fictionmania morpheus Since many a person on /d/ /aco/ has mentioned their frustration for looking up TG fiction and finding primarily stories about crossdressing, multi-part epics that only have tangential relations to TG anything, and whatnot, I decided to drop the ball and start a little list so newcomers and veterans alike can get their share of TG fiction that is actually good. Anyone can add to this if they want, but a few initial rules: 1. No crossdressing or sissy bullshit. Only TG transformations and the like are accepted. General rule: if it's magic-related, it probably belongs here. Science-based transformations are a bit more complex, so they go by a case-by-case basis. 2. The story should ideally be able to stand on its own two feet - as in you can enjoy reading it even if you aren't trying to jack off. 3. There may be a few exceptions, but the main style for an entry will be like this: Title by Author McAutherson Link Synopsis: A guy gets transformed into a girl and my peepee gets hard Notes: What you should know before you read ---- For a Girl by O2bxx fictionmania morpheus PasteShr fictionmania morpheus Synopsis: Jack was a normal boy with a special talent. Then one day he wasn't so normal anymore. In fact, he wasn't even a boy! Notes: A high school boy whose first love is track contracts a disease that slowly changes him into a woman. The only times it dips in quality is, ironically, whenever the author writes a sex scene. There are a few scenes involving attempted rape and one sexual encounter which feels just plain awkward, but if you can ignore all that it paints a fairly realistic picture of what an average person would go through in such a situation. ---- Back to Basics by O2bxx Synopsis: Jeff joined the military thinking he would 'be all he could be'. If he had known what that would really mean, he might have picked the Peace Corps instead! Notes: Basically, the army discovered alien gender-changing technology and uses it to punish soldiers who do not do well in training. O2bxx’s first work before For A Girl, and it shows. Similarly uncomfortable sex scenes, and one particularly disturbing rape scene. Apparently autobiographical, for some reason. ---- Diary of the Suspicious by Xoop fictionmania morpheus PasteShr fictionmania morpheus Synopsis: Gary moved in with Ian to save on his rent. But things soon started getting a little... weird. His diary shows a clear record of the peculiarities and Gary's reactions to them. Notes: As you can guess, a gender transformation recorded in a man’s diary. Chapters are slightly staggered, but it all makes sense in the end. Go in blind. ---- Of Heroes And Villains by Minikisa Synopsis: In which a villainess sets out on a quest to seduce a hero, a hero must come to terms with the secret identity (s)he'd rather deny, and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion. Notes: Another well-known classic. The TG stuff is actually secondary, quite frankly, compared to the characters in the story. The author made some sequels, but they tend to get lost in the ten million nearly identical TG superhero stories amateurs wrote trying to hop on the bandwagon. ---- High School Girls by Jaana fictionmania morpheus How to get it for free? fictionmania morpheus Synopsis: Three teenage boys find their simple lives completely overturned, and their friendship put to the test, when an unexpected find grants them both nightmare and gift beyond price. Notes: Basically, three guys find a cock ring that, when worn, turns them into girls and rewrites reality such that they were always girls. One discovers she is living a better life this way and wants to stay, another believes it to be a hindrance in asking out his crush (who is secretly a lesbian), and one discovers that girl!him is probably the worst person to ever exist. Fairly good story, although the author seems to focus a lot on vaginas and their related fluids. In graphic detail. ---- SRU: In The Bag by J. John Seaver Synopsis: A college student tries to use magic to steal his roommate's girlfriend, with unexpected results. Notes: Another reality-changing TG story. While it is a part of the Spells R Us universe, the actual parts which reference that series are fairly minor, so you could just ignore it if you choose. ---- One Strange Morning by Morpheus fictionmania morpheus How to get it? fictionmania morpheus Synopsis: Sean thought he knew who he was. Then he woke up, and he is thrust into the life of his female alter ego...Melissa. Find out how he makes it through this rude awakening. Notes: I really want to like Morpheus’s works. I really do. But he suffers from what I call “what next?” syndrome: he writes a fairly good premise, and… that’s it. No real conflict, hardly any character development, nothing. (I haven’t read his Whateley Academy or Legacy series, but they seem to follow much the same pattern). In this case, the story is simple. Guy wakes up. He finds he’s now a woman. He also finds the world has changed so he was already born a woman. The end. The writing is fairly good, which is why it’s on its list, but I can’t help but feel Morpheus could just have tried a little harder, you know? ---- Parallel Lives by Winter Synopsis: A man finds a mysterious locket in his attic revealing a whole new world to him. Will he embrace it or run away? First in a series. First by this author. Notes: Another reality-warping story. The story has a sequel with an ambiguously open ending, but since the last update was in 2010 it’s basically dead. I’m trying to write a reboot/rewriting/expansion of the concept so if I ever get past my writer’s block, you can look forward to that. ---- fictionmania morpheus How to get it? fictionmania morpheus Nine Step Process by Marquise Synopsis: A young man makes a discovery in the house of his dead neighbor that will eventually come to change the lives of both himself and for those around him. For him this will be a good thing. It is noticeably less so in the case of those around him. Notes: Magic-based transformation. Some of the actions the main character takes over the course of the story are fairly…questionable, but by the end it’s understandable why. Go in blind again for this one. ---- Girl with Green Eyes by Marquise Synopsis: Three young men find a strange ring amongst a box of unclaimed belongings. A week later one has been shot, the second has disappeared without a trace, and the third is left with an incredibly strange story to tell... Notes: A TG story with more drama in it. Some characters from Nine Step Process cameo in it, but their roles are so minor it doesn’t really matter if you read it before or not. --- fictionmania morpheus How to use it? fictionmania morpheus The Genderwave series by BobH and others (to start off) Synopsis: A variety of short stories centering around an event where every man, woman, and child on earth have their gender changed. Notes: More of a concept than anything, but it’s still a damn good one. Might be biased since I’m trying to write a new story from this as well, but who cares the last story was published in 2012 and the creator seems to have abandoned the series for other similar concepts. The BobH stories are good, but they focus a little too much on the facts of the event itself and not enough on the characters surrounding it. Most of the other authors do well with the concept (Finding One’s Roots is kinda comfy, for example), but stay away from Genderwave Raped. There are certain limits we have, and that author clearly passed them. --- Home is the Sailor, Home from the Sea by E.E.Nalley Synopsis: Space opera TG story. TG theme is integral to the story universe. Notes: This story has feels and is not smut but basically the main characters are space hookers who used to be men. Takes place in the Caregivers universe. Never actually read this one (it was recommended by some other guy), so who knows what you’re gonna get. --- fictionmania morpheus PasteShr fictionmania morpheus The Genderwave and Never the Twain Shall Meet by Xyzzy Synopsis: One bright summer morning, a blanket of fog moves around the Earth. Anyone and everyone in its path becomes the opposite gender. This is the story of a man who must experience the inevitable. An ordinary man discovers a locket. Upon opening it, he exits his own existence and enters another's. But like parallel lines, their paths never intersect. Notes: Yaaaaaaaay shameless self promotion. I wrote these primarily because I was fed up with how much poorly written shit was labelled as TG fiction. Most of the shit I wrote was heavily plagiarized from dead series and whatnot and I can’t write an ending for the life of me, but if you don’t care and want to just want a good fap while simultaneously pondering modern day gender roles, by all means. --- Because They’re Girls by Devo the Cursed Synopsis: The sexcapades of three dudely men are interrupted when a witch decides to dish out some karmic justice. She-nanigans ensue. A parody, of sorts... fictionmania morpheus How to get it? fictionmania morpheus Notes: Another 4chan-written masterpiece. Truly the kind of writing we deserve. --- The Former Boys Club by The Professor Synopsis: The three members of the boys club, boyhood friends for life, have to have one last Halloween together pulling pranks in the neighborhood before the graduate from high school. But when they stop at the old Bancroft place to have a few they end up wishing they would have stayed home this faithful night? Notes: Basically, like High School Girls, although less focused on sex and more focused on how the former boys deal with living as women (and, in one case, a race change as well). Also was written in 1998, oddly enough. --- The Scorpion Princess by Android1966 Synopsis: An assassin, known simply as the Akkadian is hired by a beautiful but evil sorceress to despatch her enemy, the warlord Trimon. Little does the assassin know that the witch's plan for getting him close to his target entails transforming him into the warlord's favourite whore. fictionmania morpheus PasteShr fictionmania morpheus Notes: A rare excellent fantasy fic on Fictionmania involving some decidedly hot sex in a well realised and interesting setting. Only the three chapters though and not completed. fictionmania morpheus