games unite testing place script --Subscribe to Ducky Exploits local trial ="ScreenGui") local trialmain ="Frame") local trialtopbar ="Frame") local trialtitle ="TextLabel") local trialbuy ="TextLabel") local trrialaccept ="TextButton") trial.Name = "trial" trial.Parent = game.CoreGui trial.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script trialmain.Name = "trialmain" trialmain.Parent = trial trialmain.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(30, 30, 30) trialmain.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(26, 255, 160) trialmain.ClipsDescendants = true trialmain.Position =, 0, 0.422604412, 0) trialmain.Size =, 338, 0, 133) trialtopbar.Name = "trialtopbar" games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script trialtopbar.Parent = trialmain trialtopbar.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(35, 35, 35) trialtopbar.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(13, 13, 13) trialtopbar.Size =, 338, 0, 51) trialtitle.Name = "trialtitle" trialtitle.Parent = trialtopbar trialtitle.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) trialtitle.BackgroundTransparency = 1.000 trialtitle.Size =, 338, 0, 50) games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script trialtitle.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans trialtitle.Text = "uwuhub | trial" trialtitle.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(26, 255, 160) trialtitle.TextSize = 16.000 trialbuy.Name = "trialbuy" trialbuy.Parent = trialmain trialbuy.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) trialbuy.BackgroundTransparency = 1.000 trialbuy.Position =, 0, 0.375939846, 0) games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script trialbuy.Size =, 326, 0, 47) trialbuy.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans trialbuy.Text = "This is a uwuhub trial script! You can buy the full version which has many games and many more features at" trialbuy.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) trialbuy.TextSize = 14.000 trialbuy.TextWrapped = true trrialaccept.Name = "trrialaccept" trrialaccept.Parent = trialmain trrialaccept.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(50, 50, 50) games unite testing place script How to dowload it? games unite testing place script trrialaccept.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(13, 13, 13) trrialaccept.Position =, 0, 0.729323328, 0) trrialaccept.Size =, 326, 0, 30) trrialaccept.AutoButtonColor = false trrialaccept.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans trrialaccept.Text = "Okay" trrialaccept.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(200, 200, 200) trrialaccept.TextSize = 14.000 trrialaccept.MouseEnter:Connect(function() games unite testing place script How to get it for free? games unite testing place script game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(trrialaccept,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}):Play() end) trrialaccept.MouseLeave:Connect(function() game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(trrialaccept,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(200, 200, 200)}):Play() end) trrialaccept.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() trialmain:Destroy() local Services = setmetatable({ games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer, Mouse = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse(), Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera, },{ __index = function(self, idx) if game:GetService(idx) then return game:GetService(idx) elseif rawget(self, idx) then return rawget(self, idx) end games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script end }) local BulletData local CastBullet for i, v in pairs(getgc()) do if type(v) == "function" then for k, x in pairs(debug.getupvalues(v)) do if type(x) == "table" and rawget(x, "CastBullet") then games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script BulletData = x CastBullet = BulletData.CastBullet break end end end end local funcs = {} games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script local Library = loadstring(syn.request({Url = "", Method = "GET"}).Body)() local Settings = { Combat = { Aimbot = { Enabled = false, Silent = false, FOV = 200, Smoothness = 1, FOVCircle = { games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script Color =, 1, 1), Transparency = 1, Thickness = 1, Filled = false, NumSides = 100, }, }, }, Visuals = { ESP = { games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script Chams = { Enabled = false, Color3 =, 1, 1), Transparency = 0, AlwaysOnTop = true, }, }, }, PlayerCheats = { WalkSpeed = { games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script Enabled = false, Speed = 99, }, JumpPower = { Enabled = false, Height = 99, }, Gravity = { Enabled = false, Gravity = 0, games unite testing place script How to get it for free? games unite testing place script }, }, } local Main = Library:CreateWindow("games unite") local CombatTab = Main:CreateTab("Combat") local VisualsTab = Main:CreateTab("Visuals") local PlayerTab = Main:CreateTab("Player") local Aimbot = CombatTab:CreateSection("Aimbot") games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script local ESP = VisualsTab:CreateSection("ESP") local PlayerMain = PlayerTab:CreateSection("Main") ESP:CreateToggle("Chams Enabled", false, function(enabled) Settings.Visuals.ESP.Chams.Enabled = enabled end) ESP:CreateSlider("Chams Transparency", 0, 1, Settings.Visuals.ESP.Chams.Transparency, false, function(value) Settings.Visuals.ESP.Chams.Transparency = value end) games unite testing place script How to get it for free? games unite testing place script ESP:CreateColorPicker("Chams Color", Settings.Visuals.ESP.Chams.Color3, function(color) Settings.Visuals.ESP.Chams.Color3 = color end) ESP:CreateToggle("Chams Always On Top", true, function(enabled) Settings.Visuals.ESP.Chams.AlwaysOnTop = enabled end) PlayerMain:CreateToggle("Walkspeed Enabled", false, function(enabled) games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script Settings.PlayerCheats.WalkSpeed.Enabled = enabled end) PlayerMain:CreateSlider("Walkspeed Speed", 0, 50, Settings.PlayerCheats.WalkSpeed.Speed, true, function(value) Settings.PlayerCheats.WalkSpeed.Speed = value end) PlayerMain:CreateToggle("Jump Height Enabled", false, function(enabled) Settings.PlayerCheats.JumpPower.Enabled = enabled end) games unite testing place script How to get it for free? games unite testing place script PlayerMain:CreateSlider("Jump Height", 0, 50, Settings.PlayerCheats.JumpPower.Height, true, function(value) Settings.PlayerCheats.JumpPower.Height = value end) PlayerMain:CreateToggle("Gravity Enabled", false, function(enabled) Settings.PlayerCheats.Gravity.Enabled = enabled end) PlayerMain:CreateSlider("Gravity", 0, 200, Settings.PlayerCheats.Gravity.Gravity, true, function(value) games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script Settings.PlayerCheats.Gravity.Gravity = value end) Aimbot:CreateToggle("Aimbot Enabled", false, function(enabled) Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Enabled = enabled end) Aimbot:CreateToggle("Aimbot Silent", false, function(enabled) Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Silent = enabled end) games unite testing place script How to get it? games unite testing place script Aimbot:CreateSlider("Aimbot FOV", 0, 200, Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOV, true, function(value) Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOV = value end) Aimbot:CreateSlider("Aimbot Smoothness", 0, 30, Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Smoothness, true, function(value) Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Smoothness = value end) Aimbot:CreateColorPicker("FOV Circle Color", Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle.Color, function(color) games unite testing place script How to dowload it? games unite testing place script Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle.Color = color end) Aimbot:CreateSlider("FOV Circle Transparency", 0, 1, Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle.Transparency, false, function(value) Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle.Transparency = value end) Aimbot:CreateSlider("FOV Circle Transparency", 0, 15, Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle.Thickness, true, function(value) Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle.Thickness = value end) games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script Aimbot:CreateToggle("FOV Circle Filled", false, function(enabled) Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle.Filled = enabled end) Aimbot:CreateSlider("FOV Circle Sides", 0, 100, Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle.NumSides, true, function(value) Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle.NumSides = value end) local AimbotFOVCircle ="Circle") games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script AimbotFOVCircle.Transparency = 1 AimbotFOVCircle.Visible = false AimbotFOVCircle.Color =, 1, 1) AimbotFOVCircle.NumSides = 100 AimbotFOVCircle.Radius = Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOV AimbotFOVCircle.Thickness = 2 function funcs:IsSuitable(player) if player and player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") and player ~= Services.LocalPlayer then return true games unite testing place script How to get it? games unite testing place script end end function funcs:GetTarget() local Target local Closest = math.huge for i, v in pairs(Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do if funcs:IsSuitable(v) then local Position, OnScreen = Services.Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(v.Character.Head.Position) Position =, Position.Y) games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script local MousePosition =, Services.Mouse.Y) local Distance = (Position - MousePosition).magnitude if Distance < Closest then Closest = Distance Target = v end end end return Target end games unite testing place script How to get it? games unite testing place script function funcs:IsInFov(position) local MousePosition =, Services.Mouse.Y) if position.X > MousePosition.X - Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOV and position.X < MousePosition.X + Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOV and position.Y > MousePosition.Y - Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOV and position.Y < MousePosition.Y +Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOV then return true end end function funcs:CreateChams(player) games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script Services.RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() if funcs:IsSuitable(player) and Settings.Visuals.ESP.Chams.Enabled then for i, v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") and not v:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment") and v.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then local Cham ="BoxHandleAdornment", v) for k, x in pairs(Settings.Visuals.ESP.Chams) do if k ~= "Enabled" then Cham[k] = x end games unite testing place script How to get it for free? games unite testing place script end Cham.ZIndex = 5 Cham.Adornee = v Cham.Size = v.Size elseif v:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment") then for k, x in pairs(Settings.Visuals.ESP.Chams) do if k ~= "Enabled" then v:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment")[k] = x end games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script end end end else if funcs:IsSuitable(player) then for i, v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") and v:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment") and v.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then v:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment"):Destroy() end end games unite testing place script PasteShr games unite testing place script end end end) end for i, v in pairs(Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do funcs:CreateChams(v) end Services.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(v) games unite testing place script How to get it? games unite testing place script funcs:CreateChams(v) end) BulletData.CastBullet = function(self, ...) local args = {...} local Target = funcs:GetTarget() if Target and Target.Character and Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Enabled and Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Silent and Services.LocalPlayer.Character and Services.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") and workspace.Hitboxes:FindFirstChild(Target.Name) and workspace.Hitboxes:FindFirstChild(Target.Name):FindFirstChild("Head") then args[2] =, workspace.Hitboxes:FindFirstChild(Target.Name).Head.Position).LookVector end games unite testing place script How to dowload it? games unite testing place script return CastBullet(self, unpack(args)) end local mt = getrawmetatable(game) local oldIndex = mt.__newindex setreadonly(mt, false) mt.__newindex = newcclosure(function(self, idx, val) if idx == "WalkSpeed" and Settings.PlayerCheats.WalkSpeed.Enabled then games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script return oldIndex(self, idx, Settings.PlayerCheats.WalkSpeed.Speed) end return oldIndex(self, idx, val) end) setreadonly(mt, true) Services.RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() if Settings.PlayerCheats.Gravity.Enabled then workspace.Gravity = Settings.PlayerCheats.Gravity.Gravity games unite testing place script How to get it for free? games unite testing place script end if Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Enabled and not Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Silent then AimbotFOVCircle.Visible = true AimbotFOVCircle.Position = / 2, Services.Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2) for i, v in pairs(Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle) do AimbotFOVCircle[i] = v end local Target = funcs:GetTarget() games unite testing place script How to get it for free? games unite testing place script if Services.UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(1) and funcs:IsSuitable(Target) then local Position, OnScreen = Services.Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Target.Character.head.Position) Position =, Position.Y) local AimX = -((Services.Mouse.X - Position.X) / Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Smoothness) local AimY = -((Services.Mouse.Y - Position.Y) / Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Smoothness) if funcs:IsInFov(Position) and OnScreen then if mousemoverel then mousemoverel(AimX, AimY) games unite testing place script How to dowload it? games unite testing place script else Input.MouseMove(AimX, AimY) end end end else AimbotFOVCircle.Visible = false end if (Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Enabled and Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Silent) or (Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Enabled and not Settings.Combat.Aimbot.Silent) then games unite testing place script How to use it? games unite testing place script AimbotFOVCircle.Visible = true AimbotFOVCircle.Position = / 2, Services.Camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2) for i, v in pairs(Settings.Combat.Aimbot.FOVCircle) do if i ~= "" then AimbotFOVCircle[i] = v end end end end) end) games unite testing place script How to dowload it? games unite testing place script games unite testing place script