0) local HitPart=PiercingCast(c.p,tp,{Camera,Player.Character}) if not (AimbotIgnoreWalls and HitPart) or ch:IsAncestorOf(HitPart) then local m=(tp-c.p).unit:Dot(c.lookVector) if m==m and m>d then d,t=m,tp hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script tor=ch.Torso char=ch enemyplr=p[i] currchar=ch end end end end if t then hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script -- local vel=(cf(tor.CFrame)):inverse()*(tor.Position+tor.Velocity) --local offset=((Vector3.new((vel.x/10),0,math.min(math.max((vel.z/10),-1),1)))) if AimbotFriendCheck and Player:IsFriendsWith(enemyplr.UserId) then else if AimbotEnabled then local mult=char.Humanoid:GetState()==Enum.HumanoidStateType.Seated and 6 or 5.25 local mult2=char.Humanoid:GetState()==Enum.HumanoidStateType.Seated and 2 or 1 local aheadoffset=((tor.Velocity)).unit*(mult)*mult2--((tor.Velocity*50)).unit*mult --aheadoffset=AimAhead and aheadoffset or Vector3.new(0,0,0) hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script if AimAhead and (tor.Velocity*Vector3.new(1,0,1)).magnitude>0.1 then Camera.CoordinateFrame=CFrame.new(Camera.Focus.p,t+aheadoffset)*CFrame.new(0,0,0.5) else Camera.CoordinateFrame=CFrame.new(Camera.Focus.p,t)*CFrame.new(0,0,0.5) end dist=((tor.CFrame.p-ptor.CFrame.p).magnitude) end end end SetHatTrans(1) hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to get it? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script uis.MouseBehavior = "LockCenter" else SetHatTrans(0) --uis.MouseBehavior = "Default" end end end) local Hint=Camera:FindFirstChild("Message") or Instance.new("Hint",Camera) hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to get it for free? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script local m=Player:GetMouse() m.Button2Down:connect(function() AimBotting=true print("AimBotting") end) m.Button2Up:connect(function() AimBotting=false print("Idle") end) hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to get it? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script m.KeyDown:connect(function(k) if not canaim then return end if k=="b" then AimAtTorso=not AimAtTorso print("Aiming for:",AimAtTorso and "Torso" or "Head") elseif k=="n" then AimbotIgnoreWalls=not AimbotIgnoreWalls print("RayCastCheck:",AimbotIgnoreWalls) elseif k=="m" then AimbotTeamCheck=not AimbotTeamCheck hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to get it? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script print("AimbotTeamCheck:",AimbotTeamCheck) elseif k=="k" then AutoAimBot=not AutoAimBot print("AutoAimBot:",AutoAimBot) elseif k=="h" and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local h=Player.Character.Humanoid h.Health=h.MaxHealth elseif k:lower()=='p'then canaim=false dist=0 hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script script:Destroy() script.Disabled=true elseif k:lower()=='f'then AimbotFriendCheck=not AimbotFriendCheck elseif k:lower()=='j'then AimAhead=not AimAhead elseif k:lower()=='z'then canaim=not canaim end Hint.Parent=Camera hcbb 9v9 2.0 script How to use it? hcbb 9v9 2.0 script Hint.Text="Aiming part: "..(AimAtTorso and "Torso" or "Head").." RayCastCheck: "..tostring(AimbotIgnoreWalls).." AimbotTeamCheck: "..tostring(AimbotTeamCheck).." AutoAimBot: "..tostring(AutoAimBot)..' Friend Check: '..tostring(AimbotFriendCheck)..' Aim Ahead: '..tostring(AimAhead)..' Dist: '..tostring(dist) end) print("Loaded AimBot 1.0") return true end) end end hcbb 9v9 2.0 script