f4m massage [F4M] Teaching you how to give a massage. [friends To lovers][cheating] It was so good catching up with you again! Thanks again for lunch, could see why that place was so busy! Anyway I just wanted to show you my new place, yes I know it’s small, what, do you think I’m made of money?! Yeah it’s a studio apartment, it’s basically just bedroom and bathroom. So now you’ve seen it all! Yeah, really good to see you soon, we’ll catch up again sooner I promise. Oh, before you go... I noticed you didn’t bring up your girlfriend even once over lunch. How is she, are you guys still together? Oh that’s great! She’s been trying to land that job for years right? Great to see the hard work’s paying off, although it’s probably even harder now - luckily she’s got you at home to give her massages and ease the tension! Get out - you don’t give her massages? You’re such a shitty boyfriend! f4m massage How to use it? f4m massage What do you mean you don’t know how? Just rub her shoulders, get into the muscles, you know what it’s like. Wow you’re really bad at this. Stay here, you’re not going home yet. I’m going to teach you how to give a massage so you can look after your lady properly. Here. Sit on the bed. Now, hang on I’ve got to get this bra off. First lesson - you can’t massage over a bra! It just gets in the way of the fluid motions. Alright there we go, now I’ll just sit in your lap here. Ok start off with the neck. Just gentle, smooth motions from my shoulders... up to my scalp... and back down again. Shoulders... scalp... down. Gradually apply a little bit of pressure. Ok really don’t stay in one place. You have to move around. Go up behind my ears. That’s it. And down along my shoulders right down to my arms. There you go. f4m massage How to dowload it? f4m massage Now try going down the back a bit. Long motions down either side of the spine. Yes. Now up through the shoulder blades. Mmm. Go down to my lower back. Ahh I mean, her lower back. She sits at a desk all day, her posture is probably terrible. Go right along my hips, and all the way down to the top of my butt. There you go. Mm. See? That’s all there is to it. And because she’s your girlfriend, you can easily make this sexy. How? Well it should be obvious but... hang on, I have an idea. Yes I’m taking my clothes off. You should too. This guy gave me this massage a few years ago and... wow. I want to show you how to do it. f4m massage How to get it? f4m massage No we’re not gonna have sex or anything, relax! Relax. I just... need to show you what to do. Just some education for when you do it for her. But we’re using massage oil and it’ll go on your clothes, so we need to keep your clothes clean, right? Fine, if you don’t feel comfortable getting naked, just... I’ll lie down on the bed, I promise not to look ok. Alright. Now I’m here and I can’t look, can you go get my massage oil? It’s in the middle cabinet in the bathroom. Alright so we’re going to start with legs now. Just pour a generous amount over my legs, butt, and back. Shit, not that much! It’s gonna go all over my sheets. Oh, they need a wash anyway. f4m massage How to get it for free? f4m massage Ok so, the legs. Don’t do both at once, just focus on one at a time. Start just gently kneading my calf muscle. The same kind of thing you’d do on my shoulder, take your time. You don’t need to rush this. You SHOULDN’T rush this. Alright, time to move up to the back of my thigh. Now this muscle’s a bit bigger, so you need to use all of your hands. Pressing in with your palms. That’s it, you’re getting the hang of this now! Now, with one hand I want you to start massaging my butt cheeck, and the other go into my inner thigh. Mmmmmm. Now with your index finger, go up and stroke my pussy. Yes, really do it. How can I give you the right education without knowing how you do it? You might mess it up. f4m massage PasteShr f4m massage Yep, now ease inside of me. Index and middle finders. Mmmhmmh. Keep massaging my inner thigh with that hand. It should be one fluid motion for the fingers inside and the fingers outside. And keep massaging my butt cheek too. Ohhh that feels so good. Alright at this point you’d normally do my other leg but... this isn’t about me, this is about your education. You know how to do that side and it’s the same on the other. Now, get on top of me. Yes, I promise, this is the best bit. Angle your cock down towards my pussy. Of course, don’t put it in, we’re not cheating. Just rest it against me. But you need to know where everything goes. Now, if I *was* your girlfriend you’d put it in now, but the important thing is this isn’t just sex - you’re not going to be thrusting much yet. Just resting inside. Now, with your hands, do the same massage on my back. f4m massage PasteShr f4m massage Mmm that’s it. See how this is so much better? Ok now is the tricky part. You’re going to start thrusting, slowly, but still keep massaging. The massage is still the focus here. You can incorporate massaging the shoulders and grabbing them to help the thrusting, but the thrusting is secondary and you can’t forget what you’re doing with your hands. Ok, hands are good but you’re not really thrusting. Pick up the pace and see if you can still keep the massage going well. Oh! You’re inside me! No it’s ok don’t stop, don’t stop, it’s still just educational, now we can really see how your massage holds up with that extra distraction. Mmmmmmmmmm fuck. Ok. Ok you’re still pretty good at that. Ok there’s one last thing. Skin on skin is a great way to finish. While staying inside me, I want you to lie down so your chest is against my back. Now with your left hand, move down and gently massage my clit. The right hand can grab my breast. Uhh I mean her breasts. f4m massage How to get it? f4m massage Now is when you start to really pick up the fucking but with all that foreplay I’m - I mean she - is almost there. Just feel your chest on her back, smell her hair, feel her thrusting against you. Fuuuuck. Nibble my ear. Not her ear, my ear, now. Mmmm. I’m gonna cum. Are you ready? Cum with me. Cum inside me. Not her. Me. *orgasm* Well, you’re a fast learner... but if you come over again next week, I think there’s still more I can teach you. f4m massage