gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin Fallout 4 Mod Idea, text based script. "The GridIron" >Once Mod has been installed (I added no dialog for fred because, without the orignal fe/male actor, I felt like it would be immersion breaking. However, if dialog needed changed for simple yes/no answers or a system like previous fallouts/ skyrim, that would be to the creators intent) When the player character (named fred because it's easy to type) explores to the commonwealth, after defeating Kellog and making the prydwen appear over the airport, a new radio channel is found. It seems to be a broadcast of a spectacle. Most in the wasteland don't know what's being said, and the transmission is pretty garbled, but one can make out words through the noise..."interference!" "the 30, the 20" "Touchdown!!!" gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to get it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin Fred knows, however. Football was an a grand sport in his day, and he wondered if this was an old transmission on a loop, or if by some miracle someone in the wastes found a way to recreate this beautiful game. He was off, using the signal strength to determine the which way to go. As he moved ever closer, more unkown aspects could be heard of this 'football' til atlast a beacon of lights against the night sky can be seen. Ever brighter than diamond city. This is the home of the Harvard Crimson, this is Harvard Stadium. The stadium survived better than most areas of Boston. The arches could be made out although some patchwork of tin and spar building supplies were defintely used. As Fred approached cautiously towards the stadium entrance, he could hear the announcer over a speaker of some sorts and explosions and fans cheering. "Football too?! Nothing is sacred in this post apocalyptic future..." gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to dowload it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin Outside the entrance was a man dressed like he'd never seen. A tall black athletic man in some weird get-up, definitely not made for the wasteland, ran up to him. "Did you just come out there from the commonwealth? Did you see anyone dressed like me? My teams captain was supposed to be here by now, and it's not like her to be late.." A massive explosion could be heard from inside the stadium, a roar of a thousand raiders/settlers boomed louder than any mini-nuke Fred had ever heard.. gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to use it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin "Damn!" said the man, "the match is over! My team is up next and I'll be damned if I forfet, we'll have to play with a handicap, or....wait, YOU! Are you handy with a gun? Uhhh no time, look just follow me, it will be dangerous but if we win I'll pay you my weeks caps. Follow me" Fred followed him down a side entrance into the stadium, down into a locker room. Everyone inside was wearing the same get-up as the man who led him down there. "Did you find the captain Scott?" asked one of the team? "No, and we got no time, so I snagged this badass and planned on placing them on defense just so we're not a person down, I'll play captain. We got no choice. Go ahead and grab the spare suit out of the locker over there." gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to dowload it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin Fred placed on the weird pieced together football uniform and a man busted into the room. Everyone stared intently at this new individual wearing a suit. Scott boomed "Scorpions, listen up, an executive has just entered!" "Where's your captian? Oh nevermind, I see you got 11 people. You'll be going up against 'Beauties' Muties', kick off is in five." The executive exited the room, "Scorpions, Muties, what has became of football??" Fred thought as he turned to Scott. "Listen up! We've known for a long time now that the Muties would be our gut check, and the captain isn't here to give her normal ball busting speech. I'm no leader but now is the time for the radscorps to make a name for themselves! If gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to use it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin we beat these guys we're in the playoffs and nothing will stop us from taking home the trophy." The guys all bust through the locker door pumped up and ready for the game. Scott asks Fred to walk with him so he can explain. "Football was a game of gladiators back in the day. That's what we play. Some old ghouls apparently found a rule book here in the stadium and decided to revive the lost sport. It was pretty burnt and no one knows how to exactly play the game, but they filled in the gaps pretty good I think. Look, all you need to know is, there is a Football, a type of childs ball in the center of the Gridiron, our field of battle. You got two teams of 11 and the goal is to get the football to the enemy side of the field. First to score wins, in the rule book I think it's called 'sudden death' or something like gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to get it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin that. Think of it like delivering a frag to a raiders house. Now the enemy has the same goal as us so that's why we need defense. It's pretty simple, shoot any enemy you see. It can be hectic to make out who has the actual ball, but if you notice any of the other guys getting into our territory, they take priority. And shoot to kill. This is a dangerous sport but on defense it should pretty hard to get yourself killed." When Fred walked out he could see the crowd. Settlers, residents, gunnners, super mutants, synths, all of them there, cheering and screaming and shooting into the air. The announcer came over the loud speaker, "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the big game of the week! Playing without their captain, and a brand new bullet sponge, we have the deadly, the tenacious, the serious, "Lady Flayer's Radscorpions!" Fred walked up some stairs overlooking the field and stood on a raised platform at one end of the field. The spotlight was on them, and he no longer see outside of the stage. He could gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to dowload it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin hear the cheering a boos though. (Not sure if you can input stock cheers/boos simultaneously). The lights when dark, and on the other side another spotlight opened up on his obvious opponents..Supermutants. Centered on the stage, a large one wearing a pink dress. The announcer continued. "And on the otherside, we have the rough and tough, the evolution of revolution, yellow goddess and her band of death, ladies and gentelmen give it up for 'Beauties Muties'!!!" Same thing. "And now, it's time to start the game, player to your starting posistions, and prepare yourself for 'SUDDEN DEATH'. gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to get it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin Scott turns to Fred, "Just remember, shoot all of them, prioritize closest to farthest, use cover, don't die. If too many of us goes down, go on the offense and keep the pressure up. If your a good enough shot, take them all out and we can walk the ball in for a touchdown." And then scott made his way down. The areana was in fact a football field with lines seperating every five yards. There was no green grass however, just a dirty dusty field littered with debri covered with bullet holes. Fred stayed up top with one other member of the radscops and waited. Finally, a football is dropped from the loud speaker to the center of the areana, and both teams line up behind debri at the 30 yard lines. The announcer counted down from 3 and screamed Begin! gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin PasteShr gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin Basically its really a capture the flag. Ball is in the center, no one is essential, 'Beauty' and 'scott' have boss stats, and it would be up to the creator to figure out what role they play. This mod would rely heavily on enemy AI and I don't know if mod creators can manipulate them. It basically plays out as for this starting mission, you stay up top, and shoot them. Depending on how agressive the AI is, your team may get the ball 1st or the enemy. Pickup up is a simple button push and it's auto-placed in your inventory, once on the opposite end of the field, it's auto-taken out and game over. If you don't check your pip-boy, you may never even see it in your inventory. You can provide overwatch or run and gun ball home. On lower difficulties, player should easily be able to survive simply grabbing it at the start and running into the endzone. Eating all of the bullets along gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to use it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin the way. Would need to implement a looting system for enemies who died with the rock. Would also like to loot their bullets/weapons if possible. Keep the game fresh due to chance of legendary spawns. After you win, you're awarded caps. Team forgets about captain, maybe create a cave and place her in it as a story quest once team is superbowl champs. Team must play 3 more games in the story to be super bowl champs. Teams I've thought up is the 'oakland raiders' because raiders are so common, and boss name just happens to be oakland. Mini-nukes, a team of children model players and the boss is 'mini-me', but still use simple ballistic guns to keep things fair. I can't think of championship team. Maybe the gunners or a team of synths gone rogue from the institute. After that, it opens up to where the player can recruit for his own team. Maybe place certain tags on already made npcs or gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to get it for free? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin have brand new ones wandering the wastes, would definetly like it if a companion would be on the team. The butler robot would be too funny. Create as many pun-ridden teams as one can think of and have them cycle thru for just cap farming and fun. Could collab with other great mod makers to make more stadiums and more fun. After final story mission (Superbowl, or superbrawl?), player is asked by scott (who must be essential now that I think about it) to find the captain. Since I'm picturing no direct conversation with scott, maybe he just says'You know, captain said she was going to 'xxx', why hasn't she returned yet?' and that points the maker on map and starts quest. I don't know. Anyway, player finds captain, with a new weapon on her body. Thinking it's a junkjet type of weapon that shoots footballs out, should be able to buy them in stadium and maybe around the wastes. Weapon name 'The Peyton-Cannon'. Would love to see more nfl pun weapons. That would be awesome. gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin How to dowload it? gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin And that's basically the idea. A repeatable areana CTF match with the guise of Football. Throw in some adoring fans and sleezy execs and BADASS stadium and you got an amazing fun, fresh, mod. I have no idea the level of expertise or hours required to mod this. I play on the ps4 and I don't think my brick of a computer could run Fallout 4. gridiron football 2.0 script pastebin