fluroextamine Email: theonlyalbion@protonmail.com Discord Username: albionalkimiya HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday-Friday: 10am-8pm (PST) Open to public Saturday-Sunday: CLOSED We ONLY accept Bitcoin and Litecoin 5-APB, O-Desmethyltramadol, Bromazolam, Fluroextamine, 4F-MPH, 3F-PIHP, Allylescaline, A-PCYP, 5-Bromo-DMT, and Flubromazepam in stock now! fluroextamine How to get it? fluroextamine Members of our Discord channel receive regular discount codes, giveaways, information about new chemicals coming, important announcements, and more. To be eligible for the Discord channel you must have at least 10 orders with us, if you do please email us and we'll send you an invite. ***MINIMUM ORDER IS $250 ($150 FOR PRIVATE DISCORD MEMBERS) BEFORE $13 SHIPPING FEE** 5-APB 1 Gram: $70 Fluroextamine 1 Gram: $70 fluroextamine How to use it? fluroextamine A-PCYP 1 Gram: $35 3F-PIHP 1 Gram: $40 Allylescaline 500mg: $25 1 Gram: $45 fluroextamine How to dowload it? fluroextamine 5-Bromo-DMT 1 Gram: $45 Flubromazepam 500mg: $45 1 Gram: $85 Bromazolam 500mg: $45 fluroextamine How to use it? fluroextamine 1 Gram: $85 4F-MPH 1 Gram: $40 O-Desmethyltramadol 500mg: $25 1 Gram: $45 fluroextamine How to get it for free? fluroextamine Email: TheOnlyAlbion@protonmail.com Step 1: EMAIL YOUR REQUESTED ORDER TO (TheOnlyAlbion@protonmail.com) ***FROM YOUR PROTONMAIL ACCOUNT, USING A 2 HOUR EXPIRATION TIMER, LEAVE SUBJECT LINE BLANK*** WHEN SENDING AN ORDER FORM PLEASE FORMAT IT EXACTLY LIKE BELOW Order: 1 Gram 4-ACO-DMT ($120) fluroextamine How to get it? fluroextamine Shipping Fee ($13) Total ($133) Lab Address: Joe Blow 420 Mission Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94121 Payment method: BTC or LTC fluroextamine PasteShr fluroextamine MUST INCLUDE FOLLOWING STATEMENT: I have fully read, understood, and agree to the terms of service and ordering instructions. I am NOT sending Albion any coin directly from an exchange site. I have enough bitcoin/litecoin in my wallet to cover the total of my order AND coins are available to send. I agree to pay for my order in 60 minutes or less from the time I receive a Bitcoin or Litecoin address from Albion. I understand Albion is not responsible for the USPS losing or otherwise not delivering my package and that reships are done on a case-by-case basis. Albion reserves the right to verify my laboratory certification/licensing, age, address, etc. by whichever means they see fit. If Albion does not respond to my order form within 60 minutes of me sending it then I am not obligated by these terms and will be asked to resend the order form. Step 2: IF AN ORDER IS APPROVED A BITCOIN OR LITECOIN ADDRESS WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING RESEARCH FEES. FEES ARE DUE WITHIN 60 MINUTES OF THE ADDRESS BEING SENT. CALCULATE TOTAL FEES AND SEND TO THE ADDRESS PROVIDED BY US. Step 3: IF YOUR REQUEST IS ACCEPTED AND THE CORRECT AMOUNT OF FUNDS ARE RECEIVED, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL SAYING "CONFIRMED" IN 1-2 HOURS. EXPECTED ARRIVAL TIMES VARY SO PLEASE BE PATIENT. fluroextamine How to dowload it? fluroextamine Step 4: DO NOT SEND MESSAGES AFTER PAYMENT. Shipping fee is $13. We do NOT ship Express. USA to USA domestic shipping ONLY. Packages are shipped within 7 business days from when the order was confirmed. No packages will be shipped on weekends or holidays. NO TRACKING NUMBER WILL BE PROVIDED! IF YOUR PACKAGE HASN'T ARRIVED 14 DAYS AFTER SHIPMENT WE WILL INVESTIGATE. fluroextamine PasteShr fluroextamine No reships on packages for which tracking shows: Lost, stolen, stuck, refused delivery, or return to sender (due to, but not limited to: incomplete address, fake name, fake address, etc.) NO EXCEPTIONS! All research related orders must fall within Federal, State, and Local regulations, any inquiries that do not, will be ignored and disposed of. All research materials are strictly required to be used for scientific research. This research may include, but is not limited to, in vitro experimentation, in silico experimentation, structural chemical synthesis or as an analytical standard within GC/MS, FTIR or NMR catalogs. Any orders made by an individual, group or corporation are subject to denial. Only licensed entities may order our research materials. By entering this domain or by entering into any type of communication with any member, employee, associate, subsidiary, affiliate, partner, owner or volunteer of the Albion [OPERATOR], you [RESEARCHING ENTITY] or any entity legally represented by the researching entity, consequently creates a non-binding agreement, which in turn will be used in the subsequent process to to help create the legally binding agreement required to fully engage with the operator. The aforementioned process includes thoroughly reading all documents provided by the operator, as well as engaging in legally required negotiations with the operator, which will in turn be used in the creation of the binding agreement. This signed and mutually agreed upon details the researching entity’s responsibilities, which are to be performed as reasonable actions specifically made to uphold the Terms of Service, Policy Statement, Hold Harmless Agreement, User Agreement and any other documents deemed necessary at the time of the agreement. To be legally binding, the signed agreement must hold the operator to an equal level of responsibility in which would be applied to the research entity. These aforementioned steps must be completed before any communication, beyond the initial message needed to initiate the process, or site entry may be attempted. The operator agrees to provide the researching entity with reasonable terms and conditions, as well as any reasonable requests made by operator or the researching entity, which would be needed to legally enter the negotiating process. By inquiring about research material acquisition, the obtaining researcher or laboratory agrees to only use the materials in a licensed and regulated manner. By making an inquiry on materials, the inquirer is affirming that they have legal permission and the proper licenses to possess and acquire research materials within their city, county, state, providence, region, country, or continent. By making an inquiry, the perspective researcher accepts full legal responsibility and agrees to limit the liability of the ownership group. While our collective of laboratories has numerous internal processes already implemented to monitor rapidly changing laws pertaining to research materials, it is ultimately up to the requesting entity to be in full compliance with their regional rules and regulations. fluroextamine