gun testing script pastebin wait(0.2) Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui Cam = workspace.CurrentCamera Backpack = Player.Backpack Character = Player.Character Humanoid = Character.Humanoid Mouse = Player:GetMouse() RootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart Torso = Character.Torso Head = Character.Head gun testing script pastebin How to get it for free? gun testing script pastebin RightArm = Character["Right Arm"] LeftArm = Character["Left Arm"] RightLeg = Character["Right Leg"] LeftLeg = Character["Left Leg"] RootJoint = RootPart.RootJoint Neck = Torso.Neck RightShoulder = Torso["Right Shoulder"] LeftShoulder = Torso["Left Shoulder"] RightHip = Torso["Right Hip"] LeftHip = Torso["Left Hip"] gun testing script pastebin How to get it? gun testing script pastebin local LastBolt local LightningBolts = {} local GunPoint IT = CF = VT = RAD = math.rad C3 = UD2 = BRICKC = gun testing script pastebin PasteShr gun testing script pastebin ANGLES = CFrame.Angles EULER = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ COS = math.cos ACOS = math.acos SIN = math.sin ASIN = math.asin ABS = math.abs MRANDOM = math.random FLOOR = math.floor function CreateMesh(MESH, PARENT, MESHTYPE, MESHID, TEXTUREID, SCALE, OFFSET) gun testing script pastebin PasteShr gun testing script pastebin local NEWMESH = IT(MESH) if MESH == "SpecialMesh" then NEWMESH.MeshType = MESHTYPE if MESHID ~= "nil" and MESHID ~= "" then NEWMESH.MeshId = "" .. MESHID end if TEXTUREID ~= "nil" and TEXTUREID ~= "" then NEWMESH.TextureId = "" .. TEXTUREID end end gun testing script pastebin How to get it for free? gun testing script pastebin NEWMESH.Offset = OFFSET or VT(0, 0, 0) NEWMESH.Scale = SCALE NEWMESH.Parent = PARENT return NEWMESH end function CreatePart(FORMFACTOR, PARENT, MATERIAL, REFLECTANCE, TRANSPARENCY, BRICKCOLOR, NAME, SIZE, ANCHOR) local NEWPART = IT("Part") NEWPART.formFactor = FORMFACTOR NEWPART.Reflectance = REFLECTANCE NEWPART.Transparency = TRANSPARENCY gun testing script pastebin How to dowload it? gun testing script pastebin NEWPART.CanCollide = false NEWPART.Locked = true NEWPART.Anchored = true if ANCHOR == false then NEWPART.Anchored = false end NEWPART.BrickColor = BRICKC(tostring(BRICKCOLOR)) NEWPART.Name = NAME NEWPART.Size = SIZE NEWPART.Position = Torso.Position gun testing script pastebin How to get it for free? gun testing script pastebin NEWPART.Material = MATERIAL NEWPART:BreakJoints() NEWPART.Parent = PARENT return NEWPART end Player_Size = 1 Animation_Speed = 3 Frame_Speed = 0.016666666666666666 local Speed = 16 local Effects2 = {} gun testing script pastebin How to get it for free? gun testing script pastebin local weldBetween = function(a, b) local weldd ="ManualWeld") weldd.Part0 = a weldd.Part1 = b weldd.C0 = weldd.C1 = b.CFrame:inverse() * a.CFrame weldd.Parent = a return weldd end function createaccessory(attachmentpart, mesh, texture, scale, offset, color) gun testing script pastebin How to dowload it? gun testing script pastebin local acs ="Part") acs.CanCollide = false acs.Anchored = false acs.Size =, 0, 0) acs.CFrame = attachmentpart.CFrame acs.Parent = Character acs.BrickColor = color local meshs ="SpecialMesh") meshs.MeshId = mesh meshs.TextureId = texture gun testing script pastebin How to dowload it? gun testing script pastebin meshs.Parent = acs meshs.Scale = scale meshs.Offset = offset weldBetween(attachmentpart, acs) end function createbodypart(TYPE, COLOR, PART, OFFSET, SIZE) if TYPE == "Gem" then local acs = CreatePart(3, Character, "Plastic", 0, 0, COLOR, "Part", VT(0, 0, 0)) acs.Anchored = false acs.CanCollide = false gun testing script pastebin How to use it? gun testing script pastebin acs.CFrame = PART.CFrame local acs2 = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", acs, "FileMesh", "9756362", "", SIZE, OFFSET) weldBetween(PART, acs) elseif TYPE == "Skull" then local acs = CreatePart(3, Character, "Plastic", 0, 0, COLOR, "Part", VT(0, 0, 0)) acs.Anchored = false acs.CanCollide = false acs.CFrame = PART.CFrame local acs2 = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", acs, "FileMesh", "4770583", "", SIZE, OFFSET) weldBetween(PART, acs) gun testing script pastebin How to dowload it? gun testing script pastebin elseif TYPE == "Eye" then local acs = CreatePart(3, Character, "Neon", 0, 0, COLOR, "Part", VT(0, 0, 0)) acs.Anchored = false acs.CanCollide = false acs.CFrame = PART.CFrame local acs2 = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", acs, "Sphere", "", "", SIZE, OFFSET) weldBetween(PART, acs) end end gun testing script pastebin How to dowload it? gun testing script pastebin function BanishingBullet() ATTACK = true Rooted = false for i = 0, 0.4, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do Swait() turnto(Mouse.Hit.p) RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) gun testing script pastebin How to get it for free? gun testing script pastebin Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(90)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.6, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-45), RAD(0), RAD(45)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) end repeat for i = 0, 0.2, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do Swait() turnto(Mouse.Hit.p) gun testing script pastebin PasteShr gun testing script pastebin RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(0), RAD(90)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.6, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-45), RAD(0), RAD(45)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) end CreateSound("238353911", GunPoint, 10, MRANDOM(9, 11) / 10) MagicSphere(VT(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), 45, GunPoint.CFrame, "Really red", VT(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) MagicSphere(VT(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), 45, GunPoint.CFrame, "Really red", VT(0.05, 0.05, 0.05)) gun testing script pastebin PasteShr gun testing script pastebin local RayHit, Way = CastProperRay(GunPoint.Position, Mouse.Hit.p, 1500, Character) local distance = (GunPoint.Position - Way).magnitude for i = 1, 5 do local laser ="Part", Effects) laser.Transparency = 0 laser.CanCollide = false laser.Anchored = true laser.Color = C3(1, 0, 0) laser.Material = "Neon" laser.formFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom gun testing script pastebin How to get it for free? gun testing script pastebin laser.Size =, 0.15, distance) laser.CFrame =, Way) *, 0, -distance / 2) MagicSphere(VT(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), 45, CF(Way), "Really red", VT(0.05, 0.05, 0.05)) for i = 1, 5 do MagicSphere(VT(0.2, 0.2, 1), 65, CF(CF(Way) * CF(MRANDOM(-1, 1), MRANDOM(-1, 1), MRANDOM(-1, 1)).p, Way), "Really red", VT(0.001, 0.001, 0), 0.5) end table.insert(Effects2, { laser, "Disappear", 0.1, gun testing script pastebin How to get it? gun testing script pastebin 1, 1, 1, 2 }) if RayHit ~= nil then local v = RayHit.Parent if v ~= nil and v.ClassName == "Model" then CastWarpOutlines(v) v.Parent = nil gun testing script pastebin How to use it? gun testing script pastebin if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then local Value = IT("BoolValue", Delete) Value.Name = v.Name end end end end for i = 0, 0.3, 0.1 / Animation_Speed do Swait() RootJoint.C0 = Clerp(RootJoint.C0, ROOTC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(90)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) gun testing script pastebin How to dowload it? gun testing script pastebin Neck.C0 = Clerp(Neck.C0, NECKC0 * CF(0, 0, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(0), RAD(-90)), 0.25 / Animation_Speed) RightShoulder.C0 = Clerp(RightShoulder.C0, CF(1.5, 0.5, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(90), RAD(15), RAD(90)) * RIGHTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) LeftShoulder.C0 = Clerp(LeftShoulder.C0, CF(-1.5, 0.6, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(-45), RAD(0), RAD(45)) * LEFTSHOULDERC0, 0.5 / Animation_Speed) RightHip.C0 = Clerp(RightHip.C0, CF(1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) LeftHip.C0 = Clerp(LeftHip.C0, CF(-1, -1, 0) * ANGLES(RAD(0), RAD(-90), RAD(0)) * ANGLES(RAD(-8), RAD(0), RAD(0)), 0.5 / Animation_Speed) end until KEYHOLD == false ATTACK = false Rooted = false end gun testing script pastebin How to dowload it? gun testing script pastebin function KeyDown(Key) KEYHOLD = true if Key == "z" and ATTACK == false then BanishingBullet() end function CheckIntangible(Hit) local ProjectileNames = { "Water", gun testing script pastebin PasteShr gun testing script pastebin "Arrow", "Projectile", "Effect", "Rail", "Lightning", "Bullet" } if Hit and Hit.Parent and (not Hit.CanCollide or CheckTableForString(ProjectileNames, Hit.Name)) and not Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return true end gun testing script pastebin How to dowload it? gun testing script pastebin return false end gun testing script pastebin